Relaxed Hair Thread

I saw this article online. What she is saying makes COMPLETE SENSE but would you wait until you reach your goal length to cut or go ahead and cut now since the ends are raggedy?

I've been cutting mine off. I first cut about 2 inches, and today I textlaxed and cut another inch, and I still have about 2 more inches to go. With the bone straight ends I was about MBL in a V, I've been cutting to BSL and waiting for the sides to cath up to my goal which is full U shaped BSL then full MBL U shaped. And my ends although thin in contrast to the fuller hair, were not ugly or anything as I usually rollerset and do not flat iron the length so they didn't show as much. But I prefer the fuller look right to the ends
Hi ladies.i just renewed recently so I've been away for a while.

I TU for my wedding in July & couple weeks later I noticed when I combed or finger combed I'd have long strands in my fingers hanging off my ends.

I was slow to respond. And last week did aphogee and it slowed down.

I'm surprised I'm not bald, but now what. I know this is basic but I've been away for so long and in weave for longer it seems like I'm at a loss at how to care for my own hair.
Hi ladies.i just renewed recently so I've been away for a while.

I TU for my wedding in July & couple weeks later I noticed when I combed or finger combed I'd have long strands in my fingers hanging off my ends.

I was slow to respond. And last week did aphogee and it slowed down.

I'm surprised I'm not bald, but now what. I know this is basic but I've been away for so long and in weave for longer it seems like I'm at a loss at how to care for my own hair.

I see nothing wrong with the bolded... May just be regular shedding .... Why did you expect to be bald...
Hi ladies.i just renewed recently so I've been away for a while.

I TU for my wedding in July & couple weeks later I noticed when I combed or finger combed I'd have long strands in my fingers hanging off my ends.

I was slow to respond. And last week did aphogee and it slowed down.

I'm surprised I'm not bald, but now what. I know this is basic but I've been away for so long and in weave for longer it seems like I'm at a loss at how to care for my own hair.

Wedding.... Stress much?

Takes a while for the body to catch up with stress. Sounds normal. Just relax a little. If you said clumps, then it would be time to start digging in brains.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Hi ladies.i just renewed recently so I've been away for a while.

I TU for my wedding in July & couple weeks later I noticed when I combed or finger combed I'd have long strands in my fingers hanging off my ends.

I was slow to respond. And last week did aphogee and it slowed down.

I'm surprised I'm not bald, but now what. I know this is basic but I've been away for so long and in weave for longer it seems like I'm at a loss at how to care for my own hair.

Sounds like normal shed hair. Dont sweat it.
I used to freak at shredded hairs as well but it's normal. 100 hairs are day is normal so if I get twenty i reassure myself it's fine :)

I need to reassure myself too.
I guess I'm so used to watching YouTube videos and watching girls deranged and not a shed hair.
I tend to have a comb/handful.
Long and if I stroke my hair I feel like I can always get more

I hope I'm not stressed. The wedding didn't stress me out too much. Especially as we set a very short lead time & just did it! But I certainly could do with a spa day! Xx

The protein helped. But hasn't stopped it.
Have any of you used/tried Fantasia Tea Tree Scalp Serum? Its a leave in treatment for dry, itchy, flaky scalp. My scalp was on fire because it was so dry so instead of cowashing midweek, I used this on my scalp. The tingling feeling on my scalp was such a sigh of relief. :) But this bottle needs to be bigger than 4 ounces cause I used it all in one application. Smh
Have any of you used/tried Fantasia Tea Tree Scalp Serum? Its a leave in treatment for dry, itchy, flaky scalp. My scalp was on fire because it was so dry so instead of cowashing midweek, I used this on my scalp. The tingling feeling on my scalp was such a sigh of relief. :) But this bottle needs to be bigger than 4 ounces cause I used it all in one application. Smh

Have you tried Shea moisture dry itchy scalp line? I hear its good. Since I coffee rinse, I've have way less itching, but burdock root has been great for my scalp health.

Leaving conditioner in for too long bothers my scalp too.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
No more Linange for me. My scalp is jungle city. :spinning: I'm gonna have to relax at 8 weeks.
Cantu Shea butter is a big miss as well. I don't why it's taking me so long to go back to my first love, the neutrogena leave-in.
I really miss the dove mist spray for my braid outs. Why did they have to discontinue it? Why?!!
Ok rant over.
Have any of you used/tried Fantasia Tea Tree Scalp Serum? Its a leave in treatment for dry, itchy, flaky scalp. My scalp was on fire because it was so dry so instead of cowashing midweek, I used this on my scalp. The tingling feeling on my scalp was such a sigh of relief. :) But this bottle needs to be bigger than 4 ounces cause I used it all in one application. Smh

I have. I really liked the tingling sensation, especially after a massage. Not sure why I did not repurchase it.
Sheesh! I think im the only one that uses soft&beautiful relaxer. Been using since I was pbly 7 years old. Im too scared to switch. Not trying to fix whats not broken this far into my progress though. Sigh..
Sheesh! I think im the only one that uses soft&beautiful relaxer. Been using since I was pbly 7 years old. Im too scared to switch. Not trying to fix whats not broken this far into my progress though. Sigh..
Thank you. Words are right on time. Whats not good for one head has been wonderful for mine. If it aint broke, don't try to fix it, no matter how many other people say it was not good for their hair. This is a note to self.
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Hey yall! I'm new here (but been lurking for a while). I posted on another thread about my shedding issue. I've been reading through some of the old posts on this thread and saw some recommend a touchup to help with shedding. It's been 16 weeks since my last relaxer. However, I've been shedding off and on (mostly on) since about a week after the relaxer. The stylist used Affirm and it was my first time using that and my first incidence with all this shedding. Do yall think getting a touchup--not Affirm--might help? I have quite a bit of new growth. Or should I wait? If so, until when? The shedding doesn't seem to be stopping. It's been happening since early May.
Hey yall! I'm new here (but been lurking for a while). I posted on another thread about my shedding issue. I've been reading through some of the old posts on this thread and saw some recommend a touchup to help with shedding. It's been 16 weeks since my last relaxer. However, I've been shedding off and on (mostly on) since about a week after the relaxer. The stylist used Affirm and it was my first time using that and my first incidence with all this shedding. Do yall think getting a touchup--not Affirm--might help? I have quite a bit of new growth. Or should I wait? If so, until when? The shedding doesn't seem to be stopping. It's been happening since early May.

I recommend you relax... @ 9 weeks my hair starts shedding crazy and I have to relax.... I think sometimes it depends on how kinky your NG is.
Thank you. Words are right on time. Whats not good for one head has been wonderful for mine. If it aint broke, don't try to fix it, no matter how many other people say it was not good for their hair. This is a note to self.

I use.. And LOVE the optimum relaxer in the red box... Te salon collections one that says 9 times less breakage... I don't know anyone that has tried that relaxer and hated it... Not one.... Never switching for anything... Gets my fine hair straight while leaving just enough texture in the hair...
When I used to go to a stylist, she used Affirm (I think it was lye) on me and DD. We had the worst big dry flakes, shedding AND breakage. It continued for a long time until I switched to self relaxing with ORS no lye. I have been self relaxing on and off for over 20 years and no lye is better for me.

I recently had a lot of shedding and coconut milk and AVG rinse under my DC worked instantly to stop the shedding. 16 weeks sounds like a good long stretch. The longest I have gone is 14 weeks. How long are you trying to stretch??

Now I use JFM texturizer by soft & beautiful. I love it. DD is transitioning