HS dude wants a cut buddy. And is asking me when is the last time I had one. What does it matter are you in or out? Quit playing.

Holy crap. He actually apologized for being too personal when I asked him why it mattered. I told him thank you and to save all that "I might be your best" and "I got a good stoke game" for after Saturday cuz we might not even have chemistry. I wanted to say that he might be too square for me but that's just being too out there. He agreed but I don't believe he does. So I told him to pick a place for Saturday and let me know if you're down. He's got until he goes to work tomorrow or I'll be blocking and deleting!

Got damn it are you telling me being a ***** like that book says works?
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Dude I am feeling doesn't let me get away with things I normally do. It like two strategists trying to out maneuver one another. But it so hot for me to be mentally stimulated. So we kinda read each other for filth. He says he likes I am not afraid to call him out on his bull spit and maybe it is time for no more games...hmm...is that game? My dilemma. When does it stop? We been in competition with one another. How can it turn into anything serious? Plus, I am not in a space, neither is he. Anyway he remarked by 2018, it's either he finds love or moves back to Detroit. No pressure, lol. Game. He is getting impatient. That's a move to get what he wants faster or to accelerate the vetting process so HE can figure out if I am a placeholder or game change. I let that one slide. For now I will rock steady. He has been the first real contender since Sayed.

Funny, my current roster has the same physical features. There is this guy, the choreographer, and the "entrepreneur," that failed the application.

Oh and my ex Dean rsvp me for a show with his new band he shares with his ex. I have not gone to any of his shows this year, I know it is Petty. I don't think I am ready, because it becomes natural to me to fall back into patterns. We had so social disagreements, him being a white guy from Rhode Island. He said he want to go to the DR, I said I refuse because of the current political climate. He said just goes there to have fun. I said as a black person, it would be hard for me. Well after my birthday, he went to Ghana to apprentice with a drummer and has had a new perspective.

Speaking of patterns, Sayed is going for his citizenship. He just told me today. He knows what that meant to me, so it brings up several emotions. If it is dual citizenship, the same dilemma applies, concerning children. I would never force him to choose, because I equate it to someone asking me to renounce my American citizenship. But it is a choice he has to make. I think mom, at this point, just wants grandchildren. I think Sayed has made it clear that he will not marry out of obligation, if at all. I loved him for 3 years, y'all. He knows what this means to me. Him standing up to his parents. He is asking me about Austin.

If he comes back to Austin, it pretty much a done deal. He went back to Iran last March and it took me awhile to get over it, but never fully. He comes first, always. My grandmother is really excited to hear about that.
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We went out to a bar last night. I had pregamed and then had more drinks at the bar, so I was pretty done lol. I went to the bathroom and as I was washing my hands, this older black lady started talking to me. Really pretty lady, and gorgeous laid gray hair.

Her: I love your natural. (You know how old women refer to it as "a natural" lol yea. It's in a blown out wash and go, so 4a curls)

Me: oh, thank you so much!
Her: What do you do to it at night? Just go to sleep? Lol
Me: yup, just go to sleep lol
Her: Are you a student?
Me: (looking up and around, trying to think of whether I'm a student or not lmaoo. Took me about 10seconds to answer lmao. Cuz while yes, I'm a student, I'm also a full time employed working professional in a good career.) Yes, I am...........do I look like a student?

Her: well. ........... (Wtf is this?) ....... let me preface this by saying you're very attractive (lmaooo yo she bout to straight wile me! Wth?!)

Me: thank you..
Her: but not a lot of "Us" are working in high positions with natural hair (She said it very nicely. I don't think she was trying to be rude)

But yoooo she wiled my life :lachen:

Me: ohhhh yeaaa *acts like I believe what she's saying* riiiight.

Then I just nodded and smiled through whatever else she was saying :lol:

Nice lady, tho :)
So I am meeting up with a guy I dated more than 10 years ago. We are going to have drinks and catch up tonight. Looking forward to seeing him so I can pick his brain about men in general. I am pretty sure that he is interested in dating me again but I am not feeling him like that. May have him around to pass time until I find myself in something committed.
Well we met up tonight. Lots of laughs. He made a few comments that seemed like he was interested in me dating wise.... I am not feeling him like that though.
He didn't eat but paid for my food. Wasn't expecting that. I had crab legs and a whole lobster. He even helped me cut my food open to eat it. I sort of felt babied. Maybe he finally grew up some. Too bad I am just not interested any more.
Oh and afterward, he walked me back to my car then we hugged- he leaned in for a kiss but ended up kissing the side of my forehead where my wig meets my head. Very awkward- I just pretended not to notice.

Then he demanded that I called him when I got home so he knows I made it in safetly. This would have all been welcomed 8- 10 years ago but now I am just like *really ninja*....

But I think he will do well to entertain me until my next relationship.
Quick update

Dude I met in Houston that I messed around with texts me early Friday morning like "You miss me" & I'm like "Yeah" and he's like "Do you want to see me?" & "I'm like yeah, but you live in Texas I'm in California" fast forward to an hour later this guy buys a plane ticket & will be here tomorrow afternoon lol

I was prepared had to hit the nail shop, wax place, and buy a new wig. I'm ready to be seen now. Here I thought we'd be texting everyday and see each other months later (it's hasn't even been 2 full weeks)
Got a job interview in Dallas next week, WHOOP WHOOP! I haven't really been talking to anyone seriously except for whiskey dick this summer :rolleyes: because I knew I was going to be leaving. I hope this change of scenery will make a difference, there are seriously no black men in my city.
Definitely alot of black men in Dallas. Dallas is kind to us. I may have to reevaluate living in Austin soon.
Quick update

Dude I met in Houston that I messed around with texts me early Friday morning like "You miss me" & I'm like "Yeah" and he's like "Do you want to see me?" & "I'm like yeah, but you live in Texas I'm in California" fast forward to an hour later this guy buys a plane ticket & will be here tomorrow afternoon lol

I was prepared had to hit the nail shop, wax place, and buy a new wig. I'm ready to be seen now. Here I thought we'd be texting everyday and see each other months later (it's hasn't even been 2 full weeks)

You go girl!
Yassss lol that's what I'm hoping! I need a culture shock lol cuz ummmmm my current locale is NOT the business.
Yes, Austin is too Caucasian for me. I have more family in Dallas and most of the Cowboys/ Mavs stay in the Las Colinas area, you can stay in the burbs and be comfortable.

I lived there during my university years, it was a blast! I don't know why I have not considered it.

I would move in December, depending how things work out with my Rude Boy.
Yes, Austin is too Caucasian for me. I have more family in Dallas and most of the Cowboys/ Mavs stay in the Las Colinas area, you can stay in the burbs and be comfortable.

I lived there during my university years, it was a blast! I don't know why I have not considered it.

I would move in December, depending how things work out with my Rude Boy.


- I was in Austin last year and I def peeped the caucasian vibe, I'm done with that life :laugh: and not to be a weird stalker but if you move to Dallas I would love to link up with a fellow LHCF'er!
Don't think like that sis. Don't ever speak negativity into existence or think it in a low key way.

Why do you think it's cursed?
I been going out more and trying to date and of all the men I've met I don't consider not even one of them worthwhile
I made the conscious decision to simply stop "looking" a few weeks ago, and it's been really good for me. I have re-centered my focus on ME. I feel beautiful and confident in my skin and my inner Lioness-Warrior Princess is coming out lol. It's been freeing honestly. I'm also focusing on having really fun experiences and making new friends. I've done a few nearby roadtrips and I'm getting to know my new classmates and forging a new school tribe.

That said, although I'm embracing being single, there are times when I've felt that familiar longing to have a partner. Tonight was one of those nights. I met a black, fourth year med student. He's attractive and seems to have a great personality. Definitely someone that I would have liked to get to know... and basically a unicorn in my part of the world lol... I had seen him around school a few times before tonight. Well it turns out he's dating an acquaintance of mine. She's a really sweet girl (Black!) so I'm happy to see that he chose a sister... That said, seeing them together made me long for that a bit. I'm thankful for my friends, but I still miss having a boyfriend.
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A little while ago, I made the mistake of sharing some details of my Atlanta trip :look: He expressed his frustration with it, we talked about it. He understood the situation, but he was still upset, understandably. It was a civil, reasonable conversation. That was a while ago. More recently, he brought it up again, this time with him being drunk*. And he didn't hold back on how it made him feel :( and so I felt/feel bad about it. So then there's this Philly trip next weekend lol smh. And yea. When I first told him about it, he kept his composure and was like oh! Fun! Good! But he also told me how he really felt about that, too, the night he was drunk and talking about the Atlanta trip lol. Then we re addressed everything later, with everyone sober and fully functioning lol.

No no he never said anything like 'I don't want you to go', etc. And that wouldn't have flown anyway :look: so I'm glad it didn't need to go there :look: I'd say we both handled it well and are on the same page.

He's so sensitive when he's drunk lol. He be damn near crying yall :lol: The littlest things. If I don't answer something fast enough...something as stupid as "did you see my shoe over there?", he's like 'ok, I see you don't want to talk to me right now :cry3: I'll leave you alone' :lachen: I be trying sooo hard to not laugh. Blatantly. Loudly. In his face lmao.

*I feel like I post a lot about us being drunk :rofl: I swear we don't have problems. It may seem like it's often, but I swear it's not :lachen:

His discipline with his school work, meal prepping every week, and exercise regimen is beyond sexy. And admirable as hell.

So he's really looking for a new job lol. He's about to interview for this 1 place. We were talking about it and I asked him if they told him the salary? He said 'yea, that's the main reason I'm considering it lol. We could do everything that you be wanting to do with that amount lol' awww :love: :lol:

I'm making steak stir fry for us on Thursday :lick: To bring in the start of the fall shows: empire, htgawm, and Grey's :love: then I'm going to Philly on the weekend? This about to be a good ass week :lol:

I told him I want to go to Founding Farmer's soon. In October. I know people say it's overhyped, but im classless and UE, and I really like the place! :lol: I went in the summer for the first time with friends and want to go back!

He's low key looking for a new car, too :rolleyes: and said if he gets this job he could buy one :rolleyes::rolleyes: omggg he's such a copy cat lol. He said his dad "found him one" wth ever that means lmao.

We didn't have sex today, instead we just lied in bed and talked for hours. We somehow ended up talking about white people and dating them lmao that was a hilarious convo.
I been going out more and trying to date and of all the men I've met I don't consider not even one of them worthwhile
I'm in the same boat. I've let go a couple real good guys in the past. I think my chances are up for meeting anyone decent anymore. I'm starting to believe there is a finite number of chances to be dumb (letting good guys go, specifically) and then that's it. I'm beyond the barrel, not even scraping it anymore.

I'm not mad though, just resigned.
I have an ex friend who is getting married and is trying to make me jealous about it. I really don't understand because I genuinely wish her the best. Also, we don't even want the same things in life. Like wth. Go on and be with your man.

I'm guessing that she's not as happy as she's trying to make it seem?

What a psycho.
I have an ex friend who is getting married and is trying to make me jealous about it. I really don't understand because I genuinely wish her the best. Also, we don't even want the same things in life. Like wth. Go on and be with your man.

I'm guessing that she's not as happy as she's trying to make it seem?

What a psycho.

Yeah, something is probably off about her relationship.

I can think of a couple of friends who said things that I felt were aimed at me in a way to make me feel small. They acted like marriage & motherhood put them above me.

They later revealed things to me that can only be described as pure, unadulterated f**kery. People who are happy with themselves and their decisions don't feel the need to put others down.
I'm in the same boat. I've let go a couple real good guys in the past. I think my chances are up for meeting anyone decent anymore. I'm starting to believe there is a finite number of chances to be dumb (letting good guys go, specifically) and then that's it. I'm beyond the barrel, not even scraping it anymore.

I'm not mad though, just resigned.

Just wanted to say I understand but you never really know if you let go of a good guy or not. I always say the only person who really knows a guy is his mother and his gf/SO/wife. Who knows? You may have dodged a bullet. You really don't know. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. As long as you are living something good is always possible.
So the weekend is over.....

Now he's definitely a sweetheart. But he kinda made me mad. Seeing as it was his 1st time in LA he wanted to do a lot of tourist stuff. I was cool with that but he literally didn't wanna get out the car and walk around. We went to the Staples Center, USC, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Hollywood & all over LA and instead of getting out the car and site seeing he's taking pictures from inside my car. I said lets get out and walk "I am driving to all these places" he like nah. How do you drive pass a beach???

He tested my patience this weekend. So the question is do I like him more or less after this visit lmao
Just came from the Cam Newton thread. I love Black men. I want to marry one someday, but I am now at the point in my life in which Black men who aren't Pro-Black do nothing for me, but turn me all the way off. I don't care how educated you are, how good you look, how talented you are... If you don't love Blackness, Black women, the Black community and Black families AND if you don't recognize and do your part to eradicate the injustices that our community faces then Byyeeee! #nonewBlacks
*Sigh* idk y'all. I feel like many paths should be considered here. I have to move. I was considering Dallas by the end of the year. My lease ends in November.

So Thing #1 is like you need to do what is best. It considerably cheaper, xyz. I said oh so I will go since you don't want me to stick around, acting all hard. Then he was like no, I want you to stay,consider this option xyz. He likes me more than I am into him, but he has major drama he needs to resolve.

Thing #2 the conversation flows so natural with us. I don't push him, because we are at the same level. In fact he maybe more skilled at this than I. I told him I was moving, he was congratulatory. I was very upfront with what I wanted from him. Oh no. We will not play this game. You will give me you, no bull spit and he respects that so we move slow to make sure it's right. I think I may "extremely like" him. Who am I kidding, I wrote a song about him, lol.

This is where I greet you,
Between the spaces of words meant to say we are in love

But instead we fumble in the dark
Instead I'm trouble
I am searching for you to take me home

I think with him I lack proximity. He is my type, nice arms, broad shoulders, A waist. Thing #1 is a body builder, muscular arms and thighs, strong chest. So maybe I should go against the same old type with Thing #1 or go for what I know with Thing #2. I think it more of a risk to take a chance on Thing #2 and hope for the best...
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So the weekend is over.....

Now he's definitely a sweetheart. But he kinda made me mad. Seeing as it was his 1st time in LA he wanted to do a lot of tourist stuff. I was cool with that but he literally didn't wanna get out the car and walk around. We went to the Staples Center, USC, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Hollywood & all over LA and instead of getting out the car and site seeing he's taking pictures from inside my car. I said lets get out and walk "I am driving to all these places" he like nah. How do you drive pass a beach???

He tested my patience this weekend. So the question is do I like him more or less after this visit lmao

Next time make him pay for an uber or let him drive or he can rent a car. But don't you be chauffeuring him around. And next time you say I want to get out. I want to walk around. And just look at him. Push the envelope. This will tell you a lot about him and if you want to continue being bothered. Did he fly to Cali to see you or Cali? Like WTF. You should have been angry. Keep your eyes open and decide accordingly.
A little while ago, I made the mistake of sharing some details of my Atlanta trip :look: He expressed his frustration with it, we talked about it. He understood the situation, but he was still upset, understandably. It was a civil, reasonable conversation. That was a while ago. More recently, he brought it up again, this time with him being drunk*. And he didn't hold back on how it made him feel :( and so I felt/feel bad about it. So then there's this Philly trip next weekend lol smh. And yea. When I first told him about it, he kept his composure and was like oh! Fun! Good! But he also told me how he really felt about that, too, the night he was drunk and talking about the Atlanta trip lol. Then we re addressed everything later, with everyone sober and fully functioning lol.

No no he never said anything like 'I don't want you to go', etc. And that wouldn't have flown anyway :look: so I'm glad it didn't need to go there :look: I'd say we both handled it well and are on the same page.

He's so sensitive when he's drunk lol. He be damn near crying yall :lol: The littlest things. If I don't answer something fast enough...something as stupid as "did you see my shoe over there?", he's like 'ok, I see you don't want to talk to me right now :cry3: I'll leave you alone' :lachen: I be trying sooo hard to not laugh. Blatantly. Loudly. In his face lmao.

*I feel like I post a lot about us being drunk :rofl: I swear we don't have problems. It may seem like it's often, but I swear it's not :lachen:

His discipline with his school work, meal prepping every week, and exercise regimen is beyond sexy. And admirable as hell.

So he's really looking for a new job lol. He's about to interview for this 1 place. We were talking about it and I asked him if they told him the salary? He said 'yea, that's the main reason I'm considering it lol. We could do everything that you be wanting to do with that amount lol' awww :love: :lol:

I'm making steak stir fry for us on Thursday :lick: To bring in the start of the fall shows: empire, htgawm, and Grey's :love: then I'm going to Philly on the weekend? This about to be a good ass week :lol:

I told him I want to go to Founding Farmer's soon. In October. I know people say it's overhyped, but im classless and UE, and I really like the place! :lol: I went in the summer for the first time with friends and want to go back!

He's low key looking for a new car, too :rolleyes: and said if he gets this job he could buy one :rolleyes::rolleyes: omggg he's such a copy cat lol. He said his dad "found him one" wth ever that means lmao.

We didn't have sex today, instead we just lied in bed and talked for hours. We somehow ended up talking about white people and dating them lmao that was a hilarious convo.

Y'all are so cute!......Get outta this thread with that mess.
I'm making steak stir fry for us on Thursday :lick: To bring in the start of the fall shows: empire, htgawm, and Grey's :love:

Completely forgot these shows came out this week! So exciting! I was sad about Power going off, but I'll be happy to watch htgawm. So many people die in that show, but somehow it keeps going LOL!

You are your boo are a good mix of balance. It's cute to read your stories.