Relaxed Hair Thread

Any ladies in here not relaxing their edges? My edges grow slow and I'm pretty sure they're over processed from salon visits. I thought about going natural but ummm I'm not sure im built for it-
I bought some Ic gel today and I'm thinking maybe I can just slick my edges til they grow in and keep maintaining my relaxed hair.

I only leave the relaxer on a total of 13 minutes. I just looked at the instructions. I am 9 weeks post and last time I put it on the edges at 11 minutes. This time I will do the same; no smoothing. I wanted to skip the edges with every other relaxer but I cant imagine going that long.

I like the eco styler gel (olive oil). It makes my edges look wavy and feels soft. I joined the healthy crown and edges challenge thread. I am using JBCO and HBCO on my edges. They do look much fuller already!!
I only leave the relaxer on a total of 13 minutes. I just looked at the instructions. I am 9 weeks post and last time I put it on the edges at 11 minutes. This time I will do the same; no smoothing. I wanted to skip the edges with every other relaxer but I cant imagine going that long.

I like the eco styler gel (olive oil). It makes my edges look wavy and feels soft. I joined the healthy crown and edges challenge thread. I am using JBCO and HBCO on my edges. They do look much fuller already!!

Thanks. I almost lost it today when I tried to do a roller set with so much new growth but I gotta have some edges- I'm too old to not have em. So maybe I will try it without smoothing them.
I only leave the relaxer on a total of 13 minutes. I just looked at the instructions. I am 9 weeks post and last time I put it on the edges at 11 minutes. This time I will do the same; no smoothing. I wanted to skip the edges with every other relaxer but I cant imagine going that long.

I like the eco styler gel (olive oil). It makes my edges look wavy and feels soft. I joined the healthy crown and edges challenge thread. I am using JBCO and HBCO on my edges. They do look much fuller already!!

I just don't think I can transition. I also can't walk around With no edges.
Thanks. I almost lost it today when I tried to do a roller set with so much new growth but I gotta have some edges- I'm too old to not have em. So maybe I will try it without smoothing them.

I agree and do the same thing as mshoneyfly because I have unruly edges that may not e thin but they aren't thick either. I just smooth relaxer on right before I'm ready to wash. The hair is so thin there that just placing it on and then washing should be enough. I remember my mother telling me years ago you should always relax the nape and edges last or else "I won't have any" so I'd always get paranoid and make sure they were don't last. I try to relax my nape last for the same reason.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
finally after 3 months i relaxed my hair.. it grew a lot!- but either my stylist upped her prices, or she charged me for the length of my hair now. :ohwell:
and I don't think I'll be putting in any type Senegalese twists, or braids in my hair for a long time..
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I'm taking the plunge and getting a relaxer tomorrow...I dont have any issues with my natural hair, just want the straight look for a while, so im in here gleaning info..
Question Ladies!

How soon do yall relax after washing your hair? I DC on Sun & I thought I was going to be able to relax on Thursday but it looks like the only time that I will have to relax is either today or tomorrow. I do have a semi sensitive scalp but since switching to Linage Texturizers I havent had any issues.

While searching the relaxed threads, it appears that some folks relax after 3days of washing their hair w/o any issues. Do you think a day and a half is too soon?
Raggedy behind synthetic half wig turned out ok in some pics. A lil spritz & pin curls set for 30 mins did aiight. It was stiff!! I put a fire to it when I was done though.

Question Ladies!

How soon do yall relax after washing your hair? I DC on Sun & I thought I was going to be able to relax on Thursday but it looks like the only time that I will have to relax is either today or tomorrow. I do have a semi sensitive scalp but since switching to Linage Texturizers I havent had any issues.

While searching the relaxed threads, it appears that some folks relax after 3days of washing their hair w/o any issues. Do you think a day and a half is too soon?

Yes, that's too soon IMO Can you do it next week?
Question Ladies!

How soon do yall relax after washing your hair? I DC on Sun & I thought I was going to be able to relax on Thursday but it looks like the only time that I will have to relax is either today or tomorrow. I do have a semi sensitive scalp but since switching to Linage Texturizers I havent had any issues.

While searching the relaxed threads, it appears that some folks relax after 3days of washing their hair w/o any issues. Do you think a day and a half is too soon?

A day & a half is fine if you didn't scratch up your scalp. Sometimes I do a day after a wash. Im just careful not to irritate my scalp.

Eta I missed that you said you have a semi-sensitive scalp. Dont do it! Lol
Question Ladies!

How soon do yall relax after washing your hair? I DC on Sun & I thought I was going to be able to relax on Thursday but it looks like the only time that I will have to relax is either today or tomorrow. I do have a semi sensitive scalp but since switching to Linage Texturizers I havent had any issues.

While searching the relaxed threads, it appears that some folks relax after 3days of washing their hair w/o any issues. Do you think a day and a half is too soon?

I've relaxed after 2 days without a problem. I don't see how a day and a half can hurt. As long as you base the scalp and didn't scrub or scratch, you should be fine.
Thanks ladies, I think I'll wait until Thursday to relax. But if I can't sleep again 2night its on & popping:)
Question Ladies!

How soon do yall relax after washing your hair? I DC on Sun & I thought I was going to be able to relax on Thursday but it looks like the only time that I will have to relax is either today or tomorrow. I do have a semi sensitive scalp but since switching to Linage Texturizers I havent had any issues.

While searching the relaxed threads, it appears that some folks relax after 3days of washing their hair w/o any issues. Do you think a day and a half is too soon?

no, I see no problem with it. But, since you have a sensitive scalp you might want to research that issue.
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Any ladies in here not relaxing their edges? My edges grow slow and I'm pretty sure they're over processed from salon visits. I thought about going natural but ummm I'm not sure im built for it-
I bought some Ic gel today and I'm thinking maybe I can just slick my edges til they grow in and keep maintaining my relaxed hair.

CafedeBelleza, I didn't relax my edges this visit. Last visit I only received about 2 minutes of processing. I plan to go on a no relax on the edges and nape for about 6 months to see what comes of it. My edges are already thanking me.
Catching up on your blog. You're so pretty divachyk! I always wondered what the face looked like that those buns belonged to :giggle: Sorry about your relaxer TU. What do you think caused it?
@SuchaLady, you're so sweet. Thank you for the compliment! :grin: My salon visits are always eventful. I'm convinced they will forever will be. My hair tangles a lot even at home but I've found ways to deal with it - wash in sections, twists or braids. This is not done at the salon and of course you know they don't detangle as gently as we. I thought I had it all figured out by detangling at home. I should have used mid-step protein but thought I could get by without it. A stylist friend helped me to understand that mid-step is only required if the relaxer is too strong and has weakened the hair. If the relaxer is of the right strength, mid-step is not required. This brings up the question - was the problemthe relaxer strength, application or tangling. I'm kinda thinking all the above.
@SuchaLady, you're so sweet. Thank you for the compliment! :grin: My salon visits are always eventful. I'm convinced they will forever will be. My hair tangles a lot even at home but I've found ways to deal with it - wash in sections, twists or braids. This is not done at the salon and of course you know they don't detangle as gently as we. I thought I had it all figured out by detangling at home. I should have used mid-step protein but thought I could get by without it. A stylist friend helped me to understand that mid-step is only required if the relaxer is too strong and has weakened the hair. If the relaxer is of the right strength, mid-step is not required. This brings up the question - was the problemthe relaxer strength, application or tangling. I'm kinda thinking all the above.

Interesting. This is actually the only reason I add a mid step protein treatment which has been only twice my whole relaxed life. Twice I was watching tv & the time got away from me. By the time I looked at my watch, it was 30 to 35 mins later that I was still sitting with relaxer in my hair. I've always wondered why the majority of relaxed heads on this board opt to do it every touch-up. Its nice to hear (read) a professional confirming what I initially thought it was intended for.

Now off to your blog to see (read) what happened to you.....

Girl, I love to read your blog posts but :( to hear about the setback. It doesn't look that bad though.

Now about this tangling you think it means your cuticles are raised??
AVG smoothes my cuticles like nobody's business! And it works instantly. I put it on like a moisturizer from root to tip. I even put it in my scalp! Whenever My hair is acting up I reach for the AVG. AVJ would prob work the same.

Maybe if you try this when prepping your hair for a touch up, it could make a diff. Like when you got home from the salon you could have put on some AVG to avoid the tangles.
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So I couldn't sleep last night and I decided to go ahead and relax my hair. This was the 1st time that I didnt do the half and half method; I just went ahead and relaxed the whole head at once. It wasnt too bad. My hair grew alittle.

I'm kinda of annoyed. Not to toot my own horn, but my hair looks great today. I haven't worn my hair out in about 3mths. However, two of my hatin coworkers go and say, "Did you cut your hair?" My hair has gotten considerably longer since the last time I wore it out. It's funny b/c they kept looking at me all day today. They both know that im trying to grow my hair. But the rest of my coworkers complimented me. For every compliment I guess you have to get a diss.

I should of said where does it look shorter? Where my hair passes my armpits & almost reaching my bra? :lachen:
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Interesting. This is actually the only reason I add a mid step protein treatment which has been only twice my whole relaxed life. Twice I was watching tv & the time got away from me. By the time I looked at my watch, it was 30 to 35 mins later that I was still sitting with relaxer in my hair. I've always wondered why the majority of relaxed heads on this board opt to do it every touch-up. Its nice to hear (read) a professional confirming what I initially thought it was intended for.

Now off to your blog to see (read) what happened to you.....

The stylist is actually a LHCF member who is a professional stylist. :yep: pre_medicalrulz
So I couldn't sleep last night and I decided to go ahead and relax my hair. This was the 1st time that I didnt do the half and half method; I just went ahead and relaxed the whole head at once. It wasnt too bad. My hair grew alittle.

I'm kinda of annoyed. Not to toot my own horn, but my hair looks great today. I haven't worn my hair out in about 3mths. However, two of my hatin coworkers go and say, "Did you cut your hair?" My hair has gotten considerably longer since the last time I wore it out. It's funny b/c they kept looking at me all day today. They both know that im trying to grow my hair. But the rest of my coworkers complimented me. For every compliment I guess you have to get a diss.

I should of said where does it look shorter? Where my hair passes my armpits & almost reaching my bra? :lachen:

Lol!!!! Girl everytime I get a relaxer my mom goes, YOUR HAIR LOOKS A LOT SHORTER THAN BEFORE! LOL you wearing your glasses today mom?! #InYourDreams