Paying Bills And Marriage

That could be done while stuff is lovey dovey, but trust me when the d word is said, it becomes hatred and discord. Things get moved into family members names and assets are fought over.

We had a thread like that in the relationship forum when I was new here. Sure enough a member asked her husband, who was a lawyer, for advice to give the poster and she reported back that her husband said to slowly move money into a trusted family members account.
If they wanted to be sneaky they wouldn't take out a big chunk. They would take out small amounts here and there. 100 here 200 there, buy stuff on debit and return it for cash.
Some women just don't have it like that and it bothers them to the core. That's when all the ASSumptions start rolling in, said woman must be "basic" or a unicorn, uneducated, hate her gig etc, smh.

I mean if you want tips, just ask :lol:

^^Hit dogs doing what they do.

How have those "tips" been working for you, might I ask? I've read some of your other posts and the funny thing about all of this is I have the kind of man you want, but I didn't have to do backflips for him to notice me nor engage in tacky behavior like showing up uninvited to various functions to find him.

In fact, I met him at work, isn't that ironic? And he came to me :lol:

So what on earth do I have to be bothered/angry/mad about? Keep your tips, girl. I've seen the struggle for you ladies and it is real. :lol: I want no parts of that.
^^Hit dogs doing what they do.

How have those "tips" been working for you, might I ask? I've read some of your other posts and the funny thing about all of this is I have the kind of man you want, but I didn't have to do backflips for him to notice me nor engage in tacky behavior like showing up uninvited to various functions to find him.

In fact, I met him at work, isn't that ironic? And he came to me :lol:

So what on earth do I have to be bothered/angry/mad about? Keep your tips, girl. I've seen the struggle for you ladies and it is real. :lol: I want no parts of that.

:rofl: :lol:

Well then

Pretty soon we are only gonna have the weather and tv to talk about. No one is going to share anything. I never did but still :lol:
Lol I've said that I'm a sarcastic [expletive] and no [expletives] are given.

So it's fine to tell another poster her brother is a "real man", or any of the other various insults you all have thrown about, but when the tables get turned on you, it's a problem? ***.

You guys try to act like being a working woman is somehow shameful, but just what is high class or aspiration worthy about having to scheme and dream your way into a comfortable life like that I am able to provide for myself on my own?

Chicks in here have stated how they would leave their current man for a rich man at the drop of a hat if one came around, and then want to turn around and tell me I'm jealous and unsatisfied with my situation in life.

The irony.
Lol I've said that I'm a sarcastic [expletive] and no [expletives] are given.

So it's fine to tell another poster her brother is a "real man", or any of the other various insults you all have thrown about, but when the tables get turned on you, it's a problem? ***.

You guys try to act like being a working woman is somehow shameful, but just what is high class or aspiration worthy about having to scheme and dream your way into a comfortable life like that I am able to provide for myself on my own?

Chicks in here have stated how they would leave their current man for a rich man at the drop of a hat if one came around, and then want to turn around and tell me I'm jealous and unsatisfied with my situation in life.

The irony.

You are not quite reading. A few people said they did not work but that was the clear minority. A lot of women said a man should be able to care for the household. A good majority of women in here are educated and do work so I think you have made up a few facts.
You are not quite reading. A few people said they did not work but that was the clear minority. A lot of women said a man should be able to care for the household. A good majority of women in here are educated and do work so I think you have made up a few facts.
Noooo, *her man* made up a few facts. Look at the posts I quoted. That's the 'g' I referenced, old school 'g' at that. :nono: Basically, 'women who expect more than I'm giving you MUST be xyz, unlike you, of course. You're a strong, independent black woman.'

:lol: Not I, sir, and good day!
Wow. Some people are really upset in here. It's not that hard to figure that someone is judging your man from their POV. It's all perspective. Why get upset about that?
I cannot even bother responding to the post. It is so laughable.

According to LHCF a woman that does not need to use her salary and bonus for household expenses is really going to end up broke and destitute or unable to build wealth. Ooh okay :rofl:

Miss me with the deflection. You're clearly upset at being called out. You tried to dish it, I gave it right back and now you don't like the taste. :)

*shrugs* not my problem
If they wanted to be sneaky they wouldn't take out a big chunk. They would take out small amounts here and there. 100 here 200 there, buy stuff on debit and return it for cash.

Yep. It can be done on either side. Especially if people are not nickel and diming each other and are not demanding to see receipts. That $100? Oh dear, I went to a bar to have a few drinks with the boys.

I know a woman who siphonned money from a joint account by claiming beauty salons expenses while being a DIYer. Buying expensive shoes and returning them.

Some people plan their exit for years.
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I haven't been here very long... But it seems to me that one group of women in these threads always seem to feel attacked or be doing the attacking. In these kind of threads, they always seem so offended by other people's realities and perspectives.
Wow. Some people are really upset in here. It's not that hard to figure that someone is judging your man from their POV. It's all perspective. Why get upset about that?

The truth hurts. Some people arent okay with having their lifestyle choice criticized, especially if they surround themselves with likeminded people. It's like people can't entertain the thought that their way isnt the only way. I'm not knocking women with differing lifestyle choices, if it wets their willy than its fine by me. The problem is...some people are saying that other persons' SO's are less than men becuase they dont do as their man does. People cant seem to seperate their wants from what others may want. That is insulting, and that is why some people are on the defensive.
I haven't been here very long... But it seems to me that one group of women in these threads always seem to feel attacked or be doing the attacking. In these kind of threads, they always seem so offended by other people's realities and perspectives.

Are you referring to the unicorn shade?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using LHCF
I clearly see why people refrain from sharing anything on this forum. SJ just took her response to a personal level, which was clearly unnecessary. Like what's up with that??!! Seriously.
A lot of the women who posted in here have solid careers so I don't know where the working woman shame is supposedly coming from.

I also don't know how the conversation turned into "I like to know that I can do for myself" since again, many of the women in here are doing just that. They're just not being nickel and dimed by their partner either. If their SO/FH/DH leaves, they still have whatever settlements they are entitled to, in addition to their own careers.

Some of you were crying about feeling insulted and then turned around and thanked some of the most egregious posts in this thread. Interesting. :yawn: