She who shall not be named is Back...

I don't get it. She's been on this hair journey for years, & she is still not at APL??? She has nice hair & all, but I just don't understand.
Comment "- smh thats crazy how your hair is the same length after 4 whole years smh from 2008-2012 SAME LENGTH -________-"

LMAO I knew when I saw this video her hair wouldn't be long since the last time I saw her video.

YASSSSS Aaliyah swoop bang for 4 years!
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I think she just prefers that length. I've worked with women since 2006 that have the same hair length today (Black & White women).
I think she just prefers that length. I've worked with women since 2006 that have the same hair length today (Black & White women).

I agree...obviously her hair is healthy and strong, so there is no reason her hair wouldnt be significantly longer unless she is cutting it by choice ever so often. She could be APL in a few months time if she wanted to. Why are people giving her a hard time? She catches more flack for having beautiful shoulder length hair than people with longer hair that doesnt look half as good with see through ends,etc. If I had to choose Id take her hair any day. Her hair is pretty thich though, so Im sure it woud still look just as good longer.
doesnt matter what length her hair is .... IT LOOKS GREAT !!!!

and quite a bit thicker than I remember it
When people really have nothing else to say...they go right for her length. I see it every time she is mentioned. As if it's impossible that she might actually choose to keep her hair at that length. I think that little bob suits her.
ON TODAY ????????????????

Obviously she can grow her hair if she wants. I remember that video when she had a big fail taking out her sew in and lost a lot of hair. It was kind of funny and sad. she went to the salon, got it cut (some pieces to ear length), and told her fans its cool cause she would grow it back. Her hair grew back healthy and back to that shoulder length in a couple months.
I don't get it. She's been on this hair journey for years, & she is still not at APL??? She has nice hair & all, but I just don't understand.

I don't know why everyone keeps assuming that she wants long hair. Long hair isn't everyone's goal. Ateya has even stated that in some of her videos. She does regularly cut/trim her hair which is why it's at the same length.
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I don't get it. She's been on this hair journey for years, & she is still not at APL??? She has nice hair & all, but I just don't understand.

She's not on a hair journey to get it long. She states all the time that she likes shoulder-length bobs. Shrugs. Her hair is always freshly cut.

I also didn't know she had surgery.
I remember her saying that her hair thins as it gets longer and that's why she keeps trimming it. She said that in a video, forgot which one. I think she likes swang more than wanting length.
Her hair looks fabulous and healthy!! I'd take her sleek, shoulder length, healthy-looking bob over long but thin and straggly hair any day.

I think she wants longer hair. That has to be why she'd rather walk around with those helmet wigs, instead of her SL hair. & yes, she does wear those wigs on a regular off of youtube. I saw her when she visited and I hate to say it, but her hair was looking CRAY. I really like Ateeya, but I think that she just doesn't know how to get the hair she wants while keeping her sponsors happy. When she was only using aphogee her hair was nearly APL.
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My phone wouldn't get through the whole video, but Yikes! The comments on there and here are quite vicious.
Ateya's hair is nice and healthy. I think it's beautiful.

I find sad that people are purposely flagging positive comments as spam or giving them negative votes so them won't show up in the comments section. Haters are something else.
I want to smack that gum out of her country mouth.

ETA: Why can't she be named? Is she the voldermort of LHCF? :lol:

She was one of the first ppl I subscribed to and I hung off of her every word..I miss those days. I spend so much money of Aphogee and Nu gro..:lol:
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AHeadOfCoils said:
I think she wants longer hair. That has to be why she'd rather walk around with those helmet wigs, instead of her SL hair. & yes, she does wear those wigs on a regular off of youtube. I saw her when she visited and I hate to say it, but her hair was looking CRAY. I really like Ateeya, but I think that she just doesn't know how to get the hair she wants while keeping her sponsors happy. When she was only using aphogee her hair was nearly APL.

Not necessarily. If I was a regular weave/wig wearer, I would keep my hair shorter because it's much easier with SL hair as opposed to BSL hair. And she generally cuts her weaves as she goes. Everyone don't desire toe length hair. I need to stop watching her before I end up with a relaxed SL bob.
Not necessarily. If I was a regular weave/wig wearer, I would keep my hair shorter because it's much easier with SL hair as opposed to BSL hair. And she generally cuts her weaves as she goes. Everyone don't desire toe length hair. I need to stop watching her before I end up with a relaxed SL bob.

You're right! I totally forgot all about that.
I think she wants longer hair. That has to be why she'd rather walk around with those helmet wigs, instead of her SL hair. & yes, she does wear those wigs on a regular off of youtube. I saw her when she visited and I hate to say it, but her hair was looking CRAY. I really like Ateeya, but I think that she just doesn't know how to get the hair she wants while keeping her sponsors happy. When she was only using aphogee her hair was nearly APL.

I disagree. Just because someone wears long wigs and weaves doesn't mean they have to want long hair. Maybe she just wants a different look.