I'd like to join this challenge. This will be my first challenge on LHCF.
I am going to commit to the remaining 2 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequences for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no new hair products, hair accessories, or earrings for 1 month.
1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge? I am trying to establish a healthy hair regimen and want to grow out my hair while transitioning.
2. What is your current hair length? Just past shoulder length
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed? Transitioning, last relaxer was 12/26/10
4. What are your hair goals for 2011? Reaching APL, finding a good simple regimen, learning how to bun and rollerset. Ending new growth dryness and limiting breakage.
5. What is your hair reggie?--
Weekly- washing and DCing, possibly prepooing with ORS Hair Mayo. I lightly detangle with the deep conditioner in my hair and then really detangle with my leave in Kinky Curly or Elucence mb conditioner. I rollerset afterwards and place in a bun. I clarify every other week. I moisturize and seal 1-2 times daily. I think I am protein sensitive so I'm trying to use more moisturizing products. At night my hair is wrapped in a scarf or I make sure to sleep on the satin pillowcase. I take 3000 mg MSM daily and will start using the Bee Mine Hair serum w/ sulfur this weekend. I also need to work on drinking enough water and eating enough protein.
I hope to maintain this regimen at least until my b-day in September. Wish me luck and I'll get some pictures of my hair up next weekend.