Relaxed Hair Thread

Thanks Saludable84! I am bad at estimatong my own length. I also have a tiny bit of shrinkage from previously underprocessing in the past so I may straighten in a few weeks to get a super accurate length reading.

On another note, I just realized I have a burn on my ear :-( i didn't realize there was a section of hair sitting on my ear. I had applied vaseline to that ear but the relaxr must have penetrated the vaseline. Time for tlc on that area. I think i will apply honey and vitamin e oil.

ETA: I think I may also experiment with stretching for shorter periods. The whole process to relax now feels cumbersome. I want my hair to be fun not feel like work. Also How much do I really benefit from 16 weeks as opposed to a 10 or 12 week stretch.

Sorry Im just musing out loud. Im nervous to change my regimen since it has got me this far and gotten good results. I would rather make small tweaks. I should start a "what tweaks did you make along the way" thread for the longer hair ladies
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pre_medicalrulz, don't be ashamed. I went through a period like that sometime ago. I too ended up with matted hair. I had to chop my locks; I hope yours aren't that bad. You think you can detangle it? I'm sure you got this detangling thing down but Hawaiin Silky is used by some to remove dreads. I didn't know that when I had my matted locks....oil didn't help me one bit. I think oil made those stupid mattes lock up worse. Keep me (us) posted.
Walked out the house in my week old celie plaits (thought I had my wig on). 5 minutes from work I prep my makeup in the mirror and see these plaits all over the place! Smh I quickly released them, bent upside down and shook my hair, and walked into work with a braidout. Smh Close call.

Oh the benefits of long gorgeous and beautiful hair :drool:. Can't wait for the day i have a close call like that.

I left it on the sink. I was in a rush and thought I had already put it on.
Ha Ha, i went through my gate once walking on the road, with only a stocking cap on my head. It was embarrassing.

@pre_medicalrulz, don't be ashamed. I went through a period like that sometime ago. I too ended up with matted hair. I had to chop my locks; I hope yours aren't that bad. You think you can detangle it? I'm sure you got this detangling thing down but Hawaiin Silky is used by some to remove dreads. I didn't know that when I had my matted locks....oil didn't help me one bit. I think oil made those stupid mattes lock up worse. Keep me (us) posted.

I wish i had known this last week Monday when i was hair product shopping since then i have removed too many dreads its frightening
Hello all
I've been a lurker her for a while I love everyone's hair. I have used much if your advice thanks for that. I just wanted to share my first attempt at using curlformers. My hair is huge today I kinda like it.

what is a silk press? has anyone here done it?

I used to get them all the time when I lived in VA. My hair was bleached blonde and I was only texlaxing 2x per year. My hair was super healthy. It's basically a flat iron without all of the heavy products. My stylist used Design Essentials Silk Remedy or something like that. I have some in my stash. Silk press - silk wrap...same diff but some don't do the saran wrap part.

My stylist would sit me under a dryer for 15 mins and then blow my hair out. After that she would flat iron in small sections. Next she would wrap my hair around my head, cover it with saran wrap, and sit me under the dryer for 15 mins.

My hair was gorgeous! That was back when the only brand I would use was design. Shoot I might have to revisit this since I'm stretching til Sept
I used to get them all the time when I lived in VA. My hair was bleached blonde and I was only texlaxing 2x per year. My hair was super healthy. It's basically a flat iron without all of the heavy products. My stylist used Design Essentials Silk Remedy or something like that. I have some in my stash. Silk press - silk wrap...same diff but some don't do the saran wrap part.

My stylist would sit me under a dryer for 15 mins and then blow my hair out. After that she would flat iron in small sections. Next she would wrap my hair around my head, cover it with saran wrap, and sit me under the dryer for 15 mins.

My hair was gorgeous! That was back when the only brand I would use was design. Shoot I might have to revisit this since I'm stretching til Sept

I actually just started doing this last week! It works.

- shampoo
- deep condish for 1 hour under dryer
- detangle
- apply serum to wet hair roots on down
- sit under dryer 15 mins
(Afterwards my hair is soft & fluffly)
- apply dime size serum to hair all over
- lightly blow dry with denman brush
- flat iron (orginal chi) in very small sections spray each section with oil sheen lol :look:

My hair is shiny and flowing. I am only 7 weeks post but so far so good.

Im not losing any more hair than when i rollerset either. I wear bantu knots or cute ponys inbetween.
Ms. Tiki what is your stretching technique for those long stretches? Please share

PureSilver I up my moisturizing and deep conditioning. I wash and cowash in braids. I try to use protective styles and low manipulation styles as much as possible. When I airdry, I separate my hair into four ponytails and band them at the roots. I definitely don't air dry with all of my hair out. If I don't put my hair in ponytails, I will pull all of my hair back, twist it up, add a clip and scarf. That's all I can think of right now. :lol:
ok, off to stalk your blog, What are you using to moisturize and deep condition.

ETA: I found all the info in your blog, thanks for sharing. I'm still trying to believe you are relaxed.
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About to head to the salon for a touch up after 20 long weeks. This was the hardest stretch I've ever had. On top of that, my regular stylist isn't available and I have to have it done today. I'm praying I don't end up bald.
Your hair is gorgeous! Thick, black & healthy! Great job!
bebezazueta Thanks! The color thing is really odd. As a natural I was hendigoing to get black hair. However the relaxer stripped all of the henna off. The relaxer turned brown during the process. And when it was all rinsed out I was left with dark hair. In the past as a relaxed head my hair was fairly dArk on its own. As a natural without the indigo, my hair was just plain dusty looking!
Finally washed but it was a much simpler routine than I usually do! I'm at my mom's house and couldn't bring all 50-11 conditioners, oils, etc that I normally do. I pre-pooed with my Jason's vitamin E oil then washed with Suave's shea butter and almond. I'm DCing with Silk Elements olive oil moisturizing treatment. My hair feels great :yep: Sometimes simple is all you need.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the water in NY is softer than Philly.