I've been talking to someone for a few weeks. Somehow we got onto the topic of dick size and he confessed that he is small and skinny. I'm upset. Why couldn't he lie to me?

I would be fat dude on the left. Peace out!
Another weekend getaway planned with the girls for one of their birthday weekends. In Philly. I'm actually excited about this, because we're staying in a hotel....that I can go back to if I get tired of their antics lol.

This guy who was interested in me in high school....but didn't tell me until years later....he slid into my fb DMs yesterday. He looks good. Boooo lol.
Sigh. When a man doesn't know what the fluck he wants. He makes conversation like a normal person, sends a morning wood pic to which I respond positively. Hadnt even contacted him all day. Then he gets home from work talking "Oh my work life is hectic. I won't be able to respond until I get home and get settled." Uh no one asked you too dumba$$. We haven't even done anything and you're already trying to pull the "this doesn't mean anything" bs :rolleyes:

Well DUH. I'm not talking to you for anything else but the D. And keep this up I'm not gonna be talking to you at all. Probably mad because I made him wait until I was free to meet up. Then please go back online where I found you and find a woman who will jump whenever your dack is hard cuz it shore ain't me.
He made a date for yesterday. Never confirmed the time. I went on and did what I had to do. And he actually text me saying he got off work early and went to go sign his lease on his new apartment. I just acted like normal. Meanwhile, I have another date set up on Saturday. I gave you a chance so don't be mad at me when you lose a good thing.

I went to high school with new dude. And he has no idea. Works at the refinery. Already on the sex talk bs. "I can make your legs shake" or "I give good massages." My how time changes people. He was sweet and quiet in high school. Wonder what happened.
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A few days ago, he was scheduled to come over my place for the night. I asked him what he was bringing me lol. He suggested a bottle of wine and said something like 'wow! you really like gifts, huh?! I'm learning that' :lol: why yes, yes I do. Yay for learning lol.
So how many guys should I date at a time?

My Ohio boo I haven't seen him since February & I'm sure our thing is over.
My Cali dude we went to the movies & dinner (not serious anymore).
You all know I meet a guy in Houston Labor Day weekend.
But I guy another guy my number that lives in Detroit lol.

Long story short I told my Houston boo what is this about like do you really want me to give my all, because I'm tired of giving my all and not getting it back in return. That started a argument like I'm not like other guys, how you gone treat me differently cause of how they hurt you & that's when I realized I'm kinda damaged. I'm like why would I carry my baggage into something new. Idk

The guy from Detroit wants to catch a LA Rams game & he works for Delta so he doesn't mind flying in to spend a weekend with me.

What should I do? Chill out on these dudes or just keep dating?
So how many guys should I date at a time?

My Ohio boo I haven't seen him since February & I'm sure our thing is over.
My Cali dude we went to the movies & dinner (not serious anymore).
You all know I meet a guy in Houston Labor Day weekend.
But I guy another guy my number that lives in Detroit lol.

Long story short I told my Houston boo what is this about like do you really want me to give my all, because I'm tired of giving my all and not getting it back in return. That started a argument like I'm not like other guys, how you gone treat me differently cause of how they hurt you & that's when I realized I'm kinda damaged. I'm like why would I carry my baggage into something new. Idk

The guy from Detroit wants to catch a LA Rams game & he works for Delta so he doesn't mind flying in to spend a weekend with me.

What should I do? Chill out on these dudes or just keep dating?
I'm usually given the advice of keeping dating until you really get to know them. I think by then they'll take themselves out of the line-up and you're left with the "good" ones. *shrugs*
The next guy I claim out here in these streets, I'm gonna have to know him and dating him for all 4 seasons. I refuse to claim a man any more to my friends/family without me knowing him for at least 1 season, dating him for another 2 seasons, and then I can claim him out in these NYC streets during the 4th season. Friends/family will know him/meet him during the end of the 4th season. I'm not even claiming or posting any pictures of him on social media.
The next guy I claim out here in these streets, I'm gonna have to know him and dating him for all 4 seasons. I refuse to claim a man any more to my friends/family without me knowing him for at least 1 season, dating him for another 2 seasons, and then I can claim him out in these NYC streets during the 4th season. Friends/family will know him/meet him during the end of the 4th season. I'm not even claiming or posting any pictures of him on social media.
My man and I have been together 9 months. He's met my friends ONCE and def not my family. We are not even friends on social media so no way am I posting him anywhere. I might the day after our wedding but till then....nope. Note this is MY choice.

This is just me though I don't believe in all this Facebook official bull. And the Facebook breakups that follow. Who do you need to claim anyone? Wait till he puts a ring on your finger and claims YOU. Anyhoooo that's just me though*sips tea*
He made a date for yesterday. Never confirmed the time. I went on and did what I had to do. And he actually text me saying he got off work early and went to go sign his lease on his new apartment. I just acted like normal. Meanwhile, I have another date set up on Saturday. I gave you a chance so don't be mad at me when you lose a good thing.

I went to high school with new dude. And he has no idea. Works at the refinery. Already on the sex talk bs. "I can make your legs shake" or "I give good massages." My how time changes people. He was sweet and quiet in high school. Wonder what happened.
We have a date for drinks on Saturday with new guy. I googled what he makes...is there any way I can make this date sooner? :look:

The next guy I claim out here in these streets, I'm gonna have to know him and dating him for all 4 seasons. I refuse to claim a man any more to my friends/family without me knowing him for at least 1 season, dating him for another 2 seasons, and then I can claim him out in these NYC streets during the 4th season. Friends/family will know him/meet him during the end of the 4th season. I'm not even claiming or posting any pictures of him on social media.
My man and I have been together 9 months. He's met my friends ONCE and def not my family. We are not even friends on social media so no way am I posting him anywhere. I might the day after our wedding but till then....nope. Note this is MY choice.

This is just me though I don't believe in all this Facebook official bull. And the Facebook breakups that follow. Who do you need to claim anyone? Wait till he puts a ring on your finger and claims YOU. Anyhoooo that's just me though*sips tea*
This is my philosophy. I've only posted one BF on social media in 2010, and that's because we went to coachella lol. I'm extremely private about my love life out in the streets. The downside of that is people (mainly family) think I have no love life and always badger me with questions and try to stage interventions (<<-- true story), but I know it would be worse if I introduced them to someone.
Has anyone else been meeting men that seem really into you upon initially meeting, but then dont follow up via text or ph after meeting?! Ive met like at least 6 dudes within the past couple weeks that have all been duds.

I accidentally butt dialed one dude and he called me back and told me he normally doesnt call girls he meets while out, because he doesnt think he can form a relationship of substance with them. :rolleyes:Please know I didnt try to convince him otherwise, so I have not reached out since that convo.
Has anyone else been meeting men that seem really into you upon initially meeting, but then dont follow up via text or ph after meeting?! Ive met like at least 6 dudes within the past couple weeks that have all been duds.

I accidentally butt dialed one dude and he called me back and told me he normally doesnt call girls he meets while out, because he doesnt think he can form a relationship of substance with them. :rolleyes:Please know I didnt try to convince him otherwise, so I have not reached out since that convo.
Did you follow up at all?
Did you follow up at all?

One texted me and I texted back, but I didnt receive a follow up text.

One I texted first a few days later, but he never responded. (Wondering if his boy threw salt in my game cuz i exchanged numbers with him earlier this summer, but he wasnt proactive enough, plus our mutual friend said he typically dates wyt girls.)

The others I just chilled on (includ dude i butt dialed) and decided to let them make the first/next move, but they didnt.
I accidentally butt dialed one dude and he called me back and told me he normally doesnt call girls he meets while out, because he doesnt think he can form a relationship of substance with them.

I don't follow. What does he mean he doesn't call girls back that he meets while he's out? Out where?
One texted me and I texted back, but I didnt receive a follow up text.

One I texted first a few days later, but he never responded. (Wondering if his boy threw salt in my game cuz i exchanged numbers with him earlier this summer, but he wasnt proactive enough, plus our mutual friend said he typically dates wyt girls.)

The others I just chilled on (includ dude i butt dialed) and decided to let them make the first/next move, but they didnt.

What happens during the meetings? Curious if there were red flags that occurred. If you did have 6 dates close together, you may also come off as not as engaged with those dudes who then read your body language and decide that they wouldn't make it through the pipeline.

I don't get phased by lack of follow-ups though. Onwards and forwards
What happens during the meetings? Curious if there were red flags that occurred. If you did have 6 dates close together, you may also come off as not as engaged with those dudes who then read your body language and decide that they wouldn't make it through the pipeline.

I don't get phased by lack of follow-ups though. Onwards and forwards

The usual get to know you conversations. No readily foreseeable red flags. Im not really worried about them, just noticed a pattern and wondering if this is a generational thing, regional thing, etc. Im really just trying to narrow my options down to the best man for the job, so ultimately if they take themselves out of the game before it begins they have truly, sincerely done me a favor.
Good morning, Thirst Trap Snapchat. Why come you are sending me videos from your girlfriend's bed, who's best friend invited me to her birthday party? They are well known local artists.

Men are just as messy as women or like to be involved in some drama. He also wants to partner with my business venture. I was at a networking party and he wanted to come through. I told him MEMBERS ONLY and he got offended. I am not going to jeopardize my exclusivity for some dude who benefits me none. He saw pictures of my son and was like look, "I want a little boy" all starry eyed and stuff.
That may have worked for A, so you can ride her star but not me.

Then one gentlemen invites you to use it so he can send you subliminals in the form of 90s love songs. The only thing I like about Snapchat is I can see who is stalking me lol.
It definitely sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy. :yep: They'd probably cast Emma Stone as the quirky, overworked 20-something who dares to have a fling with the hot yoga instructor and they fall in love.

So you're in there being normal? Wearing normal yoga gear and just stretching and stuff? ? May I suggest...


That's an interesting outfit...
Yep, I wore my regular clothes. I wear what I wear, I'm not tryna impress (but I'm cute anyways) :lol:. Come to find out, he's only 23 :cry3:. I got a whole 10 years on him and don't like youngin's.

I attended the class his mother teaches last night (his mom mentioned him...which is how I found out his age). Class was great though.
Let me clarify my previous post...There are only two classes per week total. He teaches one and his mother teaches the other, which is why skipping his class (to ignore him) is not an option. I'm a yogi first...pervert second :look:

I'm talking to a few dudes, but they are not worth mentioning yet. However, I just wanted to keep my post relevant
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That's an interesting outfit...
Yep, I wore my regular clothes. I wear what I wear, I'm not tryna impress (but I'm cute anyways) :lol:. Come to find out, he's only 23 :cry3:. I got a whole 10 years on him and don't like youngin's.

I attended the class his mother teaches last night (his mom mentioned him...which is how I found out his age). Class was great though.
Let me clarify my previous post...There are only two classes per week total. He teaches one and his mother teaches the other, which is why skipping his class (to ignore him) is not an option. I'm a yogi first...pervert second :look:

I'm talking to a few people, but they are not worth mentioning yet. However, I just wanted to keep my post relevant
Aww not even for a short love affair? Get your cougar on RAWR
There may be some truth to my Venus being in Gemini. Or is it Gemini in my Venus? Anyway, it says I am fickle in love and I don't do long term commitment.

So tell me why I'm not feeling my potential FB since he's cooled down on the texting/sexting? He was looking for a new place and only texted like once a day. He wants to meet up before he moves on Saturday saying the distance will make things hard and I'm like, "Eh." Talking about he left early to sign a lease on Sunday. What apartment office is open on Sunday? And you still couldn't drop a text saying we'll reschedule? Instead he's all, "I was waiting for you to contact me." I cannot! He's moving an hour away. I don't want to start something (sexual or otherwise) and he pulls the whole, "the distance is too far, I can't do this."

Meanwhile, HS dude is most likely a no. Which I expected. I kept dodging his sexual advances and made him wait almost a week to meet. Most men don't have the patience to wait a week (give me a freaking break). Oh well. Like I said, he can go back to where I found him and find someone to wet his whistle. I'm not playing games or going by any rules. I'm just tired of trying to adhere to their bs. Don't like it? GET TO STEPPING.
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So one of the old dudes is getting the boot. He may be older in age but he isn't on my level. He's a btch baby. & he calls/texts wayyyyyyy too much for me.

I have forgiven my ex and I already have plans to see him this wknd and he says he's happy I'm back and to not punch his nuts off because he needs them to make our babies later in life. I just want to get over him and this drama.

I met a new guy while out recently and he will randomly text me pics of himself. Like baby boo idc to see anything unless it's a present for me.

And this leads me to my final suitor, I am so attracted to him. I can literally just dry hump and make out with him all night long. He has long dreads and I hate hair on men but I don't mind his. On our last date I just sat down chatting and playing in his hair. Like its so refreshing to not have someone touching my hair for once. So he went to Miami this wknd for a photo shoot(annoying) & he calls me like 11:30 all giddy like I'm sorry I didn't hit you up today I was super busy blah blah & he sends me over some photos & I'm just there like aww isn't he cute and excited. One thing I don't like is he enjoys showing me off. I wonder if all older men do this cause my ex does this too. But the ex is only 6 years older & dread man is 10.
There may be some truth to my Venus being in Gemini. Or is it Gemini in my Venus? Anyway, it says I am fickle in love and I don't do long term commitment.

So tell me why I'm not feeling my potential FB since he's cooled down on the texting/sexting? He was looking for a new place and only texted like once a day. He wants to meet up before he moves on Saturday saying the distance will make things hard and I'm like, "Eh." Talking about he left early to sign a lease on Sunday. What apartment office is open on Sunday? And you still couldn't drop a text saying we'll reschedule? Instead he's all, "I was waiting for you to contact me." I cannot! He's moving an hour away. I don't want to start something (sexual or otherwise) and he pulls the whole, "the distance is too far, I can't do this."

Meanwhile, HS dude is most likely a no. Which I expected. I kept dodging his sexual advances and made him wait almost a week to meet. Most men don't have the patience to wait a week (give me a freaking break). Oh well. Like I said, he can go back to where I found him and find someone to wet his whistle. I'm not playing games or going by any rules. I'm just tired of trying to adhere to their bs. Don't like it? GET TO STEPPING.
Yea don't have sex with him. You need local on call D.

& they don't like waiting because it's a control thing. If they feel you hold the power they will do everything in their power to get it back. Even when they aren't interested in you. It's annoying but also enjoyable when you burst their tiny bubble. Losers
So one of the old dudes is getting the boot. He may be older in age but he isn't on my level. He's a btch baby. & he calls/texts wayyyyyyy too much for me.

I have forgiven my ex and I already have plans to see him this wknd and he says he's happy I'm back and to not punch his nuts off because he needs them to make our babies later in life. I just want to get over him and this drama.

I met a new guy while out recently and he will randomly text me pics of himself. Like baby boo idc to see anything unless it's a present for me.

And this leads me to my final suitor, I am so attracted to him. I can literally just dry hump and make out with him all night long. He has long dreads and I hate hair on men but I don't mind his. On our last date I just sat down chatting and playing in his hair. Like its so refreshing to not have someone touching my hair for once. So he went to Miami this wknd for a photo shoot(annoying) & he calls me like 11:30 all giddy like I'm sorry I didn't hit you up today I was super busy blah blah & he sends me over some photos & I'm just there like aww isn't he cute and excited. One thing I don't like is he enjoys showing me off. I wonder if all older men do this cause my ex does this too. But the ex is only 6 years older & dread man is 10.
I didn't even know you were in here! Im glad to see you're getting back out there.

And why is your ex thinking he's gonna give you babies if he's your ex? Dude is :spinning:

Is Dreads a FB suitor or a SO suitor?
Yea don't have sex with him. You need local on call D.

& they don't like waiting because it's a control thing. If they feel you hold the power they will do everything in their power to get it back. Even when they aren't interested in you. It's annoying but also enjoyable when you burst their tiny bubble. Losers
HS dude is local so that's a possibility.

Control? Oh good lord. Are you serious? No a better question is are THEY serious? That is some bs. WHO THE HELL CARES? (not towards you Slim) Either go out on a date or quit dicking around and leave me alone. These BOYS give me a headache.
One texted me and I texted back, but I didnt receive a follow up text.

One I texted first a few days later, but he never responded. (Wondering if his boy threw salt in my game cuz i exchanged numbers with him earlier this summer, but he wasnt proactive enough, plus our mutual friend said he typically dates wyt girls.)

The others I just chilled on (includ dude i butt dialed) and decided to let them make the first/next move, but they didnt.
Hmmm. Maybe those were just duds (minus the one who was sabotaged. He's a punk arse *****). Which I know isn't very helpful. But I'm sorry they're not at least letting you know that it isn't gonna work.