Haha, it is a weird question but the way he asked it was very enthusiastic like he was super excited and interested to know, so it didn't come off AS strange as it sounds. He is pretty cute, though I think prefer SJ's personality. SJ is more of a beta while this guy (TC) seems like an alpha (I've never met him before, but I have seen him around) and alphas make me nervous for some reason. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing ...

Yea that sounds like a question an alpha would ask.
One of his friends called him the other day while we were together and he asked if he could pick up lol. I said sure. She was drunk and driving back home, so we all talked on speaker phone until she got home safely. lawd. I know the friend, I mean he's told me about her; they've been friends since 3rd grade. She was spilling all her drunk guts about him lol. It was funny :lol: She confirmed things about what he's said about his life. Good talk.

He says he hates coming to my house :lachen: the gas is too high out here, my house is too hot, the visitor parking sucks, the walk from the car to my door is too long (it is lmao), blah blah :lol:

He told me that 1 of his coworkers recommended a jeweler for rings. So he's talking to his coworkers (whom he hates! lmao) about this? wow.

I forwarded a focus group to him that he qualifies for (and I don't). I told him that I want half the money lol.

He told me he's the happiest he's ever been awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

He logged in to his e-mail account from my computer and didn't log out. Now, this nicca knows I'm nosey af. He calls me nosy all the time cuz I go through his mail and snoop around his house lmao. How he gon leave the damn e-mail open!? sigh. So yea when I went to gmail.com his e-mail popped up :cry3: and I had to make the hardest decision of my life to log out :cry3: I did do a quick swoop through tho of course :sekret: everything checked out :lachen:

Went on a job interview today. HATED it. Next.
Bwhahahahaha. Of course you looked. I would too. That's too damn tempting.

What was the job for?
Bwhahahahaha. Of course you looked. I would too. That's too damn tempting.

What was the job for?

Way too tempting lol.

It was for a data scientist position for this small ass company. Way too small and disorganized for me. And don't judge me, but 1 of the Drs who interviewed me was this sloppy 400lb woman :look: I could get with the 400lbs, but she looked like a ham sandwich :( when I first walked in and she struggled to get out of the chair, I had to fix my face so fast. I was like no. Is this a joke? :nono: anywayyyy lol I think I did a good job interviewing lol but I just didn't like the company culture feel. Not just cuz of the woman!!!!! :lol: other things, too, of course!

I'm a good person, I swear lol
I wasn't there so don't know how he said it (body language, facial expressions, etc) but the way I read the words it just sounds matter of fact with a realistic view. Doesn't sound cynical. And, gratefully, definately isn't a fantasy Disney POV of romance and relationships. Sounds in the middle to me.
I told him last night I was trying to get rid of my Disney Princess version of love/relationships. I dunno. I'm just trying to navigate this as best I can.
Just caught up on this thread. Y'all ladies are giving me life.

Haven't heard from broke dude (yes we are calling him broke dude now). He's super sweet, but I can never tell if he's being really sincere. I need someone with goals who is trying to better themselves. Sadly I don't feel like that's him although I could be wrong.

Met a new guy tonight and I'm all smiles. He's aggressive, has his life together, and makes me laugh. Gotta watch this to make sure I don't get caught up.
He gave me gas money! I am soooo confused. What did I do? How? Men just be giving money like this?

Anyway, why we have the good chats post sex I will never know. But man this is not good for me. I am so sore. But it feels sooo good. It's gonna be hard when he ends things.
What? Every man I ever when out with gave me gas money or paid for my uber lol. I used it for my manicures/pedicures, my groceries, a nice movie! Lol but damn those men that take your car to the gas station and fill it up with a card are the worst :lachen:
@UniquelyDivine congrats on the job, I have a soft spot for helping people. I would also decline your dad's choices in men, not all d*** is good d***. Let another women experience them.

Dating is a full time job, I may take a break until the new year.

Thank you! :D. Right? I don't know why he's so pressed about my dating life, I sure the heck ain't.

It really is, I take breaks every quarter lol simply to rehabilitate my nerves.
OMG! I just won a trip! I filled out a sweepstakes thingy for a Sundance vacation at the wine festival I went to, and they called me telling me I'd been selected! I've never won anything in my life! Wow! It's a 4day/3night, round trip airfare included trip to either Cancun, San Juan, or St. Thomas!!! And I have to book it either today or tomorrow (I only pay the taxes), but have up to a year to use it! WOW!! I'm so excited! :lol:

My ex won something like this when we were together and we went to Florida I think.

I do want to take my SO :) but I don't know how I should present it to him :lol: I know he def wants to go on a vacation for his birthday in July (with Cancun at the top of his list). But do I want to wait that long to take it? I do have the cruise in May..so do I want to wait until May to take it? hmmmm. I have to tell him something soon, cuz I told the lady we'd be there to book it tomorrow :lol:

I have finally found the trifecta.

Finances on point - good job, own house, been at job for several years, has degree and experience to fall back on, etc. Attracted to him - mentally and physically. AND he treats me like the queen I am.

Y'all I been swearing I don't want a man, but this man got me all googly eyed. Like men like this really exist ? This ish ain't just a myth ? And where the **** have these men been all my life ?

I need a drink. I haven't even been on a date with this man yet and we've told each other we like each other already.

I aim to remain nonchalant about him until I've gathered more information. . .could always turn out to be a dud, but I've never even thought someone had everything I was looking for before so this is brand new to me.
And even then- stay nonchalant. Never let this guy know he has you until he is making serious moves.
Display that you like him but always nonchalant. Make him fall in love first.

You're right x 1000000. I am usually the ice queen on the inside and on the outside. I don't know if it's a defense mechanism or me just not feeling these ain't ish men.

I think just meeting someone who checks all the boxes for me is highly unusual.

Don't worry though ya girl is fully out of her feelings though for now. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed so I'm in a grouchy mood.

We're going out this weekend and then right after that since it'll be my birthday and he offered to take me to a really expensive restaurant (and who am I to refuse ?). But he'll be on vacation after that so I think some distance will do me good as far as remaining nonchalant.
Date #5/6: Meeting my friends went well. We were gonna go out but ended up staying in playing various board games drinking. Gas money was given again. No sex. A good make out session. Friends say he seems like a good guy.

He liked my brownies and apple/cream cheese turnovers I made for the party.

Apparently we act like we've been dating for a while which weird me out. And what we talk about is above our pay grade which also weirds me out.

There's no infatuation going on. Lust yes but no lovey dovey, "oh I wonder what he's doing right now?! Is he thinking about me?" It feels like we skipped a step or something.

But we're suppose to go hiking and he asked me if I wanted to go with him to give blood this week so whatever.
There's a guy. I'm demoting him from potential mate to "friend". We've only had sex once though. So here I am wondering how I'm gonna tell him when he hits me up today.

Him: Would you mind spending the whole day with me next weekend
Me: No I wouldn't mind at all
Him: There's a movie and demo class
Me: Ok.
Him. The demo is $65 let me know if the flyer is of interest
Me: :rofl:

I didn't laugh out loud. I'm just saying. That's not a date. Seems like I was demoted first.

Boy bye.
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This is funny but not funny. I'm in the hospital. What I thought was going to be a quick procedure last week...I'm still here. Dude who I have been finding every reason not to date seriously, has only left my side this morning to to go work. Homie had the nurses put a cot in my room. He was posted since Thursday lol. I can't laugh cause I have stitches and I can't eat any candy. What kind of Halloween is this??
When I lost my job back in July, I also lost my health insurance & I had been on the same birth control since 2008. I go to Plan Parenthood & the said they didn't carry it but has something similar (lies I tell you) I started them last Tuesday & I've had the worst cramps. I was going to stop taking them, but I don't want a BREAK BABY lol (break from not taking them baby)
So someone posted something on Facebook today that got me again thinking about life (the point of). Like really rethinking whether or not I want to birth more kids. I am 95% sure now that I don't. I am fearful about what this Earth is going to look like in 50 - 100 years. We are over-populated and soon, we are going to pay the price for that- we have already started.
I have a boy, I have a girl - I don't need anymore. Chances are my daughter won't have kids. So that just leaves my son. I am going to raise him to be responsible with his procreation and wait til marriage, etc.
I always wanted one more- give my son a sibling closer to his age- but at this rate, I would have to be pregnant by the fall of 2018 because I don't want to have any more babies pass 35. But it isn't necessary... I don't mind adopting so I guess there is always that. But my desire to birth another child is waning...

Any way- to bring this back to dating... I guess I need to weed out men who still want to have kids. No point in getting involved with someone if I am starting to become very adverse to birthing children. Most of the guys that date me are childless and want a bio- child. And either way- time is running out for me. Decisions, decisions...
We decided to do the free trip in March for my birthday. So I pick St. Thomas :) He says his dad wants to send us on a trip next year, and SO is trying to convince him to make it a birthday trip for him. I think his dad is loaded lol.

Ok, so we went to the presentation for the free trip last weekend. We both knew it was an upsell for timeshares ahead of time. He warned me he would be impatient, which I knew cuz that's how he is. Yall. He showed his entire ass! He was looking at his phone the whole time while the lady was talking to us, looking at his nails, being rude af while answering questions. A mess. And then our other festivities on that day he was getting on my nerves with that, too. He was just an all around ******* that day. And I cussed him out and he was very apologetic.

Speaking of answering the lady's questions at the timeshare talk, I'm surprised he even opened his mouth. He much prefers for me to do the talking while we're out. There was some thread where someone mentioned it's better/more feminine to let your guy do the talking. Well, not when your guy is a rude ******* who refuses to talk to the people :lol: He will literally just sit there and stare at me like Ummm chick are you gonna answer the questions? :lol:

Me, SO, my parents, and 2 of my friends went to the African American Smithsonian. It's a fantastic and overwhelming museum. It was a nice outing with everyone. My mom took pics and put them up on fb...like she always does sigh. I had to tell her to take the 1 with SO in it down, please smh lol. She said "oops, I didn't mean to put that one up" sure lol. I let her keep the other ones up sigh. I mean she is giving me a huge sum of cash this Friday lol, least I can do lol.

His mom and grandma came over while I was over his house. His grandma is sick, but she's so alert and lively. Makes me miss my grandma. His mom randomly gave him $100 lol. When I first met his mom, she commented about us being 2 spoiled people in a relationship (me cuz I'm an only child) lol. And dear God, he is indeed so spoiled! I don't know how this is working :lol: And he is very chivalrous and manly and stuff to me, but his parents give/help him with everything! He acts like a small, helpless child around his parents :lachen: it's fascinating and fun to watch. He reminds me of myself with my parents lol. But he acts the complete opposite with me, when it comes to money and doing stuff for me.

Oh, I treated us to a meal for the first time this weekend. awww wasn't I so nice? :lol:

He apparently thinks I make more money than him :lachen: This is great news. This means he still feels like he should pay for everything even if I made more! Wonderful.

We both agreed that we did too much stuff last weekend lol we too old for all them outings. We both plan to stay inside this weekend :lol:

Happy November yall :wave: