Another beautiful Hair Inspiration!!!

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First i want to say that her hair is a sucker for anyone with long curly hair:rolleyes: and lighter dyed hair most certainly looks more "damaged" then dark colored be honest i think dark hair dye is one of the best ways to cover damaged hair:grin:
BUT Her hair is definitely damaged and needs help, she even admitted to the damage:yep: I looked at some of her other videos and her curls are for sure damaged from the heat and dying..she already has straight pieces(curly from the roots, straight on the ends) and other parts are starting to straighten completly:ohwell:

And the only reason why i am mentioning this is because it kills me that some ppl with naturally long hair could give two sh!ts about the health of their hair, and they seem to think that long hair= healthy hair, when the truth is long hair can most deff be unhealthy! I for one am quitting chemically dying my hair so i can have LONG HEALTHY hair:yep:
I figured the islands, sounds Rihannish :) no offense to anyone, people think i'm from the islands.
hair is a nice length, but like others said it doesn't look 100% healthy, I'll take health in a ceasar length before having long hair that most likely needs to be chopped because of it being fried and dyed.

some of those strands need a trimming look very dry. her hair looks nicer curly.
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below in bold I was thinking the same thing, they will dye and fry the hair without thinking twice and eventually have to chop some of the damage off if they notice it's damaged.

First i want to say that her hair is a sucker for anyone with long curly hair:rolleyes: and lighter dyed hair most certainly looks more "damaged" then dark colored be honest i think dark hair dye is one of the best ways to cover damaged hair:grin:
BUT Her hair is definitely damaged and needs help, she even admitted to the damage:yep: I looked at some of her other videos and her curls are for sure damaged from the heat and dying..she already has straight pieces(curly from the roots, straight on the ends) and other parts are starting to straighten completly:ohwell:

And the only reason why i am mentioning this is because it kills me that some ppl with naturally long hair could give two sh!ts about the health of their hair, and they seem to think that long hair= healthy hair, when the truth is long hair can most deff be unhealthy! I for one am quitting chemically dying my hair so i can have LONG HEALTHY hair:yep:
Her hair is beautiful.:yep:
I like that she is having fun w/ here hair. :drunk:
What's the point in having so much hair if you dont enjoy it - :rolleyes:
- it's is just the bangs...
I have talked myself out of highlights countless times, and wish I had the guts to just do it! - but my husband likes my hair dark, and it would drive me nuts to have to do so much maintenance from damage :ohwell:....
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I've seen her videos. I like the one where she gives her favorite nudes...I went to MAC and looked into them.

She's pretty and her hair would be perfect if she left the dye alone - it looks better dark anyway. And she is quite self-absorbed, but it's entertaining.
So OT, but it really annoys me when people say they are half Jamaican and something else. Jamaican is not a race, it's a nationality, same goes for Dominican, Colombian, Cuban, and whatever other nationality people like to claim they are half of.

So does she mean she is half black and half white :rolleyes:

Her hair is really pretty in it's natural state, it looks dry in this video because I think she needs a trim or something :ohwell:
Im Jamaican and white too and I dont have hair like that :(lol. I do think her hair is a bit damaged and pretty dry here but she has a very impressive thickness to it and I think a couple of deep conditionings would do wonders...
The blow drying in this unnerves me.... I dont think she has good hair styling technique. She needs to be more detailed and less haphazard and quit brushing so darn much, why isnt she on lhcf!?
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^^^ That was torture just to watch, I know her hair must be begging for mercy. :nono:

ETA: I guess she can torture her hair all she wants. According to her she cuts her hair to sl and it grows back to waistlength in 3 months. :look:
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^^^ That was torture just to watch, I know her hair must be begging for mercy. :nono:

ETA: I guess she can torture her hair all she wants. According to her she cuts her hair to sl and it grows back to waistlength in 3 months. :look:

:eh: That's a very impressive growth rate!!!!!
I figured the islands, sounds Rihannish :) no offense to anyone, people think i'm from the islands.
hair is a nice length, but like others said it doesn't look 100% healthy, I'll take health in a ceasar length before having long hair that most likely needs to be chopped because of it being fried and dyed.

some of those strands need a trimming look very dry. her hair looks nicer curly.

I was thinking, man she Sounds like Rihanna
Her hair looks fine to me. Just cuz it ain't greased or have tons of 'cone serums to the nth degree doesn't mean it's dry and brittle folks. Of course (as usual) nobody w/ long hair that's their own ever manages to come up to scratch around these parts. It's starting to look a touch desparate gurls...sorry.
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Im Jamaican and white too and I dont have hair like that :(lol. I do think her hair is a bit damaged and pretty dry here but she has a very impressive thickness to it and I think a couple of deep conditionings would do wonders...
The blow drying in this unnerves me.... I dont think she has good hair styling technique. She needs to be more detailed and less haphazard and quit brushing so darn much, why isnt she on lhcf!?
Her hair is really pretty

and look at what she would get coming here (this thread)

why should she?
She's a VERY pretty girl but I wanna give her a DC real bad and a jar of coconut oil....and take her blowdryer away. And why was half the video rambling about otherstuff? I love her length and can't wait till I reach it too.
Her hair looks fine to me. Just cuz it ain't greased or have tons of 'cone serums to the nth degree doesn't mean it's dry and brittle folks. Of course (as usual) nobody w/ long hair that's their own ever manages to come up to scratch around these parts. It's starting to look a touch desparate gurls...sorry.

Different people see things differently. That doesn't equate to desperation.

In MY opinion, her length is awesome, but her hair looks dry and possibly heat damaged. And I have long hair that's my own.
^^^ You're opinions ain't that different from the standard issue...that was my point. This woman has all that hair NOT doing all these things you and others suggest, right? Maybe's SHE'S on to something. Did that ever occur to ya? ;)

Every BW longhair from YT gets the same catty comments for several pages. The opinion is hardly unique that something's "wrong" that you'd do differently IF you had her hair and the length. :giggle:
^^^ You're opinions ain't that different from the standard issue...that was my point. This woman has all that hair NOT doing all these things you and others suggest, right? Maybe's SHE'S on to something. Did that ever occur to ya? ;)

Every BW longhair from YT gets the same catty comments for several pages. The opinion is hardly unique that something's "wrong" that you'd do differently IF you had her hair and the length. :giggle:
^^^^ Really? I find the exact opposite. The majority of the videos that get posted on here people are drooling over the person's hair. If some of us feel that her hair is a little damaged then it's our right to think so. You don't have to agree with us. And despite her having some length it doesn't look that great straight because it is damaged :ohwell:
^^^^ Really? I find the exact opposite. The majority of the videos that get posted on here people are drooling over the person's hair. If some of us feel that her hair is a little damaged then it's our right to think so. You don't have to agree with us. And despite her having some length it doesn't look that great straight because it is damaged :ohwell:

Agreed. IDK where that post is coming from because I can point to several threads that have people ooh'ing and ahh'ing.

Hateration on other longhaired BW is rare to me, especially on here.
oh I can think of a few that went very differently

the lil college girl with grease in her hair
Finally free's daughter and the vaseline
one youtuber gets accused of being a man and not a woman
another whole thread debated the woman's hair type and whether or not she was heat trained, even AFTER she said her type and that her hair WAS heat stretched (lhcf's notorious hair type issues rears it's ugly head)

Of course there have been more

lhcf can go deep and petty with the nit picky-ness

This thread was posted with the intention by the OP to be an inspiration and now it's pages and pages of her hair is dry and damaged :blah:

her hair is beautiful! Maybe it could be better if she did this or that blah blah......but nevertheless it's still pretty. now we got pages and pages again of the nit picky-ness

if you guys think she can do so much better , send her a nice note and give her some advice or somethin ......more useful than ripping her apart for how she blow drys, how she brushes, what she talks about, how dry her hair is , how damaged it is etc ETC
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from what I can see, just looked at it again, only the bangs and side look a lil dry where it is highlighted-that's to be expected with lifting color w/bleach or peroxide

the rest of her hair looks fine/beautiful ........shrug!
So OT, but it really annoys me when people say they are half Jamaican and something else. Jamaican is not a race, it's a nationality, same goes for Dominican, Colombian, Cuban, and whatever other nationality people like to claim they are half of.

So does she mean she is half black and half white

Her hair is really pretty in it's natural state, it looks dry in this video because I think she needs a trim or something :ohwell:

I really don't see anything wrong with doing that. Maybe she wants people to know shes Jamaican.
I really don't see anything wrong with doing that. Maybe she wants people to know shes Jamaican.

OK..... :look: I said I don't like it. I didn't mean that everyone else should not like it.....

And you can't be half Jamaican, you either are or aren't. Like I said Jamaican is not a race, it's a nationality. That's like saying you're half Jewish.
She had some frizz and the lighting was horrible in the vid that the OP posted.

The same head of hair looks MUCH better in other vids...



Now we can stop arguing because heat damaged, dyed or whatever it is... her hair is pretty and long and it's obviously not falling out from damage.:yep:

it looks like it maybe dryness from the dye. I looked at her videos and her hair looked very healthy and very shiny. I didnt watch the entire video either....

Yes that definetly gets me when ppl try to hold on to length when basically they needs to let it go and some good conditioning.
She has very pretty hair but it does look a little frayed at the ends. Nothing a little trim won't fix.
You can disagree without calling people desperate, goodness. Most people did say that she has great hair. Unnecessary drama...
Very pretty girl, very pretty hair.

Yes, in that particular video her hair looked a little parched but mine does the same thing when I try to lighten it in the Summer.

My only thing is I hate when some women are talking and they smack their lips after every few words. Just one of my personal pet peeves.
^^^ You're opinions ain't that different from the standard issue...that was my point. This woman has all that hair NOT doing all these things you and others suggest, right? Maybe's SHE'S on to something. Did that ever occur to ya? ;)

Every BW longhair from YT gets the same catty comments for several pages. The opinion is hardly unique that something's "wrong" that you'd do differently IF you had her hair and the length. :giggle:

All that hair and healthy hair are two different things. If she wants long damaged hair then yes, she definitely is on to something.

My opinions are my opinions as yours are yours. Whether my opinion is different from or the same as others doesn't much matter. Some people agree, some people disagree. (as is expected on a forum like this)

Reaching to call people desperate for not liking a head of hair....and then following up with a jab about the length of the commenting person's hair with regard to their opinion is ridiculous and unnecessary.
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