@GraceJones, you know
what I think your
problem might be?
Your obsessing about
this, your regrets
and your focus on
your alleged failure
at relationships.
These clouds are
keeping your from
being the magnetic
human you could be.

Please do not
take this the
wrong way. I
say it with
love and sincere

Please go back
and read the
comments from
people who have
addressed your posts,
but do not
just read. Write
them down. Even
better, post the
your take away
so if there
is something you
did not understand
it can be clarified.

It will be a way
of kinda reinforcing
the wisdom shared
in your mind.
You need to
slowly reread those
words over and
over till they
register or start
to germinate.

Reading them once
won't do. It would
be like going
for a seminar
or a conference
where the energy
is high and
everyone is pumped.

Once you leave
that power house
and go home,
it is like you
left all the
good stuff there
and all wisdom
you were sure
you acquired
seems like a
dream. That is,
unless you start to
actually practice
what was taught
/shared before you
lose the fire.

It is late now
and I am tired
so I don't
know if I
am expressing
myself intelligibly.

Does anyone else
get what I am saying?
@GraceJones looks are just a tiny fraction of what it takes for a successful loving healthy relationship. You are being protected from yourself by not being married right now. The anguish I pick up in your post valid as it may be is consuming you. What does a relationship aside from babies do for you? Does it solve something grand or soothes the ego?

Bitterness clouds your view overdramatizing others and pushing you to see yourself from lack. I am all for self improvement for the motivation of self not to impress. I have done it both ways and can firmly see the difference because when it was to be seen I was very much invisible. Dating coaches often are just good talkers, feel you up with some ideas and when that doesn’t happen you burn. Bitterness has taken root and you are watering it with your tears. If you never marry/have babies is that the extent of your life? The ego will have you work against self by making you think you must operate out of desperation instead of your true standard.
You are in a prime time to focus on self without distractions. It’s not easy but at this point the right dude could seduce you and have you doing things you would never wish you would all so you can keep your idol, a relationship. I pray something really great happens for you soon.
Last edited:
Imma need you to get honest and get down to the real reason of what is going on. What does getting a man represent for you? What wound are you trying to heal through false means and desires? Your therapist has done you a disservice. I can tell you right now, you don’t want a man or babies. That little girl inside of you is running wild and rampant. Find out what is going on with her.
@GraceJones It’s rough out here whether we receive attention or not. I feel you though. After a bad 2 year relationship in my late 20s I spent my entire 30s not interested in anyone. That is my only real relationship to date. I guess you can say I was somewhat avoidant/scared to love again and guys picked up on that. I was at my happiest and actually ok with never getting married. Then in my early 40s I finally decided to let someone in who woke up my affection and desire for romantic love and after several months it turned into heartbreak and made me regret dating again. I cried as recently as this morning so you’re not alone with the tears. Most men are trash nowadays because they have so many options and the dating scene has been getting worse nationwide so maybe divine intervention is preventing you from linking with the wrong one only to end in more heartbreak. STDs are on the rise, emotional unavailability is on the rise, narcs and liars are on the prowl, and relationships aren’t lasting like they used to. Just awful. On the flip side in spite of the poison spewed on these red pill podcasts, I’m still seeing women in their 30s, 40s and even 50s marrying so there’s hope and it’s just a matter of timing. Even VP Kamala married her husband in her 50s. Though I don’t want to wait that long I have to be ok with God’s timing/plan and not my own. Take good care of your body and health and try to find a way to enjoy your single season, get involved in activities/events, immerse yourself in hobbies, and vet carefully when someone comes along. And as @Plushottie mentioned try not to idolize relationships and babies. While we’re desiring relationships, marriage and children, many who have it especially with the wrong person are complaining and you can clearly see the wear and tear in their eyes and spirit. A list of weddings I’ve attended are now divorced.

Have you tried online dating or are you just trying to get approached in person? Are you attending meetups, a member of a club, community service groups/events? Are you open to all races or just limited to black men? Do you come across as shy, closed off or open, talkative and friendly? How is your image/style of dress? Do you live in a terrible area like me where women drastically outnumber the men? (e.g., DC and Atlanta) Do you travel? One of my problems has been not going out enough because I’m such a homebody but in recent years I try to get out more and initiate small talk/flirt if someone catches my eye and let him do the rest. You don’t have to wait for him to approach first. I’ve totally abandoned Eharmony because I’m trying to recover from this recent dud but eventually I’ll log back in. Good luck to all of us.
@GraceJones, you know
what I think your
problem might be?
Your obsessing about
this, your regrets
and your focus on
your alleged failure
at relationships.
These clouds are
keeping your from
being the magnetic
human you could be.

Please do not
take this the
wrong way. I
say it with
love and sincere

Please go back
and read the
comments from
people who have
addressed your posts,
but do not
just read. Write
them down. Even
better, post the
your take away
so if there
is something you
did not understand
it can be clarified.

It will be a way
of kinda reinforcing
the wisdom shared
in your mind.
You need to
slowly reread those
words over and
over till they
register or start
to germinate.

Reading them once
won't do. It would
be like going
for a seminar
or a conference
where the energy
is high and
everyone is pumped.

Once you leave
that power house
and go home,
it is like you
left all the
good stuff there
and all wisdom
you were sure
you acquired
seems like a
dream. That is,
unless you start to
actually practice
what was taught
/shared before you
lose the fire.

It is late now
and I am tired
so I don't
know if I
am expressing
myself intelligibly.

Does anyone else
get what I am saying?
I'll sit and do this tonight before I go to bed.

@GraceJones looks are just a tiny fraction of what it takes for a successful loving healthy relationship. You are being protected from yourself by not being married right now. The anguish I pick up in your post valid as it may be is consuming you. What does a relationship aside from babies do for you? Does it solve something grand or soothes the ego?

Bitterness clouds your view overdramatizing others and pushing you to see yourself from lack. I am all for self improvement for the motivation of self not to impress. I have done it both ways and can firmly see the difference because when it was to be seen I was very much invisible. Dating coaches often are just good talkers, feel you up with some ideas and when that doesn’t happen you burn. Bitterness has taken root and you are watering it with your tears. If you never marry/have babies is that the extent of your life? The ego will have you work against self by making you think you must operate out of desperation instead of your true standard.
You are in a prime time to focus on self without distractions. It’s not easy but at this point the right dude could seduce you and have you doing things you would never wish you would all so you can keep your idol, a relationship. I pray something really great happens for you soon.
I just wonder what is wrong with me and why I struggle with this. Most women have had relationships, even as young girls in HS or college. I just never have anyone actually interested in me that I like as well. Sometimes I will try to give a guy a chance even if I don't think he's cute or if his job situation isn't that great. Eventually, over time the attraction never grows, they make me feel uncomfortable in some way, or they just cease contact.

I finally opened my heart to this one guy. I tried to follow my dating coach's philosophy about not having expectations, rotating, and dating without a strategy. This man led me on for months while knowing he was getting serious with another woman. He told me liked me. It's fine if he picked someone else, but he didn't have to lead me on that. It took so much effort to even find a guy that I liked and would also date continuously. Most of them stop talking after a few weeks.
Completely crushed and I haven't stopped crying.

Imma need you to get honest and get down to the real reason of what is going on. What does getting a man represent for you? What wound are you trying to heal through false means and desires? Your therapist has done you a disservice. I can tell you right now, you don’t want a man or babies. That little girl inside of you is running wild and rampant. Find out what is going on with her.
I just feel incredibly rejected. I was bullied mercilessly throughout middle school and HS. Everyone would tease me and call me ugly every day. My family members made fun of me too. Badly damaged my self-esteem. My teammates would point out really masculine women who played for other schools and say that person made me look good. I didn't get asked out in HS, didn't go to prom. I would try to create friendships with boys in school and they would always scoff and roll their eyes as though I were below them.

I spoke to my therapist today and he said I've been having a rough few years with my dad passing away and work issues. He says that this might have just been the catalyst that pushed me over the edge.

@GraceJones It’s rough out here whether we receive attention or not. I feel you though. After a bad 2 year relationship in my late 20s I spent my entire 30s not interested in anyone. That is my only real relationship to date. I guess you can say I was somewhat avoidant/scared to love again and guys picked up on that. I was at my happiest and actually ok with never getting married. Then in my early 40s I finally decided to let someone in who woke up my affection and desire for romantic love and after several months it turned into heartbreak and made me regret dating again. I cried as recently as this morning so you’re not alone with the tears. Most men are trash nowadays because they have so many options and the dating scene has been getting worse nationwide so maybe divine intervention is preventing you from linking with the wrong one only to end in more heartbreak. STDs are on the rise, emotional unavailability is on the rise, narcs and liars are on the prowl, and relationships aren’t lasting like they used to. Just awful. On the flip side in spite of the poison spewed on these red pill podcasts, I’m still seeing women in their 30s, 40s and even 50s marrying so there’s hope and it’s just a matter of timing. Even VP Kamala married her husband in her 50s. Though I don’t want to wait that long I have to be ok with God’s timing/plan and not my own. Take good care of your body and health and try to find a way to enjoy your single season, get involved in activities/events, immerse yourself in hobbies, and vet carefully when someone comes along. And as @Plushottie mentioned try not to idolize relationships and babies. While we’re desiring relationships, marriage and children, many who have it especially with the wrong person are complaining and you can clearly see the wear and tear in their eyes and spirit. A list of weddings I’ve attended are now divorced.

Have you tried online dating or are you just trying to get approached in person? Are you attending meetups, a member of a club, community service groups/events? Are you open to all races or just limited to black men? Do you come across as shy, closed off or open, talkative and friendly? How is your image/style of dress? Do you live in a terrible area like me where women drastically outnumber the men? (e.g., DC and Atlanta) Do you travel? One of my problems has been not going out enough because I’m such a homebody but in recent years I try to get out more and initiate small talk/flirt if someone catches my eye and let him do the rest. You don’t have to wait for him to approach first. I’ve totally abandoned Eharmony because I’m trying to recover from this recent dud but eventually I’ll log back in. Good luck to all of us.
I've tried literally everything. Online, bars, clubs, meetups, professional organizations, gyms, community service, volunteering. Yes, I've dated non-black men and it's the same deal. I'm a shy person but I feel like I've gotten better over time. I'm currently taking this class on developing charisma.

Tbh, I kind of fell back on the personal style. I used to spend hours getting ready for the clubs/bars/events where I knew men would be. I would spend hours getting my weave, nails, and make-up done to go out on Saturday night. I was getting chemical peels, laser treatments, buying wigs, mani/pedi, and everything was done professionally. That type of upkeep is expensive in terms of cost and time so it was too hard to maintain.
I couldn't really go out on weekdays because I would work nights. My style is simple, classic, and elegant. I would probably wear a black dress with soft pink nails and nude sandals. Or some other strapless knee-length dress. I would get to the event and nobody would approach or talk to me. It would just leave me so heartbroken so I just stopped for a while. I would try to talk to guys at the bar sometimes and I could tell they weren't really reciprocating so I just left them be.
I'll sit and do this tonight before I go to bed.

I just wonder what is wrong with me and why I struggle with this. Most women have had relationships, even as young girls in HS or college. I just never have anyone actually interested in me that I like as well. Sometimes I will try to give a guy a chance even if I don't think he's cute or if his job situation isn't that great. Eventually, over time the attraction never grows, they make me feel uncomfortable in some way, or they just cease contact.

I finally opened my heart to this one guy. I tried to follow my dating coach's philosophy about not having expectations, rotating, and dating without a strategy. This man led me on for months while knowing he was getting serious with another woman. He told me liked me. It's fine if he picked someone else, but he didn't have to lead me on that. It took so much effort to even find a guy that I liked and would also date continuously. Most of them stop talking after a few weeks.
Completely crushed and I haven't stopped crying.

I just feel incredibly rejected. I was bullied mercilessly throughout middle school and HS. Everyone would tease me and call me ugly every day. My family members made fun of me too. Badly damaged my self-esteem. My teammates would point out really masculine women who played for other schools and say that person made me look good. I didn't get asked out in HS, didn't go to prom. I would try to create friendships with boys in school and they would always scoff and roll their eyes as though I were below them.

I spoke to my therapist today and he said I've been having a rough few years with my dad passing away and work issues. He says that this might have just been the catalyst that pushed me over the edge.

I've tried literally everything. Online, bars, clubs, meetups, professional organizations, gyms, community service, volunteering. Yes, I've dated non-black men and it's the same deal. I'm a shy person but I feel like I've gotten better over time. I'm currently taking this class on developing charisma.

Tbh, I kind of fell back on the personal style. I used to spend hours getting ready for the clubs/bars/events where I knew men would be. I would spend hours getting my weave, nails, and make-up done to go out on Saturday night. I was getting chemical peels, laser treatments, buying wigs, mani/pedi, and everything was done professionally. That type of upkeep is expensive in terms of cost and time so it was too hard to maintain.
I couldn't really go out on weekdays because I would work nights. My style is simple, classic, and elegant. I would probably wear a black dress with soft pink nails and nude sandals. Or some other strapless knee-length dress. I would get to the event and nobody would approach or talk to me. It would just leave me so heartbroken so I just stopped for a while. I would try to talk to guys at the bar sometimes and I could tell they weren't really reciprocating so I just left them be.
Seeing more about your past it sheds light on the driving motivation to couple, to validate the inner self that I’m lovable or at least attractive enough to date. I don’t know you so I can’t say how you may be coming off but energy wise as much as we may put ourselves out there if it’s not from a pure place it will repel men or people. I know from hard core experience and it took time to real see if I go out it’s because I want to and I can just enjoy if not a soul looks at me.
It’s been the biggest pivot in my life as it does feel frustrating esp if your spending a lot to look a certain way.
Im sorry about your dad that def can be a hard blow and with this ex he prob used you as a back up if the top didn’t work he had something but thankfully he cleared out so you can be to destruct and transform.
Please know your tears and feelings are valid, everyone deserves meaningful love. I also want to call out there is nothing wrong with you! You my friend are just blooming in your season. Many women have had fast food quality relationships I get the notion they had something but the consequences that they may have after is a blessing you don’t have. Don’t attach yourself to any other guy that you aren’t attracted to fully as much as many think men are dumb they are not and pick up on things even subconsciously. No one who is healthy wants to be someone’s I guess you will do! You deserve to be the omg I have you a gift.
Seeing more about your past it sheds light on the driving motivation to couple, to validate the inner self that I’m lovable or at least attractive enough to date. I don’t know you so I can’t say how you may be coming off but energy wise as much as we may put ourselves out there if it’s not from a pure place it will repel men or people. I know from hard core experience and it took time to real see if I go out it’s because I want to and I can just enjoy if not a soul looks at me.
It’s been the biggest pivot in my life as it does feel frustrating esp if your spending a lot to look a certain way.
Im sorry about your dad that def can be a hard blow and with this ex he prob used you as a back up if the top didn’t work he had something but thankfully he cleared out so you can be to destruct and transform.
Please know your tears and feelings are valid, everyone deserves meaningful love. I also want to call out there is nothing wrong with you! You my friend are just blooming in your season. Many women have had fast food quality relationships I get the notion they had something but the consequences that they may have after is a blessing you don’t have. Don’t attach yourself to any other guy that you aren’t attracted to fully as much as many think men are dumb they are not and pick up on things even subconsciously. No one who is healthy wants to be someone’s I guess you will do! You deserve to be the omg I have you a gift.
I feel like attractiveness affects so many parts of your life. I don't really care to be made up like that, but men treat you like dirt if you don't look good. It's really hurtful when you go out in a group setting and men ignore you because they find you unattractive.

He wasn't my ex, we were never in a relationship. We were just casually dating, albeit for a long time.

@yaya24 He tried to manip-u-dip (manipulate) you and I'm glad you saw his true colors.

@GraceJones I don't know know what your belief system is, but from the small portion I read, you're doing all the right things, and a part of me thinks some stuff could be happening in the spirit realm that's causing the delay. Keep doing the work, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I cried today, although it was much less than usual. I don't usually pray, but I've been praying for the past few days for god to give me strength.

Take a pause and focus on something that brings you joy or purpose.

@GraceJones I had to pause before responding as this hit real deep. I’m not sure how deep your in your 30’s but honestly it doesn’t matter as one who wants love age matters not. I would say do you do anything just bc you want to w no other focus than self? If not do that asap. Detachment will be your saving grace but also make sure your flowing from abundance instead of need. Sadly energetically it can block you.
I'm trying to create a business currently. I mostly like sports. Basketball season hasn't started yet, and I don't think there are any fights happening this weekend. I'll maybe catch some WNBA games.

@GraceJones I don’t know you but my heart so feels for you. I know how it feels to desire love/intimacy and it feel elusive. Endings aren’t fun but allow it to be as that gives you space for me. This journey to love can be a dance but know if you desire it is possible. I’m closer to 40 but get very much your plight.

Yeah, it hurts. I never really had a guy take interest in me like that. I just keep wondering what I did wrong.
Oh @GraceJones :bighug:

I just thought of
something today...
Men like the chase.

Perhaps your internal
desire is spilling
over and coming
off as thirsty so
scaring guys off.

You might be
such a loving
and giving person
that when guys
get close to
you, they feel
like you are
smothering them
and that they
need space just
to get air.

I think you
should take the
advice here and
replace the fantasy
of being spoiled
and adored by
a guy, and your
yearning for that,
with the being
aware of the
blessings where you
are now... given
the lousy options
there are available.

Count your blessings
that you are not
in an abusive relationship,
and don't have
an incurable disease,
that becomes your
new normal. That you
are not looking
over your shoulder

coz you were
in a rlp with
a psycho. Nor
did you date
a guy who
seemed to want
to make things
work, but set you
instead. Just
think of what
life is like for
those who got
played in the
public eye

Instead of focusing
on what is lacking,
make a list
of the blessings
in what you
have been spared.
Find what is
good in your
life now and
bask in it.
Put another way,
which of the
women in those
stories would
you swap your
life with? If
none, #winning

Also there is nothing
more attractive to
a man than a
woman who seems
confident and happy
in her own skin.
And they love
a challenge. A
woman who seems
like she does
not need them
is they one
they swoon over.
You are a gem.
Use this time
to become a
secret surprise...
by learning something
new and becoming
this enigma that
everyone, not just
three legged weirdos,
wants to be
around like the
#Dos Equis Guy

Incels abound cuz
women are beginning
to know/appreciate
their worth and
not settling, and
so the losers
get in their feelings
and then comes
the Manospheres that
make things worse
and lead to even
more trash options.

So stop looking,
and start living
for you. Love
will come in
its own time.
Often when you
are least expecting it.

RN, find other
single women (divorced?)
to be around.

You mentioned babies.
You could freeze
your eggs now,
if you really do
want a child
of your own
blood some day.
Otherwise you can
still be a mom
to a child
you didn't birth
one day.
Last edited:
See it’s not about getting or having a man, since that won’t change how you feel about yourself on the inside. Really take some time to reflex on all of the positive things about yourself and start appreciating that. If you had a child that came to you with the feelings and thoughts you expressed here, how would you help to comfort and build up that child? That’s how you need to approach yourself . Start looking into reparenting your inner child.

Starting today, stop focusing on dating and your looks. Always do your best to look healthy and presentable. Don’t focus on how you need to look to attract men. That’s not being authentic and they will pick up on that. No more networking events, unless you are actually going for career opportunities. Since you are starting a business, focus on that.

No more men for now. You need to understand that there are good men out here, but there are predators out here too, and they can smell validation-seeking women a mile away. They will exploit and rob you in all aspects of your life. You will end up becoming codependent and will get abused if you do get involved with one, and it doesn’t matter what you look like. Losing your dad speaks volumes about how you are feeling in the present. A man out here isn’t going to help you in that regard. You have to settle the past, so you can live in the present.

That little girl inside of you needs love, compassion, and healing, so you gotta work on those things to give that to her. You gotta work on healing and managing your trauma, and not settling for crumbs.

Being single is not bad. I didn’t appreciate when I was younger. All I wanted was someone to be into me, waste my time, and distract from me what I really should have been focusing on. So start seeing singleness as a gift and not having children right now as a way to work on healing and being able to give your future children the true love and support that they will need. You can’t parent from a place of lack. Motherhood will eat you live at this point.
See it’s not about getting or having a man, since that won’t change how you feel about yourself on the inside. Really take some time to reflex on all of the positive things about yourself and start appreciating that. If you had a child that came to you with the feelings and thoughts you expressed here, how would you help to comfort and build up that child? That’s how you need to approach yourself . Start looking into reparenting your inner child.

Starting today, stop focusing on dating and your looks. Always do your best to look healthy and presentable. Don’t focus on how you need to look to attract men. That’s not being authentic and they will pick up on that. No more networking events, unless you are actually going for career opportunities. Since you are starting a business, focus on that.

No more men for now. You need to understand that there are good men out here, but there are predators out here too, and they can smell validation-seeking women a mile away. They will exploit and rob you in all aspects of your life. You will end up becoming codependent and will get abused if you do get involved with one, and it doesn’t matter what you look like. Losing your dad speaks volumes about how you are feeling in the present. A man out here isn’t going to help you in that regard. You have to settle the past, so you can live in the present.

That little girl inside of you needs love, compassion, and healing, so you gotta work on those things to give that to her. You gotta work on healing and managing your trauma, and not settling for crumbs.

Being single is not bad. I didn’t appreciate when I was younger. All I wanted was someone to be into me, waste my time, and distract from me what I really should have been focusing on. So start seeing singleness as a gift and not having children right now as a way to work on healing and being able to give your future children the true love and support that they will need. You can’t parent from a place of lack. Motherhood will eat you live at this point.
This message is so eloquently communicated, without judgement and full of love. I'm taking this one as if it were intended for me. Because I sure needed this and this resonated with me from the core of my Soul. I thank you.

I thank you for saying and communicating vulnerable truths that a lot of us feel and think but do not have the courage and strength to communicate. I admire you. I am speaking for myself and include myself in the 'we'. I hope you realize that you are helping a lot of people, including your lovely own self.
I feel like attractiveness affects so many parts of your life. I don't really care to be made up like that, but men treat you like dirt if you don't look good. It's really hurtful when you go out in a group setting and men ignore you because they find you unattractive.

He wasn't my ex, we were never in a relationship. We were just casually dating, albeit for a long time.

I cried today, although it was much less than usual. I don't usually pray, but I've been praying for the past few days for god to give me strength.

I'm trying to create a business currently. I mostly like sports. Basketball season hasn't started yet, and I don't think there are any fights happening this weekend. I'll maybe catch some WNBA games.

Yeah, it hurts. I never really had a guy take interest in me like that. I just keep wondering what I did wrong.
A lot of the things you are presenting are inner pain which is offputting to any healthy man. Your interest in sports is interesting and from appearance it sounds you are more naturally low key. I would take the next few months, it goes fast when your intention is on you purely from a place that I deserve the best life for me.
I won’t tell you that it will be a magic pill but it will help you to stop emotionally bleeding out and allow you to be solid on you. The more you seek external validation the more you’re going to struggle. It’s nice to have someone care and really see your beauty but you must do it for self and it will mirror back.
Oh @GraceJones :bighug:

I just thought of
something today...
Men like the chase.

Perhaps your internal
desire is spilling
over and coming
off as thirsty so
scaring guys off.

You might be
such a loving
and giving person
that when guys
get close to
you, they feel
like you are
smothering them
and that they
need space just
to get air.

I think you
should take the
advice here and
replace the fantasy
of being spoiled
and adored by
a guy, and your
yearning for that,
with the being
aware of the
blessings where you
are now... given
the lousy options
there are available.

Count your blessings
that you are not
in an abusive relationship,
and don't have
an incurable disease,
that becomes your
new normal. That you
are not looking
over your shoulder

coz you were
in a rlp with
a psycho. Nor
did you date
a guy who
seemed to want
to make things
work, but set you
instead. Just
think of what
life is like for
those who got
played in the
public eye

Instead of focusing
on what is lacking,
make a list
of the blessings
in what you
have been spared.
Find what is
good in your
life now and
bask in it.
Put another way,
which of the
women in those
stories would
you swap your
life with? If
none, #winning

Also there is nothing
more attractive to
a man than a
woman who seems
confident and happy
in her own skin.
And they love
a challenge. A
woman who seems
like she does
not need them
is they one
they swoon over.
You are a gem.
Use this time
to become a
secret surprise...
by learning something
new and becoming
this enigma that
everyone, not just
three legged weirdos,
wants to be
around like the
#Dos Equis Guy

Incels abound cuz
women are beginning
to know/appreciate
their worth and
not settling, and
so the losers
get in their feelings
and then comes
the Manospheres that
make things worse
and lead to even
more trash options.

So stop looking,
and start living
for you. Love
will come in
its own time.
Often when you
are least expecting it.

RN, find other
single women (divorced?)
to be around.

You mentioned babies.
You could freeze
your eggs now,
if you really do
want a child
of your own
blood some day.
Otherwise you can
still be a mom
to a child
you didn't birth
one day.
No, I don't smother the guys. I don't text first, don't over-text. I don't ask them out on dates. The last guy I "dated" complained that I never texted him. Go figure.

Yes, I thought about freezing my eggs. I didn't really want to do that, but I'll have to consider it when I have the funds. I don't exactly want a baby right this second, but I was hoping that I would have some prospects of men so I could at least start in the next few years. IDK how I got to be so down bad.

See it’s not about getting or having a man, since that won’t change how you feel about yourself on the inside. Really take some time to reflex on all of the positive things about yourself and start appreciating that. If you had a child that came to you with the feelings and thoughts you expressed here, how would you help to comfort and build up that child? That’s how you need to approach yourself . Start looking into reparenting your inner child.

Starting today, stop focusing on dating and your looks. Always do your best to look healthy and presentable. Don’t focus on how you need to look to attract men. That’s not being authentic and they will pick up on that. No more networking events, unless you are actually going for career opportunities. Since you are starting a business, focus on that.

No more men for now. You need to understand that there are good men out here, but there are predators out here too, and they can smell validation-seeking women a mile away. They will exploit and rob you in all aspects of your life. You will end up becoming codependent and will get abused if you do get involved with one, and it doesn’t matter what you look like. Losing your dad speaks volumes about how you are feeling in the present. A man out here isn’t going to help you in that regard. You have to settle the past, so you can live in the present.

That little girl inside of you needs love, compassion, and healing, so you gotta work on those things to give that to her. You gotta work on healing and managing your trauma, and not settling for crumbs.

Being single is not bad. I didn’t appreciate when I was younger. All I wanted was someone to be into me, waste my time, and distract from me what I really should have been focusing on. So start seeing singleness as a gift and not having children right now as a way to work on healing and being able to give your future children the true love and support that they will need. You can’t parent from a place of lack. Motherhood will eat you live at this point.
I try to speak kindly to myself and give myself hugs. It's just that I've had so many bad experiences and men treating me badly. I try to approach each new encounter with a fresh mind, but I always get the same result.

When I was in my early to mid-20s, I didn't really focus on dating at all. Just my schooling and starting my career. No guys ever approached me or really spoke to me. Then when I reached my mid-20s I threw everything into my dating life as far as hair, make-up, nails, skin treatments, personal trainer, personal stylist. It's hard because if you see a particular kind of person always getting attention, you think to yourself, "Ok, if I were more like that person, I would get attention too."

I'm kind of at a loss because I tried both ways.

I want to look attractive, but it's to the point where it just takes up too much of my time. Doing full hair and makeup up everyday, along with working out 5x a week and a full-time job is way too much. Along with trying to keep up with nails, dermatologist appointments, and laser appointments. Not sustainable.

This message is so eloquently communicated, without judgement and full of love. I'm taking this one as if it were intended for me. Because I sure needed this and this resonated with me from the core of my Soul. I thank you.

I thank you for saying and communicating vulnerable truths that a lot of us feel and think but do not have the courage and strength to communicate. I admire you. I am speaking for myself and include myself in the 'we'. I hope you realize that you are helping a lot of people, including your lovely own self.
Thanks, @Chicoro because i almost felt like i took over the post

@GraceJones How are your female friendships? Work relationships? In what areas do you feel most fulfilled? What makes you happy?
I've only made a few friends within the past few years. I tried to join meetup groups and they just fizzled over the years. I wasn't really able to maintain any long-lasting relationships outside of the group because it felt more like a competition for guys' attention. I tried some female-only groups also but they felt prickly. If I meet a girl I kind of get along with in the group I'll invite them to go to an event or something. Sometimes they say they're busy, but I'll try.

I've also made it a point to always get people's contact info when I go to a networking event. Sometimes I'll plan for all of us to get drinks and food, but I haven't really made any long-lasting friendships. I've only met one person that I would really call a friend that supports me. We mostly go to the park and cycle together.

I feel like the meetup groups are mostly created by guys who are just looking for women to date. If they don't want to date you or feel as though you would get in the way of that, they exclude you. I was a member of a meetup group for over a year and I realized that the moderator began purposely leaving me out of certain group chats and pretending as though meetups were canceled when they actually weren't.

A lot of the things you are presenting are inner pain which is offputting to any healthy man. Your interest in sports is interesting and from appearance it sounds you are more naturally low key. I would take the next few months, it goes fast when your intention is on you purely from a place that I deserve the best life for me.
I won’t tell you that it will be a magic pill but it will help you to stop emotionally bleeding out and allow you to be solid on you. The more you seek external validation the more you’re going to struggle. It’s nice to have someone care and really see your beauty but you must do it for self and it will mirror back.

Yes, I am trying my best but this last "breakup" really threw me. I don't even know if I can say I was dating him because I barely saw him.

@Lylddlebit I get what you're saying about your cousin, but you have to also bear in mind that she was 19. I'm in my early 30s. I'm about to pass fertility age in a few years. To experience rejection like that throughout your life plays on your psyche. I try to meditate every day to get past this thought process and believe myself to be attractive but it's difficult when your experience tells you otherwise.

If you're in a group setting and guys actively try to ignore you in order to speak to your friend, it hurts.
@GraceJones would you consider looking into cosmetic surgery?
i did think about that, but idk what i would change necessarily. it's not that i necessarily dislike any of my features, i just wish i were more attractive. i don't think i would get any body work done, because i already wear a dd bra and i have a butt, but no hips. i wear a size 6 currently
@GraceJones I have to say, that I'm more concerned about your lack of meaningful female friendships than your dating prospects. I think that perhaps you should consider volunteering with children, this will help you spend time with and impact kids that need it, plus women are more likely to volunteer in those spaces.
Coach a kids recreation sports team, join a book club through the local library branch, join the rotary club, a sorority, visit a church, the junior league... anything that meets regularly without need of an invitation. To me, if you are lonesome, making friends is the greater concern.
No, I don't smother the guys. I don't text first, don't over-text. I don't ask them out on dates. The last guy I "dated" complained that I never texted him. Go figure.

Yes, I thought about freezing my eggs. I didn't really want to do that, but I'll have to consider it when I have the funds. I don't exactly want a baby right this second, but I was hoping that I would have some prospects of men so I could at least start in the next few years. IDK how I got to be so down bad.

I try to speak kindly to myself and give myself hugs. It's just that I've had so many bad experiences and men treating me badly. I try to approach each new encounter with a fresh mind, but I always get the same result.

When I was in my early to mid-20s, I didn't really focus on dating at all. Just my schooling and starting my career. No guys ever approached me or really spoke to me. Then when I reached my mid-20s I threw everything into my dating life as far as hair, make-up, nails, skin treatments, personal trainer, personal stylist. It's hard because if you see a particular kind of person always getting attention, you think to yourself, "Ok, if I were more like that person, I would get attention too."

I'm kind of at a loss because I tried both ways.

I want to look attractive, but it's to the point where it just takes up too much of my time. Doing full hair and makeup up everyday, along with working out 5x a week and a full-time job is way too much. Along with trying to keep up with nails, dermatologist appointments, and laser appointments. Not sustainable.

Thanks, @Chicoro because i almost felt like i took over the post

I've only made a few friends within the past few years. I tried to join meetup groups and they just fizzled over the years. I wasn't really able to maintain any long-lasting relationships outside of the group because it felt more like a competition for guys' attention. I tried some female-only groups also but they felt prickly. If I meet a girl I kind of get along with in the group I'll invite them to go to an event or something. Sometimes they say they're busy, but I'll try.

I've also made it a point to always get people's contact info when I go to a networking event. Sometimes I'll plan for all of us to get drinks and food, but I haven't really made any long-lasting friendships. I've only met one person that I would really call a friend that supports me. We mostly go to the park and cycle together.

I feel like the meetup groups are mostly created by guys who are just looking for women to date. If they don't want to date you or feel as though you would get in the way of that, they exclude you. I was a member of a meetup group for over a year and I realized that the moderator began purposely leaving me out of certain group chats and pretending as though meetups were canceled when they actually weren't.

Yes, I am trying my best but this last "breakup" really threw me. I don't even know if I can say I was dating him because I barely saw him.

@Lylddlebit I get what you're saying about your cousin, but you have to also bear in mind that she was 19. I'm in my early 30s. I'm about to pass fertility age in a few years. To experience rejection like that throughout your life plays on your psyche. I try to meditate every day to get past this thought process and believe myself to be attractive but it's difficult when your experience tells you otherwise.

If you're in a group setting and guys actively try to ignore you in order to speak to your friend, it hurts.
You have a lot that’s in your favor, life may not be perfect but it’s beautiful if we chose to acknowledge it. You are starting your business, your successful career wise, healthy and can do things you want ie enjoy a night out wo worrying if your lights will be turned off. As someone who let the desire for marriage destroy a decade of my life I hope you enjoy your gifts.
You give me that your unconventional in aesthetics which if spun right can be your gift.
@GraceJones I have to say, that I'm more concerned about your lack of meaningful female friendships than your dating prospects. I think that perhaps you should consider volunteering with children, this will help you spend time with and impact kids that need it, plus women are more likely to volunteer in those spaces.
Coach a kids recreation sports team, join a book club through the local library branch, join the rotary club, a sorority, visit a church, the junior league... anything that meets regularly without need of an invitation. To me, if you are lonesome, making friends is the greater concern.
Yeah, I actually just applied to the Junior League for that very same purpose. I was also thinking about joining Toastmasters and The Urban League.

I would actually go to meetups quite often, but not really make friends. I just made associates. I joined a few makeshift community organizations and I felt the same way. The guys mostly just spoke to the girls they wanted to sleep with and the ladies in the group competed with each other over the few men that were there. I think I made one friend from that organization but I lost touch with her a little before co-vid.

You have a lot that’s in your favor, life may not be perfect but it’s beautiful if we chose to acknowledge it. You are starting your business, your successful career wise, healthy and can do things you want ie enjoy a night out wo worrying if your lights will be turned off. As someone who let the desire for marriage destroy a decade of my life I hope you enjoy your gifts.
You give me that your unconventional in aesthetics which if spun right can be your gift.
Yeah, I'm super tall. I'm 6 feet which is taller than most guys.
Yeah, I actually just applied to the Junior League for that very same purpose. I was also thinking about joining Toastmasters and The Urban League.

I would actually go to meetups quite often, but not really make friends. I just made associates. I joined a few makeshift community organizations and I felt the same way. The guys mostly just spoke to the girls they wanted to sleep with and the ladies in the group competed with each other over the few men that were there. I think I made one friend from that organization but I lost touch with her a little before co-vid.

Yeah, I'm super tall. I'm 6 feet which is taller than most guys.
Ok so your on runway model gazelle type energy. You probably are too striking for some men. Men calculate risk like could I get her and satisfy you would strike fear. Ugly you are not.
Yeah, I actually just applied to the Junior League for that very same purpose. I was also thinking about joining Toastmasters and The Urban League.

I would actually go to meetups quite often, but not really make friends. I just made associates. I joined a few makeshift community organizations and I felt the same way. The guys mostly just spoke to the girls they wanted to sleep with and the ladies in the group competed with each other over the few men that were there. I think I made one friend from that organization but I lost touch with her a little before co-vid.

Yeah, I'm super tall. I'm 6 feet which is taller than most guys.
The Junior League, Urban League, and Toastmasters are great choices! I'm not so sure about meetup groups.

The focus of the group shouldn't be just getting together or dating. The purpose should be for creating meaningful human connections, at least one of the groups should be all female.

Most people receive emotional support from the women in their lives.

Building community through a purpose or significant cause, that everyone believes in, also leads to deeper less shallow relationships.
The Junior League, Urban League, and Toastmasters are great choices! I'm not so sure about meetup groups.

The focus of the group shouldn't be just getting together or dating. The purpose should be for creating meaningful human connections, at least one of the groups should be all female.

Most people receive emotional support from the women in their lives.

Building community through a purpose or significant cause, that everyone believes in, also leads to deeper less shallow relationships.
Yeah, I already applied to the Junior League. I'm gonna apply for Toastmasters too. Before I gained my recent friend, I didn't realize just how lonely I was. I would have associates to hang out with occasionally, but no real friends. I don't really have any family that speaks to me. My dad was my only real support system and he got sick and died.

I don't really have anybody to talk to and stuff. It's not like I don't put myself out there to make friends, I just have a hard time making connections. I try to do at least one or two social things every week. My therapist said that I have been trying very hard. That's why I'm trying to take this charisma course now, to see if that would help.
Yeah, I already applied to the Junior League. I'm gonna apply for Toastmasters too. Before I gained my recent friend, I didn't realize just how lonely I was. I would have associates to hang out with occasionally, but no real friends. I don't really have any family that speaks to me. My dad was my only real support system and he got sick and died.

I don't really have anybody to talk to and stuff. It's not like I don't put myself out there to make friends, I just have a hard time making connections. I try to do at least one or two social things every week. My therapist said that I have been trying very hard. That's why I'm trying to take this charisma course now, to see if that would help.
I don't know
if books like
"How to Win
Friends and Influence
" would help
but maybe worth
a try? Would
be a nice
distraction too.
If he specialises in ASD diagnosis that's good. If not or if you still identify/score highly on the tests I would seek a second opinion from a specialist.
I agree because I get a sense of something else that is not being addressed and I stand on that therapist doing a disservice to her. @GraceJones
You keep diverting back to what you are being advised to take a break from and it is not just about men, but men and women in general. There seems to be a lot social cues being missed. Plus there seems to be some hyper-focusing going on. As someone that is part of the neurodivergent community, I suggest you get a second opinion and if it turns out that all of this is from trauma, then that should be the focus of your therapy sessions. I want to be blunt because you need clarity. Tip-toeing will not get you what you need.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross became famous when she published her book on death and dying. Her famous 5 stages of grief were meant to describe what people with terminal illnesses experience as they face their impending death. But what I tend to believe is that grief is not limited to death and dying and to me it makes sense when you do a deep dive into the " stages" and realize how much it applies to other things. Anger, denial, depression, bargaining and Acceptance all have a place in our lives and nobody has to die for us to experience this grief.
While I did not read everything you wrote, in the tidbits I did read I can see so much of myself in what you're saying. So much grief in what you're experiencing. I've had a lot of trauma in my life and my heart goes out to you as I can just feel the same hurt and pain you speak of and that burning question of " what's wrong with me". I have and still have all those feelings even though as it relates to this discussion, I've been married twice ( well really 3 times now...i married my late husband twice).
I hear a lot of anger and bargaining. The, if I just stay fit, , have clear skin, dress nice some man will want me. Then the anger at why it's not happening, the pieces of denial that scream this can't be.... that I'm in my 30s and this is where I'm at. You're grieving for the life you deserve and *should* have by now but hasn't materialized yet and that's ok.
I'll just tell you a few quick stories. I'm a bit older than you but to this day I still remember these things.
In middle school I remember I was standing with a group of girls. There were 5 or 6 of us. I wouldn't say I was friends with them but nonetheless one girl decided to rank everyone on the prettiness scale. I came in last. And carried that ranking with me all the way to college.

In college I went to a football game with my fellow nursing students. At the end of the game this guy comes up to the group and invites all the girls to an afterparty. He spoke directly to them and handed them flyers but not a single word to me and no flyer. After he was done talking to them he looks me up and down and says, oh I guess you can come to"
I was humiliated and embarrassed beyond belief. And the worst part is, none of my "friends" showed up for me. I made the mistake of slipping into a shell and becoming a loner from that day forward. It was a mistake because I robbed myself of enjoying a prime time in my life and to this day I deeply regret that. I long for friendships and a sisterhood outside my family. I have a few friends but we all live in different states. I've missed out on years of joy that I can't get back. I can only move forward and ditching my shell has not gotten easier.

When I was about 7 years old, we were traveling to Mississippi to see my grandmother as we did every summer We stopped for lunch at PoBoys somewhere along the way. At the restaurant this lady comes up to my mom and goes on and on about how pretty my older sisters were. Then she looks at me and says, " well that one has pretty hands". My mom showed up for me when she read that lady her rights but I carried that moment inside of me to the point I believed that the only thing pretty about me was my hands.
Lastly, after my husband died, I invited a group of people over for dinner and a game night as we often got together when he was alive. I'm a perfectionist and hosting was my thing. I carefully crafted a menu, cooked all day and had the table set up and games all ready. I waited and waited and guess what, not one couple showed up or even bothered to call and say they weren't coming. The worst part is they all lived within walking distance of my house. Crushed is an understatement. I'd just lost my husband a now I'd lost our " friends" too. The only thing that saved me was my current husband who provided me comfort.

What I'm getting at is those hurtful experiences stack up and we tend to internalize them to the point that they become part of our identity whether we realize it or not. We cant really see what that internal pain is projecting onto others. We ask ourselves why and rather than seeing things for what they are, we invite those feelings to invade our safe space and in turn its not so safe anymore.
But you know, as painful as those experiences were, you lnow why I've carried and believed those things for so long? It's because I failed to show up for myself. I expected something or someone to rescue me from that internal dialoge that I allowed someone else to create for me. That thing that said, you only have pretty hands, you weren't important enough for your friends to show up when they were invited, you weren't good enough to be invited to that after party and in that group of middle school girls you ranked last. You weren't smart enough to go to med school. Nobody likes you. In reality I'm none of those things.
I admit, to this day, i dont fully believe I'm all that pretty but what I've learned about life and love is that I don't need to be the prettiest flower in the vase to have the kind of men I wanted. Both my late husband and my current husband are phenomenal men. I had something within me that no amount of external beauty could match. But I also am not the horrible monster I sometimes see myself as. I'm STILL fighting this tug of war even though I've had the kind of love I yearned for as a young child. So what I'm telling you is finding that for yourself isn't going to fix what's been brewing inside you. It will only mask the symptoms for a while. My husband can tell me till I'm blue in the face how beautiful I am and while I feel great for a second the self hate comes back strong. I don't believe him because past experiences taught me otherwise and it became a part of me. Having to always reassure a person is exhausting. It wears a man down because despite pouring all he has into you...you can't see it. It starts to make him feel like he's not enough. That's partially why AJ and I divorced . I had no self esteem
Nobody wants to keep telling you the sky is blue but you insist its green. Eventually they give up.

My late husband was absolutely gorgeous and I went through hearing at times where people would ask how I ended up with him because our looks weren't on the same level. I overheard that so often I added that to my identity.
So I'll circle back to that question I heard you ask of "what's wrong with me" and I'll tell you what I discovered about myself. There's NOTHING wrong, not with you or me.
AS i said in the beginning, people associate grief with just death but a lot of times we are experiencing grief and we don't recognize that is what it is.
I hear a lot of bargaining with you, I can feel the anger, the depression. What's missing for now is acceptance.
Side note:
I don't know if you people watch but if you do you know there is someone out there for everyone. You've probably observed people and probably thought, how'd she get a man and i can't? While it's wrong to judge others as we don't want to be judged we are flawed humans and we have all done it.
But one thing to keep in mind is all those men who passed you up or would not approach you, men you think you may have wanted, were not men for you. You really can't force attraction it's either there or it's not. When it's not we can't internalize that as rejection. We have to understand that that person just was not the person meant for us. And it's not one sided. We all have standards of who we are attracted to. So we can't be angry at the men for liking what they like when we too aren't willing to or need to settle.
I will agree with others in that there's some healing that has to happen for you. It will take some showing up for ( insert your real name).. I don't mean the external things either.

You can be as put together as much as you want to be on the outside but if you can't heal the inside none of that matters.
Have you ever seen a beautiful person on the news that commirred suicide? The first thing we think is wow she was so pretty rather than trying to understand what was so painful inside. Beauty alone didn't allow that person to escape from the turmoil. Look at the dancer Twitch or Robyn Williams or the designer lady who all committed suicide. They had spouses, money, and yet still it wasnt enough.
I'm not advocating for looking frumpy by any means but rather make sure that all that external stuff you are doing is being done for yourself and how you feel and not to try and live up to someone else's standard. When you do that and it's not authentic, eventually you'll be right back at the real you. If you have to spend 9 hours getting ready to attract a man then you'll have to spend another 18 hours trying to maintain that image for him, whereas that wasn't you to being with. You'll never keep a man that way and you will be miserable because here you are doing all that for him and it still wasnt enough. As soon as you become " not the same as when we first met" he will be on to the next.
Showing up for yourself means taking on this pain and self hate you have and repackaging it. Self hate is not meant in a derogatory way here. if you've read anything I've written on my posts on this board you can easily see I have a lot of that within myself. I've spent years in therapy and yet my work isn't done.
Showing up for yourself means finding out what makes you the person you are.
What do you have to offer in a relationship other than your looks because it's much deeper than that especially within a marriage and motherhood. Showing up for yourself means feeling that pain you've been carrying for so long to it's max effect then learning how to let it go. Showing up for yourself means not asking yourself, " what is wrong with me but rather believing that there is so much right with you.
I know it's hard but when I met my current husband I was not healthy, I wasn't financially stable, I wasn't looking for anyone, I didn't care about my appearance, I was grieving and despite all that he found something in me that made him say this is the one for me. 99% of men would not find me worthy but guess what, I only needed that 1% and I got him. He may have thought I was cute but what brought him into my life was how I treated him, my loving nature, my charm, my calm personality, the ways I love him like no other woman has. I'm a natural caretaker so that came into plays as well. I made love to his mind before we ever jumped in bed together. But besides that, we were both in a place where our souls needed each other. Us being a thing wasn't my ideal time but it was right on time.

Now that I've written a book let me leave you with this.

You are caring, intelligent, worthy, beautiful, likeable, loveable, capable, remarkable and most importantly you are enough. Those are the things that are going to attract a man and not just any man, the right man.
Life isn't going to go as we planned it. It's going to throw us curve balls that we might swing and miss at. But you have to stand up and swing again. Maybe you adjust how you hold the bat, maybe you eventually stike out but you have to then look at how you can change your approach and get back in that box.
Show up for you and stop searching so hard. You wont find what you are looking for or need until you find the healing that has to come from within. Search for Grace, not the fantasy man you've put together in your mind.
You don't need any classes to be a different person. That is manufactured. It might be interesting but will it really be you? I believe what you need is already within. It's just not healthy right now and needs some attention.
I'm not telling you anything that I myself don't battle everyday. I have to fight for my life every day...not a physical fight but a mental one. I need to strip myself from an identity that is not my own. It's painful, it's hard, it's filled with self doubt, living in the past but it's necessary to get me to the other side. Even decades removed from my 7 year old, 12 year old, 20 years old self that felt nothing but rejection and pain. I still have to work.
When you commit to the healing, that person who is meant for you will show up right on time and he will love you for all the right reasons.

Pray for acceptance. Not acceptance that you're not in the situation you want but rather acceptance that who you are is enough because you are. Accept that because it's the truth.
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Elizabeth Kubler-Ross became famous when she published her book on death and dying. Her famous 5 stages of grief were meant to describe what people with terminal illnesses experience as they face their impending death. But what I tend to believe is that grief is not limited to death and dying and to me it makes sense when you do a deep dive into the " stages" and realize how much it applies to other things. Anger, denial, depression, bargaining and Acceptance all have a place in our lives and nobody has to die for us to experience this grief.
While I did not read everything you wrote, in the tidbits I did read I can see so much of myself in what you're saying. So much grief in what you're experiencing. I've had a lot of trauma in my life and my heart goes out to you as I can just feel the same hurt and pain you speak of and that burning question of " what's wrong with me". I have and still have all those feelings even though as it relates to this discussion, I've been married twice ( well really 3 times now...i married my late husband twice).
I hear a lot of anger and bargaining. The, if I just stay fit, , have clear skin, dress nice some man will want me. Then the anger at why it's not happening, the pieces of denial that scream this can't be.... that I'm in my 30s and this is where I'm at. You're grieving for the life you deserve and *should* have by now but hasn't materialized yet and that's ok.
I'll just tell you a few quick stories. I'm a bit older than you but to this day I still remember these things.
In middle school I remember I was standing with a group of girls. There were 5 or 6 of us. I wouldn't say I was friends with them but nonetheless one girl decided to rank everyone on the prettiness scale. I came in last. And carried that ranking with me all the way to college.

In college I went to a football game with my fellow nursing students. At the end of the game this guy comes up to the group and invites all the girls to an afterparty. He spoke directly to them and handed them flyers but not a single word to me and no flyer. After he was done talking to them he looks me up and down and says, oh I guess you can come to"
I was humiliated and embarrassed beyond belief. And the worst part is, none of my "friends" showed up for me. I made the mistake of slipping into a shell and becoming a loner from that day forward. It was a mistake because I robbed myself of enjoying a prime time in my life and to this day I deeply regret that. I long for friendships and a sisterhood outside my family. I have a few friends but we all live in different states. I've missed out on years of joy that I can't get back. I can only move forward and ditching my shell has not gotten easier.
Then when I was about 7 years old, we were traveling to Mississippi to see my grandmother as we did every summer We stopped for lunch at PoBoys somewhere along the way. At the restaurant this lady comes up to my mom and goes on and on about how pretty my older sisters were. Then she looks at me and says, " well that one has pretty hands". My mom showed up for me when she read that lady her rights but I carried that moment inside of me to the point I believed that the only thing pretty about me was my hands.
Lastly, after my husband died, I invited a group of people over for dinner and a game night as we often got together when he was alive. I'm a perfectionist and hosting was my thing. I carefully crafted a menu, cooked all day and had the table set up and games all ready. I waited and waited and guess what, not one couple showed up or even bothered to call and say they weren't coming. The worst part is they all lived within walking distance of my house. Crushed is an understatement. I'd just lost my husband a now I'd lost our " friends" too. The only thing that saved me was my current husband who provided me comfort.
What I'm getting at is those hurtful experiences stack up and we tend to internalize them to the point that they become part of our identity whether we realize it or not. We cant really see what that internal pain is projecting onto others. We ask ourselves why and rather than seeing things for what they are, we invite those feelings to invade our safe space and in turn its not so safe anymore.
But you know, as painful as those experiences were, you lnow why I've carried and believed those things for so long? It's because I failed to show up for myself. I expected something or someone to rescue me from that internal dialoge that I allowed someone else to create for me. That thing that said, you only have pretty hands, you weren't important enough for your friends to show up when they were invited, you weren't good enough to be invited to that after party and in that group of middle school girls you ranked last. Upu weren't smart enough to go to med school. Nobody likes you. In reality I'm none of those things.
I admit, to this day, i dont fully believe I'm all that pretty but what I've learned about life and love is that I don't need to be the prettiest flower in the vase to have the kind of men I wanted. Both my late husband and my current husband are phenomenal men. I had something within me that no amount of external beauty could match. But I also am not the horrible monster I sometimes see myself as. I'm STIL battering this tug of war even though I've had the kind of love I yearned for as a young child. So what I'm telling you is finding that for yourself isn't going to fix what's been brewing inside you. It will only mask the symptoms for a while. My husband can tell me till I'm blue in the face how beautiful I am and while I feel great for a second the self hate comes back strong. I don't believe him because past experiences taught me otherwise and it became a part of ne.
My late husband was absolutely gorgeous and I went through hearing at times where people would ask how I ended up with him because our looks weren't on the same level. I overheard that so often I added that to my identity.
So I'll circle back to that question I heard you ask of "what's wrong with me" and I'll tell you what I discovered about myself. There's NOTHING wrong, not with you or me.
AS i said in the beginning, people associate grief with just death but a lot of times we are experiencing grief and we don't recognize that is what it is.
I hear a lot of bargaining with you, I can feel the anger, the depression. What's missing for now is acceptance.
Side note:
I don't know if you people watch but if you do you know there is someone out there for everyone. You've probably observed people and probably thought, how'd she get a man and i can't? While it's wrong to judge others as we don't want to be judged we are flawed humans and we have all done it.
But one thing to keep in mind is all those men who passed you up or would approach you, men you think you may have wanted, were not men for you. You really can't force attraction it's either there or it's not. When it's not we can't internalize that as rejection. We have to understand that that person just was not the person meant for us. And it's not one sided. We all have standards of who we are attracted to. So we can't be angry at the men for liking what they like when we too aren't willing to or need to settle.
I will agree with others in that there's some healing that has to happen for you. It will take some showing up for ( insert your real name).. I don't mean the external things either.
You can be as put together as much as you want to be on the outside but if you can't heal the inside none of that matters. Have you ever seen a beautiful person on the news that commirred suicide? The first thing we think is wow she was so pretty rsther then trying to understand what was so painful inside. Beauty alone didn't allow that person to escape from the turmoil. Look at the dancer Twitch or Robyn Williams or the designer lady who all committed suicide. They had spouses, money, and yet still it wasnt enough.
I'm not advocating for looking frumpy by any means but rather make sure that all that external stuff you are doing is being done for yourself and how you feel and not to try and live up to someone else's standard. When you do that and it's not authentic, eventually you'll be right back at the real you. If you have to spend 9 hours getting ready to attract a man then you'll have to spend another 18 hours trying to maintain that image for him, whereas that wasn't you to being with. You'll never keep a man that way and you will be miserable because here you are doing all that for him and it still wasnt enough. LAs soon as you become " not the same as when we first met" he will be on to the next.
Showing up for yourself means taking on this pain and self hate you have and repackaging it. Self hate is not meant in a derogatory way here. if you've read anything I've written on my posts on this board you can easily see I have a lot of that within myself. I've spent years in therapy and yet my work isn't done.
Showing up for yourself means finding out what makes you the person you are. What do you have to offer in a relationship other than your looks because it's much deeper than that especially within a marriage and motherhood. Showing up for yourself means feeling that pain you've been carrying for so long to it's max effect then learning how to let it go. Showing up for yourself means not asking yourself, " what is wrong with me but rather believing that there is so much right with you.
I know it's hard but when I met my current husband I was not healthy, I wasn't financially stable, I wasn't looking for anyone, I didn't care about my appearance, I was grieving and despite all that he found something in me that made him say this is the one for me. 99% of men would not find me worthy but guess what, I only needed that 1% and I got him. He may have thought I was cute but what brought him into my life was how I treated him, my loving nature, my charm, my calm personality, the ways I love him like no other woman has. I'm a natural caretaker so that came into plays as well. I made love to his mind before we ever jumped in bed together. But besides that, we were both in a place where our souls needed each other. Us being a thing wasn't my ideal time but it was right on time.

Now that I've written a book let me leave you with this.

You are caring, intelligent, worthy, beautiful, likeable, loveable, capable, remarkable and most importantly you are enough. Thpse are the things that are going to attract a man and not just any man, the right man.
Life isn't going to go as we planned it. It's going to throw us curve balls that we might swing and miss at. But you have to stand up and swing again. Maybe you adjust how you hold the bat, maybe you eventually stike out but you have to then look at how you can change your approach and get back in that box.
Show up for you and stop searching so hard. You wont find what you are looking for or need until you find the healing that has to come from within. Search for Grace, not the fantasy man you've put together in your mind.
You don't need any classes to be a different person. That is manufactured. It might be interesting but will it really be you? I believe what you need is already within. It's just not healthy right now and needs some attention.
I'm not telling you anything that I myself don't battle everyday. I have to fight for my life every day...not a physical fight but a mental one. I need to strip myself from an identity that is not my own. It's painful, it's hard, it's filled with self doubt, living in the past but it's necessary to get me to the other side. Even decades removed from my 7 yesr old, 12 year old, 20 years old self that felt nothing but rejection and pain. I still have to work.
When you commit to the healing, that person who is meant for you will show up right on time and he will love you for all the right reasons.

Pray for acceptance. Not acceptance that you're not in the situation you want but rather acceptance that who you are is enough because you are. Accept that because it's the truth.
This wasn’t for me but I just had to send a ehug for the overflow that I got. Ok love you bye.