Rant: Sex and the city

Exactly. He was always trash. I know Im alone and I will repeat it again, the Russian was the best one for Carrie. People thought him "saving" her in Paris was some lovely ending and it was pie in the face when he pulled what he did at City Hall.

Only seen the first movie, refuse to watch the others. As far as the reboot, Im not sure I will. Im fine with the re-runs.

@luckiestdestiny I agree regarding Charlotte and Harry. The nonsense he had her go thru just to be on some "now that youve embarrassed yourself on my behalf, I had the ring all along" nonsense. Whatever. The thing with her and Tey reminded me of Nollywood and some Tyler Perry movies. Terry was "handsome" successful but he just had to have the worst issue meanwhile sweaty ish Michelin man Harry is the her "soul mate" because the moral of the story is for women "looks should never matter" :rolleyes:
A lot of women had relationships with men like Big. I think people rooted for him in Paris because he represented the guy in their own lives they really wanted to be with if the guy had only acted right. It was part fantasy, part revisionist history.

Big was trash but the show was funny and relatable at it's core. Totally agree about Harry. I was happy she found love but hate the message that women can never really get everything they want.
Exactly. He was always trash. I know Im alone and I will repeat it again, the Russian was the best one for Carrie. People thought him "saving" her in Paris was some lovely ending and it was pie in the face when he pulled what he did at City Hall.

Only seen the first movie, refuse to watch the others. As far as the reboot, Im not sure I will. Im fine with the re-runs.

@luckiestdestiny I agree regarding Charlotte and Harry. The nonsense he had her go thru just to be on some "now that youve embarrassed yourself on my behalf, I had the ring all along" nonsense. Whatever. The thing with her and Tey reminded me of Nollywood and some Tyler Perry movies. Terry was "handsome" successful but he just had to have the worst issue meanwhile sweaty ish Michelin man Harry is the her "soul mate" because the moral of the story is for women "looks should never matter" :rolleyes:
As much as I wanted to slap Carrie....:nono:
Yes! Can we be honest about Carrie's plain wedding suit and city hall marriage? I never bought that ish for an instant.
She is all about fashion. She was so excited when the dress of her dreams was sent to her house. She said the dress upped the ante. That is Carrie. Sure it wasn't her original plan, but it became a part of her dream. She was all about fashion, over the top, and romance. Hence that library and that dress was a Carrie dream wedding come true just like Miranda in that tiny park rolling her eyes was hers. At least she got what she wanted there (because living in Queens and downgrading everything else, plus turning Steve from boy to man, and watching his mama seemed to be her hand dealt in life. She had some other faults movie style like making her man a monk after marriage via the movie and feigning shock that things weren't working out after 6 plus months of no sex. But that's another story :giggle: . I mean come on. You are resentful about other things deal with them but you can't just ignore your hubby as he didn't sign up to be a monk :look: :rofl: )... back to Carrie, she did not get the wedding she wanted, not even close.

And what was sad was that she shrugged at the end when he was like, "just me and you" in the film and it showed the difference when he invited her friends. It was so sad. It showed how she pushes down her emotions to do whatever for Big, to keep her man, and pretends she's happy to go along. So much so that she's also writing about it (cue voice over which is her blog/or book depending on what she's writing) and convincing others how it's okay too :lachen: . Like, in the the end this is what I wanted, no really, just being with Big is enough...WHAT YAY my friends are at least there! It was her consolation prize. The least he could do and dude was acting like it was the biggest gesture in the world. Meanwhile they're eating at a diner afterwards. Yes I realize that a marriage is about being married, but each character and person has their own personality, wants, and needs. We can roll our eyes at Carries over the top desire for romance, fashion, etc, but that's her. She might as well have put on overralls at her wedding, if he asked, and had some voice over about how even fashion doesn't matter, because love is all that matters. And sure it is, but come on, what about what the individuals we marry want? If he was going to marry her annoying butt, after all these years, she should at least get what she wants in terms of a wedding. He certainly could afford it.
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If you are a big enough fool to marry a dude who jilted you at the alter then it's best to just go get it done as quick and easy as possible since he can't be trusted when there is a guestlist involved.
True but then he's not this "Big love" that she's spouting about. He's just a selfish small guy who wanted to take Carrie finally because she stood up to him.

The one time I really rooted for Carrie is when she was like, "you do this everytime...Lose my number, forget you ever knew me. And you can ride around here all you want because I don't live here anymore!" I paraphrase but that was the truest the show ever was. Sure she caved with all of that, but that mindset is what made him take notice.

There is always that guy who wants you because someone else is with you and can smell it when you are moving on, and oops he pops up. That's Big. He basically married her because she was finally going to move on and that was too much for his ego. If she had some convo with him and just went back to her apartment instead of off to Paris, I'm willing to bet it would be just like the hotel after his heart surgery. Or he'd string her along again before doing something else callous and breaking her heart yet again. Well if this were real life. But even for the show, they had to wrap it up because it was the last season. I'm willing to bet if it were continuing, they would've used this to find another way for Big to bail to keep that tension going.

Now that I think about it, they probably deserve each other because they're both insufferable :lachen: .
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A lot of women had relationships with men like Big. I think people rooted for him in Paris because he represented the guy in their own lives they really wanted to be with if the guy had only acted right. It was part fantasy, part revisionist history.

Big was trash but the show was funny and relatable at it's core. Totally agree about Harry. I was happy she found love but hate the message that women can never really get everything they want.
Exactly. I mean what really is the point? Why couldn't she get a hot guy who adored her? Why does she need to be taught a lesson?
She was sweet, funny, all heart, and deserved her equal. We want to bring women down a peg or two :giggle: . And okay, so she fell in love with someone she did not anticipate. Fine. But then the guy did not value her either(at that point). So what's the point? All women need to just settle meanwhile guys are to be scooped up and worshiped at all costs (no matter the guy or their actions?) . And then to have her just wishing to be in his presence was the hardest part for me. I was like UGH! NO! NO NO!
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Maybe I need to rewatch SITC because I don’t remember Charlotte and Harry this way. I really just remember the white couch and how she was willing to put up with his weird behavior when he wasn’t at all her type.
Here you go. Charlotte and Harry catch up class 101 :lol: ...
most clips are between 1 and 3 minutes long so you can even watch these in one quick 10 minute binge or separately when you have time as there are four of them.

  • Charlotte's begging scene/Harry's Proposal scene

  • Charlotte's angry scene which broke them up. They try to make it like she's looking down on him but she is pointing out that she is a great catch and he has not bothered to SET A DATE! :lachen: Meanwhile he of course is pulling a b.s guy move like wha? Why are you acting crazy?

Keep in mind he was fine getting her in bed, but thinking of her as going any where further than that was not even on his radar...this is why she decided to convert:

  • Let's not forget the crap she went through to convert beginning with just getting the Rabbis to say yes, going through all the conversion stuff, etc:

...Meanwhile dude hasn't mentioned marriage. And this is after he tells her he can't marry her even though he loves her because sigh if only she were Jewish.
So guess what? She converts. And he throws out the ring as a way to sting her after she goes off on him, saying how he bought a ring. Well maybe you should've said something or at least talked about going in the direction of marriage now that she's converting which is what you said was the reason holding you back (don't have that clip. These were easier to find. It's somewhere if you search.).

This should be enough to see the picture. To me there are nice guys and also nice jerks. People miss the nice jerks because they do it oh so nicely. But their actions are still jerky no matter how much they smile or have polite manners while doing it.
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removed because links have curse words (ga!)Was going to add a sex and the city parody on youtube. Check out and type in sex and the city 2020 and see what pops up. See the second one first because I like that it's about black lives matter and the lady hands clueless, self absorbed Carrie her :massmoon: :rofl: .
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Exactly. He was always trash. I know Im alone and I will repeat it again, the Russian was the best one for Carrie. People thought him "saving" her in Paris was some lovely ending and it was pie in the face when he pulled what he did at City Hall.

Say what nah?

She flew all the way to Paris and didn't even know that he had a daughter! Makin herself look a fool at the dinner.

(eta: How could I forget the slap!)
That wasn't a slap! That is a hill I will stay on! She pulled his heand and he pulled away without looking at her, a slap would have been looking at her and with intention
This is how I always saw it as well. I never thought that he slapped her but I still didn't care for them as a couple. He was a bit too pompous for my liking. Plus, the way he just left her hanging at his art opening (or whatever it was). He was surrounded by his friends/fans all congratulating him and she is all alone sitting on a bench watching from afar. What the heck was that? They seemed well enough on their one on one time with each other but when she was with him in his world or when he was with her in hers (lets not forget the dinner party with her friends), it just didn't seem like a good fit.
Harry is getting a worse rap than he should. While dude was short and funny looking, his money was tall and reasonably attractive which is how even got a date with Charlotte in the first place. Charlotte played herself by converting before she had an understanding with Harry that if she converted there would be a wedding. That said, at the end of her rant telling him he wasn't poo, Harry told her he had bought a ring. The show doesn't give a time table but Charlotte and Harry started dating at the beginning of one season and were married midway through so she still got married on the break neck pace that is Jewish men running to the alter. It was probably less than 2 years from Charlottes divorce to her second wedding.
Harry is getting a worse rap than he should. While dude was short and funny looking, his money was tall and reasonably attractive which is how even got a date with Charlotte in the first place. Charlotte played herself by converting before she had an understanding with Harry that if she converted there would be a wedding. That said, at the end of her rant telling him he wasn't poo, Harry told her he had bought a ring. The show doesn't give a time table but Charlotte and Harry started dating at the beginning of one season and were married midway through so she still got married on the break neck pace that is Jewish men running to the alter. It was probably less than 2 years from Charlottes divorce to her second wedding.
When I first watched the show I thought Charlotte had settled. But after watching it again recently and with a different perspective on life, I thought Harry was ideal. Is he a head turner? No. But he's a loyal, educated, hard working man with a high paying career and a sense of humor who loves his wife. He loved her enough that it didn't matter that she would be unlikely to be able to carry his child. He has integrity and he's a man for the long haul.
In what world was Harry reasonable attractive. Trey was on Charlotte's level and stood up to his mother on her behalf but again like all Tyler Perry and other shows, he's conventionally handsome and something had to be wrong with him therefore Charlotte had to downgrade lookwise and bow for a man who was very "meh" about marrying her.

This is how I always saw it as well. I never thought that he slapped her but I still didn't care for them as a couple. He was a bit too pompous for my liking. Plus, the way he just left her hanging at his art opening (or whatever it was). He was surrounded by his friends/fans all congratulating him and she is all alone sitting on a bench watching from afar. What the heck was that? They seemed well enough on their one on one time with each other but when she was with him in his world or when he was with her in hers (lets not forget the dinner party with her friends), it just didn't seem like a good fit.

Her delusional behind needed pompous, after all she had a good one with Aiden that she treated terribly. The Russian and his "take no nonsense" attitude is the wake up call she needed.

That's the one time I thought the Russian was wrong and frank;ly if Carrie had any sense, once she saw that he was ok at his exhibit she should have gone to her own party. He could only pull that mess with her, a fellow Russian would have told him to suck it up and gone to her own party. My thing is even with that he hasn't anything that is worse than all the mess that Big put Carrie through.
When I first watched the show I thought Charlotte had settled. But after watching it again recently and with a different perspective on life, I thought Harry was ideal. Is he a head turner? No. But he's a loyal, educated, hard working man with a high paying career and a sense of humor who loves his wife. He loved her enough that it didn't matter that she would be unlikely to be able to carry his child. He has integrity and he's a man for the long haul.

and how was Trey the opposite of any of these things?
Her delusional behind needed pompous, after all she had a good one with Aiden that she treated terribly. The Russian and his "take no nonsense" attitude is the wake up call she needed.

That's the one time I thought the Russian was wrong and frank;ly if Carrie had any sense, once she saw that he was ok at his exhibit she should have gone to her own party. He could only pull that mess with her, a fellow Russian would have told him to suck it up and gone to her own party. My thing is even with that he hasn't anything that is worse than all the mess that Big put Carrie through.
You may have a point there, lol. I forget which scene it was but Carrie was acting out like a child and the Russian straight called her out on it. I remember feeling like finally! Yeah, Aiden was way too nice and tolerant of her shenanigans. She was a fool to let him get away but for his part she did him a favor. He deserved someone that would appreciate him.

For sure, Big was worse than the Russian in so many ways. No argument there!
In what world was Harry reasonable attractive. Trey was on Charlotte's level and stood up to his mother on her behalf but again like all Tyler Perry and other shows, he's conventionally handsome and something had to be wrong with him therefore Charlotte had to downgrade lookwise and bow for a man who was very "meh" about marrying her.

Her delusional behind needed pompous, after all she had a good one with Aiden that she treated terribly. The Russian and his "take no nonsense" attitude is the wake up call she needed.

That's the one time I thought the Russian was wrong and frank;ly if Carrie had any sense, once she saw that he was ok at his exhibit she should have gone to her own party. He could only pull that mess with her, a fellow Russian would have told him to suck it up and gone to her own party. My thing is even with that he hasn't anything that is worse than all the mess that Big put Carrie through.

Ok fair point. I didn't care for the Russian but he was the most mature guy she dated. I don't think they were right together at that time. Plus, Carrie still let him dictate too much. I think that was her flaw.

And agreed about the party! Why didn't you either schedule it on another night or just leave????

I’ve never watched this show.ls it worth starting

Yes! Just give it some time to warm up to it, it will feel dated... esp season 1.

Oh.... and do yourself a favor and watch on hbo. I've been watching on regular TV and they cut so much its annoying.
Harry is getting a worse rap than he should. While dude was short and funny looking, his money was tall and reasonably attractive which is how even got a date with Charlotte in the first place. Charlotte played herself by converting before she had an understanding with Harry that if she converted there would be a wedding. That said, at the end of her rant telling him he wasn't poo, Harry told her he had bought a ring. The show doesn't give a time table but Charlotte and Harry started dating at the beginning of one season and were married midway through so she still got married on the break neck pace that is Jewish men running to the alter. It was probably less than 2 years from Charlottes divorce to her second wedding.
First a note that Harry is not a villain by any stretch though he made me roll my eyes constantly. :lachen: Sure, Charlotte isn't perfect for sure either but that's another point I mentioned earlier. All of the women have their crap, I was just focusing on this point since we were going there for fun.

I'm not saying Harry's the Devil, I'm saying he's not this wonderful match for Charlotte :lol: . I agree with you that she played herself but again by a guy who was already playing her (at the time). So she played herself and he played her partially until he changed his mind later. If she had not converted, they would not be married.

I mean he breaks up with her because she's mad once? Charlotte hardly ever makes a scene and this sends him into leaving her after he's pretty much sat back and watched her jump through hoops before finally telling her after her meltdown, why are you acting crazy? And to think I bought you a ring. Like oh happy day :lol:.

Let's ask ourselves how much change did Charlotte make versus harry:
Harry ...was just harry
  1. Realized and dated another type than her usual
  2. converted to Judaism including all the classes, learning Hebrew, Jewish cooking etc and giving in up the religious aspects of her prior religion (Jesus , etc) in addition to other. Commercial aspects like christmas including her favorite thing:decorating ans having a Christmas trees.
  3. Charlotte let go of even hygiene stuff ignoring his excessive sweating and his naked sofa hijinks. She finally speaks on them but she definitely puts up his mishaps here and there.
  4. She is the one sharing her place with him after they marry.
  5. She also apparently has to do an attitude adjustment and realize that she'll just take him any kind of way even if that means staying unmarried which is not her wish and he knows this. Meanwhile he rewards her for this. Also he rolled out on one argument in which he was partially culpable. So we know that he is not someone who will fight for her. He kind of just wandered into the relationship and had sex because she was hot, stayed only because she converted to Judaism and married her after she agreed to show him she's desperate enough to take him any which way she can. This is also her fault but again, his actions are there silently demonstrating the line an what he's willing to take and not. She adjusts to that line. And sure as long as she is okay with all of this, he treats her somewhat nicely and they get to be married. But I don't see it as a super happy union.

As for him being clueless to what she was going through, they were too old for alla that. She was once divorced as was he and he was her attorney in said divorce. He knew what she wanted so should put all the cards on the table. I agree her fault is that she should not have dived in without a clear commitment hence her meltdown for clarity which he used to leave and later agree to marry her when he broke her spirit. Charlotte is always the marrying tyoe and here she is throwing away the one thi g she has always wanted just for him to be in her life. Only then does he ask her which is why I mentioned the taming of the shrew.
And yes he was interested in marrying her but under his terms, without much if any adjustment versus Charlotte. Now she has to settle for a guy who will just do him and call her crazy from time to time :lol: . Let's look at the scene with the dog. Elizabeth Taylor was in heat and Harry is like, let her run free with the other dogs. Of course she's knocked up :rofl: . Now did he know? Nope. But he just shrugs and muddles through. No apology or anything. He just walks in, creates conflict and skips off calling her honey and shrugging.

This is not a big deal but it says something about their dynamic. She's the one picking up the pieces and doing all the work. She does the work with Elizabeth Taylor too while Harry just allows it. If that makes sense. It made me think of her crying in the closet in her supposed happy marriage in the movie. Sure children are overwhelming but probably much so if she's juggling everything and he's just showing up with a smile. I wonder how it will play out in the new "and just like that". They need to give her some conflict so I could see them going that route, if they see it.

Long money

He has money but so does Charlotte from a divorce settlement. We know she negotiated a million in her prenup and she also has a multi million dollar property in Manhattan in the early 2000s (given to her from the settlement because of the Bunny episodes) paid free and clear, plus she also worked professionally prior. So she's his equal if not possibly even richer than he is. He isn't bringing anything amazing to the relationship or anything she doesn't already have.

Their Place is her Apartment
Harry moved into HER place btw as she has a classic 6 in the upper east side (and that's a big deal moolah wisel). Remember the episode with the white and he's sitting butt naked on her chairs after they marry? How long is his money really? He's a lawyer in NYC yes and they make bank but maybe he's just living at a comfortable level.

Other Thoughts:
Harry told her he bought a ring but so what? Why not explain that they were on a marriage trek prior. She was losing it by the end of that episode.

I don't think he's awful but he's not the full on catch.
I guess my point is although none of the women are perfect we already know that. But what I just think none of them had a super happy ending or excellent match.
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When I first watched the show I thought Charlotte had settled. But after watching it again recently and with a different perspective on life, I thought Harry was ideal. Is he a head turner? No. But he's a loyal, educated, hard working man with a high paying career and a sense of humor who loves his wife. He loved her enough that it didn't matter that she would be unlikely to be able to carry his child. He has integrity and he's a man for the long haul.
Idk he seems to do only what he wants when he wants. He didn't have children from his first marriage, it might not seem a big deal to him. I agree he was the better of all the relationships she had but still they says something to me. :lol:
Idk he seems to do only what he wants when he wants. He didn't have children from his first marriage, it might not seem a big deal to him. I agree he was the better of all the relationships she had but still they says something to me. :lol:
I don't blame him for doing only what he wants when he wants. He was comfortable with himself. He didn't tell Charlotte she had to convert. He didn't tell her make me this elaborate holiday meal when there's a game on tv he wanted to watch. She chose to do that in an effort to get chose as the old folks say.
In what world was Harry reasonable attractive. Trey was on Charlotte's level and stood up to his mother on her behalf but again like all Tyler Perry and other shows, he's conventionally handsome and something had to be wrong with him therefore Charlotte had to downgrade lookwise and bow for a man who was very "meh" about marrying her.

Her delusional behind needed pompous, after all she had a good one with Aiden that she treated terribly. The Russian and his "take no nonsense" attitude is the wake up call she needed.

That's the one time I thought the Russian was wrong and frank;ly if Carrie had any sense, once she saw that he was ok at his exhibit she should have gone to her own party. He could only pull that mess with her, a fellow Russian would have told him to suck it up and gone to her own party. My thing is even with that he hasn't anything that is worse than all the mess that Big put Carrie through.
I said Harry's money was tall and attractive. If he was broke or had regular money, lookin how he look, Charlotte wouldn't have never gone out with him in the first place and rightly so.

Also, I think you forgot how many frogs Charlotte kissed before literally stumbling on to Trey and she did some white girl Oedipus complex jedi mind trick hoodoo in order to get him to propose which was directly tied to why their sex life went bust.

Here is why Charlotte ended up with a round Jew instead of a rectangle WASP. Charlotte was not built to compete for an unseasoned white husband in New York. Why? Because born and raised, NY dudes love women with the temperament of cats, whilst Charlotte has the temperament of a Jack Russell Terrier. This is why it was realistic that Miranda was the first of the crew to get and stay married and Samantha had dudes stalking her high mileage vagina. Second, men who leave places like New England (where Charlotte is from) to go be NY dudes are not looking for an Aryan from Darien cuz that's who they ran away from lobster country to get away from. Trey was a complete fluke from how they met to how they ended.
First a note that Harry noy a villain by anu stretch though he made me roll my eyes constantly. :lachen: Sure, Charlotte isn't perfect for sure either but that's a mother point I mentioned earlier. All if the women have their crap, I was just looking at the right pot for their loss or vice versa since we were going there for fun. I

I"m not saying Harry's the Devil, I'm saying he's not this wonderful match for Charlotte :lol: . I agree with you that She played herself but again by a guy who was already playing her (at the time). So she played herself and he played her partially until he changed his mind later. If she had not converted, they would not be married.

I mean he breaks up with her because she's mad once? Charlotte hardly ever makes a scene and this sends him into leaving her after he's pretty much sat back and watched her jump through hoops before finally telling her after her meltdown, why are you acting crazy? And to think I bought you a ring. Like oh happy day :lol:.

Let's ask ourselves how much change did Charlotte make versus harry:
Harry ...was just harry
  1. Realized and dated another type than her usual
  2. converted to Judaism including all the classes, learning Hebrew, Jewish cooking etc and giving in up the religious aspects of her prior religion (Jesus , etc) in addition to other. Commercial aspects like christmas including her favorite thing:decorating ans having a Christmas trees.
  3. Charlotte let go of even hygiene stuff ignoring his excessive sweating and his naked sofa hijinks. She finally speaks on them but she definitely puts up his mishaps here and there.
  4. She is the one sharing her place with him after they marry.
  5. She also apparently has to do an attitude adjustment and realize that she'll just take him any kind of way even if that means staying unmarried which is not her wish and he knows this. Meanwhile he rewards her for this. Also he rolled out on one argument in which he was partially culpable. So we know that he is not someone who will fight for her. He kind of just wandered into the relationship and had sex because she was hot, stayed only because she converted to Judaism and married her after she agreed to show him she's desperate enough to take him any which way she can. This is also her fault but again, his actions are there silently demonstrating the line an what he's willing to take and not. She adjusts to that line. And sure as long as she is okay with all of this, he treats her somewhat nicely and they get to be married. But I don't see it as a super happy union.

As for him being clueless to what she was going through, they were too old for alla that. She was once divorced as was he and he was her attorney in said divorce. He knew what she wanted so should put all the cards on the table. I agree her fault is that she should not have dived in without a clear commitment hence her meltdown for clarity which he used to leave and later agree to marry her when he broke her spirit. Charlotte is always the marrying tyoe and here she is throwing away the one thi g she has always wanted just for him to be in her life. Only then does he ask her which is why I mentioned the taming of the shrew.
And yes he was interested in marrying her but under his terms, without much if any adjustment versus Charlotte. Now she has to settle for a guy who will just do him and call her crazy from time to time :lol: . Let's look at the scene with the dog. Elizabeth Taylor was in heat and Harry is like, let her run free with the other dogs. Of course she's knocked up :rofl: . Now did he know? Nope. But he just shrugs and muddles through. No apology or anything. He just walks in, creates conflict and skips off calling her honey and shrugging.

This is not a big deal but it says something about their dynamic. She's the one picking up the pieces and doing all the work. She does the work with Elizabeth Taylor too while Harry just allows it. If that makes sense. It made me think of her crying in the closet in her supposed happy marriage in the movie. Sure children are overwhelming but probably much so if she's juggling everything and he's just showing up with a smile. I wonder how it will play out in the new "and just like that". They need to give her some conflict so I could see them going that route, if they see it.

Long money

He has money but so does Charlotte from a divorce settlement. We know she negotiated a million in her prenup and she also has a multi million dollar property in Manhattan in the early 2000s (given to her from the settlement because of the Bunny episodes) paid free and clear, plus she also worked professionally prior. So she's his equal if not possibly even richer than he is. He isn't bringing anything amazing to the relationship or anything she doesn't already have.

Their Place is her Apartment
Harry moved into HER place btw as she has a classic 6 in the upper east side (and that's a big deal moolah wisel). Remember the episode with the white and he's sitting butt naked on her chairs after they marry? How long is his money really? He's a lawyer in NYC yes and they make bank but maybe he's just living at a comfortable level.

Other Thoughts:
Harry told her he bought a ring but so what? Why not explain that they were on a marriage trek prior. She was losing it by the end of that episode.

I don't think he's awful but he's not the full on catch.
I guess my point is although none of the women are perfect we already know that. But what I just think none of them had a super happy ending or excellent match.
In a nutshell, if Charlotte could have gotten another Trey, she would have. She got Harry cuz at 38 in NY, he is who she could pull. Watching the show after being on the other side of converting, she was ridiculously culturally insensitive in her approach to converting and more than a little out of pocket. But I still like her.
In a nutshell, if Charlotte could have gotten another Trey, she would have. She got Harry cuz at 38 in NY, he is who she could pull. Watching the show after being on the other side of converting, she was ridiculously culturally insensitive in her approach to converting and more than a little out of pocket. But I still like her.
I was more bothered by Miranda being with Steve. Here she is a corporate attorney dating a bartender.