I know we talk a lot to single ladies about setting standards. You know, things like require that he call more, vs. texting, that he take you out on "real" dates, pays, opens doors, has similar goals and values, no sex without commitment, etc. But I would like to talk about setting standards within a marriage. I think sometimes men slack once they get married or they have no idea how to be a good husband or they have so many issues from childhood that they are not willing or able to resolve. It seems to me that women sometimes feel stuck because they want to stay and be married so badly so they just kind of stew, suffer, become bitter, fuss, etc. It's clear cut when he's a drunk, won't work, is abusive, cheating, and even then it's not always easy to leave, but it's more straight forward. Like you know you deserve better than a cheater or an abuser. You know that. I found that whereas for women there are a lot of gray areas, for men things are more black and white. And so if it's not a deal breaker for us, it's not for them either.
I hope I'm not rambling. Really trying to get to my point. Like most women know what they absolutely won't tolerate. Like no matter how good looking a guy is, if he smelled badly or didn't have a job, we wouldn't even think twice, like no I will not date you
keep it moving homie. And within a marriage if the dh was like yeah I want to sleep with you and your best friend, you would be like, not just no, but hell no. And so dh's know what not to ask and what you won't tolerate. So why do we tolerate so many other bad behaviors? Those things that people say well that's just how men are or well girl, you can't have everything.
I think the bottom line is that as wives we must set the standards and require that they be met. And it must be black and white, clear cut. I must have this or else
. Things like flowers, sharing the load with housekeeping and child-rearing, taking you out on dates. Men need to understand that just like they had to do certain things to get you to marry them, they must do certain things to keep you, period.
This thread I hope will be ideas and techniques on how to get what you want and need as the wife, as a woman within a marriage. I have some suggestions and ideas but I'm tired after writing alladat. I'll add more later.
Ladies, any suggestions, thoughts, encouragement for married sisters?