Well-Known Member
Relaxer tussle in progress. Now neutralizing lol.
Relaxing sequence now complete. I don’t know why I expected it to be flowy and long but it’s a good cover the neck length. Maybe next retouch it will be something to share.
But at least it’s done and I can start fresh.
Any successful relaxer day is something to share!! We all start somewhere and we're gonna call this your starting point!
It's great that you did it so close to your revelation. Now, when you start regularly incorporating the things you're finding like Hawaiian silky and NJoy's sulfur mix, you'll have a good base point. TAKE PICTURES!! You don't have to share them right now but keep doing your regi for a year. I know it would encourage someone to share your pix when you take progress pix next June!
I was so discouraged to have to start over again when I did my virgin texlax almost 2 year ago. I had not had hair that short since 2010. My bangs were eyebrow length, my sides were EL, maybe CL and my back was streeeeetching to SL. Now, almost 2 years later, my bangs reach btwn SL and APL, my sides are APL and I'm pulling my back down to my shoulder blades TODAY as I'm refreshing my braids. If I maintain my regi, I'll be MBL at my EOTY!