Woah! i searched for this yesterday and couldnt find it...but then i was told there WAS a bootcamp for this year and BAM here it is! Dreams really do come true! :D

Thanks for reminding me to check in.. Lol. Haven't checked in in a while but no rules broken! :) I think I may join the next session as well.
I have not posted here in a while. I have not broken any rules. Still in cornrows. I washed my braided hair today with ElastaQP conditioing shampoo. Applied SE Olive oil moisturizing deep conmdtioning treatment for 2 hours under my thermal wrap. Rinsed, applied porosity contol, and then did a final cold water rinse. Air dried then rebraided. I am in the sulfur challenge so I cowash daily in braids.
I will be 15 wks post this week and will be relaxing sometime this weekend!
No rules have been broken so far AT ALL!!!
Today I made 5months post relaxer. So 7 months more to go!LOL! I am trying to decide if I want to go natural. If so I will continue to stretch longer than a year. I have not broken any rules and will be doing my wash routine tomorrow and then back in braids. I hope everyone is doing well.
No rules broken yet! I will continue with my protective styles until I straighten around june to do a lenght check
Checking in: So far no bootcamp rules broken below. Last year I used a pass for each session I hope I can hold out and avoid any passes. hhg

Here are the RULES:

1. No Direct Heat (Hooded Dryer is acceptable)
2. No Trimming (Dusting is allowed)
3. Deep Condition w/Every Shampoo Wash
4. Wear Only Protective (Buns, Braids, Twists, Weaves, etc.) or
Low Manipulation (Braidouts, Rollersets, etc.) Styles
I am relaxing at the moment doing the half and half method and so far so good. I am on my last section and Im hoping at myy hair is there when its time to wash out.....
If it is I will continue to use this method bc it gave me more time.
I used Mizani Rhelaxer in Medium/Normal and it seem to have gotten my hair really str8 which I am loving. I may break some rules such as a light dust and flat iron or roller wrap, but this will my first broken rules since the challange started.

I will be back with an update tomorrow or so to tell you ladies how things went.
Well just checking in....I haven't broken any rules I am finishing up my yarn braids today and will leave them in for atleast a month or 6weeks and then redo them till I make 1year post in October. Good luck ladies!
I broke a rule. I cut about 3inches off the back of my hair to get rid on my mullet:) I like that my hair seems thicker already.
I will be DC in a few with some left over DC from last week and I will be adding Giovanni and some Emergencee..... I am going to try to dust my hair sometimes this week or so.....

After my relaxer I have been doing good with M&S my hair daily, my hair feels so dang on good.
Hey fellow challengers. I haven't checked in for a longgg time!!

Unfortunately, I broke the protective style rule!! Boo!! I know. But, I was totally feeling my hair one weekend and wanted to wear it out!! So, I told myself I would be without wine for 2 weeks!! Somehow I lasted!!

I am back on board and following all of the rules. Today I will pre-poo, wash, condition, and put my hair back in twists!!
Hey everyone!! I'm a newbie on her, been on my journey for 1 yr and 5 mths and i would like to join this challenge if its not too late.
I am going to commit to __1__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be ______no gingerale ( my guilty pleasure) for 2 wks_________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

I'll be participating in session 2 of the challenge.
Current Length: BSB or btwn APL & BSL
Right now is a great time to join Bootcamp.:yep:

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no LHCF for 2 weeks (yikes!). I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

My starting pic is from 3/27. I was getting ready to go to bed and decided to play around with my mother's electric pressing comb. My hair is in between SL and APL. I really hope Bootcamp can help me reach full APL by the end of the year.
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i'm so glad i made it without doing anything stupid to my hair. usually around this time, i do something crazy, then i end up cutting it off. i really want to meet my hair goals this year.
Hey ladies, I haven't checked in for a min.... I have the flu and have been battling it. I'm in bed as we speak. I have not broken any rules , and I am still in my yarn braids. I will check in again once Im over this flu. I hope u all are doing well. Please pray for me and I always pray for u all.