Relaxed Hair Thread

@Whimsy I keep forgetting that you just relaxed. How is it going for you so far?

And I keep forgetting how flippin LONG your hair is!!! :drool:

It's going well so far, thanks for asking. It's SO different is all, I've never had my hair this straight before. In all my years of texlaxing I've always had big curly hair. It's short and easy, and I am doing a no heat thing. I am going to have to try some new products tho... things don't work the same as they used to :(
And I keep forgetting how flippin LONG your hair is!!! :drool:

It's going well so far, thanks for asking. It's SO different is all, I've never had my hair this straight before. In all my years of texlaxing I've always had big curly hair. It's short and easy, and I am doing a no heat thing. I am going to have to try some new products tho... things don't work the same as they used to :(

Whimsy Stop! You are making blush :Blush2: LOL! Seriously, it still feels short to me. I know what you mean with the straightness. I was only "relaxed" for a short time and the straightness did feel weird to me too. The plus side to that cut is being able to brush/comb it down, wrap up, and call it a day. No heat needed!
And I keep forgetting how flippin LONG your hair is!!! :drool: It's going well so far, thanks for asking. It's SO different is all, I've never had my hair this straight before. In all my years of texlaxing I've always had big curly hair. It's short and easy, and I am doing a no heat thing. I am going to have to try some new products tho... things don't work the same as they used to :(

No, they do not. As I become more texlaxed, I learn that the hard way.

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Random Question!!!

What do you do when DH/SO wants to be all up in that hair? My gosh!

Let him. Show him how u like it. Get a massage out of the deal! I love when dh is all up in but in all honesty... those klunky hands in a waist length natural wash n go? No sir. He learned quick that he could only get away with it on straight hair days lol
Thanks ladies. I'm so scared of his hands getting tangled in it and strands being pulled. Especially when things get heated up. *dying of laughter*
With short hair it is ok the hair is pretty much free at the ends however longer hair the strands tend to twist unto and stick to each other. I'll ask him to be gentle but also let him know my hair gets trapped under him lol lol lol omg!!!
I was waiting on someone else to mention it since she hasn't said anything over here. Congrats! :yay: :yay: We have a relaxed niece coming. :giggle: J/k children should not have relaxers :look:

Yeah. I've been tight lipped for a while about it.

Thank you. I'm looking forward to this process. Not sure what I'm having yet, but I know by the looks of its parents, a lot of hair this child will have!

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With short hair it is ok the hair is pretty much free at the ends however longer hair the strands tend to twist unto and stick to each other. I'll ask him to be gentle but also let him know my hair gets trapped under him lol lol lol omg!!!
This weekend I was all snuggled up and my hair kept getting caught under my guy's arm!!!!!!! Never had this problem when natural because my hair was all up and out vs down :lol:. My hair went through some things this weekend, and made me really glad to be relaxed. Got to sleep cute with my hair out and not wake up looking like Sideshow Bob :lachen:.

Girl I'm in there with you. I'm texlax so my hair stills catch/wrap around each other. Do you coat your ends with a light creme, oil or butter? I find that to help greatly.
I use a creme moisturizer, oil and pomade on my ends. These suckers still want to love up on each other!! :lachen:
Relaxing this week at 3 months post. Im not sure if my fine strands can handle stretching too much longer than this. Doing a hard protein treatment tomorrow night to get ready for the relaxer.

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Thanks, good to know. I guess I will have to do one a week before I go get a touch up...whenever that'll be.
Relaxing this week at 3 months post. Im not sure if my fine strands can handle stretching too much longer than this. Doing a hard protein treatment tomorrow night to get ready for the relaxer. Sent from my iPad using LHCF

im trying to stretch too . im at 11 weeks post and i have fine strands too. hope things will go well