Relaxed Hair Thread

Silly question, but does lye relaxer expire? I have a container for Silk Elements Olive Oil relaxer purchased and first used in early February. I probably won't relax my hair for another month or so and wonder if I should just purchase another container then...

How long do you keep your lye relaxers?
Silly question, but does lye relaxer expire? I have a container for Silk Elements Olive Oil relaxer purchased and first used in early February. I probably won't relax my hair for another month or so and wonder if I should just purchase another container then... How long do you keep your lye relaxers?

Some say yes. I just keep them til I use them up. I usually use a tub within a year though.
how do yall do away with sweat salt after working out, people keep saying they cowash after working out since sweat/salt is drying to the head and causes breakage. i get that but i dont believe people are cowashing after every workout session esp relaxedheads..
how do yall do away with sweat salt after working out, people keep saying they cowash after working out since sweat/salt is drying to the head and causes breakage. i get that but i dont believe people are cowashing after every workout session esp relaxedheads..

i don't sweat in my head or at least to notice only slightly on my edges
FelaShrine, I sweat in my head if I go real hard as I typically do. I don't cowash after each session. I just roll with it until my hair feels too crispy and crunchy. I then co-cleanse or co-wash. I really try to avoid co-washing since I'm low porosity as it had little benefit to my hair. My hair needs heat to open the cuticles to make product work.
how do yall do away with sweat salt after working out, people keep saying they cowash after working out since sweat/salt is drying to the head and causes breakage. i get that but i dont believe people are cowashing after every workout session esp relaxedheads..

If your sweating that much your working out too hard.

I only had the problem around the edges as well. If my scalp did sweat, I would just wear my hair out until it dried. When I work out though, I just keep it in a bun to reduce the sweating affects.
If your sweating that much your working out too hard.

I only had the problem around the edges as well. If my scalp did sweat, I would just wear my hair out until it dried. When I work out though, I just keep it in a bun to reduce the sweating affects.

Actually that is false...
Sweat has absolutely nothing to do with the intensity of a workout...
Thanks girls

FelaShrine, I sweat in my head if I go real hard as I typically do. I don't cowash after each session. I just roll with it until my hair feels too crispy and crunchy. I then co-cleanse or co-wash. I really try to avoid co-washing since I'm low porosity as it had little benefit to my hair. My hair needs heat to open the cuticles to make product work.

whats your thoughts on using dry shampoo sprays in between? just a little for the sweat?
how do yall do away with sweat salt after working out, people keep saying they cowash after working out since sweat/salt is drying to the head and causes breakage. i get that but i dont believe people are cowashing after every workout session esp relaxedheads..

I lift heavy weights most of the time and though I sweat, I mostly sweat round my temples. I may oil or butter up that area before going to the gym. When I do HIIT I do it on my wash days which is about twice a week since I do sweat a lot then.

You're lucky you don't sweat much. I sweat easily all over like divachyk but especially in my head. It's one of the reasons my hair isn't down very often; I exercise (usually running outside) before work so there's no time to let it dry.

My knee is wonky at the moment, so I just started lifting weights. Since I don't sweat as much when lifting maybe I'll wear fewer buns...

Saludable84 You're lucky you don't sweat much. I sweat easily all over like divachyk but especially in my head. It's one of the reasons my hair isn't down very often; I exercise (usually running outside) before work so there's no time to let it dry. My knee is wonky at the moment, so I just started lifting weights. Since I don't sweat as much when lifting maybe I'll wear fewer buns... Nah...

I do sweat in the more embarrassing places, but my head keeps surprisingly cool. I just get the temple action. But I read in women's health I beeline that leaving it in a bun and not touching the hair until it's dry regardless if you sweat or not is supposed to help maintain the hair and minimize breakage.
Seeing yet another uptick in natural=good; relaxed hair=bad bs threads.

I'm just sayin' I see ya'll.

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FelaShrine, I tried using baby powder, it didn't do jack. I might have used too much. It supposedly absorbs sweat. Save your time and effort. I think EnExitStageLeft has used dry shampoo.

Are you having issues Fela?

dealing with setback so im trying to do whatever possible to retain. 2 weekspost and hearing mess about sweat/salt causing breakage got me a tad paranoid. then i looked up some yt vids and people talking about oh i cowash after working out. lol and im thinking how does one do that if they work out more than 3 times a wk. iono.

i do have bastita dry shampoo..though i dont see much about such products on the board
dealing with setback so im trying to do whatever possible to retain. 2 weekspost and hearing mess about sweat/salt causing breakage got me a tad paranoid. then i looked up some yt vids and people talking about oh i cowash after working out. lol and im thinking how does one do that if they work out more than 3 times a wk. iono. i do have bastita dry shampoo..though i dont see much about such products on the board

You know most of these women don't really view dry shampoo as something we should use. It's dry shampoo; to me it's not cleaning the hair for something that is shampoo. But I won't say I have not searched for one :look:

When I was doing hard workouts pre-pregnancy, I did want one because there were times when I would push myself and my scalp would sweat a little. But as long as I left my hair alone until it dried, I didn't experience breakage. I guess it depends on how much you sweat as I don't think a little sweat will cause much damage but bad sweating just might need some light cleansing.

I have used dry shampoo. I liked it alot. It really does dissolve the access oil. It help me prolong my straighten hair by a week. Just remember a little goes a VERY long way.

FelaShrine I have used dry shampoo. I liked it alot. It really does dissolve the access oil. It help me prolong my straighten hair by a week. Just remember a little goes a VERY long way. HTH
What brand did you use? Because I used treseme and it started out good but ended up with... a tragic setback which started my healthy hair journey.
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Seeing yet another uptick in natural=good; relaxed hair=bad bs threads.

I'm just sayin' I see ya'll.

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sunnieb - this comment made me laugh a little. When I told DH that I was going back to the relaxer, the 1st thing he said was, "Those natural chicks are coming for you!" LOL

I'm hoping to do a YT channel/blog in the near future & when I mentioned it, I was told that I need to be ready to defend my position against the natural nazis but I can't understand why they'd be watching a relaxed video, much less commenting.

True, everyone is entitled to their opinions but I'm so sick of the thought process that any hair, be it chemical or natural, is "better". Sigh...
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Just do your thing and don't worry about those people.

I follow three relaxed heads on YT, even though I'm a flexible natural. Why? Because they have healthy hair care practices that are applicable to anyone, regardless of whether their hair is chemically treated or not.

Also, it's nice to be able to refer people IRL that are relaxed, to a YTer that is not going to go off the reservation with bad advice/practices :nono:

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I'm nervous about giving myself my first relaxer touch-up. Both times I've self-relaxed was on virgin hair.

I was going to relax at 12 weeks on May 18 because I have 2 events to go to in May and June but I might wait until 16-18 weeks to give myself more room to work with. I'm pretty good with a flatiron so I know my hair won't be looking a mess by stretching this long.

I hope my new growth doesn't give me any problems. I think I can handle it since I've been natural twice now.
I'm nervous about giving myself my first relaxer touch-up. Both times I've self-relaxed was on virgin hair. I was going to relax at 12 weeks on May 18 because I have 2 events to go to in May and June but I might wait until 16-18 weeks to give myself more room to work with. I'm pretty good with a flatiron so I know my hair won't be looking a mess by stretching this long. I hope my new growth doesn't give me any problems. I think I can handle it since I've been natural twice now.

im also afraid of self touching up. my virgin relaxer was les say 1st december (it wad actually 28th november).
ive stretched very well in my opinion :-)

i have fine hair and it could be hard to tell the new groWth!!! thats my problem.
plus i will be using lye this time. i think i might do the half and half method + twist my hair in small sections to apply faster.