Well-Known Member
I don't think a woman has to go to the extreme and dress in baggy/sloppy clothes. Let's forget men for now. Why do women need to have their breasts pushed out and exposed, wear pants that fit like skin, or wear clothes that accentuate your body no differently than lingerie, in public, in order feel better about themselves? That's extreme in the opposite direction. Personally, I don't need tight, revealing clothes to remind me that I'm attractive and that I'm a woman. That's what I am from the inside out, not the outside in. Of course, we'll all continue disagree about what "modest" looks like and that's okay. I'm only accountable for what I do.
I remember hearing Joyce Meyer say "If you want to know what do, the right decision to make, follow peace." I'm at peace with how I dress. So I'll just continue to follow peace and let the Holy Spirit convict me where I need it.
That's true. Modest dress is a work in progress. I also don't do overly tight anything. I also keep the "girls" covered, but they are pushed out on their own. I have nothing to do with that . All joking aside, we have to let the Holy Spirit convict us.