OMG!!! Borderline child/hair abuse!!!

I can't stop thinking about this ever since I saw the video...

It's so shocking.

My heart cries for that poor child

I couldn't get through 2 minutes of it. The woman seems to be so abusive I'm wondering if that's even her chld. Just in the way she's brushing her hair is unthinkable. The woman seems totally clueless as to how to brush the child's hair. My heart goes out to that little girl because she's helpless and can't do anything about it. And so much swearing toward the child.

And who is behind the camera? To add to the humiliation she's being video taped.
Exactly. That annoys me. What really gets me is the ones that thing they know everything just because they slept with a Black man they know everything about Black people. Like Black knowledge can be transmitted sexually.

:lachen::lachen: That irritates me too!
This video just disgusts me. You know how many times that lady ran that brush through that child's hair just to put it in a ponytail?!

Gosh. You guys she did this on purpose! At one time she was on top of this little girl on the floor running that brush through her hair and grinning.

This was intentional abuse to this child... how can that even be debated?!

All I want to do is curse at this point. Which won't do that little girl's or any of the other little kids who were told "I don't know what you laughing for you are next" any good.

Has this been reported, what's the status, where can it be reported?
Hypothetically IF this happened to a white child with curly hair and I have a neighbour whose children all have that wiry red hair. If they were on Youtube screaming like that Oh GOOD Lord above she would have been on CNN,ABC,NBC CBS, BBC, Telemundo. Night line Date line and every other news programme. When a woman in Indiana was caught spanking her kid in the parking lot of the mall cause she was acting up. They were talking JAIL time for her. For REAL.

But again this is a lil black girl so that is okay
Go figure

I wonder if this would have been the norm if it was a white child with really curly and tangly hair. Would have it be considered absurb or you know that's what happens when you have adversely curly/wavy hair--it just gets tangly.
I have read some of the posts here, I hope something happens to the woman. I am super sensitive to these things so I cant get myself to watch the film.
I tried to put this up on nappurality and they took it down! I was so mad. It was about hair and it was on a hair site. I told people, go home now and tell your child, they have beautiful hair. I told my two daughters they have beautiful hair. I want them to know that. Nothing is wrong with having natural hair!!!
Oh my my goodness. First of all I can't not believe that this on youtube. Secondly that woman should be lashed for doing that a child. I just can't believe that, that woman is allowed to physically abuse that poor child. I want to bet her ***. There is no borderline that is child abuse.
After lurking this post made me join LHCF. I was so outraged and everyone I showed the videos to was appalled that I don't know anyone who watched the whole series. We all reported using the links provided in this thread. I must say that what truly made me join was the galvanization of people to protect and help an unknown little girl, it was just beautiful to me and made me believe that this was a community I wanted to belong to.


I remember once my mother did abuse me when I was 8 with a strait up beat down, not a regular spanking.

A few days earlier she went into the woods and cut a stick, not a twig, but a STICK. It was so big that it stood up in the corner and it was taller than I was and had a circumference of about 2 inches. I am not exaggerating.

Well I woke my baby brother up b/c I didnt want to take a nap and I threw a tantrum. She came in the bedroom and dragged me off the bed by my ankles and pulled me into the living room and she beat the **** outta me with that stick until it broke. Then she picked up the broken parts and beat me with those. She beat me so bad and so long that my father had to come in there and literally PULL her off me. She said something that I'll also never forget. He said, " What are you trying to do, kill her?" and she said "YEAH YEAH I am! Let me go!!!" and she was struggling to get at me, while I was lying on the floor limp.

I laid there for at least 15 min before I could move. I went to go sit on the porch and I LITERALLY could not sit down b/c it hurt. I had cuts, not welts, but cuts from my neck to my feet and I am not exaggerating. :nono:

This is something I will never forget. Never.

Everytime I remind her of it, she always has amnesia but I know shes lying. She has to remember that.

This is OT but thanks for letting me vent.
Does anyone have any updates as to what legal actions have been taken so far? Is this child really her daugther?
Does anyone have any updates as to what legal actions have been taken so far? Is this child really her daugther?

I want to know this too. I did watch the whole 'series' even though it was hard. I just couldn't believe how she was doing this child. How she was just raking the brush through her head and the fool that was videotaping it kept laughing. This had to be a house because if it was an apartment, she would have been reported for all the screams. Yes I do believe that is her child and that she is jealous of her. As a Human and Family Services major, I have heard/seen so many mothers/family with extreme hate for another person and a lot of it is based off of jealousy. My best friend experiences it with her father, and my own grandmother experienced it with her mother. So it is believeable. Sad, but believeable.....

I am sorry this happened to you...and many others have this same story but don't want to out their parents. Fir the record my parents never abused me, but I know parents who did this kind of mess to their children.

Personally, I do not think the woman in this pic is the parent. I pray not. Someone knows her, and she will be caught.

The internet makes the world too small now.

Someone will anonymously tell on her evil behind. This is just too wrong to stay silent for forever...that baby was fighting with everything she knew...

I hate this kind of thing. What makes it more sad is the person videoing was no better!!! Did you hear her comments??!?!

I am praying for this person to be found out. God don't like ugly...especially ugly done on Youtube..

Exactly. That annoys me. What really gets me is the ones that thing they know everything just because they slept with a Black man they know everything about Black people. Like Black knowledge can be transmitted sexually.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: This made me laugh out loud.
I just sent a link to CNN News and the the detroit child abuse agency. is another agency run by nat'l center for missing and exploited children. Instead of saying how horrible it is, I wanted to DO something about. Even if I'm all the way in Italy. Everyday that child is in the home, is a good amount of her innocence is beatin out of her. Ya know she goes throught this every week, hair week, but that ***** holding the camera had the audacity to film and laugh!!! :nono:

I understand ppl are pissed that this was on Youtube but I'm not. This is proof of what was going on in that house. I'm sure the neighbors knew that child was getting abused but no proof not police report. NOW there is proof!! Just because YOUTUBE takes down the video so WE don't have to see it, that little girl is and always have to deal with that ***** *** mother everyday. Not all women should have the ability to bring a innocent child in this world.
I got sick to my stomach watching this.. This is why we have so many self esteem issues centered around our hair.. I want this woman to be put on blast and the idiot who is laughing as she records it..This is straight up mental and physical child abuse and this chick should go to jail,
Absolutely disgusted by this ….. and the language, goodness! I’ve never heard such profanity and for it to be directed at a child…. I’m shocked.
Has anyone who contacted news stations heard anything back?

I'm still waiting on some kind of response. It's been 3 days now. :nono: SOME media centers only care if it boost up there ratings. I called Nat'l Center for Exploited Children but she said there was nothing they can do. If no address is present Child Services won't go out there to investigate. :sad:

I think if everyone starts emailing, calling, especially anyone who lives in Detriot, local authorities, agencies, media, we can make a change for that little girl. All I can think of right now that little girl is getting abuse while my son is getting all the love from me. It just brings tears to my eyes.....
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