I’m finally seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow. I want to ask him if I have Asperger’s/Autism and I want to see if I can get in meds.

Hopefully, he can prescribe me something. I work so much I don’t do anything “fun”. I’m so tired from working during the week that I usually just sleep.

I guess I’ve been hurt so much by “friends” and other people I’ve just lost faith and stay alone. How do you find joy or fulfillment?

I really don’t know what things to do other than work and go home.
I crochet and got a keyboard to learn piano, and I am back in school.
I’m also a firm believer in if your home is not clean, unorganized, you have laundry duties, or if your car is dirty, then you have plenty of things to do.
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I’m finally seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow. I want to ask him if I have Asperger’s/Autism and I want to see if I can get in meds.

Hopefully, he can prescribe me something. I work so much I don’t do anything “fun”. I’m so tired from working during the week that I usually just sleep.

I guess I’ve been hurt so much by “friends” and other people I’ve just lost faith and stay alone. How do you find joy or fulfillment?

I really don’t know what things to do other than work and go home.
So before I knew my autism was a thing I literally just worked and self cared because I didn’t understand how working out of alignment and the toll of masking is. Now 3 yrs later job still isn’t aligned but I now I’m more aware and will read, stay on my self care in more lavish ways and will soon start creating YouTube content again. I really try to ensure my sleep is good as that destroys me. Joy at times is just taking time to prep a good meal or buy new beauty things that flow into my day to day.
I crochet and got a keyboard to learn piano, and I am back in school.
I’m also a firm believer in if your home is not clean, unorganized, you have laundry duties, or if your car is dirty, then you have plenty of things to do.
That's how I feel. I have my budget to manage, laundry to do, meal prep, clean my house, wash my hair, go grocery shopping, etc.

I can barely keep up with that stuff.

I saw the psychiatrist and they prescribed me something so I'll see how it goes. She says if my psychologist says I don't have Asperger's, then I don't have it because he would know.

She said the summer is around the corner and I might meet people by going out more. Each summer I have that same hope and it never really pans out. I don't want to get my hopes up to be let down. I'm mostly just focused on making money at the moment.
It’s like I can create some chores for you.
The thing is I don’t push or create chores. I operate on keep it clean, and put things back where they belong mindset. Everything in my environment has a designated place. But if someone is feeling complacent, tidying up their environment gives them structure, a sense of control, and when finished, an accomplishment. And it sucks coming home or waking up to an untidy, disorganized environment.
Date nite was nice.

I want to go back with my friends as well. If anyone is interested , the candlelight concert was great. We saw the Adele one tonight in Jersey City. Only issue we had was parking. I had on heels so it was a little dicey with the walking.
was looking for ways to pay for nursing school without loans and found nurse corps.
they pay tuition and fees plus a monthly stipend.

I still have just a few classes left before applying to nursing school. I want to do the accelerated program.

all I have to do is keep my grades up and maybe see if they give out free bus passes. that would knock off my transportation fee.

I am prioritizing my education over getting my first car right now.
If I could get eyelashes on and eyeliner I’d feel like an accomplished woman.

the way my eyes water after attempting. Babbyyy!!
I’m surprised I was able to get the lashes on last night but today , no dice.

I still look cute though.
it'll be raining all weekend so no morning walk by the water

well I can stay in and make brownies and watch hallmark movies

update: found out that the adult learning center has a medical office program for $795. I don't know when the next program starts just that they offer a daytime course and an evening course

I'll call on Monday morning and see when the next class starts
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You said 6pm. Then at 521, you said 7pm because you were running late.

I’m here at 7pm and you just now finished. I got other stuff to do and waiting around on you isn’t it.

So annoyed. Prior to 7 pm you should have said the meeting ran longer that I expected and I would have told you to reschedule. Now I’m sitting here. Waiting!
He got my friend waiting? Hmm sir that’s a fee @Bette Davis Eyes

Hope you feel better soon @yaya24

Right now I’m in this very weird place and wish I had support that I could unmask with but I don’t and all I can do is journal. I’m not happy with life but there isn’t sufficient energy to make changes nor is anything guaranteed. My honesty upsets folks so I try not to be to blunt which has me going back into lurk mode.
Do yall do background checks on these men before meeting/ getting to know them?

I do.

This cool woman that I know reached out last Wednesday & said that she has a cousin that she thinks would be a good match for me.

We (the lady and I) met for dinner/drinks on March 30th and caught up on life.

She ran into her cousin the following weekend (April 6th) at an event and she showed him my IG pics and he's interested in getting to know me.

I asked her questions about this cousin (job/ age/character etc) saw his pics (he's cute) and then I gave her the green light to share my # with him.

He called the next evening - ...but I was sleeping/sick... we txt Friday and I let him know I'm under the weather etc. He told me to get well soon, and that he's looking forward to getting to know me.

We did the back and forth texting and he was kind of getting on my nerves with the questions/ comments about my career INSTEAD OF asking about what I like to do/ inquiring about ME.. his cousin already told him I'm in Real Estate, and my IG is public (which he has).

Yesterday (Saturday) I did a background check on his #/ name..& I'm no longer interested in getting to know him. Lol.
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Do yall do background checks on these men before meeting/ getting to know them?

I do.

This cool woman that I know reached out last Wednesday & said that she has a cousin that she thinks would be a good match for me.

We (the lady and I) met for dinner/drinks on March 30th and caught up on life.

She ran into her cousin the following weekend (April 6th) at an event and she showed him my IG pics and he's interested in getting to know me.

I asked her questions about this cousin (job/ age/character etc) saw his pics (he's cute) and then I gave her the green light to share my # with him.

He called the next evening - ...but I was sleeping/sick... we txt Friday and I let him know I'm under the weather etc. He told me to get well soon, and that he's looking forward to getting to know me.

We did the back and forth texting and he was kind of getting on my nerves with the questions/ comments about my career vs what I like to do/ inquiring about ME.. his cousin already told him I'm in Real Estate, and my IG is public (which he has).

Yesterday (Saturday) I did a background check on his #/ name..& I'm no longer interested in getting to know him. Lol.
Which platform do you use to do the checks?
I've been coughing/sneezing etc since last Saturday.

I'm not into taking meds unlesss its serious.. so I've been on Tea, LOTS of water, carrot juice, vitamin c, zinc, vitamin D and SLEEP.

It's so nice out here today. Too bad I'm inside. I want to be 100% by Monday.
Girl you sounds like you need an antihistamine.
Which platform do you use to do the checks?

I pay monthly for an app/platform called forewarn :)

Girl you sounds like you need an antihistamine.

Ok thanks! I have some Quercetin in my cabinet. Its a natural antihistamine. I'll take some now.

I'm feeling much better than last week. Hopeful to be 100 by tomorrow.
Do yall do background checks on these men before meeting/ getting to know them?

I do.

This cool woman that I know reached out last Wednesday & said that she has a cousin that she thinks would be a good match for me.

We (the lady and I) met for dinner/drinks on March 30th and caught up on life.

She ran into her cousin the following weekend (April 6th) at an event and she showed him my IG pics and he's interested in getting to know me.

I asked her questions about this cousin (job/ age/character etc) saw his pics (he's cute) and then I gave her the green light to share my # with him.

He called the next evening - ...but I was sleeping/sick... we txt Friday and I let him know I'm under the weather etc. He told me to get well soon, and that he's looking forward to getting to know me.

We did the back and forth texting and he was kind of getting on my nerves with the questions/ comments about my career vs what I like to do/ inquiring about ME.. his cousin already told him I'm in Real Estate, and my IG is public (which he has).

Yesterday (Saturday) I did a background check on his #/ name..& I'm no longer interested in getting to know him. Lol.
Yup. I sure did when I was dating.

I pay monthly for an app/platform called forewarn :)
Will have to consider this one if I get back out there. I used Instant Checkmate in the past (paid a monthly fee and was so worth it).

Yup. I sure did when I was dating.

Will have to consider this one if I get back out there. I used Instant Checkmate in the past (paid a monthly fee and was so worth it).

I'll have to do this when I'm ready to date.

did my grocery shopping, cleaned and prepped my lunch for work tomorrow.

I actually really like packing my lunch for work. It's quick and one less thing to worry about.
Well, my oldest turns 26 in 3 days. I think imma cry.

26 and 8. Lawd. I do low key want a girl though but the way the Lord, gave me two boys , I wouldn’t chance it again.

Maybe , when God gives me that million dollars after taxes, that I can use while Im able bodied and mentally stable, I can foster a little girl.