Relaxed Hair Thread

Question Ladies!

How soon do yall relax after washing your hair? I DC on Sun & I thought I was going to be able to relax on Thursday but it looks like the only time that I will have to relax is either today or tomorrow. I do have a semi sensitive scalp but since switching to Linage Texturizers I havent had any issues.

While searching the relaxed threads, it appears that some folks relax after 3days of washing their hair w/o any issues. Do you think a day and a half is too soon?

I do it the next day if need be. If my scalped is based, I have no issues.
Ok. Im getting box plaits for the rest of the year. Im going to learn to do it myself instead of making my mommy do it. Her boxes are too perfect....if that makes sense. Lol
Who is she? I have a lot of questions about my hair that I want to ask a professional who is also healthy hair care knowledgeable. Someone like this is extremely hard to find. Only if she wants to be known of course. :)

I will ask her if she wants to be revealed. She doesn't log on much so we communciate external of LHCF. @pre_medicalrulz. ETA: I sent her a PM to this thread for if/when she logs back on.
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In an effort to use up sme of this stash I have going, I tried some Shea Moisture Yucca and Boabab Thickening Shampoo. That was THE BEST shampoo I have EVER USED!!!!! My hair was soooooo soft and detangled like had used a super strength moisturizing DC...but is was shampoo!!! I just can't say how impressed I am with this product and never thought a shampoo could make my hair feel that way. I didn't even want to condition after because my hair felt so good. Mad a held on to it for so long without using it. Just thought I would share. Anyone else use it before?

Thought I would update this, if for no other reason than my own record keeping... I wanted to really see if the Shea Moisture shampoo was really the business or if it was a fluke. So last night I massaged in some of NJoys sulfur mix to my scalp. Then put some sunflower oil on the ends for my prepoo, baggied, skullied and went to bed. Last time, I oiled my scalp with NJoys oil, put some AOHSR on the length and put EVCO on top and heavy on the ends, baggied, skullied and went to bed. The last time I used the Shea Moisture shampoo, I had the results as mentioned in the quote above...amazing. This time when shampooing, results were blah. Not bad, but not amazing like before. So...I will try the first regimen again on Friday night for my Saturday morning wash. If results are amazing again with the shampoo, I will know for sure what the combo needs to be the night before. For now, sunflower oil on dry hair is not the move unless maybe the AOHSR is the key ingredient. We shall see. I wanted to try sunflower oil for the ceramide benefits but I may have to work it in some other way.
Help! !! So I have been neglecting my hair. ..haven't used a curling iron or flat iron in issue is I washed my hair last night airdried and this morning commenced to curling it...finished...raked the curls with my hands and they all disappeared. WTH is that about?

Welcome Back:drunk: What relaxer are you using? Are you DIY or salon?

I went to the salon because I had 4 yrs of natural hair and I wanted someone professional to do it so I didnt under processed. She used Affirm and it came out great..She used silk aminos in my DC and my hair is swinging and silky right now! :grin:
Help! !! So I have been neglecting my hair. ..haven't used a curling iron or flat iron in issue is I washed my hair last night airdried and this morning commenced to curling it...finished...raked the curls with my hands and they all disappeared. WTH is that about?


How tight are u curling the curls? R u using a holding spray afterwards. I dont use a holding spray but if I want tighter curls, I make sure to curl it tight, unnecessarily, so that by the time it falls it looks nice & holds better. I do it almost like a real tight Shirley temple.
I'm getting my relaxer done this weekend. I'll only be 5 months post but since I used that MN It seems I'm atleast 10. I'll base my scalp like I always do so my scalp won't be exposed and I'll also base my relaxed ends...I'm going to use the Amla relaxer..
How tight are u curling the curls? R u using a holding spray afterwards. I dont use a holding spray but if I want tighter curls, I make sure to curl it tight, unnecessarily, so that by the time it falls it looks nice & holds better. I do it almost like a real tight Shirley temple.

Not tight but enough where I expected a roller wrap look. I am going into my stash and try some other products. TBC....

What do you girls do about those waves your roots get a couple of weeks after relaxing??

Girl I think thats called GROWTH!! Congrats on getting NG so soon after relaxing. It usually takes me about 5-6 weeks to start seeing any NG.

Whats your reggie lately? Esp in the past couple weeks.
Ok, playing in my newgrowth has been fun, but now I'm ready to see and feel my scalp again.

Can't believe I haven't relaxed since April!
Girl I think thats called GROWTH!! Congrats on getting NG so soon after relaxing. It usually takes me about 5-6 weeks to start seeing any NG.

Whats your reggie lately? Esp in the past couple weeks.


I think this has to be due to the biotin I take. Maybe this is why I think every relaxer ive tried doesnt work. Since the relaxer ive none nothing but bun and moisturize/seal.
Today at the grocery checkout line :look:

Someone: "Are you a natural? Your hair is so long, healthy and pretty!" :lick:

Me: "No, I'm relaxed" :look:

Someone: "Oh...Well...Nice hair" :rolleyes:

Me: :lachen:
So this is my 2nd twist out and I'm IN LOVE! All I did was use a lil gel and water and bam! This is what I got. I'm sure this is my new go to style!


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I have pretty much decided that I am traveling into the world of "short hair." :lol: I've become very bored with my longer-ish hair and want a change. I'm sick of my hair and disappointed in how thin it has gotten. I'm not sure why it starts to look thin once it passes a certain length. One of the reasons that I cut my hair back in '09 was because it was thin and I was hoping it would thicken up after I cut it.

I know this may be blasphemy on this board, but I'm also going to be giving up on a lot of "healthy hair" practices. :blush: I'm over the no/low heat thing. With short hair I struggled a lot with trying to have healthy hair and often my hair looked a mess. I'm not going this route second time around. I will be using heat weekly (maybe even more than once a week :blush:).:nono: I plan on coloring my hair :evilbanana: and I will probably also stay short for a while.
gabulldawg Good for you, do what makes you happy with your hair. My hair is the exact same way, it starts to look thin as it gets longer. I have more issues with airdrying than blow drying or using the flat iron. So I am now pretty much doing the same thing with my hair.
gabulldawg Lissa0821, you better do you! These practices are not healthy for every head of hair. Example, finger detangle is marketed to be healthy BUT my hair didn't like it at all. My hair thrives on daily combing. It removes the sheds & just keep tangling at a minimum and under control. Finger detangling didn't do anything for me. My hair laughed at it if you want the honest truth. I now comb 2x daily and it works. I will whip out the fangaz for some finger detangling the comb runs across a snag. I'm rambling, but yeah, do what works for you.