Another beautiful Hair Inspiration!!!

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She had some frizz and the lighting was horrible in the vid that the OP posted.

The same head of hair looks MUCH better in other vids...



Now we can stop arguing because heat damaged, dyed or whatever it is... her hair is pretty and long and it's obviously not falling out from damage.:yep:

That looks much better than the link in the original post, thanks for finding this!
oh I can think of a few that went very differently

the lil college girl with grease in her hair
Finally free's daughter and the vaseline
one youtuber gets accused of being a man and not a woman
another whole thread debated the woman's hair type and whether or not she was heat trained, even AFTER she said her type and that her hair WAS heat stretched (lhcf's notorious hair type issues rears it's ugly head)

Of course there have been more

lhcf can go deep and petty with the nit picky-ness

This thread was posted with the intention by the OP to be an inspiration and now it's pages and pages of her hair is dry and damaged :blah:

her hair is beautiful! Maybe it could be better if she did this or that blah blah......but nevertheless it's still pretty. now we got pages and pages again of the nit picky-ness

if you guys think she can do so much better , send her a nice note and give her some advice or somethin ......more useful than ripping her apart for how she blow drys, how she brushes, what she talks about, how dry her hair is , how damaged it is etc ETC

I think you and jamaraa are overreacting just a little bit.
I don't think people are ripping her apart. All that was said is that she has long hair, but it doesn't look as healthy as it could.

I do agree that sometimes folks get stuck in the LHCF gospel and wrongly criticize people who decide to handle their hair in another way. But that's ONLY true for me when the results can speak for themselves, like in the case of Finally Free's daughter. I can't imagine anyone trying to tell her anything, because duh..look at the child's hair.

But this is different. Yes, her hair is long, and much longer than mine. But there are ladies here with hair just as long as hers that looks three times as healthy, without being covered in cones and oils or whatever. So I'd look to them for inspiration before I'd look to her. Not just because they are LHCFers, but more because they have prettier hair. Just my opinion.
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Her hair looks fine to me. Just cuz it ain't greased or have tons of 'cone serums to the nth degree doesn't mean it's dry and brittle folks. Of course (as usual) nobody w/ long hair that's their own ever manages to come up to scratch around these parts. It's starting to look a touch desparate gurls...sorry.
Lol, relax. She has naturally pretty hair but its obvious that its somewhat damaged. It has a hay like appearance in that vid. I also doubt that she cut the front that way (the short areas) because the front is typically more delicate than the back aread and breaks first under stress. It just looks very dried out to me and in need of conditioning. Not loading on heavy oils and grease. Just a good deep conditioning and leaving it alone. I know when my hair looks that way its positively fried and Id probably just dye it dark to conceal it, deep condition a lot, stop torturing it and attempt to grow out the breakage.
^^^ You're opinions ain't that different from the standard issue...that was my point. This woman has all that hair NOT doing all these things you and others suggest, right? Maybe's SHE'S on to something. Did that ever occur to ya? ;)

Every BW longhair from YT gets the same catty comments for several pages. The opinion is hardly unique that something's "wrong" that you'd do differently IF you had her hair and the length. :giggle:
When I started on LHCF the front of my hair resembled hers more than it does now. The front was very jagged, frizzy and dry. My goal was to have what I consider truly long hair and that meant long healthy thick hair in the front as well as the back. Maybe Im biased but I cant truly see hair as healthy when the front is broken off and dry but the rest of it is long. It just reminds me of those California white girls with bleached blonde hair very short and damaged and long smooth extensions hanging down in the back. Sort of like Britney Spears lol. Im not being nitpicky or "hating". Im just stating my opinion which I dont expect everyone to share.
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Lastly lol, if I had her gorgeous natural waves I would not straighten my hair but for special occasions and when I did Id be very gentle. I lovvvvvve wavy hair, she has my dream natural texture. I am positive that if I had her hair on my own head it would be in excellent condition. I should hit her up and ask her if we can trade hair:look: :lol:
OK..... :look: I said I don't like it. I didn't mean that everyone else should not like it.....

And you can't be half Jamaican, you either are or aren't. Like I said Jamaican is not a race, it's a nationality. That's like saying you're half Jewish.

Well, who says you can't be half a nationality? Can you be multinationalidied? :lol:
I think you and jamaraa are overreacting just a little bit.
I don't think people are ripping her apart. All that was said is that she has long hair, but it doesn't look as healthy as it could.

I do agree that sometimes folks get stuck in the LHCF gospel and wrongly criticize people who decide to handle their hair in another way. But that's ONLY true for me when the results can speak for themselves, like in the case of Finally Free's daughter. I can't imagine anyone trying to tell her anything, because duh..look at the child's hair.

But this is different. Yes, her hair is long, and much longer than mine. But there are ladies here with hair just as long as hers that looks three times as healthy, without being covered in cones and oils or whatever. So I'd look to them for inspiration before I'd look to her. Not just because they are LHCFers, but more because they have prettier hair. Just my opinion.
well IT DID happen with Finally Free , in her own words just earlier today. 'She shared and got tarred and feathered for it' ....which is why she is no longer here as of today

There has been much more said than just what your saying has been said, such as...she is self absorbed, about what she claims to be, what she talked about in the vid, how she brushes, how she blow dries, her techniques, how her hair is sooo dry and soooo damaged over and over ...etc , and blah!

I'm glad Neith actually looked further and found other pics of her hair to stop the 'tarring and feathering' of this girl. Geesh!
yes she seems quite self-absorbed. funny how a lot of long-haired (straightish) black girls on yt seem that way. oh hey, i went to get ANOTHER coach bag, isn't this pretty? i know. i'm cute right? smacks lips, blows kiss... oh my fans? oh everybody keeps asking about my hair... i don't knowwhyyy:look:
it's kind of sickening:lol:

Isn't that why YouTube even exists? Everybody on there, "long-haired (straightish) black girls" :rolleyes: or otherwise, is self-absorbed to some extent.
well IT DID happen with Finally Free , in her own words just earlier today. 'She shared and got tarred and feathered for it' ....which is why she is no longer here as of today

There has been much more said than just what your saying has been said, such as...she is self absorbed, about what she claims to be, what she talked about in the vid, how she brushes, how she blow dries, her techniques, how her hair is sooo dry and soooo damaged over and over ...etc , and blah!

I'm glad Neith actually looked further and found other pics of her hair to stop the 'tarring and feathering' of this girl. Geesh!

That's just it...most of the women on YT have long hair without following the LHCF "approved methods" :rolleyes: yet they have longer hair on average than our members. If people want to learn different approaches to hair care/growth, why try to shut down folks w/ badditude? :grin:

Most of the BW in the world who have long hair ain't members here. (I know quite a few of them myself :grin:) Clearly they know something most folks don't, so why this need to nitpick on their supposed faults? Last I looked, nobody is perfect.

I know they should expect the 'tude and "keep it moving" but that's easier said than done when the comments aren't directed at YOU. :yep:
well IT DID happen with Finally Free , in her own words just earlier today. 'She shared and got tarred and feathered for it' ....which is why she is no longer here as of today

There has been much more said than just what your saying has been said, such as...she is self absorbed, about what she claims to be, what she talked about in the vid, how she brushes, how she blow dries, her techniques, how her hair is sooo dry and soooo damaged over and over ...etc , and blah!

I'm glad Neith actually looked further and found other pics of her hair to stop the 'tarring and feathering' of this girl. Geesh!
Ugh this thread is irritating me. We all have our own eyes and opinions and I didnt really see anyone being nitpicky or bltchy towards this girl. I saw the same thing everyone else who said her hair looked dry saw. It looks dry, either dry or frizzed from humid weather but it doesnt look like healthy hair when its straight. This is not about "hating" on her. Are we not entitled to have an opinion? If someone posts a youtube or photo of someone NOT on the board I will state my opinion. If a person posts a photo of their own hair on here and I think somethings wrong I'll keep my mouth shut and KIM. I guess we were all supposed to come in here and fall down at her knees because she has waist length hair no matter what the condition of it.
Also the who called her self centered agreed it was kind of endearing. She seems to use the camera as her mirror lol.
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That's just it...most of the women on YT have long hair without following the LHCF "approved methods" :rolleyes: yet they have longer hair on average than our members. If people want to learn different approaches to hair care/growth, why try to shut down folks w/ badditude? :grin:

Most of the BW in the world who have long hair ain't members here. (I know quite a few of them myself :grin:) Clearly they know something most folks don't, so why this need to nitpick on their supposed faults? Last I looked, nobody is perfect.

I know they should expect the 'tude and "keep it moving" but that's easier said than done when the comments aren't directed at YOU. :yep:
Excessive brushing is damaging to hair. Its not rocket science. Its common sense and it unnerves me to see someone brush heavily especially someone who appears to already have extensive breakage along the front of their hair. Many people do not have to follow LHCF guidelines to have long hair but i dont think its harmful to anyones hair to pick up a few tips here..
well IT DID happen with Finally Free , in her own words just earlier today. 'She shared and got tarred and feathered for it' ....which is why she is no longer here as of today

There has been much more said than just what your saying has been said, such as...she is self absorbed, about what she claims to be, what she talked about in the vid, how she brushes, how she blow dries, her techniques, how her hair is sooo dry and soooo damaged over and over ...etc , and blah!

I'm glad Neith actually looked further and found other pics of her hair to stop the 'tarring and feathering' of this girl. Geesh!

That's what I said...or rather, what I meant.
I meant that in the case of Finally Free's daughter, yes. LHCF was in the wrong.
Even if her methodology is different than what is usually done here, it obviously worked for her. And she should not have been persecuted for that.

But that is not what is happening with this girl.
Like I said, there are members here with hair just as long as hers, but theirs looks much better, in my eyes.
Not because they are LHCF members, but because they hair looks softer, smoother, shinier, and all around healthier than hers.
And if you watch the straightening video, I think everyone can agree that her hair would benefit greatly if she:
1. Took more time.
2. Was more gentle.
3. Went in sections.
Three simple things that are advocated for on LHCF and that, in her case, would make a world of difference in her hair. It's true that even with what she's doing, her hair is long. But it can be improved. Long hair =/= beautiful hair, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just greedy, but it takes a little more than that.
With finally free's daughter, ain't nothing that can be done to upgrade her hair. It's flawless.

As far as her being self-absorbed and talking about getting another coach bag...well, that has nothing to do with her hair. That's just difference of opinion. I the video all the way through, and watch some of her other videos. To me, she is a little self-absorbed. I mean...I wouldn't want to hang out with her. But to be honest, I wouldn't want to hang out with some of the other ladies on youtube who use different methods or are kind of taboo on LHCF. Like Shima. I couldn't handle her voice. But I won't argue that her hair is bangin. Same with some long-haired ladies on LHCF. I don't care for their personalities, but wooh they got some hurr. Just because someone doesn't like someone's personality doesn't mean that they are jealous or evil or despie. It's all about preferences. Maybe you don't think she's self-absorbed, and that's just fine. You're allowed to have your opinion, but so are we. :yep:

Wooh, sorry that was long. :nono:
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That's what I said...or rather, what I meant.
I meant that in the case of Finally Free's daughter, yes. LHCF was in the wrong.
Even if her methodology is different than what is usually done here, it obviously worked for her. And she should not have been persecuted for that.

But that is not what is happening with this girl.
Like I said, there are members here with hair just as long as hers, but theirs looks much better, in my eyes.
Not because they are LHCF members, but because they hair looks softer, smoother, shinier, and all around healthier than hers.
And if you watch the straightening video, I think everyone can agree that her hair would benefit greatly if she:
1. Took more time.
2. Was more gentle.
3. Went in sections.
Three simple things that are advocated for on LHCF and that, in her case, would make a world of difference in her hair. It's true that even with what she's doing, her hair is long. But it can be improved. Long hair =/= beautiful hair, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just greedy, but it takes a little more than that.
With finally free's daughter, ain't nothing that can be done to upgrade her hair. It's flawless.

As far as her being self-absorbed and talking about getting another coach bag...well, that has nothing to do with her hair. That's just difference of opinion. I the video all the way through, and watch some of her other videos. To me, she is a little self-absorbed. I mean...I wouldn't want to hang out with her. But to be honest, I wouldn't want to hang out with some of the other ladies on youtube who use different methods or are kind of taboo on LHCF. Like Shima. I couldn't handle her voice. But I won't argue that her hair is bangin. Same with some long-haired ladies on LHCF. I don't care for their personalities, but wooh they got some hurr. Just because someone doesn't like someone's personality doesn't mean that they are jealous or evil or despie. It's all about preferences. Maybe you don't think she's self-absorbed, and that's just fine. You're allowed to have your opinion, but so are we. :yep:

Wooh, sorry that was long. :nono:
no girl, it's just more I don't care about all that, she is young, she is who/what she is , whatever she is doesnt matter at the end of every day to me. That's why I don't get it. I just don't care

I understand people making their personal assessments about others , we all do it. But to do it openly like this to me is just hurtful and pretty useless:ohwell:

it was supposed to be about hair right?

eta , well I can't lie Shima gets on my nerves, long history there and not just with the lhcf stuff, but I don't post over and over about it anywhere tho

anyway, between this thread and the other, its whatever now girl.
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I watch her from time to time, she's funny and a bit self absorbed but in a funny way. Personally I think she extends the truth a lot, but she's a very cute girl and has the potential to have awesome hair with a little TLC. I think her hair is much prettier, darker and in it's natural state....It looks fried and dyed in that particular video...She's very entertaining!

Off topic but I love your hair
Lets continue the discussing from the other thread in here! :rofl: Im starting trouble. I need a life, I enjoyed that a bit too much lolol
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More evidence to back up what I said in the other thread,, heres a random white girl straightening her damaged hair lol, same hairdo as Tanesha but I can see her roots in between at the back when she straightens it. She doesnt conceal anything! This is what I mean. Tanesha was deliberately not showing the back in between or the scalp! Very odd for straightening because youd want to get to the roots not just the ends. I will not be convinced till see her showing at least as much as this girl who no one even asked...
More evidence to back up what I said in the other thread,, heres a random white girl straightening her damaged hair lol, same hairdo as Tanesha but I can see her roots in between at the back when she straightens it. She doesnt conceal anything! This is what I mean. Tanesha was deliberately not showing the back in between or the scalp! Very odd for straightening because youd want to get to the roots not just the ends. I will not be convinced till see her showing at least as much as this girl who no one even asked...

LOL, are you saying Tanesha's wearing a weave?
I don't think it's a weave....I think she's just very careless with how she straightens her hair, so she ignores all the roots except for what you can actually see (the front).
I feel like if it was a weave or a wig, she wouldn't be pulling it with the brush like that.
LOL, are you saying Tanesha's wearing a weave?
I don't think it's a weave....I think she's just very careless with how she straightens her hair, so she ignores all the roots except for what you can actually see (the front).
I feel like if it was a weave or a wig, she wouldn't be pulling it with the brush like that.
Thats a good point lol, I know when I've worn extensions now way was I tugging at it too hard but there various types of extensions so who knows? I was just continuing this thread... lol
Her hair looks thirsty!!!!! I'm getting thirsty just by looking at that desert storm (grabs bottle of water) :drunk: Nice length tho :)
Continuing a closed thread? We close discussions for a reason.

Apparently this thread was left open by mistake. How unfortunate you all take advantage to continue the drama. :ohwell:
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