Miss.Que said:
Is it to late to join this Challenge? I hope not. If I can join, I hope to reach Armpit length by June 2007 (My One Year Hair Anniversary). If it is to late to join then I wish the rest of you ladies luck in your APL Challenge. :)

No, it's not too late to join Welcome Miss.Que:)
Hi guys. Just wanted to give an update on my APL journey. First, let me say, everyone is doing such a great job. Everyone's pictures look great. Mine, on the other hand, needs some serious help :lachen: Remind me the next time I take a picture to make sure I comb my hair first :lachen::lachen:

Any way. I'm doing pretty well for the most part. My hair is getting thicker and stronger. I'm still recovering from a lot of breakage from an underprocessed relaxer. I have about a 3 x 1/2" patch in the crown area thats about 3 inches of just new growth and nothing else. :eek: Like Blkbeautyhair said in her post, now I know where the broken hair was coming from. :lol: You gotta laugh at it to keep from crying (:lol:).

So, I'm taking extra special care in this area. As you may have guess, buns and ponytails have become a girl's bestfriend. :lachen::lachen:. Hopefully by this summer it will be at least 6 inches and will blend better with what will be APL for me everywhere else

Until then, I'm continuing with no direct heat, up-dos, protein treatments once a week, and moisture/moisture/moisture.
Ms Kraft said:
Hi guys. Just wanted to give an update on my APL journey. First, let me say, everyone is doing such a great job. Everyone's pictures look great. Mine, on the other hand, needs some serious help :lachen: Remind me the next time I take a picture to make sure I comb my hair first :lachen::lachen:

Any way. I'm doing pretty well for the most part. My hair is getting thicker and stronger. I'm still recovering from a lot of breakage from an underprocessed relaxer. I have about a 3 x 1/2" patch in the crown area thats about 3 inches of just new growth and nothing else. :eek: Like Blkbeautyhair said in her post, now I know where the broken hair was coming from. :lol: You gotta laugh at it to keep from crying (:lol:).

So, I'm taking extra special care in this area. As you may have guess, buns and ponytails have become a girl's bestfriend. :lachen::lachen:. Hopefully by this summer it will be at least 6 inches and will blend better with what will be APL for me everywhere else

Until then, I'm continuing with no direct heat, up-dos, protein treatments once a week, and moisture/moisture/moisture.

You're doing good Ms Kraft and since you didn't comb your hair to take the picture:lachen: I know it's longer than that...keep up the good work:p
Thanks TSmith. I'm tryin'. :) BTW - Congrats on reaching your goal. You are a shoe in for APL this December. I'll be cheering you on for BSL :)
Just updating. I relaxed (well dh relaxed me) on Wednesday night. I'm a little dissappointed, I didn't see much change in length, but I think maybe my shorter layers are catching up w/ the longer ones on the bottom.

I forget how much I measured at w/ my last relaxer,but now I'm measuring at a little more than 19 in from root to ends. APL is 20 in for me, so I think I'm still on track to make it there when I relax at the end of Feb.

I don't have a camera, but I'll be borrowing someone's next week and I'll post the pics then.

Good luck to everybody else!
I relaxed and trimmed in early november, the pic is in my siggy. Not quite APL yet but I think by my next relaxer I should be there.
mytialpn said:
I relaxed and trimmed in early november, the pic is in my siggy. Not quite APL yet but I think by my next relaxer I should be there.

Nice. Your hair looks so healthy!
breezy said:
Just updating. I relaxed (well dh relaxed me) on Wednesday night. I'm a little dissappointed, I didn't see much change in length, but I think maybe my shorter layers are catching up w/ the longer ones on the bottom.

I forget how much I measured at w/ my last relaxer,but now I'm measuring at a little more than 19 in from root to ends. APL is 20 in for me, so I think I'm still on track to make it there when I relax at the end of Feb.

I don't have a camera, but I'll be borrowing someone's next week and I'll post the pics then.

Good luck to everybody else!

You're doing're only an inch from APL:p
Here's my update: I relaxed today after an 8week stretch. I was very optimistic with all of the newgrowth I had. That went away quick after I relaxed and saw how ragged and thin my ends were. I was so digusted that I trimmed an inch off which has now put me off track with reaching my goals as scheduled. :( I guess I have to reevaluate what the heck am I doing wrong and why were my ends looking so pathetic.
aprilj said:
Here's my update: I relaxed today after an 8week stretch. I was very optimistic with all of the newgrowth I had. That went away quick after I relaxed and saw how ragged and thin my ends were. I was so digusted that I trimmed an inch off which has now put me off track with reaching my goals as scheduled. :( I guess I have to reevaluate what the heck am I doing wrong and why were my ends looking so pathetic.

What are you doing to your ends? R you baggying/protective styling?:)
breezy said:
Just updating. I relaxed (well dh relaxed me) on Wednesday night. I'm a little dissappointed, I didn't see much change in length, but I think maybe my shorter layers are catching up w/ the longer ones on the bottom.

I forget how much I measured at w/ my last relaxer,but now I'm measuring at a little more than 19 in from root to ends. APL is 20 in for me, so I think I'm still on track to make it there when I relax at the end of Feb.

I don't have a camera, but I'll be borrowing someone's next week and I'll post the pics then.

Good luck to everybody else!

Breezzzzzzzzzzzzy!!!!! I just peeped your pics! Ya looking good girlie!!!:D

I was cracking up and smiling at DH in the background with the camera.:) Dat iz lub & support right dere! :love:

We gonna have us a cyber drinking party to celebrate when we hit the goal! APL Hair Soldiers ba-beeee! :armyhat: :armyhat: :grin:

adding....I think you might be my hair cousin/adopted twin
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tsmith said:
What are you doing to your ends? R you baggying/protective styling?:)

Hey T - I've been doing both baggying and wearing a phoney pony. I take it down at night and do 2 Bantu Knots and wrap it up with my satin scarf. I definitely saw some length before I relaxed and thought that I would have had better results but that was not the case. I've been using NTM Leave In and WGO on my ends while baggying. Do you thing that taking it down everynight is too much?
aprilj said:
Hey T - I've been doing both baggying and wearing a phoney pony. I take it down at night and do 2 Bantu Knots and wrap it up with my satin scarf. I definitely saw some length before I relaxed and thought that I would have had better results but that was not the case. I've been using NTM Leave In and WGO on my ends while baggying. Do you thing that taking it down everynight is too much?

I was thinking that. I never take my baggie down. I wear my hair baggied 24/7 at night I re-moiturize and baggie my ends right back up. Instead of NTM leave in on your ends, try profective healthy ends and WGO(sealer) or Mango Butter on your ends. Have you ever tried using those products? Try not to comb through your hair all the time and keep those ends baggied at all times:) Are you taking vits? if not, you should consider taking vitamins and stick with them consistently:) and you will def see growth, although some don't take vits and their is growing nicely. It depends on you, in regards of vitamin taking:)
MonaLisa said:
Breezzzzzzzzzzzzy!!!!! I just peeped your pics! Ya looking good girlie!!!:D

I was cracking up and smiling at DH in the background with the camera.:) Dat iz lub & support right dere! :love:

We gonna have us a cyber drinking party to celebrate when we hit the goal! APL Hair Soldiers ba-beeee! :armyhat: :armyhat: :grin:

adding....I think you might be my hair cousin/adopted twin

You crazy :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I'll try to update w/ my new pics this week sometime. It sucks not having a cam anymore. But be warned, there's not much difference between my length now and my length in September. I don't care, I'm still a hair soldier! :lol:
tsmith said:
I was thinking that. I never take my baggie down. I wear my hair baggied 24/7 at night I re-moiturize and baggie my ends right back up. Instead of NTM leave in on your ends, try profective healthy ends and WGO(sealer) or Mango Butter on your ends. Have you ever tried using those products? Try not to comb through your hair all the time and keep those ends baggied at all times:) Are you taking vits? if not, you should consider taking vitamins and stick with them consistently:) and you will def see growth, although some don't take vits and their is growing nicely. It depends on you, in regards of vitamin taking:)

I haven't tried the Protective Healthy Ends, I'll go and pick some up. I did however tried the Mango Butter. I loved the way my ends felt but I don't think that I gave it enough time to see any results. Maybe I'll give it another try. Here's a list of the vits that I'm taking:

Biotin - 1x daily
Nioxin Vits - 2x daily
MSM 1000mg - 2x daily
Kelp - 1x daily
One a Day Vits - 1x daily
Flax Seed Oil - 2 tsp daily
I also drink Carrot Juice daily. I'm gonna leave the ponytail up until wash days and just keep moisturizing these ends. Thanks so much for all your help. ;)
Love Ya!
Since armpit length is my next goal, count me in :)! I'm also hiding my hair until the end of december ;) I think I may be able to make it by February 07
breezy said:
You crazy :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I'll try to update w/ my new pics this week sometime. It sucks not having a cam anymore. But be warned, there's not much difference between my length now and my length in September. I don't care, I'm still a hair soldier! :lol:

That's right ba-beee!!!!:lol:

My hair two years ago *sigh*..had some length...but it was damaged...the ends were jacked. It took a minute to trim, dust the damaged ends away - and like in the past year is now when I really see the difference. It's like I feel I'm getting within reach...then it's just something messing me up. I am still hurting from the 2 inch trim back in the spring because of the middle of my head....*only a slow hair growing person can understand the pain*

I'm thin/fine haired - and my hair just grows slow :( - but it did get healthier and finally thicker somewhat...


Did you always have thick hair? If not, did it seem like your hair got thicker first, then started getting longer?
MonaLisa said:
That's right ba-beee!!!!:lol:

My hair two years ago *sigh*..had some length...but it was damaged...the ends were jacked. It took a minute to trim, dust the damaged ends away - and like in the past year is now when I really see the difference. It's like I feel I'm getting within reach...then it's just something messing me up. I am still hurting from the 2 inch trim back in the spring because of the middle of my head....*only a slow hair growing person can understand the pain*

I'm thin/fine haired - and my hair just grows slow :( - but it did get healthier and finally thicker somewhat...


Did you always have thick hair? If not, did it seem like your hair got thicker first, then started getting longer?

You talkin to me right? Girrrrrl I've alwaqys had thick hair. I used to hate it. I would go to the salon, get a relaxer, and still come out with a bush. My mama used to call me Mufasa! But even now, I will say that when it seems like I'm not gaining any length, my hair is usually a lot fuller. I'm thinking maybe it does that in cycles, gets a little fuller then a little longer.
My hair is doing aiight.. It's longer than the avatar picture which i took in May. Still staying focused but not as obsessed. Very tired of protective styling. It seems like it has done more damage to my edeges. Now I rotate between Bi weekly pressing and when that gets old a simple ponytail without the bun. Mo hair ladies.:)
breezy said:
You talkin to me right? Girrrrrl I've alwaqys had thick hair. I used to hate it. I would go to the salon, get a relaxer, and still come out with a bush. My mama used to call me Mufasa! But even now, I will say that when it seems like I'm not gaining any length, my hair is usually a lot fuller. I'm thinking maybe it does that in cycles, gets a little fuller then a little longer.

Yes, I'm talking to you soldier...:lol: :lol:

Okay, so you're one of them thick haired chicks...*trying not to hate a.k.a "the overused word"*

It almost sounds like your hair is growing "out"/fuller instead of "down"/longer.

I think I got fuller over this past year and a half, but not longer...:ohwell:
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I haven't straightened yet to see progress.. I may wait until Feb. It's growing. IThe nape is growing fast. I wish my sides and crown would grow more.
Hey, just letting yall know I just updated my album w/ my post relaxer pics, feel free to take a look. I think I should be right at APL by my next relaxer in February.
breezy said:
Hey, just letting yall know I just updated my album w/ my post relaxer pics, feel free to take a look. I think I should be right at APL by my next relaxer in February.

Your hair looks nice and healthy and your very close to APL so I think you'll be there by the next relaxer too:yep:!