I loooooove this thread!
Newborn Grown Natcha here!
(I explain how I can be a Newborn yet simultaneously a Grown Natcha below.
A (1-4).
I transitioned because all of a sudden relaxers just started destroying my hair. Here's
my hair journey story, full of many pics:
Here was
my transitioning style, which I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED!:
Here is
my current hair care regimen (I'm super new at doing hair at all!):
C. I wore relaxed hair for decades up until 2013.
D. Setbacks:
- Setback 1 = Fear that I had "bad hair" once I saw my hair after the big chop. I have to credit my husband (he played with my TWA and told me he loved my hair and it's smell and softness and that I'd better NOT give up and re-relax!) for helping me deal. A keratin treatment that very slightly relaxed my curl pattern and a blog post about scab hair both worked wonders to get me through this very serious issue/time/feeling. Whether scab hair is a real thing or not, the idea kept emotionally afloat for the time being. Now my hair has reverted away from the keratin-treatment-curl-pattern back to my own, and I'm working with it! I think it's 4a, but two stylist have told me I'm in the 3 curl pattern range. All I've got to say to that is, "Ummm . . . NO WAY!!!"
- Setback 2 = Heat damage from weekly/bi-weekly flat ironing because I didn't want to wear my natural hair out to work while I was in the awkward-length post TWA stage. Guess what? I got over that "need" to flat iron after I saw the heat damage in random spots all over my head! I refused to deal with two textures again, so I just went cold turkey one day and said, "That's it. No more flat ironing. My hair just is what it is. That's just how it's going to be, I guess." That day I went to a natural hair salon while visiting Atlanta and loved the flat twist-out natural style she gave me. Compliments on it helped give me the heart to keep journeying!
- Setback 3 = Naturally highly porous that is hard to keep moisturized and thus discourages me the way it looks (short and dry, after having had long and silky relaxed hair for so long). Since it won't stay moisturized enough, at times it breaks at the ends when I detangle it. Here's my plan to obtain and maintain moisturized hair and to reduce re-tangling if I can: https://theblossomingnaturalhairnewbie.wordpress.com/current-hair-regimin/
My interim goal is shoulder length hair when in a twist-out. My ultimate, ultimate goal is arm-pit length hair. Oh my GOODNESS that would do my soul some good, I think. I miss my length!
Inspirations: Bright N' Boldly and Chime Edwards (both on YouTube) have SUCH BEAUTIFUL spirits/vibes. They inspire me to not endure my natural hair journey, but to enjoy it, cherish it, and be grateful and content and joyous. I have my health and so do my loved ones! Life is too precious to spend it disturbed over hair on this journey. Also: pashtash's tutorials/demos . . . as well as Reanna Butler's . . . make me feel like I can do this: I can learn to do my own natural hair even though I'm not a "hair doing type."
I just want to encourage those who are afraid to be honest about struggling with the transition if they are. Let it out in a positive "whooo saaaaaa" way, at least to yourself, I say. I'm blogging about it, and it's making me feel TONS better and is forcing me to learn a lot of truly helpful things. In solidarity with anyone who is struggling, I'll tell you that I'm a natural who admits that:
- she misses her long, straight hair but . . .
- she wants to fall in love with her natural hair . . . and . . .
- falling in love with her natural hair is going to take some significant hair length, she imagines.
I guess it sounds somewhat contradictory to say one is a Newborn AND simultaneously a Grown Natcha, but what I mean by that is that I wore my TWA out a couple of times. Then when my TWA grew out to that awkward in-between stage, I let my stylist flat iron my hair every week or two (as "needed"). I had NO IDEA that this could damage my natural hair pattern, and it did in various sections of my hair.
So now that I don't flat iron and just wear my hair in its natural state, this hair texture and caring for it are new to me and I feel like a newborn natural.
Blessings, all!