When one door closes, another one opens!!!

Met this guy yesterday while out getting coffee and had a great first date. We already have date number 2 planned for this upcoming Saturday! He's like the complete opposite of the last guy I was dating which is so interesting.

I've never dated a Hispanic guy before, so that's going to be an adventure in of itself LOL!!!
This is my fav show, CKisland’s life! Depends on so many factors but some Hispanic men can be adoring but because it’s a human flaws will show also some can be clingy but that’s also a girl preference. You make me smile.
This is my fav show, CKisland’s life! Depends on so many factors but some Hispanic men can be adoring but because it’s a human flaws will show also some can be clingy but that’s also a girl preference. You make me smile.
That's good to know!! He's definitely leaning on the clingy side, so we'll see how this goes LOL!!
Oh my the audacity but good for you to snip quick.
Yep! I've seen how this has played out too many times before, and ain't nobody got time for that!!

Take my parents for example. They've been legally separated since I was 11. . .I'm 35 now and they're still not divorced. My dad has dated multiple women in that time for years, and he couldn't marry any of them because he's still married to my mom :spinning:
Yep! I've seen how this has played out too many times before, and ain't nobody got time for that!!

Take my parents for example. They've been legally separated since I was 11. . .I'm 35 now and they're still not divorced. My dad has dated multiple women in that time for years, and he couldn't marry any of them because he's still married to my mom :spinning:
I have never understood that like unless it’s a financial thing then cut them lol.
I passed the road test!!!I have officially gotten my driver's license.
I did my road test after work and results were posted at 4:30pm. I'm officially a licensed driver! my license will be mailed to me in two weeks!


Thanks for all of the support!!!!

right in time for my upcoming birthday in a few days. This is the only birthday gift I really wanted

now that I'm registered for school for the upcoming semester I'm focused on doing my best in order to apply for nursing school
I passed the road test!!!I have officially gotten my driver's license.
I did my road test after work and results were posted at 4:30pm. I'm officially a licensed driver! my license will be mailed to me in two weeks!


Thanks for all of the support!!!!

right in time for my upcoming birthday in a few days. This is the only birthday gift I really wanted

now that I'm registered for school for the upcoming semester I'm focused on doing my best in order to apply for nursing school
Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Go girl!!

That's so inspiring to me because I'm aiming to get my license before my birthday too!! And I'm starting a master's program next year!
you can do it. The test itself is actually pretty simple I just have really bad driving anxiety. My test was only 10 minutes but it flew by very quickly. It actually took me 3 years since I got my permit during the pandemic and then I went through 4 driving schools and spent a bunch of money on lesson packages. But I didn't give up. I did the lesson packages over and over and passed the road test on my second try.

I'm excited to be saving up for my car now and school for me starts Jan 16th.
I passed the road test!!!I have officially gotten my driver's license.
I did my road test after work and results were posted at 4:30pm. I'm officially a licensed driver! my license will be mailed to me in two weeks!


Thanks for all of the support!!!!

right in time for my upcoming birthday in a few days. This is the only birthday gift I really wanted

now that I'm registered for school for the upcoming semester I'm focused on doing my best in order to apply for nursing school
Congrats sugar!
you can do it. The test itself is actually pretty simple I just have really bad driving anxiety. My test was only 10 minutes but it flew by very quickly. It actually took me 3 years since I got my permit during the pandemic and then I went through 4 driving schools and spent a bunch of money on lesson packages. But I didn't give up. I did the lesson packages over and over and passed the road test on my second try.

I'm excited to be saving up for my car now and school for me starts Jan 16th.
Thank you for sharing your journey!!!
If everything goes well, classes start for me January 1st.
This is truly random but I feel so good by investing in myself as it sets the tone for any guy. This holiday season doesn’t have that jab as other years have as it feels disappointing to still be invisible but this yr I guess since it’s been so rough I’m just grateful to be on the planet. Wish I could be real but I would get removed.
Thank you for sharing your journey!!!
If everything goes well, classes start for me January 1.
you're welcome. I'm still in shock that I actually passed the test.

I know you can do it! I'm waiting until Christmas is over to celebrate. My sibling told me if that when I get my license they'd pay for dinner and dessert. So you know that means I'm going to longhorn steakhouse!!!! not sure about what I want for dessert though.
so how was everyone's Christmas?

I spent Christmas with my family.

My sister and her husband hosted.

It was a good time. I got to give my niece all the gifts, hugs and kisses. She's so smart. Her Christmas list included books and montessori learning toys.

She LOVES to read.
She'll be 2 on January 24th.. she also loves to sing and she knows her shapes, colors, everyone's names, her body parts, and can count to 20.
I see her sweet face at least once a week :2inlove:

My siblings and I do a white elephant gift exchange every year..so no stress.
Christmas is for the kids and our parents lol.
I spent Xmas by myself. I've been sick with the flu since Xmas Eve. Nobody exchanged gifts with me. My dad normally would have given me something. I'm so sad. I want to give gifts to people, but I don't have money like that to spend.

I want to find my chosen family. A support system. I tried joining meetup groups but I didn't make friends. Eventually, the moderator stopped inviting me. Another group member and I surmised that maybe he was using the group to find women to date and was afraid we would gossip to unsuspecting new members.

I'm trying to make an effort to form a connection with networking events. Sometimes I hold small get-togethers at my house with people that I've met numerous times.

I needed help with something a few weeks ago. I asked someone and she asked, "Do you have NO ONE to help you with this?"

I felt sick this weekend and I didn't want to go to the store to get supplies. I didn't have anyone to ask to go for me. I just had to tough it out and go myself. I just really wish I had friends or a support system I could talk to.

The last guy that I dated was the only person that I opened my heart to in a romantic sense. He just crushed me with no sort of remorse or consideration for how he might have made me feel. That happened over four months ago and I'm still upset over it. I was just hoping that someone would finally like me. I haven't tried to meet anyone since. Too depressed.
@GraceJones I hope you’re feeling better and I definitely can relate to needing others and having no one. I’m not sure if this is just my experience but at times isolation is a gift to unpack but if it’s like not self started then it feels like some punishment for something you try to fix but it’s like fighting the wind. Being alone can be tough, I use services like Instacart when I’m too unfit to drive and it would be so nice to get gifts that’s my real love language but I would rather be alone than force. That lady asking you don’t you have someone is a big flag that these ppl don’t know you and don’t vibe w you. I hope 2024 you find your people without contorting.
I spent Xmas by myself. I've been sick with the flu since Xmas Eve. Nobody exchanged gifts with me. My dad normally would have given me something. I'm so sad. I want to give gifts to people, but I don't have money like that to spend.

I want to find my chosen family. A support system. I tried joining meetup groups but I didn't make friends. Eventually, the moderator stopped inviting me. Another group member and I surmised that maybe he was using the group to find women to date and was afraid we would gossip to unsuspecting new members.

I'm trying to make an effort to form a connection with networking events. Sometimes I hold small get-togethers at my house with people that I've met numerous times.

I needed help with something a few weeks ago. I asked someone and she asked, "Do you have NO ONE to help you with this?"

I felt sick this weekend and I didn't want to go to the store to get supplies. I didn't have anyone to ask to go for me. I just had to tough it out and go myself. I just really wish I had friends or a support system I could talk to.

The last guy that I dated was the only person that I opened my heart to in a romantic sense. He just crushed me with no sort of remorse or consideration for how he might have made me feel. That happened over four months ago and I'm still upset over it. I was just hoping that someone would finally like me. I haven't tried to meet anyone since. Too depressed.
Maybe start trying to make connections with people in similar situations as your own like support groups rather than meetups.
i dont know your location but in my state i found this organization that i joined.

While i haven't made friends yet, i do enjoy talking through issues with these black women and although our struggles at the core are different, there is some commonality amongst the group in that we deal with self doubt, self esteem, depression, anxiety etc. in other words you see you're not alone whereas in individual therapy you sometimes feel all alone. You also see peole in various stages from those that just started to those who have done some healing. You learn that progress is possible and have support getting there. i was very resistant to group therapy until i actually tried it.. Its not all about our struggles all the time either. We have fun meetups. so far i went bowling and that was a fun little escape for me.
The organization also provides free therapy for 10 sessions then if you like your therapist there is a chance to continue with that therapists but you start paying.

so how was everyone's Christmas?
My Christmas was good!!! Spent it with my mom and sis, who I live with, and we had a good time.

The day after Christmas, I had breakfast with my close friend who just got married less than 2 weeks ago. We spent 4 hours together and it was really great. We committed to being intentional about spending time with each other next year which feels really good.
my Christmas was good. I exchanged gifts with my mom and a few family members. I got my little doggo a new bed and he's so happy

I'm getting better at prioritizing self care and I even drove to target for the first time this morning. I didn't hit any pot holes so it was smooth sailing. I'd like to tackle the expressway this upcoming weekend.

I made plans to get my hair done every 4 weeks. I'm gonna learn how to wrap my hair. other than that, the stylist can wash and press it. I'll buy some rollers tomorrow at target and just roll my hair at night to give it body so it won't be flat.