Last night was...mmmh
He lives about an hour away so I thought I had time to go and get food, shower, pick up water, beat my face...
I got a call from my front gate and he is already there.
No, no, no...
He offered to stay in the car while I took a shower...
No,no, no...
No make up, hair pinned up. He came to the door and yes, hunty, yes...
The conversation was interesting. We walked my dog and he was really comfortable with him. We listened to my turntable, down shots, Hennessy and coke.
The anime just did not get watched lol. The sex was...long and great...then we had a morning scenic drive into the hills.

I am glad we were able to transfer all the energy we had over correspondence into the physical.
I was texting the new guy and Sayed came from nowhere. Like after months. Just when i feel an adequate amount of space to move on, the universe was like, "not so fast... this dude. Remember 3 years of your life. Yeah, him" He has been in the US for months and no word. And I will be around his way for Afropunk. I will not mention it. But I say a recent picture of him and his arms. I love his arms. I will start obsessing. My granny just asked about him. Tf am I doing here?

I am literally shaking. New guy texting and old guy emailing me. This feels like the universe is testing me.

You know what? This guy is too new and Sayed is too old a relationship. Like where has he been? Not my problem. He defied his parents by staying, I don't understand his logic for staying away. I will be cool.

11:44 pm My heart hurts...okay so I am having a panic attack
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I'm at a bar. I was molested by a dude ( it was an accident) but I'm so frikkin tired that Idc. Its hot as hell in herr, but my friend is insisting on staying. One of the male friends she bought is a handsome hoe. Thought about smashing, but I don't wanna go there. Besides,if we become friends I can see myself counseling him for his obvious self hate issues.

Yeah, there's liquor involved here. I really want to go to bed right now. I may push for a ride home.

OK they're playing my song. Bye!

*edited for grammar. Smh.
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Like what is your motive? You are in Jersey. What entertainment can I provide you today...

Then the ex football player text me at 2AM...
IMG_20160724_090943.jpg IMG_20160724_091338.jpg IMG_20160724_091530.jpg
Boy bye

Like what does the universe want to tell me at this point. Ummm,

"Maddy this is a test of the Emergency Heart Program. Please refrain from going in this direction. You have given due process to all involved now let their actions speak where their words fail."

Actions, Maddy, actions. I have no doubt they miss you, but they never strived to keep you so they created their own hell.
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I actually need to avoid conversations, like the ET thread about that F*boy football player, for my mental health. I know that it's a real phenomenon, I have definitely met men like that unfortunately, but it is seriously depressing to think that their numbers are increasing. The fact that high profile men are spewing such nonsense scares me. Naww, I'm good. Let me stay here in my happily single, young, pretty and unbothered bubble.
I was just in that thread and thought the same thing.
I actually need to avoid conversations, like the ET thread about that F*boy football player, for my mental health. I know that it's a real phenomenon, I have definitely met men like that unfortunately, but it is seriously depressing to think that their numbers are increasing. The fact that high profile men are spewing such nonsense scares me. Naww, I'm good. Let me stay here in my happily single, young, pretty and unbothered bubble.
I actually need to avoid conversations, like the ET thread about that F*boy football player, for my mental health. I know that it's a real phenomenon, I have definitely met men like that unfortunately, but it is seriously depressing to think that their numbers are increasing. The fact that high profile men are spewing such nonsense scares me. Naww, I'm good. Let me stay here in my happily single, young, pretty and unbothered bubble.
I was just in that thread and thought the same thing.
Girl add me to that list!
Got damn it. Did I just make ANOTHER meet up? I didn't even talk to this dude. His first message was asking me out. I'm not dating for fun but it's a numbers game right? The more men I meet the more likely I am to find a partner. Or get murdered.
Lol meet in public and if we don't hear from you for too long, we're calling the popo
This guy I'm talking to is lying about the fact that he doesn't have a car, talmbout I take the bus to enjoy the scenery and what bus goes past your house. I didn't know men still tell that lie past 19. Absolutely ridiculous especially since we live in the city. Cars aren't mandatory here, buddy. Done.

So BD, I call him baby daddy since he has two sons, is scary. We were asking questions back and forth and he asks "do you see yourself falling for me?" :rolleyes: I don't lie but I told him that I felt the question was premature and if you ask a a question like that too early, it can change things. So he insists that I answer the question, so I said "Yes, but I'll try not to for as long as I can":oops: And he says he can see himself...too. That was a week ago. Before that we used to hang out every 1-2 days. I'm supposed to see him tomorrow, though.

Oh and I got a fake profile send me a friend request on Facebook. Pretty sure it was one of his exes. Who else?
So my phone saves things I type in the comment box even if I dont press save lol...this is what I typed yesterday..."Im about to meet up with someone who I believe may be on the short side so I cant see there being a connection."

Update, he was taller than I expected. Pleasant surprise :yep:
We had sex for the first time then immediately went to his dad's house for a cookout...where I met his family for the first time lol. I brought this up (sex, then meeting the fam) to him before hand and I'm so glad I did. Cuz we got the 'so what have yall been doing today' question. And when I'm backed into a corner, I either tell the whole truth, some unbelievable lie, or clam up lmao. But we had our story concocted before hand, thanks to me ;) cuz I literally got to his house, and we had sex :lol:

The sex was fantastic! I got really emotional, like I do, during orgasms lmao. I cry :look: I cried :look: a lot. Over and over again. And was still shaking when we got to dad's house smh my sex induced orgasms are a trip lol

He has the nicest, most friendly normal family, maaaaaan them folks, man, they some nice folks, man mm mm mm lol. Met dad, his bro and nephew, and aunts uncles cousins, even grandma lol. Everyone gave me a hug and was excited to meet me. They funny, too. Some folks were practicing my name before hand (it's kinda 'unique'/ghetto lmao) so when people saw me they were like "Hi qchelle!" Pronounced it all right and enunciated that **** I was like yeaaaa boiiii lmao (no, qchelle isn't my name lol).

His family is very family oriented, like him. These people. My god. His brother, ok he's super nice and was engaging me in conversation the whole time which I suuuuper appreciated. But why was we talking about damn marriage and babies!? He's like I'm ready to be an uncle, so do you want kids and when I'm like daaaaaaaaaamn Daniel! How do you people think this is appropriate what in the twilight zone hell?! I'm like ehhhhh maybe later, like 29, 30. He was talking about his wife and what she be talking about (she wasn't there) like someone gives af lmao. Blah blah. His cousin. They were joking with each other about who's having kids first. His aunt is like no no no yall need to be married first lmao. And they play all nicely together. They was playing games and ****. You know, like a normal family do? My ghetto ass over here thinking about my ratchet extended family like Mr.krabs again :lachen: I never had such a good time meeting someone's family tho. It was a real good time.

His family is probably smaller than mine, but none of my extended family lives in maryland. Unlike his. So he grew up in what I call big family life. It's so weird. I've noticed that people who grow up in big family life are so much better at communicating. It's like they're used to competing for attention/getting their words out over the other person better. Whereas small family life, you don't have to speak up or loudly or repeat yourself to get people's attention. So, I have a very soft, low voice unless I try hard, and if I say something and you don't hear me, idc it's not that important nevermind lol. Just an interesting observation ive noticed over the years.

My mom asks me questions about him when I bring him up. I'm glad she's taken somewhat of an interest smh lol.

I always like to see big black families with random light skin people in them mmhmm his family got them, yep. They got the 1-2 light skin punch :lachen: mmhmm that's good that's good give the light skin people some face time lol. See my family, we all black. So it's nice to see light skin families sometimes. And I looooooove the color dynamics of the couplings in his family. The darks are with darks, lights with lights, unloved mediums with unloved mediums (yall know yall wanna be in our drama, don't front lmao), and if it's a variation the woman is darker than the man yaaaassss. Even the young ones and teenagers! (You know, they usually lost ain't no coming back lmao smh) Sorry. But that's important to me :look:

Oh, his bro, dad and cousin and him were talking about how they don't have no white friends and his bro is like I don't even like white people :rofl: he said this 1 time me and my wife went to this white guy coworker of hers house and I hope we never go back :dead:

And they were talking about how they all black doctors and stuff.

And they not on some super hardcore hbcu/frat/sorority tip neither :look: that's important to me, too, yea I said it. I like the idea of you can still be black and like black people and things without it having to be forced down your throat. It's just genuinely like being black, no matter what. I think that's nice *shrugs*

But yea, I like his sex game and I like his family :)
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We had sex for the first time then immediately went to his dad's house for a cookout...where I met his family for the first time lol. I brought this up (sex, then meeting the fam) to him before hand and I'm so glad I did. Cuz we got the 'so what have yall been doing today' question. And when I'm backed into a corner, I either tell the whole truth, some unbelievable lie, or clam up lmao. But we had our story concocted before hand, thanks to me ;) cuz I literally got to his house, and we had sex :lol:

The sex was fantastic! I got really emotional, like I do, during orgasms lmao. I cry :look: I cried :look: a lot. Over and over again. And was still shaking when we got to dad's house smh my sex induced orgasms are a trip lol

He has the nicest, most friendly normal family, maaaaaan them folks, man, they some nice folks, man mm mm mm lol. Met dad, his bro and nephew, and aunts uncles cousins, even grandma lol. Everyone gave me a hug and was excited to meet me. They funny, too. Some folks were practicing my name before hand (it's kinda 'unique'/ghetto lmao) so when people saw me they were like "Hi qchelle!" Pronounced it all right and enunciated that **** I was like yeaaaa boiiii lmao (no, qchelle isn't my name lol).

His family is very family oriented, like him. These people. My god. His brother, ok he's super nice and was engaging me in conversation the whole time which I suuuuper appreciated. But why was we talking about damn marriage and babies!? He's like I'm ready to be an uncle, so do you want kids and when I'm like daaaaaaaaaamn Daniel! How do you people think this is appropriate what in the twilight zone hell?! I'm like ehhhhh maybe later, like 29, 30. He was talking about his wife and what she be talking about (she wasn't there) like someone gives af lmao. Blah blah. His cousin. They were joking with each other about who's having kids first. His aunt is like no no no yall need to be married first lmao. And they play all nicely together. They was playing games and ****. You know, like a normal family do? My ghetto ass over here thinking about my ratchet extended family like Mr.krabs again :lachen: I never had such a good time meeting someone's family tho. It was a real good time.

His family is probably smaller than mine, but none of my extended family lives in maryland. Unlike his. So he grew up in what I call big family life. It's so weird. I've noticed that people who grow up in big family life are so much better at communicating. It's like they're used to competing for attention/getting their words out over the other person better. Whereas small family life, you don't have to speak up or loudly or repeat yourself to get people's attention. So, I have a very soft, low voice unless I try hard, and if I say something and you don't hear me, idc it's not that important nevermind lol. Just an interesting observation ive noticed over the years.

My mom asks me questions about him when I bring him up. I'm glad she's taken somewhat of an interest smh lol.

I always like to see big black families with random light skin people in them mmhmm his family got them, yep. They got the 1-2 light skin punch :lachen: mmhmm that's good that's good give the light skin people some face time lol. See my family, we all black. So it's nice to see light skin families sometimes. And I looooooove the color dynamics of the couplings in his family. The darks are with darks, lights with lights, unloved mediums with unloved mediums (yall know yall wanna be in our drama, don't front lmao), and if it's a variation the woman is darker than the man yaaaassss. Even the young ones and teenagers! (You know, they usually lost ain't no coming back lmao smh) Sorry. But that's important to me :look:

Oh, his bro, dad and cousin and him were talking about how they don't have no white friends and his bro is like I don't even like white people :rofl: he said this 1 time me and my wife went to this white guy coworker of hers house and I hope we never go back :dead:

And they were talking about how they all black doctors and stuff.

And they not on some super hardcore hbcu/frat/sorority tip neither :look: that's important to me, too, yea I said it. I like the idea of you can still be black and like black people and things without it having to be forced down your throat. It's just genuinely like being black, no matter what. I think that's nice *shrugs*

But yea, I like his sex game and I like his family :)

LMAO Remind me to never eat while reading your posts. But awww. I'm glad meeting his family went well. And so did the sex session. If I may ask why do you cry? Did he hold you at least?
Oh, this is funny, too. When we had sex, he put music on. He loves 90s/00s randb. Love songs :look: so, after we were done, the music was still playing. Let's get married came on OF COURSE IT DID. and he sang it to me OF COURSE HE DID. smh

I am a poker face master at this point :lachen:
I'm telling you, if not married by November you will be engaged by then. Fight it all you want to. You want a spring or summer wedding?
LMAO Remind me to never eat while reading your posts. But awww. I'm glad meeting his family went well. And so did the sex session. If I may ask why do you cry? Did he hold you at least?

I'm telling you, if not married by November you will be engaged by then. Fight it all you want to. You want a spring or summer wedding?

Thanks lol.
I guess I cry cuz the orgasm is really strong? Idk..but this has always happened. It's the only for sure time in a relationship where I show strong emotion lol so that's good, I guess.

Bolded: that's absolutely ridiculous. You know it's basically august, right?lol that wouldn't happen no matter what. That's not what I want. By November. Girl please lol.

But I know he doesn't 'want' that either. He wants to finish his mba first, which will be next spring. And then he wants to sell his house and buy his next house with his fiance/wife. So, I'm sure nothing will happen before he graduates.

I'm really glad I didn't meet him when he felt he didn't 'need' to do anything before he got married, cuz we wouldn't have worked :look:

And I don't want a wedding. I want the courthouse and a nice reception. He knows this and is cool with it.
Trying to fight the urge to call dude i went out with yesterday. I need sex so we need to get the ball moving lol. Meanwhile this other dude is getting on my nerves so I keep writing him off when he's the one I should be pursuing to get my needs met :(
And they not on some super hardcore hbcu/frat/sorority tip neither :look: that's important to me, too, yea I said it. I like the idea of you can still be black and like black people and things without it having to be forced down your throat. It's just genuinely like being black, no matter what. I think that's nice *shrugs*

Omg yes! Like I love HBCUs, soror/frats are great, but the dmv area takes it to a whole nother level, even more so than down south.

Love your updates :)
Thanks lol.
I guess I cry cuz the orgasm is really strong? Idk..but this has always happened. It's the only for sure time in a relationship where I show strong emotion lol so that's good, I guess.

Bolded: that's absolutely ridiculous. You know it's basically august, right?lol that wouldn't happen no matter what. That's not what I want. By November. Girl please lol.

But I know he doesn't 'want' that either. He wants to finish his mba first, which will be next spring. And then he wants to sell his house and buy his next house with his fiance/wife. So, I'm sure nothing will happen before he graduates.

I'm really glad I didn't meet him when he felt he didn't 'need' to do anything before he got married, cuz we wouldn't have worked :look:

And I don't want a wedding. I want the courthouse and a nice reception. He knows this and is cool with it.
Huh. Your vagina/amygdala holds your emotions that you have in your relationship. Only to be released during climax. That's so cool!

Ugh. You just won't let me live will you?! FINE. Wait you said next spring like the one coming up or 2018?
RED FLAG ON THE PLAY! He asked WHO I live with. I told him the truth. I got 5 on it that he's a fboi trying to score sex (which is hard for him to do at his own house because he has roommates).

Eta: i should have noticed sooner. He asked when I go to sleep first. That was the clue right there! I tried to make it innocent like, "maybe he's just asking because he wants to call me but doesn't want to wake me up." NO. Men are not that damn considerate. He was asking because he wanted to smash before I was too tired to do so. UGH. Men disgust me.

Is it REALLY that ****** hard to say, "I'M JUST LOOKING FOR SEX."
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Thanks lol.
I guess I cry cuz the orgasm is really strong? Idk..but this has always happened. It's the only for sure time in a relationship where I show strong emotion lol so that's good, I guess.

Bolded: that's absolutely ridiculous. You know it's basically august, right?lol that wouldn't happen no matter what. That's not what I want. By November. Girl please lol.

But I know he doesn't 'want' that either. He wants to finish his mba first, which will be next spring. And then he wants to sell his house and buy his next house with his fiance/wife. So, I'm sure nothing will happen before he graduates.

I'm really glad I didn't meet him when he felt he didn't 'need' to do anything before he got married, cuz we wouldn't have worked :look:

And I don't want a wedding. I want the courthouse and a nice reception. He knows this and is cool with it.
I'm a crier, too. Last time I cried during sex, I was in love and it had finally happened after waiting a couple of weeks.

Lol @ everybody planning the wedding. But he sounds like a real one. Happy for you, girl.
Ugh, he wouldn't take a hint...
"I am tired,"
"Go make me a sandwich, feel free to get some turkey from HEB"
(my cherries) "these ain't for you playa. They too expensive for you to be playing games."
"I am going to sleep. You can finish the movie and leave."

Clearly I am ready for you to go. Constantly looking at my phone.

"This weekend I am going to see my dad off."
"Who asked you about your schedule, lol" (In my mind I am dead arse)

Talk about, " I am going to call you."

Umm yeah, I guess. Text me three times like, "you up?" "what's up?" "You must be sleep."

Umm yeah, you kept me up pass my bedtime. Is this...what being a b****h feels like? I think I like it. Now it is to time to get Leo all the way together.
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