She's Mad Because He Didn't Propose...

I still sorta like the chick from a distance.

And like I said, no I'm not PC nor do I care what people think of me and opinions. All isnt fair in love & war. Sometimes ish is nasty. Regardless of what I personally do, I know a lot of women and not everyone's marriage started out as picture perfect and ideal. *shrugs* this sorta goes back to what I stated previously about women loving to think some women are better than or more deserving of marriage or certain men than others. I dont think that at all, its more about your choices and the decisions you make. You cant always change your circumstances but you cant work within the confines of the cards you have at present....

Again, I dont know this chick but I know her type. Am I her type? No. Do I personally agree with women chasing a ring vs marriage & wifedom? No. Nonetheless, what's done is done and of she's pressed for a ring she can still get it....

Also dating multiple men applies to the heauxs and the non-heauxs its for everywoman :lol: I am not a heaux, so no one need any one to come at me for that bs, you can check my post history I dont even like f*ckin nor do I believe single women should rawdog or go on BC (I feel its an enabler, they shouldnt have reg sex or should be abstinent/celibate and never raw) :look::lol:

Furthermore, when reading any posts from any posters on this message board, always consider the source. I apply this to myself and everyone else. :yep: There's a theme among the contesters and the pro-multi daters :look:

:dead: mo gbe! And she had people in here going hard for her too :lol :lol: :lol:

Anyway, planned parenthood hasn't been shut down yet. Abeg she better make it do what it do.

I still dont see what the issue is aside from the fact that she was sleeping with these other dudes

Yall act like bush people sometimes..for many I guess dating is the same as screwing..which would explain a lot of the boo-hooing.

at the end of the day she's still a fool for telling people her business.
I still sorta like the chick from a distance.

And like I said, no I'm not PC nor do I care what people think of me and opinions. All isnt fair in love & war. Sometimes ish is nasty. Regardless of what I personally do, I know a lot of women and not everyone's marriage started out as picture perfect and ideal. *shrugs* this sorta goes back to what I stated previously about women loving to think some women are better than or more deserving of marriage or certain men than others. I dont think that at all, its more about your choices and the decisions you make. You cant always change your circumstances but you cant work within the confines of the cards you have at present....

Again, I dont know this chick but I know her type. Am I her type? No. Do I personally agree with women chasing a ring vs marriage & wifedom? No. Nonetheless, what's done is done and of she's pressed for a ring she can still get it....

Also dating multiple men applies to the heauxs and the non-heauxs its for everywoman :lol: I am not a heaux, so no one need any one to come at me for that bs, you can check my post history I dont even like f*ckin nor do I believe single women should rawdog or go on BC (I feel its an enabler, they shouldnt have reg sex or should be abstinent/celibate and never raw) :look::lol:

Furthermore, when reading any posts from any posters on this message board, always consider the source. I apply this to myself and everyone else. :yep: There's a theme among the contesters and the pro-multi daters :look:

barbiesocialite Whats the theme?
Although none are in this thread, there are a a few popular/notorious posters that have pulled this shenanigan to get their rang. They're still married too. :look::roadrunner:

Of course not, the avg black woman in 2012 is babymama or future babymama (60%) and about 10-20% of the others are just like the rest in the RT Forum...


ANNNDDDDD i'm out dis b*sh. Holla @ me on the flipside.....
How you gonna say somethin inflammatory and then bounce?!? :lol:
I still dont see what the issue is aside from the fact that she was sleeping with these other dudes

Yall act like bush people sometimes..for many I guess dating is the same as screwing..which would explain a lot of the boo-hooing.

at the end of the day she's still a fool for telling people her business.

Ya'll crack me the ufck up. :rofl:
How do you rawdog two men at the same damn time? I would have to bathe myself in scorching hot water and bleach every single night while I cry about what a **** up my life has turned out to be.
I'm not going to be UE here and say I waited until marriage to let my husband hit it raw :look: but we were engaged and NO MAN ever came close to smelling it after that fact.

I can't get past that. She couldn't pick one? Neither of those men will marry her. :look:
Was busy the last couple of days and only able to skim and thank, but I wanted to comment. This is just my take and, no, not saying it will apply to everybody.

The issue of “worth” is an interesting one, though. Aside from issues of self-worth, I honestly think some women think only certain kinds of women deserve to get their way (that thread about Lisa Raye and the pastor comes to mind), when whether one is deserving matters not as long as you’re discreet with your methods. I tell the younger women in my life all.the.time that men don’t need to know everything (my husband doesn’t even know everything from before we were married—for what?) and you don’t need to broadcast your every move. Life isn’t some Sex and the City scene where you need to confess and dissect every little thing to every woman you know when you’re on the prowl. Because some women are judging you and giving you poor advice so you’ll be home alone comforted by idealistic fantasies about what romance should be like. Or spending all your time going out to eat in a group with them getting fatter . Not being unkind, using a real example from my single days. The ones who won’t judge you? You’ll recognize because they’re too busy playing to win for themselves and not worried about how you get down :look: . I say this as someone who dated a lot* within a short time frame (married before 22 to someone several years older) and had more than one chick who noticed my dating habits attempt to comment on my, uh, active social life when she probably should have been worried about her own.

*And yes, in some cases I mean sex. A lot of it. And no problems resulted because I wasn’t a dummy.
Great post. Loving all the input. I can't stay away from this thread :lol:
I'm not going to be UE here and say I waited until marriage to let my husband hit it raw :look: but we were engaged and NO MAN ever came close to smelling it after that fact.

I can't get past that. She couldn't pick one? Neither of those men will marry her. :look:

I know but this board tell it they either only had one sex partner, only slept with their DH or they never let them hit raw ever until they got married. OK:lol: The fact is MOST women are rawing with the man they are "committed" to whether they are saying it or not.

I'm just laughing that everyone thinks this is heauxing and no one has ever heard of a woman sleeping with more than one man at a time. I would only stand in judgement of the multiple semen deposits, that's all. The sleeping with them. Eh, miss me with that :lol:The idignation is killing me. Like around this board I would believe the judgment but in real life? Yeah it's happening. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant. And I'd take it up the road before I'd try and trap one of them with it. I'm not about playing that russian roulette game, it's too chancey with nigglets. I only play to win.
I know but this board tell it they either only had one sex partner, only slept with their DH or they never let them hit raw ever until they got married. OK:lol: The fact is MOST women are rawing with the man they are "committed" to whether they are saying it or not.

I'm just laughing that everyone thinks this is heauxing and no one has ever heard of a woman sleeping with more than one man at a time. I would only stand in judgement of the multiple semen deposits, that's all. The sleeping with them. Eh, miss me with that :lol:The idignation is killing me. Like around this board I would believe the judgment but in real life? Yeah it's happening. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant. And I'd take it up the road before I'd try and trap one of them with it. I'm not about playing that russian roulette game, it's too chancey with nigglets. I only play to win.

*slow clap*

I agree she shoudnt have gotten pregnant

and she prob is like an average chick dating average men. Which would make her a future babymama. Cant have that. Not all women know how to pick men, unfortunately a lot of bw are clueless. :nono: You're right: ABORT

If she were *MY* friend that insisted on having a baby (there are women that are anti-abortion), betchu I could help her figure out how to fix this situation tho :look::look::look::lachen:....<-----why did I just say that. the vultures are about to come for me :rofl:

eta: in retrospect I agree with abortion option. She can try again the RIGHT way. This is foolishness. I think my parents and my experience with exes distorts my perception, the men I'm used arent the avg BM. Cant play around when you dealing with regular BM. In all seriousness, thats def dangerous. :nono: ABORT.
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I knew the judgment was coming.

Cliff Notes please.

The judgment has been here with the first post of "I hope he never proposes" <---that was withing the first 5 out of +200 posts

TBH, the judgment has been present since the creation of the thread.
The judgment has been here with the first post of "I hope he never proposes" <---that was withing the first 5 out of +200 posts.

TBH, the judgment has been present since the creation of the thread.

Ok, all judgements aside, what's the next 2 - 27 pages about? (Why is it that I'm just seeing this thread?)
Finally in bed after work + a birthday dinner and I was 'bout to get mad thinking y'all dun got my thread poofed :lol:

But yeah, I've been texting back and forth with her today. She's still not sure 100% if she's pregnant, but from what she told me I bet she is. She hasn't told either of the dudes, and yes, she was raw dogging both. Her SO, on the regular, the club promoter dude, only a few times she says - but in a close enough window that it could be either of them.

She said she knows if she tells her SO she's pregnant, he'll take her to the courthouse the next day and marry her. She doesn't think the other dude would be quite as swift to do that - he has 3 other kids by 2 other women and they ain't been wifed up yet - plus they haven't been seeing each other that long.

She's never been pregnant before. She said she didn't envision herself in this situation and while she treats her SO like dirt, she knows he's a good guy - but she doesn't see herself spending the rest of her life with someone like him.

I told her I would pray for her :look: I honestly didn't know what else to say. I did tell her she needs to see her doctor and know for sure at least, so she's made an appointment for next week.