seductive, captivating & feminine


Well-Known Member
On a whim I decided to buy the art of seduction and I find the book to be very got me to thinking about how I want to be sexier, seductive and be able to captivate anyone (not just men). I have been battling depression for a while and I started to notice how I kinda let myself go..I still dress nice & love fashion but most of my wardrobe is black or dark colors, chucks & sneakers, oversized shirts and jeans. I used to be very girly and feminine but the more depressed I became the "darker" I dressed I guess you can say. The past couple of weeks I've gone out and bought a couple of sexy and feminine dresses, lingerie..even bought some heels which is something I never wear. And the amazing thing is I am really enjoying tapping into my feminine side..

I have a boyfriend & I think it would be interesting to see how our relationship changes the more I build my confidence and start to feel sexy again..

Does anyone know of any good books or where I can get more info on the art of femininity, confidence, seduction..etc? or any personal story's?