I’m currently filling out the questionnaire on eHarmony. My first try at online dating so we’ll see how this goes.
He just wanted to waste my time. He wasn’t some random person I had just met either. All he wanted to do was talk on the phone and FaceTime. I have a life, and I can’t just walk around holding my phone! I find that invasive.
I’m grossed at the thought. If he isn’t date out it’s no chatting. What do we have to chat about? I know some don’t that way but my time cost money.
You have been single for 3 months? What are you dissatisfied with that’s causing you to want to stir up some undesired interactions?
I had a hard year last year, and I was just looking for someone to have conversation with, which is really unlike me. Guess I was looking for a little attention to feel desirable but not too much. I think I'm over it now, and I wanna go back to my little shell lol
Is it normal to cry over a failed or looming failed talking stage lol? I don’t even think it’s the person to mourn over but just the having high hopes of a relationship and it not happening. I’ve been single for a long time so that plays a role as well.
I don’t think normal and relationships connect that way. The hard would say yes because there was no real connection but I would say it’s ok to grieve what was longed for. It’s not about the person but the desired outcome. I too have been single a while, a whole decade and some change so I empathize. Your beautiful and deserving of only the highest quality. Mourn and move!
Is it normal to cry over a failed or looming failed talking stage lol? I don’t even think it’s the person to mourn over but just the having high hopes of a relationship and it not happening. I’ve been single for a long time so that plays a role as well.

I shed a tear after talking for a month. I was just getting comfortable The hope that started to grow. Then I said Oh well and Took it as a lesson. @TrulyBlessed
I don't mind being single...but sometimes I wish I had someone to share my life with.

But then I remember that i'm an introvert and i kinda like my space.

I've recently entered my 30s and i'd like to focus on increasing my income and finding a career. Currently thinking about making a career switch. I applied for a position at a psych hospital so i'm hoping i get it since it's a state job with better benefits and a much higher pay. They also offer tuition reimbursement, which is great because I definitely want to work in the medical field.

i'd eventually like to date (and eventually get married), just not right now. I know what i'm looking for and i'm not settling for anything less than that.
I don't mind being single...but sometimes I wish I had someone to share my life with.

But then I remember that i'm an introvert and i kinda like my space.

I've recently entered my 30s and i'd like to focus on increasing my income and finding a career. Currently thinking about making a career switch. I applied for a position at a psych hospital so i'm hoping i get it since it's a state job with better benefits and a much higher pay. They also offer tuition reimbursement, which is great because I definitely want to work in the medical field.

i'd eventually like to date (and eventually get married), just not right now. I know what i'm looking for and i'm not settling for anything less than that.
This is what’s up! Good luck and I hope you get that position!!
Case study observation. Commitment phobic men are also emotionally unavailable. One warning sign is if they bring up sex/sexual innuendoes early in the dating/talking stages and continue to bring it up frequently.

Eta: I will add emotionally available men to my dating profile. Also no Kevin Samuels, Andrew Tate, and red pill theory subscribers.

E-Harmony messages are coming in nicely. Mostly black men with few non-black. To be honest I am so jaded by our black men that I haven’t opened any of their message yet :look:
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Poor girl. Why would you break up with someone on a flight? Probably thought an audience would curb her reaction. Single life is looking like the better option nowadays. I hate the comment below lol

Why would you break up with someone on a flight?
An acquaintance of an acquaintance (BFF of a college classmate, so I didn't know either person that well) had this happen. Between finalizing the bookings and payments for their long weekend getaway in Paris and the actual flight, he decided he wanted out. They'd spent a bit of time planning the trip so he thought he'd get through it and then break up with her afterwards. Then once they took off, he either reconsidered or lost his spine and blurted it out somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean that he wanted to break up with her.
So what’s the etiquette when people message you on dating apps? There’s no way I’m responding to everyone. I messaged a few people of interest back so do you just ignore the others and delete them?

Nice selections so far. eHarmony definitely puts a lot of work into the compatibility algorithm.
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