Girl, go!!!! Lol.
Why would there be a language barrier.. like is he one of those ppl that uses every big word in the English vocabulary?
Naw. Broken English.

I just don't want to put in effort in right now. My brother and his two kids are forcing themselves into our 2/1.5 townhome (but refuses to sign a leas eto get a bigger place) because of my nephew's behavioral problems. Our rent is going up $300 in Nov and we have no way to pay it but if we move I have to sign another lease with my mom when I'm desperately trying to move out on my own. I'm not going to even get into my prejudice boss.

I guess that's why a FB/FWB situation seems so appetizing right now. Not a lot of effort. No one to check up on me. No added stress (well minus STDs). And it might relieve some stress. But my INFJness is holding me back.
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So why do I always meet guys while on vacation??? My vacation look must be totally different then my everyday look lol.

Long story short I meet a nice young men.
-27 years old
-2 kids tho (2 baby mamas too :crybaby:)
-tall, dark, & handsome
-career in imports & experts
-home owner
-& the sex was amazing too :badgirl:

Don't be baby mama #3!!

Sounds like you had a fun vacay though!!
He is SUCH a homebody. I think even more than me! He doesn't seem interested in being social at all! :lol: He goes to the gym, to work, back to the gym, runs errands, does homework, watches TV, and goes to bed at 9pm! Did I tell yall that? That he goes to bed between 830 and 930pm?! It's because he gets up at 4am to workout. What in the discipline hayle?! :lachen: And on the weekends, he can stay up later, and of course if we're out he does lol, but he be visibly sleepy! I'm sure I've mentioned this to yall. But it still trips me out lol. "good night babe" texts at 8:47pm and good morning ones at 430am. Man what?! :lachen: Sometimes I wish he stayed up later. But idrc; I mostly like it.

This really hit me last weekend when I was in atlanta. He was kinda upset that I was "going to be away from him for so long". All he did the whole weekend was go to a cookout for a couple hours until he got too sleepy to continue lmao. It was like 8pm lmao.

He fixed my vacuum cleaner. I can vacuum again!

I'm nosy. When I'm over his house, I like to look at everything I can. So if any new papers are splayed out, I unfold them and read them. I unearth things that have fallen behind counters and couches and ask 'what's this?' lol. He knows this; he calls me nosy. Very good. Last week, some new papers were there. He'd printed out this job he wanted to apply to. Salary information in bold. He makes less than I thought WOMP WOMP. Still more than me, but less than I thought WOOOOOMP. That is 1 point. Another point is that: so he knew I'd be looking at that paper and didn't try to hide it out of view. He told me that he was going to start applying to new positions much more near and/or after he graduated: in April. So I guess he's applying for new jobs sooner than that? I asked him about this and he 'just thought he would start now'/'good opportunity', etc. Interesting. That's good.

I've been having major car troubles these last 2 weeks. My mom is sick of it and is offering to pay for a significant portion of a new car. So me and my parents are going to buy me a car on Saturday. Blah blah. I do not like how he has been responding to my car problems. I don't really blame him. I have 2 parents who I talk about doing stuff for me a lot lol. So, his help is unnecessary. And I tell him about the stuff my parents do for me, before he gets a chance to 'help' in any way. Sooo Idk what I'm complaining about? Am I complaining about something?
So I decided to give this new guy a chance that's been hounding me for months, he is fine as hell but I could tell he wasn't used to be rejected and it showed.

We finally spoke on the phone and he was arrogant AF, during the course of our 15 minute convo he told me I wouldn't be a woman until I have kids, I'm selfish if I don't have children and I'm insecure because I don't believe people in a relationship should make new friends with people of the opposite sex.

We were Facebook friends prior to this convo and right after we got off the phone he sent me a friend request, that fool had deleted me because I kept rejecting him. :lachen::drunk: Wack ass.
My cousin asked me to go to this Election Night Watch Party with him tonight. Admittedly, I haven't paid any attention to this local election, I'm not into politics but he is a political junkie. It's a spot I used to frequent, but I figured there will probably be a different crowd than usual. Wearing a body hugging but still work appropriate dress. Hopefully any potentials see the resemblance and don't think he's my man. :lol:
Sooo Idk what I'm complaining about? Am I complaining about something?

LOL, what did you want him to say? I'll pay the other half of your car note? I thought he's supposed to be saving for your house and ring?

I think you're complaining about nothing? But the other day, I asked a question I phrased as a poll/I'm collecting answers from friends and when I didn't get the answer I wanted I was a little annoyed/ I guess that is complaining about nothing as well, so I'm hypocritical now lol.
LOL, what did you want him to say? I'll pay the other half of your car note? I thought he's supposed to be saving for your house and ring?

I think you're complaining about nothing? But the other day, I asked a question I phrased as a poll/I'm collecting answers from friends and when I didn't get the answer I wanted I was a little annoyed/ I guess that is complaining about nothing as well, so I'm hypocritical now lol.

I hate you :lachen: jk jk. Yea yea yea YEA YEA OK fine. God. :lachen:
Tonight I'm going to be a pervert and go to this Bikram yoga class just because of the teacher.

He is new to my studio, him and his fly ass mom are yoga instructors. They're both black/latin.
A couple of months ago I got to chat with him about fitness. I think it started because I asked about his regimen. He is cut and claims to only do yoga and skate boarding, but used to wrestle in H.S.

Anyway, I've always wanted to try yoga after my dance class, i'm just lucky he's teaching it :lick:
My cousin asked me to go to this Election Night Watch Party with him tonight. Admittedly, I haven't paid any attention to this local election, I'm not into politics but he is a political junkie. It's a spot I used to frequent, but I figured there will probably be a different crowd than usual. Wearing a body hugging but still work appropriate dress. Hopefully any potentials see the resemblance and don't think he's my man. :lol:

Boo, cousin had to take his son to the hospital. He's ok, but of course, he won't be going tonight. Maybe I'll grab a drink somewhere else, I'm not really invested in going to that particular spot.
So I am meeting up with a guy I dated more than 10 years ago. We are going to have drinks and catch up tonight. Looking forward to seeing him so I can pick his brain about men in general. I am pretty sure that he is interested in dating me again but I am not feeling him like that. May have him around to pass time until I find myself in something committed.

Lee came over last night- well early this morning. I texted him about 3 AM responding to a text he sent me during the game and surprisingly he was up. Long story short he came over- didn't try anything but he did kiss me on my forehead- which was sweet.
We had a nice conversion before he fell asleep. Things really calmed down between us since I ended things. I can't lie though- that man has a part of my heart.
Yoga was interesting. (see post 19482 :look:).

I was the only person in class. He stayed (shirtless and) in teacher mode the whole time. Although, I didn't really expect him not to.
He got up close to make adjustments on my body, which was cool, however, he had cigarette breath. Not severe, as if he just smoked, just smoker's breath in general. Smoking is a turn off for me.

His body is solid tho. Just solid. I'm not a fan of muscles, and I realized it's the gym manufactured ones that idc for. However, men who are naturally muscular due to activity (being a coach, or construction worker, or cus he's just built that way) is my type.

Anyway, the class was all good until I got to "fixed firm" pose. He was telling me to lay back with my hips down and my chest up. I felt self conscious about that for some reason. It's probably because my body was in a vulnerable state? :spinning:

Umm, nothing special happened. I think I'd have sex with him if offered. He's good looking and I really like his vibe.
(*he has not offered sex nor has he given me signs of interest. This is just a reach :lol: )

I'm going to be a regular to see what kind of results I can get.
@keyawarren This situation sounds fun - like a romcom.

I can never resist being a little bit mean to men. This is where I'd never go to his class again but make sure to take another instructor's class around the same time slot. And when we spoke I'd pretend to barely remember his name even though I've made a mini shrine to him in my closet. :lol: j/k

But serious on giving him a chance to chase/show if he's interested.
Counting down the days now and I cannot wait to see this man. He's planning things for us to do and making sure i'll have a great time. He said " i want you to do two things while you're here - have fun and receive" which warmed my heart. I have a tricky time receiving but I plan on letting that go and just taking in everything he gives.

Has anyone come across any threads similar to this situation?

I'm back from the States and this man is incredible. He is everything I asked God for. I can't even recount how amazing he made my stay. From surprise mani/pedi to a river cruise to our first double date with one of his close friend plus wife. I just cannot.
He is beyond handsome, just fioooone. God fearing and covered me like nothing I have ever experienced. I felt so secure and safe with him.
We kept telling people how we met - at the nail shop, restaurants it always came up. And then we would get asked "what next?!"

And i do not know. I think we could only work if it was to lead to marriage, if not whats the point right? The distance is too great just to be 'dating'.

I know he likes me but as a potential wife? I don't know.

In my heart though I do believe he may be my husband and I would pack my bags and follow him across the pond.

I need to pray on this hard. Figure out why God brought him into my life.

Any advice ladies on how i should move forward?
@keyawarren This situation sounds fun - like a romcom.

I can never resist being a little bit mean to men. This is where I'd never go to his class again but make sure to take another instructor's class around the same time slot. And when we spoke I'd pretend to barely remember his name even though I've made a mini shrine to him in my closet. :lol: j/k

But serious on giving him a chance to chase/show if he's interested.

you think this sounds romantic? :lol:

I don't think we're on the level where I need to ignore/avoid him. He only teaches once a week so skipping his class would be shooting myself in the foot. If I was gonna go the hot/cold route, then keeping it brief in passing would the thing here.
you think this sounds romantic? :lol:

I don't think we're on the level where I need to ignore/avoid him. He only teaches once a week so skipping his class would be shooting myself in the foot. If I was gonna go the hot/cold route, then keeping it brief in passing would the thing here.

It definitely sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy. :yep: They'd probably cast Emma Stone as the quirky, overworked 20-something who dares to have a fling with the hot yoga instructor and they fall in love.

So you're in there being normal? Wearing normal yoga gear and just stretching and stuff? ? May I suggest...

So I am meeting up with a guy I dated more than 10 years ago. We are going to have drinks and catch up tonight. Looking forward to seeing him so I can pick his brain about men in general. I am pretty sure that he is interested in dating me again but I am not feeling him like that. May have him around to pass time until I find myself in something committed.
And he cancelled. Some family emergency happened and he had to take a rain check. Then he proceeds to screen shot the text messages of what is going on to show as proof. Says he will make it up to me (make what up- we were just meeting up for a drink).

But it is ok- I got some great news today. A former coworker left the government and started working for himself (government contracts). He has been doing well and we kept in contact from time to time. Well he hit me up today and said he is working on 3 contracts and he would like me to be his accountant for those contracts. Since I will soon have my license, he is more than happy to compensate me with far more than I would have asked. So now my mind is on money.... If everything works out and he is granted the contracts, next year will be a very great year financially for us.
Later for love?
And he cancelled. Some family emergency happened and he had to take a rain check. Then he proceeds to screen shot the text messages of what is going on to show as proof. Says he will make it up to me (make what up- we were just meeting up for a drink).

But it is ok- I got some great news today. A former coworker left the government and started working for himself (government contracts). He has been doing well and we kept in contact from time to time. Well he hit me up today and said he is working on 3 contracts and he would like me to be his accountant for those contracts. Since I will soon have my license, he is more than happy to compensate me with far more than I would have asked. So now my mind is on money.... If everything works out and he is granted the contracts, next year will be a very great year financially for us.
Later for love?
I say both. Get money and get peen!

Oh wait you said love. Hmmm.
Sigh. When a man doesn't know what the fluck he wants. He makes conversation like a normal person, sends a morning wood pic to which I respond positively. Hadnt even contacted him all day. Then he gets home from work talking "Oh my work life is hectic. I won't be able to respond until I get home and get settled." Uh no one asked you too dumba$$. We haven't even done anything and you're already trying to pull the "this doesn't mean anything" bs :rolleyes:

Well DUH. I'm not talking to you for anything else but the D. And keep this up I'm not gonna be talking to you at all. Probably mad because I made him wait until I was free to meet up. Then please go back online where I found you and find a woman who will jump whenever your dack is hard cuz it shore ain't me.
Now I know why I keep my ex in close proximity.

So one of the older men who is interested in me is not a good fit at all. I decided to not answer my phone simply because I did not want to. One of the guys took the hint and didn't hit me up all week. Called me today and asked if I wanted to have dinner tmrw. Another one ran into me on the parkway and told me to call him when I felt like talking since I wasnt in the mood. I kissed him and said ok and that he looked good. The third one however has called and texted me daily for 9 or so days. He wrote me a long good bye message about bullsht. So today I texted him like dude, I wasn't ignoring you I just didn't feel like talking. But why would you continue to hit me up if I wasn't responding? That's weird and made me feel uncomfortable. He said you were sick(I wasn't, I have allergies). Being sick means **** though. I don't have an illness that needs monitoring like wtf. He wants to apologize get a grip dude. You haven't even kissed me yet. Now you will never kiss me. Weirdo.

I have two dates tomorrow. I'm cancelling on the guy from above. I have a movie date with a guy my age that is SOOOO FINE! And dinner with my ex to discuss what is wrong with our relationship and what I expect from him in the near future. That's also the reason I didn't feel like talking. I was sad over him. I think if I punch him in the stomach then I'll feel better. Then he can feel the same pain I feel.
He is SUCH a homebody. I think even more than me! He doesn't seem interested in being social at all! :lol: He goes to the gym, to work, back to the gym, runs errands, does homework, watches TV, and goes to bed at 9pm! Did I tell yall that? That he goes to bed between 830 and 930pm?! It's because he gets up at 4am to workout. What in the discipline hayle?! :lachen: And on the weekends, he can stay up later, and of course if we're out he does lol, but he be visibly sleepy! I'm sure I've mentioned this to yall. But it still trips me out lol. "good night babe" texts at 8:47pm and good morning ones at 430am. Man what?! :lachen: Sometimes I wish he stayed up later. But idrc; I mostly like it.

This really hit me last weekend when I was in atlanta. He was kinda upset that I was "going to be away from him for so long". All he did the whole weekend was go to a cookout for a couple hours until he got too sleepy to continue lmao. It was like 8pm lmao.

He fixed my vacuum cleaner. I can vacuum again!

I'm nosy. When I'm over his house, I like to look at everything I can. So if any new papers are splayed out, I unfold them and read them. I unearth things that have fallen behind counters and couches and ask 'what's this?' lol. He knows this; he calls me nosy. Very good. Last week, some new papers were there. He'd printed out this job he wanted to apply to. Salary information in bold. He makes less than I thought WOMP WOMP. Still more than me, but less than I thought WOOOOOMP. That is 1 point. Another point is that: so he knew I'd be looking at that paper and didn't try to hide it out of view. He told me that he was going to start applying to new positions much more near and/or after he graduated: in April. So I guess he's applying for new jobs sooner than that? I asked him about this and he 'just thought he would start now'/'good opportunity', etc. Interesting. That's good.

I've been having major car troubles these last 2 weeks. My mom is sick of it and is offering to pay for a significant portion of a new car. So me and my parents are going to buy me a car on Saturday. Blah blah. I do not like how he has been responding to my car problems. I don't really blame him. I have 2 parents who I talk about doing stuff for me a lot lol. So, his help is unnecessary. And I tell him about the stuff my parents do for me, before he gets a chance to 'help' in any way. Sooo Idk what I'm complaining about? Am I complaining about something?
How did car shopping go? And did he put up some money?

As far as his money is that a +1 or a -1?
How did car shopping go? And did he put up some money?

As far as his money is that a +1 or a -1?

It went fine. I got a car. Blah. No, he didn't put any money towards it.

As far his mean like does this give him points or make him lose points with me? Oh, he losses points lol. Is that what you meant?
Lee came over today and put my son's bike together. Then we took him out to ride it. It was great. Came back in to play some video games and it reminded me of a few months ago when everything was so perfect... :( They were even play fighting on the couch together, having a ball. Tugged on my heart strings a little.

A guy hit me up today- I gave him my number a week ago- he said he would call me later that day and he didn't. I don't play about stuff like that- if I give you my number, you use it ASAP. So I just told him I wasn't interested.

I have a few more potentials in rotation- but I am more focused on money right now. Been researching the salaries of CPAs in the DMV and I am quite pleased. Waiting to hear back about the contracts- but even if that falls through, the opportunities are abundant to make good side money.
We had a small 'fight'. A 'tiff', really. We both did something that caused something to not go as planned. My behavior wasn't the best :look: but it was better than it could have been :look: :) :yep: :lol: and he responded....not great. Understandably.

He took it upon himself to address it asap and omg he handled it like such a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan :drool:

I told him I'd like him to get a few things to make my experience even more comfy at his home :) His house is fully furnished and wonderful...but it still looks like a single man lives there lol. Which is fine, but..yea lol. I asked him to get a coffee maker, too, so he can stop having to go out and get me coffee in the mornings :look: He refers to his house as "the house" :look: so, I'm like okay, cool :look: I would never refer to my house as "the house" to him, or anyone lmao. So, his wording is interesting to me.

He brought up a couple vacay spots for the fall/winter he'd looked in to. After I mentioned them to him. Glad he's listening lol.

He bought my coffee maker last week :) Took him long enough :look: I made a big production of my appreciation of him getting was foreal tho! It felt like Christmas morning when I saw it in the kitchen :lol: #coffeeaddict.

He occasionally still opens the car door for me lol. Occasionally is fantastic! He does it rarely enough that I'm always a lil surprised when he does it :lol: like oh wow thank you! #LowStandardsForThisParticularThing lmao.

He is not woke, yall :look: He is just a regular black guy with a regular black guy mind :look:

I have a job interview Tuesday. Please send good vibes!