Side note- I am sad my professional license won't be in my future married name. I dislike my father ALOT so I can't wait to get rid of my last name. Unfortunately, all my exams and stuff were passed in my maiden name so there is that. Not a big deal but it did run pass my mind as I was filling out the paperwork for my license.
Build-a-life Bae is winning so hard right now. I want him so bad, like in everything. But he is as what is name suggest. He is on no fuqq boi stuff. I want him in my corner. He is everything bit of a Leo. He is just so damn regal. We were also having a discussion about men coddling me and he said he is not going to do that. Hurt my feelings a little. Not that I don't deserve it. It just generally unhealthy.

Hotep is coming through and honestly I have lost my taste...
Ok y'all my head done got big.... Need to pull myself back down to Earth. I finished my last CPA exam *yay* and finished up the paperwork process for my license...

So now I am looking around dating wise. On the dating websites two guys asked me what a CPA even was in the conversation of what do you do. They both thought it was a nurse.
I was a bit offended-
A. Google- come across like you have SOME knowledge;
B. CPAs rank up there with professional licenses like JDs and MDs.... So please DON'T.
Maybe my head just too big right now- but still.

If there is a guy I am interested in, I learn about him. Google his interests and learn something so I can ask intelligent questions about it. I swear I told one of them "I am a Certified Public Accountant" and his response "Oh so that means you are some sort of an accountant right?"

Cuffing season must be real- I am getting a lot of responses now to my profiles. Mainly men I wouldn't even look twice at. But I am vetting each one to make sure the no is a solid no. I have thrown away diamonds before.... Diamonds that are married now.

My "homeboy" W (the one of 10 years) hit me up to congratulate me on passing my exams. He wants to take me out on 10/1. I just realized that is in 3 days. He is telling me how awesome I am, smart, beautiful, etc. and that he is so proud of me. I said thanks but I am like where was all this when you knew I wanted to date you. I haven't changed. I am still me. Whatever.

Lee came by to see us again. Spent some time with us playing games. My son gave him a hug and kiss on Lee's way out. That shocked the both of us- but now I am like can Lee be "Uncle Lee" because I am dating. I already messed up by letting them get so close but at the end of the day, my son can use all the male figures he can get. I don't know any one in DC besides Lee. Lee still has it for me though- he isn't happy about me dating. He still has a piece of my heart- maybe we could do something later. He is bringing his daughter over to meet my son this weekend. They are the same age so I will do a project with them.

Gonna keep doing me in this dating pool, especially now since I am done with studying. Taking a much well needed break before I start my next certification. I have a haunted house to go to, a skating rink to ice skate in, and a Christmas tree to decorate. Most of these are GREAT date ideas.

I would just tell people that I'm an accountant. I'm only somewhat familiar with the term CPA cus I read a lot, however CPA is not a "laymen's" term.

For example, I used to work at a biopharmaceutical. I did not bother saying that when asked. Nobody cares about the "bio" part. It ain't important really.

I really wouldn't sweat that aspect of the conversation. But I do agree, I like it sometimes when men Google stuff I say. If they don't its just more conversation fodder :shrug:
I think I like a co-worker. Well. I'm more sure of it than I've been in the last couple months when the idea that I might be into him originally surfaced in the back of my mind. We get along very well, although our personalities are totally opposite. He's done a couple of small yet thoughtful things for me recently (not work related and things he identified I might need help with and volunteered to do it, without me asking), which appeals to me because I like people doing stuff for me :look:.
I let it all go. This one takes a lot of patience and personal development. Let's get it then. I so excited. I told Build-a-life Bae I want him.

Hotep came over and he said I would get bored with monogamy. Idk. I think he was disappointed. I cannot be what he suggest. I know what Hotep wants, I would never be comfortable with. I I gravitate towards monogamy, must mean I want it. No more Hotep, it was big and juicy, but, alas, I cannot.
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I am not exercising alot of restraint though. I am too excited. It's been awhile since I felt like this and I told him exactly what was up.
The thing I have to be aware of... Just because I'm ready for a relationship, doesn't mean I should jump into the first one that comes along. I have to keep reminding myself that. It's lonelier being with someone whose not right for you than it is to be alone.

Ok I thought I'd elaborate on this instead of being all cryptic like an instagram inspirational quote .
I've been seeing a guy for close to 4 months. Not exclusively on my part, i think exclusively on his. I'm dating other guys but he's the one I like the most. we date once or twice a week, no more than three times. We get along great, have similar values, similar backgrounds, great chemistry he treats me exactly like i want to be treated and I can see myself really growing to love this guy.

Last night we had the conversation about what this is and where is this going. He tells me he likes me ( i'm like duh of course you do) he wants a relationship but in the past his exes have complained that he doesn't make enough time for them and get frustrated etc. I'm like :confused: pray tell...
what does this have to do with me and you?
He says he doesn't want me to be disappointed. I asked him if he's lowering my expectations before we even begin. He said to a certain degree yes. I told him that its a pity and a shame but this really isn't going to work then and asked him to call me an Uber.
He messaged me today saying he chose his words poorly and he'd like to talk this evening. I don't think he chose his words poorly at all. i think he was being completely open and honest. I'm not mad at him just disappointed at the whole situation.

Trying to Kanye Shrug this one off but its kind of heavy on me.
So theres this dude that has been trying to holla but im not romantically interested. He has some coins (he gave me and two friends tickets to his box at the Kanye concert) and he has invited me to see Sommore at DC impov on fri and to the verizon center on sat to see Comedy Get Down Tour featuring Eddie Griffin, Mike Epps, Cedric the Entertainer, Charlie Murphy, George Lopez, and D.L. Hughley. :alcoholic: Im super geeked and really wanna go to both shows, but I dont want to lead him on. What yall think?
So theres this dude that has been trying to holla but im not romantically interested. He has some coins (he gave me and two friends tickets to his box at the Kanye concert) and he has invited me to see Sommore at DC impov on fri and to the verizon center on sat to see Comedy Get Down Tour featuring Eddie Griffin, Mike Epps, Cedric the Entertainer, Charlie Murphy, George Lopez, and D.L. Hughley. :alcoholic: Im super geeked and really wanna go to both shows, but I dont want to lead him on. What yall think?

Talk this evening lolol

If this was me I would make myself available for a phone call

This is all very simple I would reply
I'm an amazing woman the man in my life will make sure he has time for me/us
Either you have the time or not... This whole big discussion is rather daunting

Setting the bar low is not something I would entertain in any capacity
Clearly you see what caliber of woman I am..

Listens to response.

I will be in touch, so good chatting with you heading out for dinner.


Ok I thought I'd elaborate on this instead of being all cryptic like an instagram inspirational quote .
I've been seeing a guy for close to 4 months. Not exclusively on my part, i think exclusively on his. I'm dating other guys but he's the one I like the most. we date once or twice a week, no more than three times. We get along great, have similar values, similar backgrounds, great chemistry he treats me exactly like i want to be treated and I can see myself really growing to love this guy.

Last night we had the conversation about what this is and where is this going. He tells me he likes me ( i'm like duh of course you do) he wants a relationship but in the past his exes have complained that he doesn't make enough time for them and get frustrated etc. I'm like :confused: pray tell...
what does this have to do with me and you?
He says he doesn't want me to be disappointed. I asked him if he's lowering my expectations before we even begin. He said to a certain degree yes. I told him that its a pity and a shame but this really isn't going to work then and asked him to call me an Uber.
He messaged me today saying he chose his words poorly and he'd like to talk this evening. I don't think he chose his words poorly at all. i think he was being completely open and honest. I'm not mad at him just disappointed at the whole situation.

Trying to Kanye Shrug this one off but its kind of heavy on me.
So theres this dude that has been trying to holla but im not romantically interested. He has some coins (he gave me and two friends tickets to his box at the Kanye concert) and he has invited me to see Sommore at DC impov on fri and to the verizon center on sat to see Comedy Get Down Tour featuring Eddie Griffin, Mike Epps, Cedric the Entertainer, Charlie Murphy, George Lopez, and D.L. Hughley. :alcoholic: Im super geeked and really wanna go to both shows, but I dont want to lead him on. What yall think?
I wouldn't - but if you do, enjoy yourself.
My brother and his two girls are over at our house constantly and he's about to get punched.

We got into it about me having kids again. I barely make 30k a year. I don't even have a boyfriend yet you are telling me I need to have a kid and my eggs are going to dry up. His kids aren't gonna have cousins to play with, my mom will be too old to play with her grandkids.

Really? Why would I put a child in a situation of being poor if I could help it? Especially since he saw our mom struggle so much to raise us. Misery loves company. AND it really makes me mad because Ive told him 3 times now that it will be difficult for me to conceive because of my PCOS. Is he purposely trying to be an a$$hole?!
My brother and his two girls are over at our house constantly and he's about to get punched.

We got into it about me having kids again. I barely make 30k a year. I don't even have a boyfriend yet you are telling me I need to have a kid and my eggs are going to dry up. His kids aren't gonna have cousins to play with, my mom will be too old to play with her grandkids.

Really? Why would I put a child in a situation of being poor if I could help it? Especially since he saw our mom struggle so much to raise us. Misery loves company. AND it really makes me mad because Ive told him 3 times now that it will be difficult for me to conceive because of my PCOS. Is he purposely trying to be an a$$hole?!

Tell him to stay out of your :censored:ovaries.
I let it all go. This one takes a lot of patience and personal development. Let's get it then. I so excited. I told Build-a-life Bae I want him.

Hotep came over and he said I would get bored with monogamy. Idk. I think he was disappointed. I cannot be what he suggest. I know what Hotep wants, I would never be comfortable with. I I gravitate towards monogamy, must mean I want it. No more Hotep, it was big and juicy, but, alas, I cannot.
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I am not exercising alot of restraint though. I am too excited. It's been awhile since I felt like this and I told him exactly what was up.

Girl, u are a mess. I enjoy reading ur updates

Girl, u are a mess. I enjoy reading ur updates
Thank you. It was a bit of a messy situation. But Hotep peen will have you cooking greens with a sister wife. That is what he wants. He is legit about that life, down to the ISIS tat on his rib cage. With the Maat gods and stuff. I just want the dack, but he was trying to finesse me.

Being a demi socialite, he was a big player in the underground and so was the sister wife. He told me yesterday. I know of sister wife. We run in the same damn circle. Before he stalked me on multi platforms, I met him in passing. Actually we sat at the same table during a charity event. I was supposed to go to her best friend's birthday party! My home girl was telling me he was this girl's man. I just did not remember him. Poor girl got him playing daddy to her kids and went along with this hotep mess. So he was scheming on my puss. He is so messy.

He was talking about how she was a God, because she let's him do this bull. They have a don't ask, don't tell policy, but she never steps out on him. I said word? I am Queen. No one above me. He said you are min, you are a queen. I said there can only be one. And I am like a Highlander. I watched him put on his shoes for the last time and dab, his feet were big. I cried inside a bit.
He text me this morning about breakfast. I said no, I be over here. I'm cool on this, I'm out.

And that is the whole messy tea.
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Thank you. It was a bit of a messy situation. But Hotep peen will have you cooking greens with a sister wife. That is what he wants. He is legit about that life, down to the ISIS tat on his rib cage. With the Maat gods and stuff. I just want the dack, but he was trying to finesse me.

Being a demi socialite, he was a big player in the underground and so was the sister wife. He told me yesterday. I know of sister wife. We run in the same damn circle. Before he stalked me on multi platforms, I met him in passing. Actually we sat at the same table during a charity event. I was supposed to go to her best friend's birthday party! My home girl was telling me he was this girl's man. I just did not remember him. Poor girl got him playing daddy to her kids and went along with this hotep mess. So he was scheming on my puss. He is so messy.

He was talking about how she was a God, because she let's him do this bull. They have a don't ask, don't tell policy, but she never steps out on him. I said word? I am Queen. No one above me. He said you are min, you are a queen. I said there can only be one. And I am like a Highlander. I watched him put on his shoes for the last time and dab, his feet were big. I cried inside a bit.
He text me this morning about breakfast. I said no, I be over here. I'm cool on this, I'm out.

And that is the whole messy tea.

Wow! I'm glad u got out of that situation! Hotep can keep on teppin!
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So clearly I need to move "are you married" to #1 on the list of questions to ask men. Silly me assumes men who approach me, flirt, and ask for my number are single....At least he was honest when I questioned why he kept his left hand in his pocket, and then he said "there's nothing wrong with conversation" :rolleyes:

I've only been out the game for a couple months and I'm already forgetting the basics. There are some shady dudes out there.
So clearly I need to move "are you married" to #1 on the list of questions to ask men. Silly me assumes men who approach me, flirt, and ask for my number are single....At least he was honest when I questioned why he kept his left hand in his pocket, and then he said "there's nothing wrong with conversation" :rolleyes:

I've only been out the game for a couple months and I'm already forgetting the basics. There are some shady dudes out there.
This was something I had to learn myself. Silly me for thinking a married man would honor his wife and wouldn't try to talk to married women.
Ok I thought I'd elaborate on this instead of being all cryptic like an instagram inspirational quote .
I've been seeing a guy for close to 4 months. Not exclusively on my part, i think exclusively on his. I'm dating other guys but he's the one I like the most. we date once or twice a week, no more than three times. We get along great, have similar values, similar backgrounds, great chemistry he treats me exactly like i want to be treated and I can see myself really growing to love this guy.

Last night we had the conversation about what this is and where is this going. He tells me he likes me ( i'm like duh of course you do) he wants a relationship but in the past his exes have complained that he doesn't make enough time for them and get frustrated etc. I'm like :confused: pray tell...
what does this have to do with me and you?
He says he doesn't want me to be disappointed. I asked him if he's lowering my expectations before we even begin. He said to a certain degree yes. I told him that its a pity and a shame but this really isn't going to work then and asked him to call me an Uber.
He messaged me today saying he chose his words poorly and he'd like to talk this evening. I don't think he chose his words poorly at all. i think he was being completely open and honest. I'm not mad at him just disappointed at the whole situation.

Trying to Kanye Shrug this one off but its kind of heavy on me.

Guys. Guys. Listen

I feel a little sheepish
we spoke
he cleared everything up
I got my period like 3 hours after that mess. It wasn't me. It was the PMS i swear.
so now we're booed up.
At least i know he can handle my messy ass

@lux10023 thanks for the great advice
happened to my sister this week! There was a guy she met on bumble, went out on a date, he found her on FB and chatted her up only to find out he was married!! who would think that asking a guy if he was married is a line of questioning we have to go thru with someone you meet on a dating website? o_O

So clearly I need to move "are you married" to #1 on the list of questions to ask men. Silly me assumes men who approach me, flirt, and ask for my number are single....At least he was honest when I questioned why he kept his left hand in his pocket, and then he said "there's nothing wrong with conversation" :rolleyes:

I've only been out the game for a couple months and I'm already forgetting the basics. There are some shady dudes out there.
Ugh I caught the last 30 of Love & Basketball. That damn movie always gets me in my feelings. I'm still pissed they broke up IRL. Why don't we have black movies like this anymore?! And the soundtrack was lit too!

Ah hell naw. Save the Last Dance is on. PASS. Let me see what happened on Pitch.

In other news, I have another prospect set up, Garfield, but it's not gonna be for a while. Which he's fine with. Hopefully I can work out my job situation and family situation by the deadline I have in my head. In the meantime I'll keep cruising for dates that I can go on before, during and after I do meet up with Garfield.
So first night of ACL I pulled seven numbers.

I just dropped my roster. I am a free [Sister girl] baby, lol. With the exception of Build-a-life Bae. I am momentum based so the pacing of this is slow. I will keep him in my back pocket. Hotep was right, lol. I always gravitate to slow paced, controlling types but I am really in discovery. I have no clue what I want and I am in no rush to find it. But if I were to calm down, it would be Build-a-life.

Most promising is the Saudi. He looks like my Iranian ex... he is an Austin resident, so I expect a response from him in the week, to weed out festival girls from prospects. Middle Eastern men are less complicated for me. You get the terms up front. Even the westernized ones operate a particular way. He'll be the Saudi.

My cousin was jealous, she said as much lol. She was basically backing it up on anyone and I sat as the wall flower just riding my own wave. He offered me a beer, I refused it. Why? You are not going to hand me an OPEN generic arse beer. Stupid college girls take that bait. You will escort me to the bar and let me pick from the top shelf with no objections.

She took it...doing weird stuff with the bottle, dancing on him and he slide next to me and we had a brief conversation. The Saudis were hot!

The kin was pouty so started making out with the first somewhat attractive yt she saw. She went home with him and said it was wack. Because you are doing it wrong. This guy did not even buy you a drink. Chile. But he was offering me all kinds of stuff. Her guy! She said they shared a snack. [Sister girl], how does one share a snack?!! I just imagining them sitting in a bare room on the floor dipping Handy Crackers in cheese. and before we got to Baracuda she was like why don't I have a boyfriend? I am hot. Etc. Well you act like the "fun time, turn up" girl, that is how they treat you.

I was pretty much chilled. I was dressed completely down from my usual preference. Olive boots, black spaghetti straps, olive shorts, thick gold chain and a knee length flannel sleeveless shirt kinda like this
Because I like drama. I needed the back to blow in the wind as I walked like Shaft lol. I was still owning and I knew it lol. Had my favorite trap song in my head and basically walked in a place with my theme going.
Lovely night.

Next weekend is the biggest. I am saving all my coin for it. No sleep next weekend.
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I got braces! :yay: They're the invisible aligners from smile direct club! I start my second tray tomorrow. This is very interesting lol.

Yall know that my mom never talks to me about my romantic life, right? Like she actively avoids the subject lol. Well, my godsis (the 1 who knows SO) recently told me that my mom was talking about SO to her mom (my godmom). Apparently, my mom thinks my godsis introduced us lol. Of course she does, because she asks me no questions lol. I was surprised to hear that my mom referred to SO as my boyfriend, too. Interesting how she draws all of these conclusions lmao. Whatever.

SO has a reminder set on his phone every month for our anniversary lol aww.

This dude bought a car this weekend copycaaaaaat lol. But his car had started to act funny, too. So we both have new cars now baha.

I took some tide pods from him today lmao. Them things are expensive! I should've asked him to get me some baby spinach, but forgot. Now I have to buy it myself. Damn lol.

We were talking about something a while ago...some place we wanted to go to that was pricey. I forget the whole conversation, but I remember him saying "and I have to make sure I have enough for you. We could split it, but you don't seem like that type of person" :lachen: Also, I told yall about their family yearly cruise that his brother was asking him was I going on, 4seconds after we became a couple lmao. Well, it has been brought back up and people are still trying to get me to go. We were talking about it recently. He knows I went on a cruise with my mom in June. So he's asking me questions and telling me things about their cruise, about booking and prices. And I'm acting surprised at what he's saying...cuz I AM surprised. He says "didn't you just go on a cruise?" Like he doesn't understand why I don't know what he's talking about. I say "yea, but I didn't do anything with the booking and I certainly didn't pay for anything" :lol: He goes "yea, obviously" and I act like I'm a lil insulted lol. He goes "no no! It's fine. I didn't mean anything by that. I know you didn't. It's just how you were raised :) " :rofl:

Speaking of his bro (and his wife), I'm invited to their baby shower in 2weekends.

We've been talking more and more about me moving in when my lease is up in may. He knows all about us needing to be engaged first and hes still really excited about everything. He can't stop bringing it up. When I mention it, I usually say "if I move in...". And he always acts sad and says "what do you mean 'if'? :( " lmao. Eye ***, nicca, spells if lmao. I told him I would need my name added to the deed of the house.

He always tells me how it's crazy to him how he simply loves being in my presence without needing to do/talk about anything lol. I feel the same way :)

Yo I want to be added to his bj's membership sooo bad yo lmao. Yall. I be asking for all kiiiiiinds of ish, but this bj's thing got me effed up! :lachen: it's like a personal goal of mine to not require this until/if we get engaged. I don't want to get on his bj's membership, then we break up,then I have to get off! Omg that would crush me! :rofl: He be buying 50 chicken thighs for $10! I be buying 2 for $10! :thud: I look in his freezer and the nicca got 50 chickens! :lachen: like can I have some chickens please?! ****! This is killing me, but im trying to wait lol. I should make my parents get one lmaooo.

Next weekend we're going to my favorite orchard and going apple picking and I want to have a picnic there, if the weather permits. And I want to do more fun, fall stuff, since it's a 3day weekend.

Happy October! :witch: :flyingwitch::wave:
So theres this dude that has been trying to holla but im not romantically interested. He has some coins (he gave me and two friends tickets to his box at the Kanye concert) and he has invited me to see Sommore at DC impov on fri and to the verizon center on sat to see Comedy Get Down Tour featuring Eddie Griffin, Mike Epps, Cedric the Entertainer, Charlie Murphy, George Lopez, and D.L. Hughley. :alcoholic: Im super geeked and really wanna go to both shows, but I dont want to lead him on. What yall think?

So I went to both shows (fri and sat) and had a good time! He's friend with Sommore's management so I got to meet her (**** is flawless and super sweet) and chilled at her hotel, the mayflower, after the show. He bought a box for the show at the Verizon center so it was us and a bunch of his friends. The show was great although Mike Epps failed to show. He invited me out after but I politely declined and later kicked myself cuz Sommore ended up coming out and asked about me. Oh well. He is renting out a theatre here in DC for a private viewing of Birth of a Nation and he asked me to attend and I said yes.

At this point, I'm just having fun being his eye candy. The conversations have been very surface and I only know what I know about him because of our mutual friend so I don't feel any pressure to do anything more other than just enjoy myself.
So my 1st vacation love (met in Miami, but he lives in Ohio) surprised me.

His birthday was Wednesday & I've asked him what he was doing like everyday and he kept saying he was undecided. But Wednesday night he calls like "I'm in LA" I was excited I haven't seen him since February. So everything was good, up until I drank to much last night & cussed him out about my feelings. It was bad my hand was in his face like my emotions were all over the place. I just left & his flight left at 6am we was leaving the club at 2am when I went off. I called him a million times because I was wrong & I texted him & he hasn't answered. He's stubborn but I'm thinking what I did might have been a turn off but I guess I'll wait to see if he calls or texts me.
I like someone I should not. We were friends 1st,then we got to hang out a bit and now I really like him. He had a girl,but they broke up a week after I left (we live in different cities) and somehow I ended up becoming his support system. It really started to hurt when he would talk about his ex so I put up boundaries and he said he does not understand why he cannot make comments about his ex to his 'friend.'

So after his breakup,he has been doing some inner work to see what he could do better in the future. I am all for it but why am I now reading a book called Love and Respect with him and we are discussing it on chat? He said he is 'Learning and Growing daily with Shiks'. How is this my life?

I like him and want us to be more than friends,so this is not going to work.
I bounce back and forth between "I really can't be bothered"/"If I was going to be married, I should've done it EARLY, like 22-25, because I have better things to do now"/"Being coupled up + kids means I can't be hell with that..."/"Dating is a chore and I'm tired of it"


"The rent is too damn high. I need a sponsor"/"I need someone to take me ___ and pay for it"/"I need a kid or two that I put in cheerleading and pageants"