Please count me in for February 07. I'm a little past shoulder now. Now I need to figure out how to post pics for my avatar and siggy!
I am about half an inch from APL and I'm hoping that I can get there by the end of the year. I know that sounds like a long time, but I'm trying to allow for a possible trim in between now and then. My hair hasn't been this long in years, and certainly not this healthy in a really long time. I'm hoping to be BSL by next year around Easter. Maybe I'll be brave enough to post some pictures.:)
Can I join this challenge? I hope to be at APL by June or July of 2007. I'm giving myself September 2007 at the latest. I'll post progress pics everytime I get a touch-up, I wear my hair down then.
Just checking in with my fellow challengers! :)

Things are coming along nicely. I visited family last week and flat-ironed my hair for the first time in months. :eek: I'm about 2-3 inches from APL for the first time EVER and my mom kept playing in it and commenting on how long and healthy it was getting.

I texlaxed my new growth in late June (15 min with a mild Motions lye relaxer. Just enough to loosen the curl pattern; I still have shrinkage and plenty of coils!) and now I'm thinking about going a bit straighter. It just takes forever to detangle and I prefer straighter styles, but it takes more manipulation to avoid the extra heat.

But my texlaxed hair is so much stronger than the 100% relaxed ends! It passes the protein/moisture balance strand test EASILY! So I'm trying to figure out how to straighten it a bit more without compromising health. Ideas? Maybe a corrective relaxer? (That made sense in my head, so I hope it translated. :lachen: )

Hmmm... maybe this is a job for HENNA!!! Yep, any excuse to try something new. :lol:

Good luck to us all on getting to APL!!! Happy hair growth ladies!
mightyisis6874 said:
Just checking in with my fellow challengers! :)

Things are coming along nicely. I visited family last week and flat-ironed my hair for the first time in months. :eek: I'm about 2-3 inches from APL for the first time EVER and my mom kept playing in it and commenting on how long and healthy it was getting.

I texlaxed my new growth in late June (15 min with a mild Motions lye relaxer. Just enough to loosen the curl pattern; I still have shrinkage and plenty of coils!) and now I'm thinking about going a bit straighter. It just takes forever to detangle and I prefer straighter styles, but it takes more manipulation to avoid the extra heat.

But my texlaxed hair is so much stronger than the 100% relaxed ends! It passes the protein/moisture balance strand test EASILY! So I'm trying to figure out how to straighten it a bit more without compromising health. Ideas? Maybe a corrective relaxer? (That made sense in my head, so I hope it translated. :lachen: )

Hmmm... maybe this is a job for HENNA!!! Yep, any excuse to try something new. :lol:

Good luck to us all on getting to APL!!! Happy hair growth ladies!

Keep up the good work.
I definately want to join this challenge. i am currently on the hide your hair til christmas challenge. I have had my sew-in sense the 1st week of August. Plan on wearing sew-ins until August of 2007 hopefully!! My hair is currently 2 inches past shoulders so hopefully I will reach the goal of armpit by feb 2007, may be sooner. The biotin, B5, MSM and silica should help me out alot. Stay tuned to my posted pictures of armpit really soon!!!
One more thing, I use to be at armpit feb 2006, had a few set backs with color, and scissor happy stylist so I need to change my updated hair measurements.
I definitely want in on this challenge. I'm a newbie to the site and currently my hair is 2in past my shoulder. Hopefully, I'll reach APL in Mar '07. I'll post pics after my next retouch...Nov '06. Good luck ladies.;)

Hair Type - 4a
APL Goal - Mar '07
BSL Goal - Sep '07

I should be a V-shaped APL by December 2006. March 2007, when it grows out some more I'm going to blunt cut it to APL. OOO I can' wait!!!
*Late joiner....:ohwell: *

*was scared to join....for fear of jinxing myself...yet again with an APL challenge...but I'm going to face my fear...*

Shooting for summer of '07...*my hair grows .01345 inches per month...
MonaLisa said:
*Late joiner....:ohwell: *

*was scared to join....for fear of jinxing myself...yet again with an APL challenge...but I'm going to face my fear...*

Shooting for summer of '07...*my hair grows .01345 inches per month...

welcome, and you'll get there if you think positive, positive things will happen. If you think negative, well you know the rest.....claim it girl...claim it....and it shall be WILL be APL by Summer 07:)
tsmith said:
welcome, and you'll get there if you think positive, positive things will happen. If you think negative, well you know the rest.....claim it girl...claim it....and it shall be WILL be APL by Summer 07:)

Okay, between you and Mocha....I'm gonna claim it! I WILL be APL by Summer 07...

Thank you tsmith;) ....and happy hair growing to all challengers...
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Welcome to the challenge missnappylady, LAYDEE, Sarel.and Buttaflye03...I am going to add your names in the Official APL Challenge Updates thread...:) In the future when you have questions and want to show progress pictures..Post them in the Official APL Challenge Updates thread...:)
Nymphe said:
I just graduated from the SL challenge. May I join?

Congratulations:dance7: You sure can...I am going to add your name to the list in the OFFICIAL APL CHALLENGE UPDATES when you want to post anything or any progress...Post them in that thread...Do you have pictures? I wanna see:)

Okay, I saw your picture, you are past shoulder length...congratulations again...
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I'd like to join this challenge if it's not too late:p, I hope to reach APL by feb 2007. I don't really know if I am already at APL because I don't have relax since july 2006:ohwell:
but my next relaxer will be in december 2006:)