Relaxed Hair Thread


I am sooo super proud of you and happy for you!!


Tried air drying again and this time my hair is super soft. Products really do make things shake. I have loved experimenting with my stash it’s been lame but has given me something to look forward to.

Glad you had a good airdrying result!

I really miss my beloved Neutrogena Triple Moisture. I think that product really made my airdrying possible. Maybe I need to experiment with other products a little more......
Glad you had a good airdrying result!

I really miss my beloved Neutrogena Triple Moisture. I think that product really made my airdrying possible. Maybe I need to experiment with other products a little more......
That’s a throw back to my college era running to Walgreens to get a bogo. I’m looking at my hair like hmm woo maybe the Redken acidic is to be for blow dry only.
No, I'm not transitioning to natural! My hair lookin like I need to cut off those straight ends! :lachen:

I took this pic after cowashing tonight and was prepping to airdry. This proves that relaxers used to process my hair straight.

Now I can't tell where my newgrowth begins. :ohwell: :drunk::look:

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I don't remember if you said if you tried Affirm, but I tried the Fiberguard one in Lye and it used to get my hair pretty straight.
I don't remember if you said if you tried Affirm, but I tried the Fiberguard one in Lye and it used to get my hair pretty straight.

You just reminded me that I had the thought to recommend this one last night. I stopped using Affirm Fibreguard bc my hair felt "too strong" each time after using it. I also texlax but even just leaving it on 5-8 mins got my hair much straighter than what I originally wanted.

Another one that processed really strongly for me was IDEAL Vitale mild lye relaxer. My hair felt soft with this relaxer but it processed too fast and my results were straighter than I wanted, even for me leaving it on such a short amount of time. I'll have to look back through my pictures.
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I really like that I have tried everything hair I own. This curbs my ooh what’s that new thing as I have food at home but also I can see what doesn’t work. My fav brand is redken and shescentit. If they do their Black Friday sale I now know get 25 of only these things. Thank y’all for allowing me in this space it’s been such a helpful thing.
So um...
I relaxed my hair again. Last night :lachen:
I feel better about it now, because I feel like things are more even.
but I can see where I need to tweak the process just a bit. Also I did my whole head all at once for the first time in probably forever. It was nerve-wracking so I definitely prayed lol He said in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. I definitely needed my path directed because I couldn't see, cause I had to take my glasses off. I was walking by faith not by sight :lachen:
So um...
I relaxed my hair again. Last night :lachen:
I feel better about it now, because I feel like things are more even.
but I can see where I need to tweak the process just a bit. Also I did my whole head all at once for the first time in probably forever. It was nerve-wracking so I definitely prayed lol He said in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. I definitely needed my path directed because I couldn't see, cause I had to take my glasses off. I was walking by faith not by sight :lachen:
Siri play order my steps with your word…
You nailed it! I don't measure. lol

I've estimated somewhere on here before so I'll rough it again if it helps :)

In an old cholesterol jar I fill it about 1/3 jar of Queen Helene cholesterol. I pour in the Braggs until it's a puddle about 1/4" high on top of the condish. Maybe that's about 5 tbsp or 1/3 cup. Add in 8-10 drops of sweet orange EO (or any EO or fragrance oil you like). Sometimes I even squeeze in 3-4 squirts of a moisturizing condish (Tressemme Moisture Rich) to help with the scent. Lastly, add the baking soda. You have to add it in last bc the baking soda will cause the mixture to get frothy and expand as you stir. I would start with 3 tbsp of baking soda and stir. If the combo isn't getting frothy, add 3 tbsp at a time until the mixture starts to get frothy and expands.

I apply it to my hair like a virgin relaxer in sections but starting at the roots. It's very messy and runny so I do it over the sink. Once every strand is covered, I put on a plastic cap (or two grocery bags) and bandana and then I use a thermal/heat conditioning cap for at least 20-30 minutes. You should feel the difference in your hair as soon as you rinse.

I also do it as my post-relaxer DC after every relaxer to help get rid of the chemical smell. My avi picture is post relaxer after Amino Acid tx.

Welp, my experiment failed. My hair was MAD at me after this treatment!. It raised my cuticles and tangled my hair. Some of it started to make locs the way it does when I have protein overload :-( I ended up doing more guinea pigging lol I mixed porosity control conditioner, aloe gel, and a little oil and kept it in for an hour. It did the trick!

@MzSwift - I thought of you once I realized the treatment didn’t work for me. In my head, I said “Lucky!” like Napoleon Dynamite lol as in I’m glad this treatment works for you. I know The One for me is out there. Maybe it’s the Affirm relaxer I just ordered :look:
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Welp, my experiment failed. My hair was MAD at me after this treatment!. It raised my cuticles and tangled my hair. Some of it started to make locs the way it does when I have protein overload :-( I ended up doing more guinea pigging lol I mixed porosity control conditioner, aloe gel, and a little oil and kept it in for an hour. It did the trick!

@MzSwift - I thought of you once I realized the treatment didn’t work for me. In my head, I said “Lucky!” like Napoleon Dynamite lol as in I’m glad this treatment works for you. I know The One for me is out there. Maybe it’s the Affirm relaxer I just ordered :look:

Oh no!!
Thank you for coming back with an update.

Sounds like it could also have been too much baking soda in the mix for your hair! (which raised your pH and caused your cuticles to open) Good thing you were able to get your pH level back in check with that aloe and porosity control! Yeah, I'm so sorry I don't measure so I'm sure that didn't help either. I will tell you that doing that tx after my Affirm relaxer also left my hair feeling abnormal as well.

I do hope you find The One and aren't too gun shy to keep experimenting. ((HUG))
Oh no!!
Thank you for coming back with an update.

Sounds like it could also have been too much baking soda in the mix for your hair! (which raised your pH and caused your cuticles to open) Good thing you were able to get your pH level back in check with that aloe and porosity control! Yeah, I'm so sorry I don't measure so I'm sure that didn't help either. I will tell you that doing that tx after my Affirm relaxer also left my hair feeling abnormal as well.

I do hope you find The One and aren't too gun shy to keep experimenting. ((HUG))
You know what? I know I added too much baking soda. I remember adding more bc the texture was runny, not a smart move on my part lol Thank you for the heads up about Affirm vs the fizz!
I have a question for all of you relaxed ladies that are transitioning into natural. Do you still wear you hair straight? Do you do silk press or are you wearing your hair curly?

The reason why I am asking, I have this desire to go natural but I love wearing my hair straight. I have gone natural almost 20 years ago (2005 to 2009) and I never felt like my hair was on point. However , at the time I was starting my hair journey and did not know how to blow dry, roller set not flat iron properly. Now I am quite a pro at it and we have much better hair products that we did back then.

Is it feasible to be natural and still wear the hair straight ( silk pressing or roller setting)?

Please share tips.
I have a question for all of you relaxed ladies that are transitioning into natural. Do you still wear you hair straight? Do you do silk press or are you wearing your hair curly?

The reason why I am asking, I have this desire to go natural but I love wearing my hair straight. I have gone natural almost 20 years ago (2005 to 2009) and I never felt like my hair was on point. However , at the time I was starting my hair journey and did not know how to blow dry, roller set not flat iron properly. Now I am quite a pro at it and we have much better hair products that we did back then.

Is it feasible to be natural and still wear the hair straight ( silk pressing or roller setting)?

Please share tips.
I think it depends on your indivdual hair needs. Also it depends on if you care about your keeping your curl pattern. Some people (like me lol) sweat in the scalp and have high density and/or course strands not to mention shrinkage lol. But I think if you use heat consistently, you can train your hair to be straight.
This is what I mean about the frizz. When I did this sort of style before the waves would be very structured and uniform even when combed out.

I think I’m going to up my wash day to twice a week and see if that does the trick. I think more moisture will do it. I’ve always been able to manage my hair without using a moisturiser every day but I might have to do that now.


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OMG @LushLox !! :love::love:

SECOND what @ItsMeLilLucky said! I LOVE tousled hair and once I perfect it, like you clearly have, no one will be able to tell me a darn thing!!

GL on getting the look you're used to - I absolutely understand how that feels! Y'all know I'm a moisture nut so I believe that increasing the moisture is a good first step to solving the frizz issue. Maybe come back with a picture update or something? :prettyplease:
You know what? I know I added too much baking soda. I remember adding more bc the texture was runny, not a smart move on my part lol Thank you for the heads up about Affirm vs the fizz!

OK, I've been sleeping on this and the Robitussin is wearing off.

I dunno if you asked me bc you were looking for a protein tx or more moisture but the recipe I gave you is my protein tx. I mentioned before that there are times when I add moisturizing condish to the mix for scent. Sometimes I'm a bit heavyhanded with that :look:. When I first started doing the mixture back in 2015, I actually just used a moisturizing condish like Aussie Moist 3 min or regular Aussie Moist as my base bc I've always had a healthy fear of protein overload. But the mixture expands and gets really messy after adding baking soda so I wanted to use a thicker base. I started using cholesterol as my DC base for all of my mixes. The mix worked well for me both ways so I just stuck w cholesterol and didn't think anything of it until your update.

So your update got me thinking, I wonder if you would benefit more from YOUR mix having a more moisturizing DC base, with the amino acids (lite protein) and then only a few tsp of baking soda (NOT TBSPs) start with like two tsp. The purpose of the baking soda in the mix is to raise the pH enough to open your cuticle to allow the nutrients of whatever you've mixed to penetrate into the hair shaft (since the cuticles are open). In this case, it would be the amino acids and whatever moisturizing DC you've chosen. And it sounds like your hair doesn't need much baking soda in order to lift your cuticles.

I know warm/hot water is supposed to lift our cuticles and cold water is supposed to close them on their own but I wonder if sometimes it's not enough for the purpose of the conditioners we're trying to use. Which is why we use heat to open the cuticles and bake in the nutrients. I still say following up or ending with a cold water rinse on the hair can be beneficial to help ensure that the cuticles are properly closed before moving on.

A lot of what you explained (sticky, velcro like hair that mats/locks up) sounded like hair acts when cuticles are left open. It's very similar to how the hair acts with too much protein but the brittleness isn't present right away.

Now, I'm only suggesting this in case you're still up for trying out things to find something - since you already have the ingredients. lol
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I have a question for all of you relaxed ladies that are transitioning into natural. Do you still wear you hair straight? Do you do silk press or are you wearing your hair curly?

The reason why I am asking, I have this desire to go natural but I love wearing my hair straight. I have gone natural almost 20 years ago (2005 to 2009) and I never felt like my hair was on point. However , at the time I was starting my hair journey and did not know how to blow dry, roller set not flat iron properly. Now I am quite a pro at it and we have much better hair products that we did back then.

Is it feasible to be natural and still wear the hair straight ( silk pressing or roller setting)?

Please share tips.
There is a thread for straight hair naturals! A lot of good tips in there!
Ah well.....

Looks like my hair loves the expensive stuff. I used the Redken All Soft leave in and my hair airdried so soft! Think I've finally found a viable replacement for NTM!!! 'Bout to kick the Pattern leave in to the curb. Glad I didn't buy another container of it. It was just OK. Not good or bad. Redken knocked it out the park with the softness!

My blow dryer should be here soon. I have the Redken Thermal Spray waiting so I can use them both this weekend.