She who shall not be named is Back...

I'll be good and say that, perhaps, APL is her preferred length. We know some women that keep their hair short simply because they dig the style, ease, and comfort.
This is a hair board with a focus on length. Of course people are going to talk about length.

and that's why some folks love holding onto those 3 strands of chewed up hair that touch their tailbone.
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I wasn't expecting her hair to be so short. If she's a wig/weave reviewer, I wouldn't wouldn't expect to have long hair anyway. IDK if her channel is about hair care, it doesn't seem that way at all. I had a good chuckle when she said her hair is thick, lmao. If she likes it short, she should keep it short.
and that's why some folks love holding onto those 3 strands of chewed up strands of hair that touch their tailbone.
:lachen::lachen: why does it have to be chewed up empressri? ....Sometimes i look at some peoples ends and im like you really just cant let it go can ya'?.. you love length so much that you keep your see thru, breaking, uneven, shedding cat fur ends :lol:
What's to agree on? Did u watch the vid?

I don't agree that her focus isn't length. Not trying to get into a drawn out discussion about this girls hair, but as stated in this thread a few times she's said several times that she cuts her hair because it gets thin as it gets longer. Thus, if she could get it to grow without being a thin mess I believe she probably would grow it long. Of course shes going to save face and say she doesn't care about length when her hair has been the same length for years :lachen:. You believe her, I don't. Simple as that.

This post stated it nicely:

What are some of y'all even talking about saying she is not trying to grow her hair long, and "some people don't want hair beyond APL"? Um... She has been a a length journey since she started doing videos. The was the premise of her channel originally; that she was trying to gain length. She used to be excited and comment on how her hair was growing nicely until she had that setback (which she was devastated about). I don't agree with folks making fun of other people's lack of progress, but please stop acting brand new.
sigh...the whole point of this thread was not to criticize her just because some people feel her hair should be longer smh...the fact of the matter is..its not what anyone thinks or feels. her hair looks great and I thought the point of this thread was to support another woman with healthy hair...not put her down just because her hair is still SL. She said her hair gets thin as it gets longer so obviously she purposely keeps her hair one length because thats what she wants to do....
sigh...the whole point of this thread was not to criticize her just because some people feel her hair should be longer smh...the fact of the matter is..its not what anyone thinks or feels. her hair looks great and I thought the point of this thread was to support another woman with healthy hair...not put her down just because her hair is still SL. She said her hair gets thin as it gets longer so obviously she purposely keeps her hair one length because thats what she wants to do....

Nobody is criticizing her. I am discussing hair length on a board for discussing long hair. I said her hair looked good and shared my other observations about her hair. Not sure why people are getting so sensitive over this lol.
Some people hair does seem to look thin the longer it gets but don't mean it is. I've seen it on here. Also blunt cut ends make hair look thicker too. When she started she never said she wanted APL length or brastrap length. Yes she was loving the progress she was getting b/c when she started she had to cut her hair due to damage and she was glad it was coming along nicely but that didn't mean she wanted long hair by LHCF standards.

She was focused on getting her hair healthy.
Nobody is criticizing her. I am discussing hair length on a board for discussing long hair. I said her hair looked good and shared my other observations about her hair. Not sure why people are getting so sensitive over this lol.

I honestly wasnt posting this at anyone if you are not criticizing then the post is not for you lol. I was actually just stating my opinion and its obvious that the point of this thread was to actually show support for her hair being healthy but the focus went way left smh lol

idk I just that if feel someone cant be supportive then no need in posting negative comments....JMHO :yep:
Unfortunately yes but seriously I just dont get the lack of support, it happens too often...tis all..
A has beautiful hair. I always love her hair videos. I could have down without the gum chewing though.
The reason her hair gets thinner as it gets longer is because of all that heat. It's not just a random coincidence. Regardless, her hair is beautiful and she's really pretty.