She who shall not be named is Back...

I want to smack that gum out of her country mouth.

Angry much? :ohwell:

I don't have feelings on the Ateeyah subject (I don't watch her videos, and can do without the "on todays" ), but some of yall are doing the m o s t.

Carry on.
Angry much? :ohwell:

I don't have feelings on the Ateeyah subject (I don't watch her videos, and can do without the "on todays" ), but some of yall are doing the m o s t.

Carry on.

LOL I wasn't serious nor is it that serious :lol:

The gum smacking in videos is kind of annoying though :ohwell:
I knew who it was before bringing up the video. I do think she enjoys longer hair thus the long wigs and weaves but I think shoulder length is probably easier for her to achieve and maintain. I could usually make a shiny healthy looking SL in less than a year before the boards that much was really easy for me even while using a tail comb and touching up my wrap with a flat during the week(lotsa heat). I would just stay ahead of the damage with frequent trims=perpetually at one length.
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Does anybody else hear that theme song in the background?

"Ateya, ateya, ateya, ateya..."

I feel like I'm being given subliminal messages....
I truly do not understand the folks who constantly go in on her length. Like seriously, why is it so hard to believe that she does NOT want APL or beyond hair?? Not everybody wants long hair:perplexed. To me, her main goal is hair health and it is obvious that she has that.

I swear some people just look for ish just to have something to say:nono:
It's not uncommon for a person from Texas to say "on today" or something similar . I hear it all the time and I say it sometimes as well. She has nice shoulder length hair though.
I saw this video the other day. Her hair looks fantastic! It is much thicker than when she first started out too. And it is a bit longer. I know she usually goes to a salon. I know how beauticians can be. Sometimes they are scissor happy and don't want their clients getting long hair. So that could be another reason why she doesn't have a lot of length.
Does anybody else hear that theme song in the background?

"Ateya, ateya, ateya, ateya..."

I feel like I'm being given subliminal messages....

LOL I caught that...It's saying something along the lines "cook with Ateya, New looks with Ateya, something something Ateya"

Much better than BeautifulBrownbabyDolls "rap" in the beginning of her videos.
Her hair looks great. She definitely says in the video something along the lines of trying to keep her hair as trimmed up as possible.
LOL I caught that...It's saying something along the lines "cook with Ateya, New looks with Ateya, something something Ateya"

Much better than BeautifulBrownbabyDolls "rap" in the beginning of her videos.
I love BBBD's hair and her persona, but that rap kinda gets on my nerves. Like, I feel like she just did it for the sake of doing it and not because she's actually a skilled rapper. The only people who should sing their own theme songs are those who already have a talent in singing/rapping/song writing, OR if the theme song is funny. That's my personal take on it.
Her ends look very healthy, like it is trimmed on a regular basis - not all broken and see-through. I don't see what the big deal is. We have members here on LHCF who keep their hair short by choice.

ETA: When I first read the title, Sh**a was the first person that came to mind. :lol:
It's not uncommon for a person from Texas to say "on today" or something similar . I hear it all the time and I say it sometimes as well. She has nice shoulder length hair though.

Lol I was born and raised and I've never heard that before! :lol:
Maybe it's because I'm too close to Louisiana… (I only claim Texas 25% of the time)
Her ends look very healthy, like it is trimmed on a regular basis - not all broken and see-through. I don't see what the big deal is. We have members here on LHCF who keep their hair short by choice.

ETA: When I first read the title, Sh**a was the first person that came to mind. :lol:

Me too :look:
I knew who you were talking about, I watched her videos yesterday/last night. Her hair looks great. It has thickened up and she is doing her thang. I am personally glad she is back on Youtube!
I love Ateya! For the life of me I can't understand why y'all can't process the fact that she doesn't want long hair. You want long hair so everyone else in the world does to? Oh.

Sent from my DROID3 using LHCF
This woman shouldn't even be discussed in such depth, her channel, her hair, and she been told yall whats up. Showed you too lol. Ateyya got that swang I've been chasing since the first time I pressed my hair, do your thing girl, spray only the top layer of your hair with heat protectant and use that heat as much as you like, your hair, your channel. Ateyya thanks us for our views, really doesn't matter why we're watching lol.
"We gon' walk wit Ateyaa, gon' talk wit Ateyaa, we gon' cook with Ateyaa..."

Why was I sitting here nodding my head to the song though LOL
Just because it looks healthy doesn't mean it could easily grow long if she wanted it to. My hair looked and moved just like that a few years ago but it was forever shoulder length until I found hair forums because I was using a lot of heat (just like Ateya does). She does all this heat styling then goes and puts a wig or weave on top of it :perplexed. And her technique isn't all that great. I always cringe at the way she washes her hair. Did you see how she combed the ends with that pink comb? I do remember her saying it gets too thin as it gets longer though so she trims it. Maybe relaxing bone straight combined with the heat and manipulation is why it gets thin :look:.

It looks pretty good though, so if she likes it like that *shrug*.

ETA: Although it still looks good, is it just me or did her hair look a lot better and healthier back when she first started when she was using Aphogee products? Call me a hater if you want, just stating my observations.
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I think she wants longer hair. That has to be why she'd rather walk around with those helmet wigs, instead of her SL hair. & yes, she does wear those wigs on a regular off of youtube. I saw her when she visited and I hate to say it, but her hair was looking CRAY. I really like Ateeya, but I think that she just doesn't know how to get the hair she wants while keeping her sponsors happy. When she was only using aphogee her hair was nearly APL.

She started wearing more wigs b/c she was trying to incorporate more protective style b/c of her sew in mishap....and b/c she likes wigs....
It's sad when I already knew who this thread was going to be about....after all these years ppl on here still talking about her length....ya'll must didn't watch the whole video b/c she clearly said she tries to keep her hair trimmed as much as she can and that she is so proud of her hair.
ETA: Although it still looks good, is it just me or did her hair look a lot better and healthier back when she first started when she was using Aphogee products? Call me a hater if you want, just stating my observations.

i think so too
It's sad when I already knew who this thread was going to be about....after all these years ppl on here still talking about her length....ya'll must didn't watch the whole video b/c she clearly said she tries to keep her hair trimmed as much as she can and that she is so proud of her hair.

IMO (which doesn't matter :lol:), it seems like she thinks that trims are the only way her hair can stay healthy.

You know how some beauticians cut off perfectly good length while saying that "cutting your hair keeps it healthy and it grows more".

Either way, I like Ateeya's personality and that's what keeps me subscribed. I don't look to her for hair advice. She was a factor in me starting my HHJ, though. That was in her Aphogee days.