GoddessMaker have you tried moisturizing and sealing?
@LaidBak its never to late join..just pick up and grow.

I have been on my journey seriously forever I never straigthen my hair as I'm scared of heat damage and my hair which a stylist called it spongie hair won't hold curls really at all.I'm always ps I'm wearing my hair out now but I'm at home and won't be going anywhere for this other people holiday.I am going to wash my hair in a bit and dc until tomorrow.
Am I SL yet?!?!?!?!? LOL
I just came in here to vent.

I just had the worst detangling session in over six months and lost more hair than I have seen in at least one year!

So I started "dry detangling" - using my overnight coconut oil prepoo, and that is what saved me. see, I did a twist-n-curl a few days ago, wore the twist out for a few days and then did the prepoo. The curls were a nightmare. It almost felt as if I was combing through locks! About 80% of the way through combing in sections, I started to do smaller sections, and that helped a bit, but still.

I lost 7-10x more hair than usual (3 weeks since last comb)

Sighh. I am so upset. If it wasn't for the coconut oil, I don't know how this would have turned out.

Anyway, lesson learned. Only do twist-ncurls when you want to finger detangle/take down each individual twist and retwist.

or wet hair a few days before to get rid of the curls.

I'm a bit depressed about the whole thing.

Hope your HHJs are going better than mine.
I just came in here to vent.

I just had the worst detangling session in over six months and lost more hair than I have seen in at least one year!

So I started "dry detangling" - using my overnight coconut oil prepoo, and that is what saved me. see, I did a twist-n-curl a few days ago, wore the twist out for a few days and then did the prepoo. The curls were a nightmare. It almost felt as if I was combing through locks! About 80% of the way through combing in sections, I started to do smaller sections, and that helped a bit, but still.

I lost 7-10x more hair than usual (3 weeks since last comb)

Sighh. I am so upset. If it wasn't for the coconut oil, I don't know how this would have turned out.

Anyway, lesson learned. Only do twist-ncurls when you want to finger detangle/take down each individual twist and retwist.

or wet hair a few days before to get rid of the curls.

I'm a bit depressed about the whole thing.

Hope your HHJs are going better than mine.

Glad you were able to salvage it. I would agree you definitely want to remove any shed hairs prior to getting started with your processes. Those hairs lock around your other hair and can be murder. But oil does help them come out a lot easier.
Lol! The only thread I'm contemplating is BSL 2012. Maybe @faithVA will do APL 2012

I'm praying that I don't have to be in APL 2012:lol:

What? who is calling me name :lol:

I am contemplating an APL 2012 thread but I won't be doing it before the end of October. So if someone else does it before then so be it. I will have a good idea in October where I will be in December. :yep:

I can believe you threw that at me Imani :lol:
What? who is calling me name :lol:

I am contemplating an APL 2012 thread but I won't be doing it before the end of October. So if someone else does it before then so be it. I will have a good idea in October where I will be in December. :yep:

I can believe you threw that at me Imani :lol:

U sound like me w/the BSL thread:lol: Until I straighten and get proof my hair isn't a hot knotted up split up mess under all this protective styling, I ain't starting nothing.
I feel the same. I will do a check in dec. to see what kind of growth i have. not sure how to post pics, if i did i would post same here. i did post same in my profile if you and other would like to go look and tell if i made it and can move on to the apl stage, but not until dec.
I feel the same. I will do a check in dec. to see what kind of growth i have. not sure how to post pics, if i did i would post same here. i did post same in my profile if you and other would like to go look and tell if i made it and can move on to the apl stage, but not until dec.

U look SL to me in the pics in ur album. :yep:
U look SL to me in the pics in ur album. :yep:

I was not sure what some would call shoulder length, had so many setbacks. now if i could just make apl by my birthday in may of 2012 that would be great Imani. Will do my last check of the year around the first of dec.
Got my hair blown out today. She sure did complain alot, about my extra curly hair and my color drying out my hair (that also might have caused the breakage that is on the left side :ohwell: ) but she did do a good job. I haven't straightened my hair in soooo long, i was so scared of that blow dryer.


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Got my hair blown out today. She sure did complain alot, about my extra curly hair and my color drying out my hair (that also might have caused the breakage that is on the left side :ohwell: ) but she did do a good job. I haven't straightened my hair in soooo long, i was so scared of that blow dryer.

Nice! I'm so proud of everyone! Everyone's hair is doing so well in this challenge:yep:
Hey guys. I don't know if I ever officially joined but can I finally claim shoulder length?

Sorry the pic isn't good. I will see if I can get the SO to take a pic later

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So I just realized my hair twisted in its natural state pulled back in a ponytail is longer than my STRAIGHT hair exactly a year ago pulled back in a ponytail. Thats kinda cool!
Honey, are you kidding??? that's FREAKING AWESOME!!! Its progress!!!! Glad to hear you are still wearing your twists!

I'm still wearing my mini twist, the ends are kinda loose and when i get in the shower they curl up, so ppl are a little purplexed as to whether i'm wearing twists or curls but they like it and most of all I like it!... I have gotten sooooo many compliments on them and it's almost like wearing my hair out because I wear them pinned up in the back and down in the front, banana clip pony tail, or the regular banana clip way.. and best of all it takes me about 10 -15 mins tops to do my hair in the morning.. I'm in love! and ya'll, I swear my twists have grown in a week! ok maybe it's my imagination but I really feel like it has. The older the twist get the better they look. Think i'm going to wear them until the end of the year!

One other thing! i've had them in for a week! this is the longest I've every worn any hairstyle besides the 3 times i've had braids!
So I just realized my hair twisted in its natural state pulled back in a ponytail is longer than my STRAIGHT hair exactly a year ago pulled back in a ponytail. Thats kinda cool!
I think my hair grows in a W fashion....the nape does its own thing. :ohwell: I have until Dec for my nape to reach's hard for me to take pics of that area, so I only take pics of the sides. Plus I like to underestimate my hair length...that way I'm not disappointed. AND my neck is really long....AND i have crazy shrinkage. I know I am rambling and ranting. I'm a little afraid I wont make it by DEC 2011. Patience is key, patience is key, patience is key.


The first pic shows my length of the right side....this was after my gym session. please ignore the greasy face.
The second pic is to show my neck (long ain't it...and i'm only 5ft 3")and my shrinkage.


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so i put my hair in a bun on top of my head with my little wispies...and my wispies have grown quite a bit since i last wore this style. =) a good in or in and a half since mid july. and thats with me getting about a half in cut last wk =) i love seeing progress when wearing the same hairstyles.
Congrats to the other September graduates (on to APL!!!) I have decided to do a year of protective/low-mani styling starting this month. I put in a set of box braids (only took a few hours, I was proud of myself!) and I will wear them for 4-6 weeks, then it's back to my favorite style: Twists, until the end of the year, when I will be weaving it up for a month or that's my plan, oh, I will be using my sulphur mix while in twists, to get a little end of year "boost"
Nice! I'm so proud of everyone! Everyone's hair is doing so well in this challenge:yep:

Thank you (:
It's weird though.... Now i'm super cautious about my hair being on my shoulders. I want to enjoy it down but darn im so freaked out I just want to braid it up and tuck it away :look: I think my journey to long healthy hair is leaving me a bit paranoid.
Thank you (:
It's weird though.... Now i'm super cautious about my hair being on my shoulders. I want to enjoy it down but darn im so freaked out I just want to braid it up and tuck it away :look: I think my journey to long healthy hair is leaving me a bit paranoid.

Yeah I was freaking out the past two weeks bc the ends of my twists were brushing up against everything, esp if it was in a low ponytail they were brushing the top of my shirt (altho I was excited they were hanging that long). I'm used to my hair being tucked in a wig. Which is how I have it now, back in my half wig. I had intended to retwist it, but I just didn't feel like it. Taking down the old twists took longer than I expected (tangled ends) and just wasnt in the mood to spend hrs twisting my hair up. It was a nice break from my wig tho, I swear I was just feeling like my hair was in jail or suffocating or something tucked under there all the time, it was driving me crazy:lachen: I just wanted to be free for a while. I'm sure I'll revisit twists again...when I have a whole bunch of energy, time and patience, lol.