MsCarmenP I definitely recommend you relax, but if your shedding has been happening since May at one week post-relaxer, I don't think the relaxer is causing your problem.Hey yall! I'm new here (but been lurking for a while). I posted on another thread about my shedding issue. I've been reading through some of the old posts on this thread and saw some recommend a touchup to help with shedding. It's been 16 weeks since my last relaxer. However, I've been shedding off and on (mostly on) since about a week after the relaxer. The stylist used Affirm and it was my first time using that and my first incidence with all this shedding. Do yall think getting a touchup--not Affirm--might help? I have quite a bit of new growth. Or should I wait? If so, until when? The shedding doesn't seem to be stopping. It's been happening since early May.