Setting standards of Modesty


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Setting Standards of Modesty
Written by Mary Whelchel
January 16, 2012

I read an article by Trent Griffith of the Revive Our Hearts ministry, and he made some very important observations about the responsibility we have as parents to teach our daughters Christian standards of modesty. Using his thoughts, I want to expand on that idea this week and talk about how we set standards of modesty for ourselves as God's women, and how we communicate these to our daughters and other women and girls over whom we have influence.

Proverbs 7 is a warning against the adulteress, a warning for men to be aware of the seduction of a godless woman who would bring him down through an illegitimate relationship. Let's look at verses 7 through 10:

I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment. He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in. Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.

Notice that this woman was dressed like a prostitute. Her dress defined her purpose, revealed her desires, exposed her motives. She was making it obvious that she wanted to seduce a man by the way she dressed.

Now, I doubt there are many parents today who want their daughters to dress in such a way that they send the wrong message to the boys and men around them. Yet, quite blatantly the clothes today are designed for that purpose, and many parents allow their girls to dress inappropriately.

When you hear people in the media talking about the way a woman is dressed, they often talk about how sexy she looks, as though that is a desirable and worthy objective. I believe far too many of our young girls have heard this message so much that they choose to dress in a seductive way for the purpose of being "sexy." It is not considered inappropriate to wear low cut, tight, revealing clothes. But my friends, women and girls who dress like that are "dressing like a prostitute," to use the description of Proverbs 7. They are wearing clothes that send a seductive message.

As parents and leaders in our churches, we have a responsibility to stand against this tide and teach our young girls and women biblical standards of modesty. I recognize that you may be labeled as "old fashioned" or weird to suggest that much of today's fashions are unacceptable, but if we don't stand against it, we will not be true to our calling and we will not be the godly role models we should be.

:yay: Another Message ... :clap:

:kiss: :bighug: Thanks Laela Rose... :bighug:

Okay, now I'm going back to read the message. I just wanted to thank you first. :yep:

Such a good message. :up:

Laela, just last week I was reading this scripture in Proverbs 7 and now it's in your post. :yep:

Here's the issue: When this subject arises about the 'immodest' dress that occurs in the Church, many get offended and deny that 'they' are dressing immodestly. We have the threads here as evidence.... :look:

Anyhoo, I can't wait for the next message for tomorrow. They make my day. :reddancer:
Awesome post, Laela!!! :love2:

Setting Standards of Modesty
Written by Mary Whelchel
January 16, 2012

I read an article by Trent Griffith of the Revive Our Hearts ministry, and he made some very important observations about the responsibility we have as parents to teach our daughters Christian standards of modesty. Using his thoughts, I want to expand on that idea this week and talk about how we set standards of modesty for ourselves as God's women, and how we communicate these to our daughters and other women and girls over whom we have influence.

Proverbs 7 is a warning against the adulteress, a warning for men to be aware of the seduction of a godless woman who would bring him down through an illegitimate relationship. Let's look at verses 7 through 10:

I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment. He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in. Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.

Notice that this woman was dressed like a prostitute. Her dress defined her purpose, revealed her desires, exposed her motives. She was making it obvious that she wanted to seduce a man by the way she dressed.

Now, I doubt there are many parents today who want their daughters to dress in such a way that they send the wrong message to the boys and men around them. Yet, quite blatantly the clothes today are designed for that purpose, and many parents allow their girls to dress inappropriately.

When you hear people in the media talking about the way a woman is dressed, they often talk about how sexy she looks, as though that is a desirable and worthy objective. I believe far too many of our young girls have heard this message so much that they choose to dress in a seductive way for the purpose of being "sexy." It is not considered inappropriate to wear low cut, tight, revealing clothes. But my friends, women and girls who dress like that are "dressing like a prostitute," to use the description of Proverbs 7. They are wearing clothes that send a seductive message.

As parents and leaders in our churches, we have a responsibility to stand against this tide and teach our young girls and women biblical standards of modesty. I recognize that you may be labeled as "old fashioned" or weird to suggest that much of today's fashions are unacceptable, but if we don't stand against it, we will not be true to our calling and we will not be the godly role models we should be.

You're sooo welcome.. sis!

thanks Laela, so true

Was hesitant to post it since this is such a sensitive topic for Christian women and we have a gazillion threads on it...

but ah....this woman is speaking Truth. I enjoy sharing her messages...

Happy Tuesday, chica!

Such a good message. :up:

Laela, just last week I was reading this scripture in Proverbs 7 and now it's in your post. :yep:

Here's the issue: When this subject arises about the 'immodest' dress that occurs in the Church, many get offended and deny that 'they' are dressing immodestly. We have the threads here as evidence.... :look:

Anyhoo, I can't wait for the next message for tomorrow. They make my day. :reddancer:

I agree, sis! HUGZ~!

Awesome post, Laela!!! :love2:
Setting Standards of Modesty
Written by Mary Whelchel

January 17, 2012

Have you noticed how standards of dress for girls and women today have become more and more revealing and less and less modest? I want to talk very plainly about our responsibility to not only dress modestly ourselves, as women of God, but to teach our daughters and young women biblical standards of modesty.

We saw from Proverbs 7 that the adulteress was identified by the way she dressed. Much of what is sold as current fashion today is so blatantly immodest that it could well fit that description of being "dressed like a prostitute." In an article by Trent Griffith of Revive Our Hearts ministry, he asks why parents are so reluctant to prevent their daughters from "dressing as harlots." Here are his thoughts:

Many parents use the wrong standard of comparison. They feel that their daughters are modest compared to what they see in the world. So, rather than address the issue of biblical modesty and insist that their daughters conform to that standard, they take the easy way out and allow their daughters to dress inappropriately as long as its not as bad as others. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that "When they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding" (2 Cor. 10:12b).

Our standard is not to compare ourselves to others, but to use the Bible's measuring stick as our guideline. And that is a standard of modesty. We are not to dress in such a way as to draw attention to the shape of our bodies, or send a message that we are trying to look seductive or sexy. Young girls need to understand that the boys they attract by immodest dress are not the kind of boys they want to attract.

Trent says we must teach our girls that "If you don't want me to come to your party, then don't send me an invitation." In other words, the tight, low-cut revealing clothes that so many are wearing today sends that message to boys and men, and believe me, they get it loud and clear. Obviously men have a responsibility to control their own reactions, but that does not relieve us women of our responsibility to avoid dressing in seductive ways.

I challenge you, as parents and leaders in your church, to have the backbone to set standards for your girls and young women so that they understand that how they dress sends out a message, and they need to send out a modest message.

My lil niece had visited me over the holidays...cute, witty little thing. But her wardrobe was a bit too much. I love that little girls can dress up and look cute, but they don't need to look 'grown'. Once after dressing up, she told me she's "sexy" and I had to correct her with a quickness. "Your'e a CHILD, NOT SEXY..that's for big people!" She'd frowned at me, mainly because she is confused. Her mom, who isn't saved, buys her those clothes, so to her they are acceptable. I had to keep this little girl in the Bible every morining, which she loves to read anyway, thank God. :lol: I cannot wait for her to spend the summer with my mother, so she can continue to get Godly counsel. I don't have the perfect family but I always keep them lifted up in prayer, because I too was as wayward as my youngest sister before I gave my life to Christ. I am prayerful that in God's time, she will come into the same knowledge, esp. for her daughter's sake. In the meantime, I'll continue to be "old-fashioned Auntie" :lol:
This is soooo good!!

We got to teach them that thier character and personality has to be modest too. Ive seen some women who are covered up but are still flirty and sensual too.
This is soooo good!!

We got to teach them that thier character and personality has to be modest too. Ive seen some women who are covered up but are still flirty and sensual too.

Setting Standards of Modesty
Written by Mary Whelchel

January 17, 2012

Have you noticed how standards of dress for girls and women today have become more and more revealing and less and less modest? I want to talk very plainly about our responsibility to not only dress modestly ourselves, as women of God, but to teach our daughters and young women biblical standards of modesty.

We saw from Proverbs 7 that the adulteress was identified by the way she dressed. Much of what is sold as current fashion today is so blatantly immodest that it could well fit that description of being "dressed like a prostitute." In an article by Trent Griffith of Revive Our Hearts ministry, he asks why parents are so reluctant to prevent their daughters from "dressing as harlots." Here are his thoughts:

Many parents use the wrong standard of comparison. They feel that their daughters are modest compared to what they see in the world. So, rather than address the issue of biblical modesty and insist that their daughters conform to that standard, they take the easy way out and allow their daughters to dress inappropriately as long as its not as bad as others. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that "When they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding" (2 Cor. 10:12b).

Our standard is not to compare ourselves to others, but to use the Bible's measuring stick as our guideline. And that is a standard of modesty. We are not to dress in such a way as to draw attention to the shape of our bodies, or send a message that we are trying to look seductive or sexy. Young girls need to understand that the boys they attract by immodest dress are not the kind of boys they want to attract.

Trent says we must teach our girls that "If you don't want me to come to your party, then don't send me an invitation." In other words, the tight, low-cut revealing clothes that so many are wearing today sends that message to boys and men, and believe me, they get it loud and clear. Obviously men have a responsibility to control their own reactions, but that does not relieve us women of our responsibility to avoid dressing in seductive ways.

I challenge you, as parents and leaders in your church, to have the backbone to set standards for your girls and young women so that they understand that how they dress sends out a message, and they need to send out a modest message.

Laela ...
