Not an update, but a starting point for me. I have a haircut scheduled for the end of December, and I hope to get as much growth as I can.


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We CAN do this ladies! *see signature*

I know I shouldn't be flatironing right now, I was just so fed up w/ the buns.
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sareca said:
We CAN do this ladies! *see signature* I know, I shouldn't be flatironing right now, I was just so fed up w/ the buns.

Sareca...Your hair is looking great! I am feeling the same way with the buns right now.
Letitia said:
Sareca...Your hair is looking great! I am feeling the same way with the buns right now.
I when I got home today, I had a little I-hate-buns temper tantrum. Next thing I knew the maxiglide was heating up. :lachen:

Thanks breezy! :)
sareca said:
We CAN do this ladies! *see signature*

I know I shouldn't be flatironing right now, I was just so fed up w/ the buns.

Look at your go girl....I was just looking at your fotki cuz I saw the new picture in your signature in another thread and wanted to call you out on the spot but didn't want to highjack the thread and didn't want to bother you will Pm...but I cornered you now...:grin: excellent progress:) APL Baby!!!!!

*enjoy the flatirons for a minute then back to business...we're on a mission..(remember) (((hugs)))
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tsmith said:
Look at your go girl....I was just looking at your fotki cuz I saw the new picture in your signature in another thread and wanted to call you out on the spot but didn't want to highjack the thread and didn't want to bother you will Pm...but I cornered you now...:grin: excellent progress:) APL Baby!!!!!

*enjoy the flatirons for a minute then back to business...we're on a mission..(remember) (((hugs)))

CO_Sign absolutely beautiful!!!
tsmith said:
Look at your go girl....I was just looking at your fotki cuz I saw the new picture in your signature in another thread and wanted to call you out on the spot but didn't want to highjack the thread and didn't want to bother you will Pm...but I cornered you now...:grin: excellent progress:) APL Baby!!!!!

*enjoy the flatirons for a minute then back to business...we're on a mission..(remember) (((hugs)))

:lachen:I walked right into it! :lachen:

I remember the mission. :sekret: I had breakdown today, but I feel better. I'll be back to business first thing in the morning. :armyhat:
tsmith said:
Look at your go girl....I was just looking at your fotki cuz I saw the new picture in your signature in another thread and wanted to call you out on the spot but didn't want to highjack the thread and didn't want to bother you will Pm...but I cornered you now...:grin: excellent progress:) APL Baby!!!!!

*enjoy the flatirons for a minute then back to business...we're on a mission..(remember) (((hugs)))

I did that too! LOL! The only thing was, the password didn't work for me:(
Isn't it Phyto?

Sareca, congrats girlie. You already know I always love your pics! :love:
buttaflye03 said:
I did that too! LOL! The only thing was, the password didn't work for me:(
Isn't it Phyto?

Sareca, congrats girlie. You already know I always love your pics! :love:

It didn't work? That's weird. It's supposed to be Phyto with a capital p.

ETA: Thanks :)
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buttaflye03 said:
I did that too! LOL! The only thing was, the password didn't work for me:(
Isn't it Phyto?

Sareca, congrats girlie. You already know I always love your pics! :love:

It works babygirl...Did you make sure the P was Captital:)

Is that your little girl in your signature...she's soooo pretty...just like her american girl doll on the left.
Okay, I went to the salon to get my hair straightened. And because I hadn't had a relaxer, I also hadn't had a trim. So, I let her trim my ends. My friend was talking about how HORRIBLE my ends looked, but my stylist said they looked fine. When my stylist was done I was so excited about how straight my hair was without having a relaxer in 4 months. When she finished and I looked at it, I thought, "well maybe it wasn't as long as I thought it was." So when I finally got home, I looked at it again and thought to myself, "I KNOW my hair was longer than this." Then I realized my hair was even in the back. Now, my hair grows very uneven, and I always have the "V" going on. So, it was then that I realized she kept talking about how uneven my hair was while she was trimming it. Then it hit me....SHE CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF TO MAKE IT EVEN!!! OMG!!!!!! I am soooo mad. So now, I don't think I'll be at APL by the end of the year. And it sucks!!!

I mean, I love my stylist, and I already know that she was thinking, "You're not going to walk up out of here saying I did your hair with it all uneven." But, DAMN!!! So, I think I may need to drop out of this challenge!!!:(
Ms_Twana said:
Okay, I went to the salon to get my hair straightened. And because I hadn't had a relaxer, I also hadn't had a trim. So, I let her trim my ends. My friend was talking about how HORRIBLE my ends looked, but my stylist said they looked fine. When my stylist was done I was so excited about how straight my hair was without having a relaxer in 4 months. When she finished and I looked at it, I thought, "well maybe it wasn't as long as I thought it was." So when I finally got home, I looked at it again and thought to myself, "I KNOW my hair was longer than this." Then I realized my hair was even in the back. Now, my hair grows very uneven, and I always have the "V" going on. So, it was then that I realized she kept talking about how uneven my hair was while she was trimming it. Then it hit me....SHE CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF TO MAKE IT EVEN!!! OMG!!!!!! I am soooo mad. So now, I don't think I'll be at APL by the end of the year. And it sucks!!!

I mean, I love my stylist, and I already know that she was thinking, "You're not going to walk up out of here saying I did your hair with it all uneven." But, DAMN!!! So, I think I may need to drop out of this challenge!!!:(

Sorry that happened to you...but hey just a small setback right? Now it'll grow back in even fuller :) And I bet it looks lush!
breezy said:
Sorry that happened to you...but hey just a small setback right? Now it'll grow back in even fuller :) And I bet it looks lush!

Breezy, you're so optimistic!!!:) Thanks!!! I just really wanted to be there by my birthday in January. I'm so frustrated!!!:mad:
Ms_Twana said:
Okay, I went to the salon to get my hair straightened. And because I hadn't had a relaxer, I also hadn't had a trim. So, I let her trim my ends. My friend was talking about how HORRIBLE my ends looked, but my stylist said they looked fine. When my stylist was done I was so excited about how straight my hair was without having a relaxer in 4 months. When she finished and I looked at it, I thought, "well maybe it wasn't as long as I thought it was." So when I finally got home, I looked at it again and thought to myself, "I KNOW my hair was longer than this." Then I realized my hair was even in the back. Now, my hair grows very uneven, and I always have the "V" going on. So, it was then that I realized she kept talking about how uneven my hair was while she was trimming it. Then it hit me....SHE CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF TO MAKE IT EVEN!!! OMG!!!!!! I am soooo mad. So now, I don't think I'll be at APL by the end of the year. And it sucks!!!

I mean, I love my stylist, and I already know that she was thinking, "You're not going to walk up out of here saying I did your hair with it all uneven." But, DAMN!!! So, I think I may need to drop out of this challenge!!!:(

You will do no such a thing, the purpose of this challenge is to be APL when you get there, the majority of the ladies are setting their goals for sometime next year and your goal is next year right? So guess what, sit back and enjoy the ride. You will be there in no time...don't give up so easily:p
Ms_Twana said:
Okay, I went to the salon to get my hair straightened. And because I hadn't had a relaxer, I also hadn't had a trim. So, I let her trim my ends. My friend was talking about how HORRIBLE my ends looked, but my stylist said they looked fine. When my stylist was done I was so excited about how straight my hair was without having a relaxer in 4 months. When she finished and I looked at it, I thought, "well maybe it wasn't as long as I thought it was." So when I finally got home, I looked at it again and thought to myself, "I KNOW my hair was longer than this." Then I realized my hair was even in the back. Now, my hair grows very uneven, and I always have the "V" going on. So, it was then that I realized she kept talking about how uneven my hair was while she was trimming it. Then it hit me....SHE CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF TO MAKE IT EVEN!!! OMG!!!!!! I am soooo mad. So now, I don't think I'll be at APL by the end of the year. And it sucks!!!

I mean, I love my stylist, and I already know that she was thinking, "You're not going to walk up out of here saying I did your hair with it all uneven." But, DAMN!!! So, I think I may need to drop out of this

Don't do it! Stay in the challenge! Your will reach your goal!
Sacrea, your hair looks fab! Totally co-signing about the bun thing. I am tired as well. Maybe a rollerset will be a nice change.:scratchch
Leave it to Momma Tsmith and Miz Jackson to set me straight. :lol: Fine, I'll continue. It was just a small set back that I will not allow to ruin my dreams of becoming APL!!!! Thanks ladies!!!!! :kiss:
Ms_Twana said:
Leave it to Momma Tsmith and Miz Jackson to set me straight. :lol: Fine, I'll continue. It was just a small set back that I will not allow to ruin my dreams of becoming APL!!!! Thanks ladies!!!!! :kiss:

Now, that's what I wanna hear:p
I guess I can update...
I am still struggling to reach APL... Maybe by Feb.'07'
I got my touch-up and all went well..
One day I will post pictures....
Ms_Twana said:
Leave it to Momma Tsmith and Miz Jackson to set me straight. :lol: Fine, I'll continue. It was just a small set back that I will not allow to ruin my dreams of becoming APL!!!! Thanks ladies!!!!! :kiss:

You're welcome!;)
The front and sides of my hair has reached armpit(the back would be also but the shs payed me a visit). NOW I have decided to go natural and so eventually I will have to cut and grow it back. I am still striving for armpit length hair but now it has to be au natural lol. I'm glad to know that my relaxed hair can make it that length and I decided I better not relax and grow anymore because I always knew deep down I eventually wanted to go natural. Wish me luck ladies cause I dont even remeber what my hair looked like when I was natural. I geuss I am in this challenge for the long haul.:p
leleepop said:
The front and sides of my hair has reached armpit(the back would be also but the shs payed me a visit). NOW I have decided to go natural and so eventually I will have to cut and grow it back. I am still striving for armpit length hair but now it has to be au natural lol. I'm glad to know that my relaxed hair can make it that length and I decided I better not relax and grow anymore because I always knew deep down I eventually wanted to go natural. Wish me luck ladies cause I dont even remeber what my hair looked like when I was natural. I geuss I am in this challenge for the long haul.:p

Congratulations on deciding to go natural:)
leleepop said:
The front and sides of my hair has reached armpit(the back would be also but the shs payed me a visit). NOW I have decided to go natural and so eventually I will have to cut and grow it back. I am still striving for armpit length hair but now it has to be au natural lol. I'm glad to know that my relaxed hair can make it that length and I decided I better not relax and grow anymore because I always knew deep down I eventually wanted to go natural. Wish me luck ladies cause I dont even remeber what my hair looked like when I was natural. I geuss I am in this challenge for the long haul.:p

Congrats on going natural, and on making APL with some areas!!! And I feel ya, because I'm currently transitioning for an undetermined amount of time. I know that I will BC at some point, and I'll have to start over too. Hopefully I will reach APL before I BC!!
I forgot about this thread! Well I made it ladies! Thanks for the challenge! Onto BSL for me. For those who haven't made it, keep hope alive! It's definitely possible if I can do it! Be STRONG! Keep those regimens strict and keep to those other challenges, too.
Wishin4BSL said:
I forgot about this thread! Well I made it ladies! Thanks for the challenge! Onto BSL for me. For those who haven't made it, keep hope alive! It's definitely possible if I can do it! Be STRONG! Keep those regimens strict and keep to those other challenges, too.

Congrats to you!!!!!!! :D
Ladies I am in need of some encouragement here. I'm less than half an inch away from APL BUT only in the front and on the sides. The back of my hair? Well that's another story entirely. I've had some issues with breakage and thinning in the center of my hair. I thought I had it under control but against my better judgement after my last touch-up in September I started wrapping my hair again. Knowing full well that wrapping caused breakage and thinning before but I figured "hey I'm a new quest to healthy hair. I'm following the rules I've learned on LHCF so I should be ok." BIG! BIG mistake. Ladies if you know something has not and does not work for you don't push it. My problem area has grown and I want to cry so badly cause i'm so pissed! The back of my hair is thinning and it's barely past shoulder length. Now I'm pretty sure the wrapping has not helped but now I'm wondering if i should stop bunning it too. Especially since I wear my buns kinda low. And I was wrapping and bunning every day since September. I was also bunning everyday this summer but I was not wrapping and I was airdrying. I'm confused. Needless to say I did a braidout on Thursday and then I washed and set my hair this weekend after a DC. Now I'm trying not to comb it but every other day this week and I'm wearing it out in a loose curl pattern praying that no one is all up in my hair and will be able to tell. I'm scared to bun it cause I don't want to apply any tension to that area for fear that it will continue to thin and get shorter and shorte. I guess I know now where the hair I was losing when I combed (and I thought I was doing good since the hair lose had decreased a lot) was coming from. So much for reaching APL by the end of the year. Oh I guess the front and sides will be there but the back is a hot mess. I may have to break my PJ challenge and buy me some Ojon hair thickner cause this is not cute and I'm so freaking angry!