Relaxed Hair Thread

I have pretty much decided that I am traveling into the world of "short hair." :lol: I've become very bored with my longer-ish hair and want a change. I'm sick of my hair and disappointed in how thin it has gotten. I'm not sure why it starts to look thin once it passes a certain length. One of the reasons that I cut my hair back in '09 was because it was thin and I was hoping it would thicken up after I cut it.

I know this may be blasphemy on this board, but I'm also going to be giving up on a lot of "healthy hair" practices. :blush: I'm over the no/low heat thing. With short hair I struggled a lot with trying to have healthy hair and often my hair looked a mess. I'm not going this route second time around. I will be using heat weekly (maybe even more than once a week :blush:).:nono: I plan on coloring my hair :evilbanana: and I will probably also stay short for a while.

I agree with this. I'm going back to the old school grease that our mothers used when we were younger, and I'm doing low manipulation styles. My hair started having setbacks when I started following the "healthy" rules. :lachen:
I agree with this. I'm going back to the old school grease that our mothers used when we were younger, and I'm doing low manipulation styles. My hair started having setbacks when I started following the "healthy" rules. :lachen:

Yeah everything isn't for everybody. I don't care how i mix acv rinse it dries my hair and can never use it after deep conditioning because it gets rid of my conditioning properties. But moisturizing and sealing is the most helpfulbthing for me and washing in sections
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gabulldawg Good for you, do what makes you happy with your hair. My hair is the exact same way, it starts to look thin as it gets longer. I have more issues with airdrying than blow drying or using the flat iron. So I am now pretty much doing the same thing with my hair.

Yes! Look I learned quick to do what's best for MY HAIR.

For me that meant no growth aids look:, I cowash my hair 3x a week, and rollerset.

Braidouts no, greenhouse lol girl no, my creativity comes from products and styles. But my technique stays the same.
I agree with this. I'm going back to the old school grease that our mothers used when we were younger, and I'm doing low manipulation styles. My hair started having setbacks when I started following the "healthy" rules. :lachen:

Also removing shedded hairs with hands before detangling helps minimize breakage. My hair was longer and thicker before coming on here with just greasing my scalp every few days but i was experiencing a lot of hair lost with manipulation while i learned to mostly use my hands and work slowly. But if grease is working, do it. Jumping on bandwagons and most not working does make you want to give up
I agree with this. I'm going back to the old school grease that our mothers used when we were younger, and I'm doing low manipulation styles. My hair started having setbacks when I started following the "healthy" rules. :lachen:

Me too, I have gone back to grease as well. A few of my setback were due to attempting to follow the "healthy" rules. The most important "healthy" rule is to pay attention to your hair.

My sister is natural and I have loved hair since I came out the womb, so she has a lot of questions. One thing that I repeat over and over is listen and pay attention to how her hair responds to products. She is doing great just following that advice.
Yes! Look I learned quick to do what's best for MY HAIR.

For me that meant no growth aids look:, I cowash my hair 3x a week, and rollerset.

Braidouts no, greenhouse lol girl no, my creativity comes from products and styles. But my technique stays the same.

brownb83 I wish I would have paid more attention and did what was best for my hair, especially since I have been on this forum for years. I have been APL fifty eleven times already. But you live and you learn, plus I still positive I will get it right.
Yeah, It's okay though. I've been over this whole "relaxed hair hate" since the beginning of the summer.

Me too. I have 99 problems but "relaxed hair hate" ain't 1. @Mahsiah

ETA: I seriously think ppl who have such harsh feelings toward this are warped in their head. It's really not that serious to be worrying about someone else's head.
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@SuchaLady, you're so sweet. Thank you for the compliment! :grin: My salon visits are always eventful. I'm convinced they will forever will be. My hair tangles a lot even at home but I've found ways to deal with it - wash in sections, twists or braids. This is not done at the salon and of course you know they don't detangle as gently as we. I thought I had it all figured out by detangling at home. I should have used mid-step protein but thought I could get by without it. A stylist friend helped me to understand that mid-step is only required if the relaxer is too strong and has weakened the hair. If the relaxer is of the right strength, mid-step is not required. This brings up the question - was the problemthe relaxer strength, application or tangling. I'm kinda thinking all the above.

I wasn't sure if my comment was able to go through, but since I have been using Lye, MPS hasn't been necessary for me, but I do it for the added texture. I was thinking if using a mild lye relaxer could omit the MPS, but the only reason I haven't bothered to switch was because a) I wanted to get through the tub I was using and b) some relaxers don't come in strength. I found one BSS that sells DE but I can't even remember where I found it SMH and FML if I even try to find it. I don't like just using anything, so I would definitely have to look into it.
I have pretty much decided that I am traveling into the world of "short hair." :lol: I've become very bored with my longer-ish hair and want a change. I'm sick of my hair and disappointed in how thin it has gotten. I'm not sure why it starts to look thin once it passes a certain length. One of the reasons that I cut my hair back in '09 was because it was thin and I was hoping it would thicken up after I cut it.

I know this may be blasphemy on this board, but I'm also going to be giving up on a lot of "healthy hair" practices. :blush: I'm over the no/low heat thing. With short hair I struggled a lot with trying to have healthy hair and often my hair looked a mess. I'm not going this route second time around. I will be using heat weekly (maybe even more than once a week :blush:).:nono: I plan on coloring my hair :evilbanana: and I will probably also stay short for a while.

Its not blasphemy. Ive been over it for a while now. I use protein all the time, I hate (well my hair hates) aloe so its only accepted on my edges, I use cones, I use indirect heat, I comb daily :blush:, sometimes I wash twice a week with POO, I don't cowash, I prepoo and Ive recently introduced my hair to paste and pomades. I have nothing but advice and encouragement to anyone for their hair habits. I used to be embarrassed about my habits, but I can't be anymore. Like Saving Our Strands told me "what rules?"
Everything is not for everyone, and thats ok. If its keeping you from a setback, its probably not that bad.
Cleaned out my product stash and realized that I have way too many products. It's mainly a lot of leave ins, oils and shampoos...I think some might find their way to the product graveyard
I'm loving my freshly relaxed hair!! I wore my hair down all day yesterday & will probably do the same today!
I don't think so. The only thing I threw away was an old bottle of a daily spritz I made. Do you think I should sell whatever products I know I won't use anymore?

mschristine, I would consider a few options...
If handmades - sell them if they are within their shelf life.
If commercial products that are popular on the forum - sell them.
If commercial products that are not that popular - give them away to family, friends or offer them up here on LHCF if the receiver pays shipping.

What types of products are they? Can you use it as a body wash (shampoo), body lotion (hair butters, etc), pre-poo (oils) or DC mixology (mixing oils, conditioners, etc.)
I've been natural for 3 years but I've decided to relax so will be reading this thread.
Tired of all the work and looking like a ham all the time.
I'll go get it done professionally then touch-up myself from then on.
mschristine, I would consider a few options...
If handmades - sell them if they are within their shelf life.
If commercial products that are popular on the forum - sell them.
If commercial products that are not that popular - give them away to family, friends or offer them up here on LHCF if the receiver pays shipping.

What types of products are they? Can you use it as a body wash (shampoo), body lotion (hair butters, etc), pre-poo (oils) or DC mixology (mixing oils, conditioners, etc.)

Most of them are shampoos and conditioners that I just didn't like but there is not enough in them to justify me selling them so I can just give them away to people I know
I've been natural for 3 years but I've decided to relax so will be reading this thread.
Tired of all the work and looking like a ham all the time.
I'll go get it done professionally then touch-up myself from then on.

Read and ask questions! Don't be shy.
Most of them are shampoos and conditioners that I just didn't like but there is not enough in them to justify me selling them so I can just give them away to people I know

I'd just give them away. I don't sell any of my hair products. I wouldn't buy used shampoo or conditioner so I don't feel right selling it. I don't buy cheap stuff either so only give it away to people you really like; that's what I do. :look:
Thanks for the welcome ladies.

I'm going to go to the lady that used to relax my hair. I trust her. Her salon is open on Sundays so I'll pop in tomorrow for a chat and for prices and hopefully get it done by the end of the week as I have some time off work this week.

I can't wait. I have learnt so much about my hair whilst it was natural but I'm done with it.
Mmmm I'm thinking of texturising and doing it myself. Half of my head at a time.
I don't want it bone straight, I just want to stretch out those curls to waves.

Sorry ladies, I'm using this thread to think out loud.
Mmmm I'm thinking of texturising and doing it myself. Half of my head at a time.
I don't want it bone straight, I just want to stretch out those curls to waves.

Sorry ladies, I'm using this thread to think out loud.

No problem...there are a few SR texturizers in here, including me. I was struggling with the transition from bone-straight among other things. I get some great ideas and advise from the ladies here and my hair is way happier for it! Good luck.