Elizabeth Kubler-Ross became famous when she published her book on death and dying. Her famous 5 stages of grief were meant to describe what people with terminal illnesses experience as they face their impending death. But what I tend to believe is that grief is not limited to death and dying and to me it makes sense when you do a deep dive into the " stages" and realize how much it applies to other things. Anger, denial, depression, bargaining and Acceptance all have a place in our lives and nobody has to die for us to experience this grief.
While I did not read everything you wrote, in the tidbits I did read I can see so much of myself in what you're saying. So much grief in what you're experiencing. I've had a lot of trauma in my life and my heart goes out to you as I can just feel the same hurt and pain you speak of and that burning question of " what's wrong with me". I have and still have all those feelings even though as it relates to this discussion, I've been married twice ( well really 3 times now...i married my late husband twice).
I hear a lot of anger and bargaining. The, if I just stay fit, , have clear skin, dress nice some man will want me. Then the anger at why it's not happening, the pieces of denial that scream this can't be.... that I'm in my 30s and this is where I'm at. You're grieving for the life you deserve and *should* have by now but hasn't materialized yet and that's ok.
I'll just tell you a few quick stories. I'm a bit older than you but to this day I still remember these things.
In middle school I remember I was standing with a group of girls. There were 5 or 6 of us. I wouldn't say I was friends with them but nonetheless one girl decided to rank everyone on the prettiness scale. I came in last. And carried that ranking with me all the way to college.

In college I went to a football game with my fellow nursing students. At the end of the game this guy comes up to the group and invites all the girls to an afterparty. He spoke directly to them and handed them flyers but not a single word to me and no flyer. After he was done talking to them he looks me up and down and says, oh I guess you can come to"
I was humiliated and embarrassed beyond belief. And the worst part is, none of my "friends" showed up for me. I made the mistake of slipping into a shell and becoming a loner from that day forward. It was a mistake because I robbed myself of enjoying a prime time in my life and to this day I deeply regret that. I long for friendships and a sisterhood outside my family. I have a few friends but we all live in different states. I've missed out on years of joy that I can't get back. I can only move forward and ditching my shell has not gotten easier.

When I was about 7 years old, we were traveling to Mississippi to see my grandmother as we did every summer We stopped for lunch at PoBoys somewhere along the way. At the restaurant this lady comes up to my mom and goes on and on about how pretty my older sisters were. Then she looks at me and says, " well that one has pretty hands". My mom showed up for me when she read that lady her rights but I carried that moment inside of me to the point I believed that the only thing pretty about me was my hands.
Lastly, after my husband died, I invited a group of people over for dinner and a game night as we often got together when he was alive. I'm a perfectionist and hosting was my thing. I carefully crafted a menu, cooked all day and had the table set up and games all ready. I waited and waited and guess what, not one couple showed up or even bothered to call and say they weren't coming. The worst part is they all lived within walking distance of my house. Crushed is an understatement. I'd just lost my husband a now I'd lost our " friends" too. The only thing that saved me was my current husband who provided me comfort.
What I'm getting at is those hurtful experiences stack up and we tend to internalize them to the point that they become part of our identity whether we realize it or not. We cant really see what that internal pain is projecting onto others. We ask ourselves why and rather than seeing things for what they are, we invite those feelings to invade our safe space and in turn its not so safe anymore.
But you know, as painful as those experiences were, you lnow why I've carried and believed those things for so long? It's because I failed to show up for myself. I expected something or someone to rescue me from that internal dialoge that I allowed someone else to create for me. That thing that said, you only have pretty hands, you weren't important enough for your friends to show up when they were invited, you weren't good enough to be invited to that after party and in that group of middle school girls you ranked last. You weren't smart enough to go to med school. Nobody likes you. In reality I'm none of those things.
I admit, to this day, i dont fully believe I'm all that pretty but what I've learned about life and love is that I don't need to be the prettiest flower in the vase to have the kind of men I wanted. Both my late husband and my current husband are phenomenal men. I had something within me that no amount of external beauty could match. But I also am not the horrible monster I sometimes see myself as. I'm STILL fighting this tug of war even though I've had the kind of love I yearned for as a young child. So what I'm telling you is finding that for yourself isn't going to fix what's been brewing inside you. It will only mask the symptoms for a while. My husband can tell me till I'm blue in the face how beautiful I am and while I feel great for a second the self hate comes back strong. I don't believe him because past experiences taught me otherwise and it became a part of me. Having to always reassure a person is exhausting. It wears a man down because despite pouring all he has into you...you can't see it. It starts to make him feel like he's not enough. That's partially why AJ and I divorced . I had no self esteem
Nobody wants to keep telling you the sky is blue but you insist its green. Eventually they give up.

My late husband was absolutely gorgeous and I went through hearing at times where people would ask how I ended up with him because our looks weren't on the same level. I overheard that so often I added that to my identity.
So I'll circle back to that question I heard you ask of "what's wrong with me" and I'll tell you what I discovered about myself. There's NOTHING wrong, not with you or me.
AS i said in the beginning, people associate grief with just death but a lot of times we are experiencing grief and we don't recognize that is what it is.
I hear a lot of bargaining with you, I can feel the anger, the depression. What's missing for now is acceptance.
Side note:
I don't know if you people watch but if you do you know there is someone out there for everyone. You've probably observed people and probably thought, how'd she get a man and i can't? While it's wrong to judge others as we don't want to be judged we are flawed humans and we have all done it.
But one thing to keep in mind is all those men who passed you up or would not approach you, men you think you may have wanted, were not men for you. You really can't force attraction it's either there or it's not. When it's not we can't internalize that as rejection. We have to understand that that person just was not the person meant for us. And it's not one sided. We all have standards of who we are attracted to. So we can't be angry at the men for liking what they like when we too aren't willing to or need to settle.
I will agree with others in that there's some healing that has to happen for you. It will take some showing up for ( insert your real name).. I don't mean the external things either.
You can be as put together as much as you want to be on the outside but if you can't heal the inside none of that matters.
Have you ever seen a beautiful person on the news that commirred suicide? The first thing we think is wow she was so pretty rather than trying to understand what was so painful inside. Beauty alone didn't allow that person to escape from the turmoil. Look at the dancer Twitch or Robyn Williams or the designer lady who all committed suicide. They had spouses, money, and yet still it wasnt enough.
I'm not advocating for looking frumpy by any means but rather make sure that all that external stuff you are doing is being done for yourself and how you feel and not to try and live up to someone else's standard. When you do that and it's not authentic, eventually you'll be right back at the real you. If you have to spend 9 hours getting ready to attract a man then you'll have to spend another 18 hours trying to maintain that image for him, whereas that wasn't you to being with. You'll never keep a man that way and you will be miserable because here you are doing all that for him and it still wasnt enough. As soon as you become " not the same as when we first met" he will be on to the next.
Showing up for yourself means taking on this pain and self hate you have and repackaging it. Self hate is not meant in a derogatory way here. if you've read anything I've written on my posts on this board you can easily see I have a lot of that within myself. I've spent years in therapy and yet my work isn't done.
Showing up for yourself means finding out what makes you the person you are.
What do you have to offer in a relationship other than your looks because it's much deeper than that especially within a marriage and motherhood. Showing up for yourself means feeling that pain you've been carrying for so long to it's max effect then learning how to let it go. Showing up for yourself means not asking yourself, " what is wrong with me but rather believing that there is so much right with you.
I know it's hard but when I met my current husband I was not healthy, I wasn't financially stable, I wasn't looking for anyone, I didn't care about my appearance, I was grieving and despite all that he found something in me that made him say this is the one for me. 99% of men would not find me worthy but guess what, I only needed that 1% and I got him. He may have thought I was cute but what brought him into my life was how I treated him, my loving nature, my charm, my calm personality, the ways I love him like no other woman has. I'm a natural caretaker so that came into plays as well. I made love to his mind before we ever jumped in bed together. But besides that, we were both in a place where our souls needed each other. Us being a thing wasn't my ideal time but it was right on time.

Now that I've written a book let me leave you with this.

You are caring, intelligent, worthy, beautiful, likeable, loveable, capable, remarkable and most importantly you are enough. Those are the things that are going to attract a man and not just any man, the right man.
Life isn't going to go as we planned it. It's going to throw us curve balls that we might swing and miss at. But you have to stand up and swing again. Maybe you adjust how you hold the bat, maybe you eventually stike out but you have to then look at how you can change your approach and get back in that box.
Show up for you and stop searching so hard. You wont find what you are looking for or need until you find the healing that has to come from within. Search for Grace, not the fantasy man you've put together in your mind.
You don't need any classes to be a different person. That is manufactured. It might be interesting but will it really be you? I believe what you need is already within. It's just not healthy right now and needs some attention.
I'm not telling you anything that I myself don't battle everyday. I have to fight for my life every day...not a physical fight but a mental one. I need to strip myself from an identity that is not my own. It's painful, it's hard, it's filled with self doubt, living in the past but it's necessary to get me to the other side. Even decades removed from my 7 year old, 12 year old, 20 years old self that felt nothing but rejection and pain. I still have to work.
When you commit to the healing, that person who is meant for you will show up right on time and he will love you for all the right reasons.

Pray for acceptance. Not acceptance that you're not in the situation you want but rather acceptance that who you are is enough because you are. Accept that because it's the truth.
@Jmartjrmd, no pressure
(I am slightly
kidding abt "no pressure")
but if you do
not start writing
and publishing books
that I can
start collecting STAT
(preferably both in
print and audio)
then you ain't ish! :lol:

But for real,
my admiration for
you, your wisdom,
your strength, your
selflessness and hands
down resilience...cannot
be expressed in
words. I have
this silly grin,
and cannot see
clearly all of
a sudden...
(Damn, I hate
how the neighbors be
chopping onions all
willy-nilly w/o sparing
a thought of whom
they might affect...)

That was beautiful
and powerful and
oh so profound.
I don't know
if it possible
to read anything
you write without
being moved, blessed
inspired, or just
feeling like one
just read a
well-written page-turner.

The world needs
your books. :cry4:
Random thought:

Do you guys notice that men notice you more when you wear striking or bright colors? I think this started for me when I would go to a social event (club, lounge, speed dating, etc) I would wear something on the brighter side to stand out among the other women.

I don't have hard numbers on this, but I think it does work. I had a house date with a guy "friend" :look: recently and I changed into a hot pink workout tank and black shorts(...because that's all I had that was clean and cute tbh). This guy made a comment about it and asked me to keep it on for bedtime. I wasn't surpised, but it confirmed my suspicions :thought:

He came over again and requested the same outfit, especially the top. It's just loungewear ya'll :lol:

There's a part of me that takes issue with guys being so simple. But at the same time, once you get to know how they operate, dealing with them becomes easier. I'm still learning to flirt though. I'm typically direct, and even though I don't have an issue with that, I do think being witty, cute and or sexy in a response is cool. It's entertaining.

Anyway, I might delete this. :lol:
I'll sit and do this tonight before I go to bed.

I just wonder what is wrong with me and why I struggle with this. Most women have had relationships, even as young girls in HS or college. I just never have anyone actually interested in me that I like as well. Sometimes I will try to give a guy a chance even if I don't think he's cute or if his job situation isn't that great. Eventually, over time the attraction never grows, they make me feel uncomfortable in some way, or they just cease contact.

I finally opened my heart to this one guy. I tried to follow my dating coach's philosophy about not having expectations, rotating, and dating without a strategy. This man led me on for months while knowing he was getting serious with another woman. He told me liked me. It's fine if he picked someone else, but he didn't have to lead me on that. It took so much effort to even find a guy that I liked and would also date continuously. Most of them stop talking after a few weeks.
Completely crushed and I haven't stopped crying.

I just feel incredibly rejected. I was bullied mercilessly throughout middle school and HS. Everyone would tease me and call me ugly every day. My family members made fun of me too. Badly damaged my self-esteem. My teammates would point out really masculine women who played for other schools and say that person made me look good. I didn't get asked out in HS, didn't go to prom. I would try to create friendships with boys in school and they would always scoff and roll their eyes as though I were below them.

I spoke to my therapist today and he said I've been having a rough few years with my dad passing away and work issues. He says that this might have just been the catalyst that pushed me over the edge.

I've tried literally everything. Online, bars, clubs, meetups, professional organizations, gyms, community service, volunteering. Yes, I've dated non-black men and it's the same deal. I'm a shy person but I feel like I've gotten better over time. I'm currently taking this class on developing charisma.

Tbh, I kind of fell back on the personal style. I used to spend hours getting ready for the clubs/bars/events where I knew men would be. I would spend hours getting my weave, nails, and make-up done to go out on Saturday night. I was getting chemical peels, laser treatments, buying wigs, mani/pedi, and everything was done professionally. That type of upkeep is expensive in terms of cost and time so it was too hard to maintain.
I couldn't really go out on weekdays because I would work nights. My style is simple, classic, and elegant. I would probably wear a black dress with soft pink nails and nude sandals. Or some other strapless knee-length dress. I would get to the event and nobody would approach or talk to me. It would just leave me so heartbroken so I just stopped for a while. I would try to talk to guys at the bar sometimes and I could tell they weren't really reciprocating so I just left them be.
Regarding the bold:

Did he really lead you on though? I ask because this is how the rotation /carousel dating works. You date multiple people and he is supposed to do the same. I have only felt that I was left high and dry if I liked the guy and had no other prospects. When my rotation is strong, I typically don't care as much when they move on w/ someone else, because that's how the rotation works. It also isn't personal. That time is spent getting to know one another up until you both decide yay or nay. But I hear you, because when you like someone and you feel connected, it's rough having to start from scratch.

Your bullying story stood out to me. I was bullied in Jr. high and tbh, I was still salty about how some of those @&!#+$ treated me. I was never taunted for my looks, but I can imagine the lasting damage because I was still addressing this with my therapist up until last year. All of that bullying occured over 25 years ago and it still wasn't easy for me to let go. I share alladat to say that there may be some residual stuff there for you to work through.

Every class you take to learn something new, make sure you are doing it for you and not just to seem more attractive. Same goes for your personal style.

Are you still in NYC/NYS? I'm going to DM you.
@Jmartjrmd, no pressure
(I am slightly
kidding abt "no pressure")
but if you do
not start writing
and publishing books
that I can
start collecting STAT
(preferably both in
print and audio)
then you ain't ish! :lol:

But for real,
my admiration for
you, your wisdom,
your strength, your
selflessness and hands
down resilience...cannot
be expressed in
words. I have
this silly grin,
and cannot see
clearly all of
a sudden...
(Damn, I hate
how the neighbors be
chopping onions all
willy-nilly w/o sparing
a thought of whom
they might affect...)

That was beautiful
and powerful and
oh so profound.
I don't know
if it possible
to read anything
you write without
being moved, blessed
inspired, or just
feeling like one
just read a
well-written page-turner.

The world needs
your books. :cry4:
Awww thank you but you know when you're always seeking validation it's hard to take criticism. I haven't been able to get out of my own way. Not everyone will like my style or my message but as soon as the first negative review hits, I'd quit.

For a simple example...my therapist took me to the store. Our goal was to buy an outfit that I felt good in and to get me out of my house because I really don't go anywhere and it's become so unhealthy. But that's for another chapter.
So we went. I picked something I liked, I did feel good in it. So I came out the dressing room and showed it to her.
I asked her did she like it and she answered with a question. How do you feel in it?
I told her good, retreated to the fitting room and had so much anxiety I just wanted to go home.

I needed her to tell me she liked it too in order for me to believe it was a good outfit even though when I tried it on I liked it. So back on the shelf it went.

She knew that's what I wanted, not needed, but wanted so she didn't give it to me. Next session was a long discussion about that.

For as long as I've been alive that's how I've been. I don't feel anything is good enough unless someone agrees.

Even trying to build my little Etsy shop I won't put anything in there until someone else says it's good.
And not only that if i were to get a sale and someone writes a bad review, I'd probably shut the whole shop down.
I could design something, personally love it, but if someone says hey I think you should change xyz..I change it.

Yes I'm a work in progress. I have been working on that a lot lately.. just making a decision and living with my own validation.
It's frustrating to me that I know my issues, I can explain them, I know what the root cause is, yet I can't overcome it.

So maybe one day I'll take my love of writing mainstream. But until I stop seeking other people's approval, all my dried ink sits tucked away safely in my dresser drawer.
Last edited:
Random thought:

Do you guys notice that men notice you more when you wear striking or bright colors? I think this started for me when I would go to a social event (club, lounge, speed dating, etc) I would wear something on the brighter side to stand out among the other women.

I don't have hard numbers on this, but I think it does work. I had a house date with a guy "friend" :look: recently and I changed into a hot pink workout tank and black shorts(...because that's all I had that was clean and cute tbh). This guy made a comment about it and asked me to keep it on for bedtime. I wasn't surpised, but it confirmed my suspicions :thought:

He came over again and requested the same outfit, especially the top. It's just loungewear ya'll :lol:

There's a part of me that takes issue with guys being so simple. But at the same time, once you get to know how they operate, dealing with them becomes easier. I'm still learning to flirt though. I'm typically direct, and even though I don't have an issue with that, I do think being witty, cute and or sexy in a response is cool. It's entertaining.

Anyway, I might delete this. :lol:
I think any color that looks good on your skin.
Awww thank you but you know when you're always seeking validation it's hard to take criticism. I haven't been able to get out of my own way. Not everyone will like my style or my message but as soon as the first negative review hits, I'd quit.

For a simple example...my therapist took me to the store. Our goal was to buy an outfit that I felt good in and to get me out of my house because I really don't go anywhere and it's become so unhealthy. But that's for another chapter.
So we went. I picked something I liked, I did feel good in it. So I came out the dressing room and showed it to her.
I asked her did she like it and she answered with a question. How do you feel in it?
I told her good, retreated to the fitting room and had so much anxiety I just wanted to go home.

I needed her to tell me she liked it too in order for me to believe it was a good outfit even though when I tried it on I liked it. So back on the shelf it went.

She knew that's what I wanted, not needed, but wanted so she didn't give it to me. Next session was a long discussion about that.

For as long as I've been alive that's how I've been. I don't feel anything is good enough unless someone agrees.

Even trying to build my little Etsy shop I won't put anything in there until someone else says it's good.
And not only that if i were to get a sale and someone writes a bad review, I'd probably shut the whole shop down.
I could design something, personally love it, but if someone says hey I think you should change xyz..I change it.

Yes I'm a work in progress. I have been working on that a lot lately.. just making a decision and living with my own validation.
It's frustrating to me that I know my issues, I can explain them, I know what the root cause is, yet I can't overcome it.

So maybe one day I'll take my love of writing mainstream. But until I stop seeking other people's approval, all my dried ink sits tucked away safely in my dresser drawer.
You are so
gifted in your
ability to understand
your issues and
be able to
articulate them. I
love your therapist's
tough love approach,
and even how
well you received
and understood the
why behind her

I pray you can
overcome the need
for approval, but
I do understand
what you mean
(albeit not with
regard to fashion
or appearance).

I myself hate
to fail, so I don't
take risks, and
will learn and
fully master stuff
before I ever
let a soul
know I know
a thing about anything;
preferring to look
dumb then excel,
than put myself
out there and fail.

So yeah, I feel
you on the
closing shop after
one bad review.
There are dishes I
have never cooked
again because they
backfired at first
try and I destroyed
the evidence so
fast not even
my hubby suspected
a crime had occurred.
(But don't feel
bad for me.
I hate cooking
so 'twas not
a loss. LOL)

However, the other
day, on Nextdoor
app, I saw someone
correct someone's
"You are diluted"
grammar in the
nicest and most
constructive way, with
a dexterity I
wish I had.
I actually even
saved it to
memorize it, so
I too can
ooze such class
one day LOL

I don't think
the author of
this piece knew
the one guilty
of language assault
and we all
know the innanets
are a dangerous
place for unsolicited
advice, even when
good, so one must
tread carefully...

Borrowed from Nextdoor:
You do great work. I applaud your tenacity, and your almost perfect vernacular, yet bear with me. Diluted is a formula/solution that is watered down, made weaker. Deluded, what you want, is believing in something that's not true. Some/most understood what you meant, but others were like - well, she was close, but she's not there yet. (OP name removed for privacy), you're good and my team is routing for you. Constructive criticism is a plea, a hope, for someone that has great potential, to be better.

I share it
because the last
line is so
profound to me
and should be
a message to
you too: that a
critique that is
negative is a
challenge to achieve
your potential, if
you care to.
It may even
be the turbo
charge you need
to soar. Just
means someone expects
and believes deep
in their subconscious
that you are
capable of so
much more, otherwise
why else would
they be disappointed?

So when criticism
bites, take the bait
and prove to the
"haters" that they
were right: that
you are indeed
so much more. :kiss:
Last edited:
You are so
gifted in your
ability to understand
your issues and
be able to
articulate them. I
love your therapist's
tough love approach,
and even how
well you received
and understood the
why behind her

I pray you can
overcome the need
for approval, but
I do understand
what you mean
(albeit not with
regard to fashion
or appearance).

I myself hate
to fail, so I don't
take risks, and
will learn and
fully master stuff
before I ever
let a soul
know I know
a thing about anything;
preferring to look
dumb then excel,
than put myself
out there and fail.

So yeah, I feel
you on the
closing shop after
one bad review.
There are dishes I
have never cooked
again because they
backfired at first
try and I destroyed
the evidence so
fast not even
my hubby suspected
a crime had occurred.
(But don't feel
bad for me.
I hate cooking
so 'twas not
a loss. LOL)

However, the other
day, on Nextdoor
app, I saw someone
correct someone's
"You are diluted"
grammar in the
nicest and most
constructive way, with
a dexterity I
wish I had.
I actually even
saved it to
memorize it, so
I too can
ooze such class
one day LOL

I don't think
the author of
this piece knew
the one guilty
of language assault
and we all
know the innanets
are a dangerous
place for unsolicited
advice, even when
good, so one must
tread carefully...

Borrowed from Nextdoor:

I share it
because the last
line is so
profound to me
and should be
a message to
you too: that a
critique that is
negative is a
challenge to achieve
your potential, if
you care to.
It may even
be the turbo
charge you need
to soar. Just
means someone expects
and believes deep
in their subconscious
that you are
capable of so
much more, otherwise
why else would
they be disappointed?

So when criticism
bites, take the bait
and prove to the
"haters" that they
were right: that
you are indeed
so much more. :kiss:
Thank you for this!
Give yourself credit. You have a wonderful way with words yourself. I always feel a calm comfort and get a little chuckle out of your replies.
I realistically know criticism will always exist, people will complain and nobody has built a successful anything without going through that.
So I have to make a decision. Either I push forward and maybe get myself and my family in a better financial position or I crumble because someone behind a keyboard was mean to me.

My therapist and I discussed this and so my solution for it and when it happens is to focus on the positive, keep in mind what human nature is, and provide exceptional customer service.
Your post was spot on. It will be a challenge but my end goal is to do something because we are struggling with my nursing career on ice right now.
I have to continue to work at this. Success is coming slow but at least I'm trying and working on myself at the same time.
I just remind myself Amazon was built out of a garage selling books. JB was told so many times it was a stupid idea but look at him now.
I’m just in awe w the dialogue @Jmartjrmd and @PatDM'T! This is such a gift as deep introspection isn’t easy but walking the journey is a major fear. Critics are gifts we chose to accept and put on right away or ones we decline. Over the years I have found many aren’t qualified to critic anyone and therefore I can really eval if it’s valid. We are our worst critic but even with that we aren’t qualified to critic ourselves.
I cried again just as close as tonight. I'm just so confused about this. I've spent thousands of dollars, and countless amounts of time and energy on dating. I really really tried for years. Personal training, dieting, new wardrobe, dermatologist appointments, laser treatments, chemical peels. I even bought a course to try to study how to become more charismatic thinking that would make me more interesting to people

I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I don't understand why men aren't interested in dating me. I don't think I'm a bad person. I don't nag them by texting or calling. To be so old and have never experienced any time of real romantic relationship is so shameful. I tried the apps, but I barely get asked about dates. When I do, as soon as we meet they just want to go back to my house. Or, they just never contact you again at all. If we end up meeting more than once, it's only once a month or so. I just don't get it.

I tried relaxing my standards in terms of looks, height, earnings, job, race, etc. I'm so confused and sad. I would like to experience some type of romanticism at least once. I just feel so desperate. Just a regular dating experience would be nice where the guy would want to spend time with me at least once a week would be nice. Other people can find that. What's wrong with me?

I try to stay out of this thread because I feel like I'm just expressing sad feelings all the time and bringing everyone down, but I feel so disappointed. IDK what mistake I made or where I went wrong.

1) What fun thing
that brings you
joy have you
done lately?

2) What can you
share about Junior
League or Toastmasters
and The Urban League?
Did you join
a club where
people share a
common interest
so you are
focusing on a task
and not on
socializing or making
romantic connections?

3) Check out
for your zip code
for deals on
fun things you
can do...without
needing to go
with someone.

for a week.
Just a week,
and plan to
do something fun
for yourself each
day. Come share
with us each
day what you
did after work.

4) Have you had a
chance to get
a second opinion
on ASD diagnosis?
Maybe someone here
can help with

I was listening
to this video
and some of
the things she
shares may apply.
Hi @GraceJones ok so I hope this lands well and is from a deep respect.

1. You keep harping on transcational expectations ie I spent so much money. As someone who is not fond of spending on such I get your anger but nothing is promised to us ever. You can pay millions and yrs of time and still get nothing because we can not energetically do from the space give to get esp in the intimate way. Investing in self is top tier but needs to be from I desire to be better for me and any results is great. I have done many things to be seen by men and all was to no avail. The lust for results will choke you out and will make it to where you can’t see your blessings.
2. There isn’t anything wrong with you! You keep spinning out on this fixation which is keeping you down the wrong path. I have called myself defective many times because I had a defective mindset which was comparison. Trying to look at myself by how others are is wrong and dumb because we don’t know the call on someone’s life thus we are blind to why certain things happen. I’m 37 and no prospects and could be very sad but the more I fixated the tighter the rope got on my neck. I don’t know love at all not even of family so I understand deeply being human, being wired to desire such yet not having it yet I also understand longing for something puts a blocker as it’s saying I’m not already what I desire.
3. You need community and nothing you say here can bring anyone down. All you have done is activated self reflection which is a gift not all is gumdrops and engagements. Allow yourself space to breathe as repressing your feelings and if you lack friends is extremely toxic I know this profoundly in my own life.

I hope great things continue to happen in your life I also hope you allow this phase to refine you well so at the time your chapter changes your ready.

1) What fun thing
that brings you
joy have you
done lately?

2) What can you
share about Junior
League or Toastmasters
and The Urban League?
Did you join
a club where
people share a
common interest
so you are
focusing on a task
and not on
socializing or making
romantic connections?

3) Check out
for your zip code
for deals on
fun things you
can do...without
needing to go
with someone.

for a week.
Just a week,
and plan to
do something fun
for yourself each
day. Come share
with us each
day what you
did after work.

4) Have you had a
chance to get
a second opinion
on ASD diagnosis?
Maybe someone here
can help with

I was listening
to this video
and some of
the things she
shares may apply.

1) I'm learning photography right now, so I spend a lot of time on my camera. I get free movie tickets a lot, so I invited some colleagues to go with me tomorrow and Sun.

2) I'm still waiting to hear back from The Junior League. I haven't heard back from them yet. I haven't joined Urban League or Toastmasters as of yet because I've been a bit busy.

3) I used to join a lot of meetups, but it's clear that most of the people who interact there do so for the purpose of meeting someone. It's very difficult to make friends because people are just looking to find someone to date.

4) Yeah, my psychologist recommended someone. That person no longer works with autism patients. They referred me to an online support service for adults who may be dealing with autism. They are also supposed to get back to me. I did take an online test, and it said I am not autistic.
3) I used to join a lot of meetups, but it's clear that most of the people who interact there do so for the purpose of meeting someone. It's very difficult to make friends because people are just looking to find someone to date.

I used to
snag a lot
of Living Social
deals, but never
for meetups.
Went on tours,
a cooking class,
massage, mani
and pedi,...etc
I was suggesting
it not for

Glad you are
taking photography
cuz they offer
that, painting, dancing.
I feel anyone
can find something
to try there.

IOW, there is
more to find
on Living Social
than just crazy
extrovert events
like meet-ups.
I cried again just as close as tonight. I'm just so confused about this. I've spent thousands of dollars, and countless amounts of time and energy on dating. I really really tried for years. Personal training, dieting, new wardrobe, dermatologist appointments, laser treatments, chemical peels. I even bought a course to try to study how to become more charismatic thinking that would make me more interesting to people

I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I don't understand why men aren't interested in dating me. I don't think I'm a bad person. I don't nag them by texting or calling. To be so old and have never experienced any time of real romantic relationship is so shameful. I tried the apps, but I barely get asked about dates. When I do, as soon as we meet they just want to go back to my house. Or, they just never contact you again at all. If we end up meeting more than once, it's only once a month or so. I just don't get it.

I tried relaxing my standards in terms of looks, height, earnings, job, race, etc. I'm so confused and sad. I would like to experience some type of romanticism at least once. I just feel so desperate. Just a regular dating experience would be nice where the guy would want to spend time with me at least once a week would be nice. Other people can find that. What's wrong with me?

I try to stay out of this thread because I feel like I'm just expressing sad feelings all the time and bringing everyone down, but I feel so disappointed. IDK what mistake I made or where I went wrong.
I'm not a professional and you can tell me to kick rocks but I'll risk some bloody toes to encourage you to keep fighting.
What I see happening and again it's just my opinion, is something I did for a very long time in therapy.
My attitude was, " don't tell me what my problems are because you have no clue how I feel or what I'm going through."
I was angry all the time and I could not hear what my therapist was saying because I couldn't hear what I was saying.
My overall thoughts were always negative. I believed those thoughts so I lived by the principles of those thoughts.
When you're going through emotions that are strong, powerful and hurtful the world feels so small. For me, I thought my problems were so unique, I wasn't trying to hear any of that positive thinking stuff. To me, it didn't work and that's not what I wanted or needed. I wanted solutions and for someone to agree that my issues are terrible and let me live in that negative space .
The problem is nobody could give me the solutions I wanted and so I was stuck at that place. I had so many therapist give up on me because no matter what they said, I moved backwards and stayed with my negative principles.
I finally met a therapist who challenged my thoughts so aggressively my thinking had to shift. She promised me that as long as I'd let her she would fight for me.
I could of done what I usually did which was declare my therapist was terrible and move on to the next one that would allow me to dictate everything. They kept throwing me a life jacket that I'd swim away from until they could no longer see me. I kept drowning but wouldn't accept the thing that could save me.
As long as you don't challenge yourself on feeling like there's something wrong with you, there is always going to be something wrong with you.
You have to really look deep and challenge that negative principle because it's eating you up. You have to open up and listen to yourself.
What started the ball rolling for me was this exercise I did over and over. I wrote in a journal daily titled "Why am I dysfunctional today" in this format.
1. Core Beliefs
2. Dysfunctional Assumptions
3. Automatic Negative Thoughts
4. Reflection
5 Reshaping Negative thoughts.
So as an example
Core belief: I am not attractive enough to date
2. Dysfunctional Assumption...men aren't attracted to me because I'm not light skinned with long hair and a big booty and wear a size 6 jean.
3. Automatic Negative thought- there is something wrong with me
4. Reflection- that guy I met online was just looking for sex. I'm looking for love therefore I know this guy was not the right guy for me
5. Reshape negative thought...you know what, I was attracted to that guy but all he wanted was a hook up. I am not in a place where I'm looking for a hookup and I do not want to be treated like all I'm good for is some casual sex. There is nothing wrong with sticking to my desires and principles. I recognize that being in a situationship will only hurt me further therefore I made the best decision for me in not allowing myself to be someone's one night stand. I didn't want no weewee after having a 10 minute conversation with someone I just met. I'm worth more than that
What can I do differently:
Tomorrow I'm going to a comedy show and laugh until my stomach hurts. I'm going to continue to focus on me and stack as many good days as possible.

It took courage for me to go back and read the things I was saying because it meant I had to admit I was doing the things that my therapist told me I was doing and if I truly wanted to grow, I had to take steps out of the negative space I felt comfortable living in. But I did it to save my life. I was so mentally tired and done. I work at it every day.
Do I still speak negatively and have days I don't want to fight it anymore, yes. The difference is I have tools to help me cope

I hear you GraceJones.
Keep working, keep expressing your sadness, it's not something to keep bottled up. It takes a village and you have a diverse group of women here that want to see you come out of this.
Take care of you.
I'm going to wrap up my bloody toes now but it's worth it because I believe in you.
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Which Personality Type
Is Your Ideal Partner?
Personality type alone is a terrible way to choose a romantic partner. (We said it, and we mean it!) Yet personality traits do influence compatibility in relationships, so let’s explore that.

Which Personality Type Is Your Ideal Partner?​


Are you single? Hungry? Tired of browsing appealing options only to discover that, sometimes, what sounded good isn’t as satisfying as you hoped? Well, I’ve got news for you: you got what you chose. But enough about take-out food, this is supposed to be about personality types and romantic compatibility.
Personality type alone is a terrible way to choose a romantic partner. (What?! Can he say that here?) Any individual may have qualities that make them a much more or much less suitable partner for you. Yet personality traits do have a big influence on compatibility – especially in long-term relationships – so personality type is a reasonable facet to consider as you get to know someone.
Maybe you’d enjoy someone you can easily relate to, or maybe you want someone with different strengths to help balance you? I can’t tell you which personality type is the right match for you, so let me sing their praises and we’ll see what sparks your interest. Like how a friend would introduce you to someone you might like. (But I’m introducing you to everyone, so, apparently, I’m your libertine friend.) Here we go.

Lots of Private Time and Curious Conversations​

If you like the idea of a romance that focuses on warmly sharing thoughts, ideas, and experiences, then you might resonate with an Advocate (INFJ), Mediator (INFP), or Adventurer (ISFP). These imaginative Introverts tend to be sweethearted and enjoy exploring life in somewhat reserved ways. They enjoy uncovering intangible rewards but also have an open curiosity about the world around them.
While they don’t always have vigorous social habits, these personalities value personal relationships highly and are willing to focus lots of love and attention on just a few people – or one special person. If they love and trust you, they’ll be happy to share their inner worlds with you, to enter yours, and to join you in more outward exploration.

The Logic, Decisiveness, and Energy to Make Dreams Come True​

If you want a partner who not only has powerful drive but also can bring order to chaos, Commander (ENTJ) and Executive (ESTJ) personality types might be a good fit. They apply a no-nonsense approach that tends to make big things happen. But they’re not necessarily cold taskmasters – they apply their resolute energy to joyful personal pursuits just like everything else.
These personalities can make your time together sparkle with activity, yet you’ll always sense how they have a focused purpose behind their actions. That can be very reassuring in a partner, and once love blooms, you can trust them to turn their efforts toward creating a wonderful shared universe.

Home, Hearth, and Humanity​

When it comes to taking care of others, Defender (ISFJ), Protagonist (ENFJ), and Consul (ESFJ) personality types really stand out. They are all about crafting and appreciating cohesive human bonds and a sense of community – and they will gladly lavish that ethic on a romantic partner. If being part of a rich, ongoing interpersonal framework appeals to you, joining with one of these types can be very attractive.
These personalities can also be among the most reliable, favoring a sense of stability and continuity. They take care when deciding on a course of action and take pride in following through with it, both to satisfy their own principles and for the benefit of those they love.

Quietly Exacting Precision​

If you like the idea of perfecting everything – or want to be with someone who will never stop trying to do so – you might enjoy the company of an Architect (INTJ) or Logistician (ISTJ). These types put incredible thought into optimizing everything they think and do. Sometimes this can lead to fun banter as they explain their detailed theories, and other times, it can be amazing to just sit back and see what they accomplish.
But be ready to indulge some intense preferences! They’re particular, but when they love you, this also means that they’ll be stoically tenacious on your behalf. And they may not always move quickly, but when they do – including making a romantic commitment – it’s usually with a powerful sense of dedication and will.

Inquisitive Experimentation and Mastery​

If you want someone who is willing to try almost anything without losing their rational perspective, you might have some great times with a Logician (INTP) or Virtuoso (ISTP) personality. They’re free spirits in the sense of being open-minded, but they also tend to view things in a logical, even detached kind of way. So they’re usually up for whatever, but not likely to lose their heads in superficial things.
That can make for some fun activities, always trying (and unabashedly reviewing) new things together. But while you may catch their interest, don’t expect either of these types to be highly social, especially in large or unfamiliar groups. Their sweetness and warmth is often reserved for only a very few people.

Bold Adventure-Seeking​

If you want a romance with some velocity, Entertainer (ESFP), Campaigner (ENFP), Entrepreneur (ESTP), and Debater (ENTP) personality types might fulfill your fantasies. Whatever their personal take on fun is, they don’t hesitate to jump in and make the most of life – so hold on tight if you’re along for the ride. And their fun is doubled if they have someone special to share it with, so they are often very socially open.
One of the best things about these personality types is that they tend to ignore limits and are often able to accomplish things that others assume to be impossible. They think nothing of pushing boundaries with – or for – someone they love (or for almost any other good reason). Their energy may not always maintain consistent focus and direction, but that can make being with them even more exciting.


Did any of that sound like your cup of tea? There are no incompatible personality types, but everyone has their own preferences. Exploring the links above can give you a solid overview of all the personality types – but don’t limit yourself or get lost in assumptions. When you meet someone, there will be a lot to discover regardless of their personality type – you’ll just have a great head start!

Link to the article
and the website
where you can
find out your Type,
if you don't
already know it.
Is this who I think it is? :shocked: And why is he making sense?

Is this who I think it is? :shocked: And why is he making sense?

My cousin sent
this to me
a while back
and I told her
it was hard
for me to
give it any
of my attention
cuz of the dude.

He is just
like his master
the king of lies.
He can sing
a lovely tune
and lure women
into picking up
what he is
laying down when
deep inside he
does not believe
what he is saying.
If he did
he would respect
women more. :rolleyes:

This I think
is how he
drew women to
himself by playing
the respectful, and
so adoring dude
only to become
real when he
had them in
his love trap. :rolleyes:
My cousin sent
this to me
a while back
and I told her
it was hard
for me to
give it any
of my attention
cuz of the dude.

He is just
like his master
the king of lies.
He can sing
a lovely tune
and lure women
into picking up
what he is
laying down when
deep inside he
does not believe
what he is saying.
If he did
he would respect
women more. :rolleyes:

This I think
is how he
drew women to
himself by playing
the respectful, and
so adoring dude
only to become
real when he
had them in
his love trap. :rolleyes:
That is a great point. He is trying to repair his image and attract new sheep so this makes even more sense.......wow....... :nono:
I feel so bitter and naive. I nearly cried again today. I always felt like girls and guys met, hung out together, and discovered that they liked each other, --- BOOM. Then you start dating.

It's soooo not like that. Men are so calculated and strategic in the way that they date. They determine what they do for a living, what city they live in, what neighborhood they move to, what hobbies they participate in, and what businesses they patronize - all in relation to meeting and impressing women.

They go to areas where they know they'll be hypergamous to most of the women that live there and select the most beautiful and successful women they can find. They usually have their exact dating strategy planned out as far as how they approach, what words they tell, what dates they bring you to, and they'll just do the same thing to each woman until they've refined their technique. I feel like I'm a decent, hard-working person who treats people kindly and cares about others, but I don't think any of that really matters. They just want to date really attractive women. The rest of us who aren't seen as desirable by society are just left out. Whatever these men are looking for, I'm just not it.

I feel like most women are seen as a means to an end for men. They're usually trying to extract something, which is usually sex or some type of social currency, emotional labor, or domestic duty.

I was thinking about my strategy the other day and it's so hard for me to date partially because I'm trying to maintain myself to the standard I portray in my pics. It's hard to always make sure my hair, nails, and feet are always done as well as having a nice, put-together outfit prepared and ready. You also have to factor in the time it takes to do make-up and travel time to the date. I can put in as much as 3-4 hours getting ready for a date and traveling to and fro. Usually, guys will ask me out last minute. When I was working, I really wasn't available like that. If I ask them for a later day they usually stop texting me. Or, just be really flaky or want to do something low effort. I've tried to just go on dates looking more plain but the guys seem disappointed and one guy walked out on me once. If we did go out on a date or two, by the third date they are pushing you to sleep with them. If you don't they just stop speaking to you. So difficult. I've had guys say less than 5 sentences to me and try to go back to my house. Just a low effort. It never goes anywhere. They have all the power in dating and they know it.

IDK why these guys don't want to go on dates or be in relationships with me. Even on a friendship level men don't talk to me. It's almost like if they don't find you attractive they see no use for you.

To make it to this age and to have never had any sort of substantial romantic interest is so pathetic. I've never even gotten to know a guy that well.

It doesn't help that other things in my life aren't going well either. I've been out of work and my job search has been unsuccessful. I guess I'm just all-around dissatisfied with life. I guess I'm using this thread as my live journal.
First of all,
you need to
quit trying to
mold yourself into
what you think
guys are looking
for. 3-4 hours?
No dude you
don't know is
worth allodat.
And of course "it
is hard" to
maintain the level
of perfection you
are going for.

Maybe you need
to quit trying
so hard and
just be. Otherwise
you will set
yourself up to
be dumped the
day they see
the real you,
since you are
presenting an image
that is not YOU.

Cherry comes to
mind and we
all know how
that ended....

IMO, you are
better off being
as plain as
possible in your
pics, and then
show up looking
better than your

But seriously,
can we go
on a guy fast?

How about we
focus on getting
you a job.
Not only will
a boy be
a distraction but
how can you
start a relationship
when you don't
even have a
set schedule of
what hours/days
you will be
working and how
that will fit
in your life.

And when you
are not applying
for jobs, how about
looking outward?

Instead of spending
your free time
fretting about what
you do not have,
how about thinking
of ways to make
a difference to
someone less fortunate?

Find out from
Nextdoor who needs
something that you
can give: winter
clothes you no
longer need. Or
volunteer at a shelter;
food banks
always need help,
whether it is
unpacking donations
or sorting them out.
You can even
make Christmas cards
for people in
nursing homes who
have no family

If you go
about your day
looking for ways
to make someone
else's day a touch
brighter, you will
be so preoccupied
with life outside
yourself, there will
be no time
to wallow in

How about becoming
a Happy Planner?
Those who engage
in the madness
seem to have no
time for anything
else. They plan all
bloody day cuz
it takes a
lot of artistry
you see, gotta
be creative (stickers)
and commit to
making the prettiest
plans you can muster,
then the time
left is spent
actually living out
the plan...and then
it is time
to plan again.

There is no
time for boys
to rent free
space in your
head when you
are trying to
keep up with
Happy Planner life.
Don't forget to
subscribe to other
planners' channels so
you don't miss
what is trending. LOL
Happy Friday's eve ladies :)

I'm going to California tomorrow (Bay area) I'll be back in town next week on the 25th and in town for the for the rest of the year (for now).. I've traveled so much this year literally every single month lol.

So update:: I'm FINALLY starting to get over the hardest grieving part.. still cry about my decision every now and then (trying to trust myself on calling off the engagement).

Of course he's reached out many times to repair/fix the relationship.. but when I've asked what work he has done to be a better partner.. * crickets *

Saturday I told him I think it would be best if he stopped reaching out to me.

I consumed content around de-centering men this week. That was fun lol.

Therapy & inner work has been good. Hanging out with friends/family has been great.
Happy Friday's eve ladies :)

I'm going to California tomorrow (Bay area) I'll be back in town next week on the 25th and in town for the for the rest of the year (for now).. I've traveled so much this year literally every single month lol.

So update:: I'm FINALLY starting to get over the hardest grieving part.. still cry about my decision every now and then (trying to trust myself on calling off the engagement).

Of course he's reached out many times to repair/fix the relationship.. but when I've asked what work he has done to be a better partner.. * crickets *

Saturday I told him I think it would be best if he stopped reaching out to me.

I consumed content around de-centering men this week. That was fun lol.

Therapy & inner work has been good. Hanging out with friends/family has been great.
I truly just love how your forward moving and allowing the process to naturally progress. You will be rewarded so well for this journey
I truly just love how your forward moving and allowing the process to naturally progress. You will be rewarded so well for this journey

Thanks sis. I'm "trusting the process"..
In the past I've given ex- partners second chances and it just prolongs the inevitable.

It's something I promised myself I would not repeat.

Just sucks bc he was one of the "good ones". He just has past trauma to unpack and I'm not a therapist.
I feel so bitter and naive. I nearly cried again today. I always felt like girls and guys met, hung out together, and discovered that they liked each other, --- BOOM. Then you start dating.

It's soooo not like that. Men are so calculated and strategic in the way that they date. They determine what they do for a living, what city they live in, what neighborhood they move to, what hobbies they participate in, and what businesses they patronize - all in relation to meeting and impressing women.

They go to areas where they know they'll be hypergamous to most of the women that live there and select the most beautiful and successful women they can find. They usually have their exact dating strategy planned out as far as how they approach, what words they tell, what dates they bring you to, and they'll just do the same thing to each woman until they've refined their technique. I feel like I'm a decent, hard-working person who treats people kindly and cares about others, but I don't think any of that really matters. They just want to date really attractive women. The rest of us who aren't seen as desirable by society are just left out. Whatever these men are looking for, I'm just not it.

I feel like most women are seen as a means to an end for men. They're usually trying to extract something, which is usually sex or some type of social currency, emotional labor, or domestic duty.

I was thinking about my strategy the other day and it's so hard for me to date partially because I'm trying to maintain myself to the standard I portray in my pics. It's hard to always make sure my hair, nails, and feet are always done as well as having a nice, put-together outfit prepared and ready. You also have to factor in the time it takes to do make-up and travel time to the date. I can put in as much as 3-4 hours getting ready for a date and traveling to and fro. Usually, guys will ask me out last minute. When I was working, I really wasn't available like that. If I ask them for a later day they usually stop texting me. Or, just be really flaky or want to do something low effort. I've tried to just go on dates looking more plain but the guys seem disappointed and one guy walked out on me once. If we did go out on a date or two, by the third date they are pushing you to sleep with them. If you don't they just stop speaking to you. So difficult. I've had guys say less than 5 sentences to me and try to go back to my house. Just a low effort. It never goes anywhere. They have all the power in dating and they know it.

IDK why these guys don't want to go on dates or be in relationships with me. Even on a friendship level men don't talk to me. It's almost like if they don't find you attractive they see no use for you.

To make it to this age and to have never had any sort of substantial romantic interest is so pathetic. I've never even gotten to know a guy that well.

It doesn't help that other things in my life aren't going well either. I've been out of work and my job search has been unsuccessful. I guess I'm just all-around dissatisfied with life. I guess I'm using this thread as my live journal.
I think you're trying too hard to mold yourself into something you think men want instead of being yourself. You believe who you are isn't enough so you're trying to dress your insecurity up with all this stuff that will be hard to maintain. Men will see right through that and the WRONG man will use your insecurity against you. You will forever be seeking his approval on your appearance and he is doing to use that as an excuse as to why he does the shady things he does and a way to control you. You see that all the time where a man has totally taken the sense of self from his wife by telling her what she can wear, who she can talk to, what her role is in the relationship and how he justifies having 566 side chicks because she " let herself go."

Every women on this planet is not a 10 and even some that are have the same problems as you.

Appearance is super important but you also have to bring you to the equation. In your posts, you keep circling back to some unicorn woman that you do not believe that you are and you've convinced yourself that only unicorns are worthy to date and love.

Go people watch. Really look at couples. Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I guarantee if you really look, none of what you assess on attractiveness and dating worthiness is true for a huge number of people.
If you ever watched an interview with a honest man who was asked what attracted him to his partner of course beauty/ apperance comes up but there is also a great deal of substance behind that. Ask a widower what he misses about his wife and her being a 10 is the least of what he lost. The whole person is what makes attractiveness and relationships go not an outfit or perfection. Because when stuff hits the fan and your partner is only concerned with how you look, he isn't going to stick around and all that stuff you did to get and keep him was for what?

Putting myself out there again, I had none of what you describe when I met my hubby. If he was looking to gain something from me he was a fool.
A caretaker for his kids? I couldn't care for myself. I was SICK sick in and out the hospital.
Mentality unstable
Financially in shambles
A visible and life changing disability that affected my outward appearance.
No job...at the time I wasn't even getting disability so I had no income at all.
If he was waiting for me to die to collect life insurance then the joke would have been on him because there was nothing to collect.

Could he have gotten any other woman? He sure could have.
I really do hope you find love and peace in your life. That you find what you are seeking. I'm rooting for your success. I just know everything you want is possible but it's going to take some mental adjustments on your part.
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I think you're trying too hard to mold yourself into something you think men want instead of being yourself. You believe who you are isn't enough so you're trying to dress your insecurity up with all this stuff that will be hard to maintain. Men will see right through that and the WRONG man will use your insecurity against you. You will forever be seeking his approval on your appearance and he is doing to use that as an excuse as to why he does the shady things he does and a way to control you. You see that all the time where a man has totally taken the sense of self from his wife by telling her what she can wear, who she can talk to, what her role is in the relationship and how he justifies having 566 side chicks because she " let herself go."

Every women on this planet is not a 10 and even some that are have the same problems as you.

Appearance is super important but you also have to bring you to the equation. In your posts, you keep circling back to some unicorn woman that you do not believe that you are and you've convinced yourself that only unicorns are worthy to date and love.

Go people watch. Really look at couples. Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I guarantee if you really look, none of what you assess on attractiveness and dating worthiness is true for a huge number of people.
If you ever watched an interview with a honest man who was asked what attracted him to his partner of course beauty/ apperance comes up but there is also a great deal of substance behind that. Ask a widower what he misses about his wife and her being a 10 is the least of what he lost. The whole person is what makes attractiveness and relationships go not an outfit or perfection. Because when stuff hits the fan and your partner is only concerned with how you look, he isn't going to stick around and all that stuff you did to get and keep him was for what?

Putting myself out there again, I had none of what you describe when I met my hubby. If he was looking to gain something from me he was a fool.
A caretaker for his kids? I couldn't care for myself. I was SICK sick in and out the hospital.
Mentality unstable
Financially in shambles
A visible and life changing disability that affected my outward appearance.
No job...at the time I wasn't even getting disability so I had no income at all.
If he was waiting for me to die to collect life insurance then the joke would have been on him because there was nothing to collect.

Could he have gotten any other woman? He sure could have.
I really do hope you find love and peace in your life. That you find what you are seeking. I'm rooting for your success. I just know everything you want is possible but it's going to take some mental adjustments on your part.
I'm just confused because I feel like I've always been the same person on the inside since I was young. I always got made fun of or ignored by guys in high school and college. When other people were coupling up, nobody showed interest in me. Then when I left school nobody really showed me interest either. It wasn't until my mid-20s when I made a concerted effort to put A LOT of effort into my appearance and dating that men would even give me a second glance. Even in the social groups I have entered, guys don't have an interest unless it is to hook up.
That's hard because when you put that much time and effort into your appearance you don't have much time or energy for anything else.

They don't want to don't want to date me, talk to me, nothing. Like, I don't get it... the only thing I can think of is lack of attraction. That always puzzled me. It just... hurts. Other women manage to get dates and get into relationships without much effort at all. I was trying to work on learning to have better conversations and creating charisma, but I decided to take a break.

I'm a decent person. I'm kind, courteous, feel as though I'm intelligent, and have goals and ambitions.

As far as friendships go, I was trying to befriend a woman that I met at a meetup but she ended up moving to the West Coast. She left me a message saying how happy she was to have met me and to still keep in touch.

I met another woman at a meetup and she also left me a message saying how lovely I am and how she wants us to hang out more.

I just don't understand how that never translates to men.

I try to keep really busy to distract myself, but as time goes on I lose more and more hope that something might work out for me.