I still sorta like the chick from a distance.
And like I said, no I'm not PC nor do I care what people think of me and opinions. All isnt fair in love & war. Sometimes ish is nasty. Regardless of what I personally do, I know a lot of women and not everyone's marriage started out as picture perfect and ideal. *shrugs* this sorta goes back to what I stated previously about women loving to think some women are better than or more deserving of marriage or certain men than others. I dont think that at all, its more about your choices and the decisions you make. You cant always change your circumstances but you cant work within the confines of the cards you have at present....
Again, I dont know this chick but I know her type. Am I her type? No. Do I personally agree with women chasing a ring vs marriage & wifedom? No. Nonetheless, what's done is done and of she's pressed for a ring she can still get it....
Also dating multiple men applies to the heauxs and the non-heauxs its for everywoman
I am not a heaux, so no one need any one to come at me for that bs, you can check my post history I dont even like f*ckin nor do I believe single women should rawdog or go on BC (I feel its an enabler, they shouldnt have reg sex or should be abstinent/celibate and never raw)
Furthermore, when reading any posts from any posters on this message board, always consider the source. I apply this to myself and everyone else.
There's a theme among the contesters and the pro-multi daters