Tequila night with Cali. So right. We drove around for an hour looking for fries at 11PM and also got cinnamon rolls. Had the tequila and things went downhill from there. We start with X-men about 15 minutes in and was still romping around after the credits...I know I mentioned something about the cinnamon rolls. I was reaching out for them on my nightstand and then I woke up at 5AM.

He was like, you don’t remember, I fell asleep on top. Oh...well let's continue. TEQUILA!!! So much fun...
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I met this guy at the post office the other day. Let's call him JW. JW and I were in line and he was being a little flirty, which was cute. After I took care of my business, I walked past him and gave him my number. He called immediately, I was busy and later that night he texted me and I responded.

So he text me this morning, so I went ahead and called him. I had a good conversation with him.

I liked that he was truthful.

Im not attracted to him, but I can definitely be physical with him. I know....makes no sense.

Update.....I kicked this guy to the curb. He was a little thirsty/clingy. He would send me texts - thinking of you - throwing rose petals at your feet - I want to make you smile, etc.

The thing that GOT ON MY LAST NERVES were the request for pictures. EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! I sent him one pic and told him I'm not sending you a pic everyday.

Then he was obsessed with specifically finding out what company I work for. I gave him the title and industry and he wouldn't stopped. I told him in a nice way to back off.

But this is the kicker, he didn't even take me out on a date.

Apparently his brother bailed on him so he's driving to the coast alone.

I stood my ground! He said he wanted to "hang out" and I told him "No. I want go on a date. Let's get the correct word usage here." So dude did dinner and a movie and paid for a hotel room. He licked it good. I let him hit it. Multiple o's. He almost made me cry. Even this morning too. It's just big enough for me and whoever said it has to have girth chile yes. I need some jade eggs.:sekret: :sekret: Got breakfast and coffee.
He asked me this morning to go to the coast with him. Where he will be visiting his mom and sisters (but he's staying at one of the houses in his name). Talking about him teaching me how to deadlift once my back heals fully. And staying over when I finally get a place. And that he needs to find a balance for me to where I'm not being neglected but not being smothered either.

Like where is this coming from? Those endorphins got you effed up. I don't remember us having "the talk." You keep saying "I like you. You're fun." So keep those future plans to yourself and quit trying to get my hopes up.
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I'm kinda over men and relationships. Is that a thing ?

Like I low key want a man, but low key don't want a man.

I'm just trying to figure out what the benefit of having a man would be. Like is he going to pay some bills around here ?

Cause I feel like I could dig him if he paid some bills. All that other stuff you can miss me with.
I'm kinda over men and relationships. Is that a thing ?

Like I low key want a man, but low key don't want a man.

I'm just trying to figure out what the benefit of having a man would be. Like is he going to pay some bills around here ?

Cause I feel like I could dig him if he paid some bills. All that other stuff you can miss me with.

Hey! You're really new here! Welcome! :wave:
I'm kinda over men and relationships. Is that a thing ?

Like I low key want a man, but low key don't want a man.

I'm just trying to figure out what the benefit of having a man would be. Like is he going to pay some bills around here ?

Cause I feel like I could dig him if he paid some bills. All that other stuff you can miss me with.

Welcome! I feel you on that. Makes me wonder if I should even start with Jack Nicholson if I want my bills paid.
Hey! You're really new here! Welcome! :wave:

I haven't seen a new member in a bit.
Lord what are you doing @aviddiva77 :lol:

Have you decided what you wanted yet?
Hell no lmao. I go back and forth. I invited him to our annual Halloween bash when we were out. I am now sitting here ready to "end things" aka run far away from him. I seriously need to put my phone down because it's building up in me.

I probably won't make up my mind until he forces me too (if he even wants to lol). Just gonna ride the wave/dack.

I thought it would be like, " YES. I WANT TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! ASK ME ALREADY!" But I'm like, "I just wanna go places with you. Maybe watch some Netflix." Maybe it's because I'm not horny anymore? Or I'm trying not to psych myself up? Who knows.
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I'm kinda over men and relationships. Is that a thing ?

Like I low key want a man, but low key don't want a man.

I'm just trying to figure out what the benefit of having a man would be. Like is he going to pay some bills around here ?

Cause I feel like I could dig him if he paid some bills. All that other stuff you can miss me with.


I totally feel you. I haven't been in a relationship in a looooong time. Sometimes it sucks. But then when stuff happens like my last post, I'm reminded that there are a lot of ain't ish dudes out here, and I don't have the energy or the patience. I've been through enough and just may kill a ninja if he screws me over. :look:

I totally feel you. I haven't been in a relationship in a looooong time. Sometimes it sucks. But then when stuff happens like my last post, I'm reminded that there are a lot of ain't ish dudes out here, and I don't have the energy or the patience. I've been through enough and just may kill a ninja if he screws me over. :look:

I feel like my standards and my goals have changed but the men haven't.

Woke up to a text this morning from a guy I'm halfway into asking me if I wanted to do something.

The thing with him is I feel like he's always half stepping. Like why not ask me out properly ? I also feel like he doesn't have his life all the way together and doesn't have any coins.

Not going the broke brother route again so we'll see how much of a waste of my time this turns out to be.
So yesterday unexpected coloring took place.... Lee stopped by to give me something. I haven't seen him in a few weeks... we watched TWD premiere together and halfway through the show, he grabbed me by my hands and pulled me in for a deep kiss- all intense and passionate like. Took me by complete surprise after I was bouncing around about who got killed. After the show- we ended up back in my room, talking.... after about an hour of just chatting and enjoying each others company, he started touching me and one thing led to another. Niagara falls out this piece. He spent the night and woke up at 0500 this morning to drive back to his house to get ready for work. Gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead on the way out. Brought back a lot of memories. He wants us to get back together... Not sure how I feel right now- this man has my heart but I don't know.
Sick and tired of being single. I am about to have a MAJOR life change, and I have absolutely no support.
Thought I had a possible, but he's too wishy washy!!! Why do I attract these damn dudes.
I'm 43 and this sucks donkey balls. Good thing is that even in my feelings, I haven't contacted "him". I'm proud of myself. But it still makes me sad. DAYUM!
So we went Saturday morning drive to the area my new job is. I am the new coordinator for a resort and spa on Lake Austin! Benefits, stock options and perks, for a non-traditional environment. They have an herb garden they make their treatments in and I have full access. And the only black in management, BOOP. This is my dream job, except the location of my dreams is Hawaii. But I figure stay here for a few years and transfer my skills internationally, once ds is old enough to homeschool and we can travel for a few years.

"Dang this girl stay getting jobs"

I know lol. This is where I want to be for a few years. It is in the exclusive Steiner Ranch community, median house cost 1$ million, and I am moving there in a few weeks.

"Moving on up. To the eastside" Just waiting on on my background check, which is always daunting- seeing if any of these "too fast, too furious" tickets are going to bite me in the arse. It is just hills and beauty and I got to drive, it my favorite pastime, so I had control of the radio. I played my Willow, Doja Cat, the Internet, etc. He just listened and vibe, but I was starting to wonder what was his musical taste. He was busy taking video of the drive into the canyon and the hillside canyon. It was perfect yell.

We got to my house and he helped me put away dishes and I don't know how we ended up slow dancing to no music and me singing "Que Lio," lol. Well I do, I was high lol.

He returned in the morning for brunch, he cooked and he played his music...JAZZ! Yall just don't understand. I grew up on jazz. My granddad was from Joplin, Missouri, it was a staple in my household. I am a classic type of girl, my vision of "grown and sexy" was listening to Jazz in my flat with high vaulted ceilings in high school. Feeling real sensual and coming into my own as a woman. Ping, that just happened and someone was there. It hard to find men my age range that listened to the kind of jazz Cali listened to. I did not say anything, I just observed. He wasn't putting on. He accidently put sugar in my green tea and I told him he better sugar it to taste now. I was thinking to myself, if he gets this right, something is at play here, I am suspicious of the experience. He did it. Like, seriously, what the hell is going on here, lol.

I was like, "okay, pimpin."

He hates when I call him that. He has this southern Cali tone to his voice so when he talks, all that is missing is "see baby..." So when he is feeding me lines, I say, "okay, pimpin..." and that shuts him down. Anyways, good stuff, yeah...

But, yeah, that moment meant alot... oh, granny advice. She said flesh this out pass Christmas, because my star is on the rise and that can attract a "certain breed." Let us not forget TIS CUFFING SEASON!!!
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Hell no lmao. I go back and forth. I invited him to our annual Halloween bash when we were out. I am now sitting here ready to "end things" aka run far away from him. I seriously need to put my phone down because it's building up in me.

I probably won't make up my mind until he forces me too (if he even wants to lol). Just gonna ride the wave/dack.

I thought it would be like, " YES. I WANT TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! ASK ME ALREADY!" But I'm like, "I just wanna go places with you. Maybe watch some Netflix." Maybe it's because I'm not horny anymore? Or I'm trying not to psych myself up? Who knows.
Bwhahaha I forced my own hand. I accidentally made myself horny and told him how frustrated I was that he could come over and fix it. So he invited me to his house. I said no because I didn't want to use him. He replied that he didn't mind being used that he likes it. To which I told him that I can't be a hypocrite. I don't want you to use me so I'm not gonna use you. "Well is it really using if I want you to use me?"

I mean no? But it will start down the F-buddy/FWB road and it made me realize that's not what I want with him. But I think it's too soon to get into the "where are we headed" convo. So I'm stuck horny and alone. We have a date planned for Wednesday and I'm not sure about it.
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I feel alone. Sorta.

The other day I decided to blaze a dude who I'm cool with. We met through mutual friends and started talking, but I knew early on that this wasn't going anywhere. He's attractive so I figured let me just go ahead and enjoy whatever it is that we have here. I was pretty sure that I wanted to hold out for a relationship, but he made me horny, so...

I don't regret the experience, but not having him is highlighting my loneliness. I don't want to go back to online dating but I haven't been meeting men in the street either (just a few older dudes smiling or trying to make eye contact with me).

On a related note, I rejoined the gym. I don't want to get it in my head that I'll meet someone there, but it's a (somewhat) social place so maybe it'll help.
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I seem to be on a some type of streak with losers. Like... dudes with nothing to offer. Literally not a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of. After a couple conversations, it's apparent they can't even be fwb or fb (which I'm currently on the market for).

How these fools gonna be 40s to 50s with nothing to show for it? Some of them not even kids! Damn. Kids are easy to make! :lachen:

I would regroup and take a break but *** that. Life is short.

Moving right along...