I'm seeing some noticeable growth since I started taking down braids from this last install. I'm gonna just keep up with my regimen for the next install(4th week of Oct).
Flat iron and trim 9/24

Pic 1- Took out my plaits and on the way to the salon. Camera lens was smudged, I realized this and cleaned it later.

Pic2 and 3- right after salon

Pic 4- later after curls fell. pinned up the top to look at length progress in the back.

My hair is finally starting to actually feel kinda long. Getting caught in purse straps, getting caught behind me when I sit back in chairs, eating hair (ew) etc. its actually kind of annoying:look: but i'm happy to have the hair to complain. I still think I can make apl by December. So I guess my reggie is working and I will just stick to it.

Soooooo pretty! Can't wait to get there!
Examining my ends, sooo many splits (and of course SSKs but not tripping on them that hard). Sigh. Right now I'm doing search and destroy, so much hair, so will just do a little every day and get as many as possible.

In the future I'm contemplating...

-adding A LOT more protein into my reggie
-trimming more often, either every other month or every three months
Nothing going on here. Trying to relax with my hair. I don't see much movement towards APL but there are still 3 more months to go. I am thinking that I will take another length check pic at the end of October with stretched hair.
Can I be down? I'm trying to grow my hair out and have it be healthy. I'm determined :yep:

What is your current length?
2 inches mostly. TWA.

Natural :look:

What is your goal date to make SL?
Stretched, my goal is to make it to SL by September 2011:perplexed. That's ambitious, I know, but I'm determined. If I don't achieve it by then, I'll be aiite. I should be at the least very close to it.

How do you plan on getting to SL?
I plan on getting to SL by protective styling in extensions. I'm not comfortable enough with my TWA length to wear it out and proud, and even if I were I'd still rather do extensions. I'll be doing conditioning treatments in between and during the times I have in my extensions. My hair is coarse and I think one of the reasons I struggled with split ends so bad was because I was trying a lot of treatments, experimenting with protein (henna, and other protein treatments), and not enough on moisture. I'll be keeping the protein but I'm going to significantly decrease the amount of protein I use and focus primarily on moisture and moisture retention. I'll be applying my sulfur treatments every day, twice a day every so often. I'll be keeping my scalp in check by washing it regularly and moisturizing it. I'll be taking my vitamins, drinking more water, eating less sugar, hopefully exercising and eating better. I'll also be doing scalp massages.

What's your long term hair goal?
Full SL unstretched

Why is your hair currently short?
I BC'd December 30th. For a long time I've been struggling with excessive splits and holes in my hair. At the time I had mini twists in my hair. Out of frustration and being officially at my wits end, I cut a twist from the middle of my head to about 2 inches. I then walked up to my sister, tears welling up in my eyes, and demanded that she cut the rest. I had an Angela Basset moment :lachen: . But seriously, I am frustrated. I'm going to try my damnedest to keep split hairs to an ultimate minimum.

Was it intentionally cut or from a setback?
It was an intentional cut from a setback. My setback was split ends and I intentionally cut my hair.

I don't have any pics yet but I'll try to get my starting length up here before the end of this month.

So...9 months later, I am at a little more than 5 inches. I don't think I can claim SL just yet but when I pull my hair in the back and on the sides it touches my collar bone :yep:. I am satisfied with my progress. I don't think I got much growth in between March and May because I was sick and had some stressful things going on, but I may have done okay. Idk. I didn't measure much in between January and now.

So here's the tea: I stopped the sulfur, I haven't been consistent with eating better or exercising, and I don't do scalp massages. I am consistent with my moisture regimen and I don't drink soda- I mainly drink water. I take a multivitamin when I remember. I've found two shampoo's that keep my scalp in check. I DC every wash. I haven't done a protein treatment. I gotten a handle on those monstrous splits I had before I BC'd by remaining consistent with my moisturizing. I slacked off a little bit and the knots came knocking, but I didn't beat myself up about it. I'm moisturizing twice daily to keep my hair lubricated and to deter SSK's. I trimmed once within 9 months and I think I took off 3/4 inch. I won't be trimming my hair again because I think it's stupid. I took way more than I needed to. I'll be sticking to search and destroys.

Since I still have lots of sulfur I'm gonna revisit it since I'm gonna start keeping my hair twisted because Fall/Winter is among us and it is getting colder. I don't want to wear extensions anymore so I won't be doing that anymore. I wore extensions from January to April and I'm not gonna get anymore any time soon. I was afraid to have my hair short but it grew on me.....and, it literally Still growing. I'll keep my hair protected from the bitter Midwest cold with hats over my silk bonnet and extra moisturizing.

Here is a before and kind of after. The pics aren't that great of quality but you get the idea. The first pic was a few days after I cut off about 5 or 6 inches of damaged hair and was left with about 1.5 to 2 inches of hair. Sometimes I miss the feeling. The second pick was probably taken in beginning of August. I can't find my phone cord right now, which is what I use to take my pics at the moment, so I don't have any more recent pics than that.


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I can't wait til I go back to the dermatologist in a couple of wks. At first I had just decided they prob couldn't help me with my hair/scalp and wasn't going to mention it. (I'm mostly going for my acne and a bad toenail-ew).

But its just not normal the way my scalp feels in that spot. And going thru examining my straightened hair in that area, the quality of the hair is just awful. It seems the natural products, no chemicals, no heat, protective styling etc has helped some. But its still so thin, brittle and weak. Maybe its some kind of fungus? When my mother was pregnant w/me she had a fungus in her scalp, but was able to take some medicine that helped it grow back. (my grandmother likes to say she "marked"/cursed me and that's why I have that bad spot in my scalp, lol). It would actually be cool if the same stuff i'm about to take for my toenail would cure my scalp issues. Idk, we'll see. Its going to be crazy if I've been struggling all these years and d@mn near bald back there when I was relaxed and all I had to do was take some pills.
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So after 3 weeks of being in an install, I took it down Thursday and really babied my hair before getting another one put in yesterday. Went red and longer this time around. Feels like she put it in tighter this time which is exactly what I wanted. Maybe it will last me longer. I didn't even try to do a pull test b/c even though my fro looked bigger, it didn't really feel longer when it was wet. I'm kinda weird I know. Maybe next time.
Imani I am extremely happy with my progress. I actually think that I could have claimed sl in june but I wanted to wait until I straightened so that I could know my exact progress. I can't wait to straighten again in december.
So....I committed a hair sin...I bleached my already dry hair. I couldn't help it, blonde was calling my name. So I went for it, but a few mins in I was like wth am I doing? If I go any lighter it's going to look awful and stopped at this orangey color.. I'm thinking of bleaching again in a few months to actually get to blonde. I know, bad apple.

Nothing going on here. Trying to relax with my hair. I don't see much movement towards APL but there are still 3 more months to go. I am thinking that I will take another length check pic at the end of October with stretched hair.

I thought that said trying to relax my hair. o.O
I was like "wha, why?" Your fropuff looks so cool.

Imani Your hair looks awesome. And so shiny.


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So....I committed a hair sin...I bleached my already dry hair. I couldn't help it, blonde was calling my name. So I went for it, but a few mins in I was like wth am I doing? If I go any lighter it's going to look awful and stopped at this orangey color.. I'm thinking of bleaching again in a few months to actually get to blonde. I know, bad apple.

I thought that said trying to relax my hair. o.O
I was like "wha, why?" Your fropuff looks so cool.

Imani Your hair looks awesome. And so shiny.

:spank: Just hardheaded!
I am actually CBL now or full shoulder. I joined the APL challenge at the beginning of the year but after viewing videos on YouTube I realized I wasn't quite SL. I think I made full SL in May or June but that APL is a beast to get to.
I can't wait til I go back to the dermatologist in a couple of wks. At first I had just decided they prob couldn't help me with my hair/scalp and wasn't going to mention it. (I'm mostly going for my acne and a bad toenail-ew).

But its just not normal the way my scalp feels in that spot. And going thru examining my straightened hair in that area, the quality of the hair is just awful. It seems the natural products, no chemicals, no heat, protective styling etc has helped some. But its still so thin, brittle and weak. Maybe its some kind of fungus? When my mother was pregnant w/me she had a fungus in her scalp, but was able to take some medicine that helped it grow back. (my grandmother likes to say she "marked"/cursed me and that's why I have that bad spot in my scalp, lol). It would actually be cool if the same stuff i'm about to take for my toenail would cure my scalp issues. Idk, we'll see. Its going to be crazy if I've been struggling all these years and d@mn near bald back there when I was relaxed and all I had to do was take some pills.

I don't think its normal either that your scalp feels funny. Hopefully the doc will have some info for you. It seems like that spot is famous for rough, dry hair. :sad:
So....I committed a hair sin...I bleached my already dry hair. I couldn't help it, blonde was calling my name. So I went for it, but a few mins in I was like wth am I doing? If I go any lighter it's going to look awful and stopped at this orangey color.. I'm thinking of bleaching again in a few months to actually get to blonde. I know, bad apple.

I thought that said trying to relax my hair. o.O
I was like "wha, why?" Your fropuff looks so cool.

@Imani Your hair looks awesome. And so shiny.

Girl what are you doing to your hair :lol:

I was wondering why i was quoted in your post. I was like huh, what?

My relaxed days are way over. I think if I ever tried to relax my hair again, my scalp would rebel and spontaneously eject every strand of hair on my head. :yep: It asked for a divorce years ago and we are still trying to reconcile now.
CocoT -- That's a lot of growth for someone who's so inconsistent! lol! I can imagine how thick and long your hair will be when you're consistent with sulfur, eating, exercising, scalp massages and vitamins! Congrats!
I got my hair cornrowed Saturday, and I'm soooo happy to not have to comb my hair! I'm still going to apply my sulfur oil every other day. My goal with these braids is to retain every single centimeter!
I still been wearing my bun and protective styling my butt off.. I don't want any setbacks if I can prevent them... I have been doing my owe no manipulation challenge as much as possible....
Sooooo I guess I BCed last night *welp* finally cut off the remaining relaxed ends at 1am. Twisted up my hair and tried to do a lil style. Pics to follow.
Here are my twists.


Since we're in October already (amazing how time just flies by) I'm wondering who is gonna carry on the torch and make a SL 2012 challenge for those who haven't made it yet. I will more than likely create the APL 2012 challenge with help from faithVA (hopefully) and Imani has begun the BSL 2012 challenge already. We need to make sure that the support we had for each other in here is spread throughout all the challenges no matter what length we're trying to achieve. LHCF needs more of that IMO.
Since we're in October already (amazing how time just flies by) I'm wondering who is gonna carry on the torch and make a SL 2012 challenge for those who haven't made it yet. I will more than likely create the APL 2012 challenge with help from @faithVA (hopefully) and @Imani has begun the BSL 2012 challenge already. We need to make sure that the support we had for each other in here is spread throughout all the challenges no matter what length we're trying to achieve. LHCF needs more of that IMO.

I've got your back for the APL 2012 challenge. I agree, hopefully someone will pick up the SL 2012 challenge.
[USER=252932 said:
NikkiQ[/USER];14409157]@faithVA when do you think I should start APL 2012? I was thinking November.

I think November is good. Would you be mad if someone else came in and started it ahead of you? If not go for November.