~~6 months APL challenge - Jan - Jun 07~~

I know its late in the game....But can i join???....

My plan is to stick with my 2 x a day moisture regimen.
Loose Buns
Baggies every single night
Eat lots and lots of Protein
Water 4 x a day
I'll throw in the trimming/dusting regimen according to the moon (New for me)

Here is a starting point pic! I took this on Jan 19th...


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Im in. I am transitioning, and I want to stay at armpit while doing so. I pretty much there in the front and an inch or so in the back. I dont use heat,cowash 2x a week,wash 1x a month. Moisturize daily and deep condish once a week. I will start to drink more water.
Hi! I just joined LHCF and I think this is the challenge for me. Currently I'm a lil past shoulder length. Is this a realistic challenge for me?

I'll be:
Taking a multivitamin daily
Upping my protein intake
Limited heat except for special occasions
Wearing hair up 3/4 of the time
Deep conditioning weekly
Low manipulation
Working out 3x a week!
willie525 said:
Hi! I just joined LHCF and I think this is the challenge for me. Currently I'm a lil past shoulder length. Is this a realistic challenge for me?

Welcome to LHCF, Willie! It looks like we're at about the same starting point and my salonist agrees w/me that this is very reasonable so looks like we're both in there! Take your starting pics!

I'm in on this one too ladies! Let's get growing :D

(WOW! My first challenge!)
I hope I'm not to late to join...but I would sure love too. I'm still new and trying to figure out my regimen but here it goes...

I will be:
*Using protective styles (throws, phoney ponies, wigs)
*Taking my Vitamins
*CON wash 2-3x a week
*Deep condition 1x a week
*Aphogee Protein every 6 weeks
*No heat
*Dusting only
*Eating more protein

And last but most important...exercise, eat healthy, and drinking plenty of water.
I know it's really late to get in on this challenge since it's been going for over a month now. But I'm sort of new here (just paid my dues last week). I think APL by summer is a realistic goal. I will be doing the following.

1) Protective styles - twists, braids, knots, coils, flattwists, cornrows, etc.

2) Moisturize hair 3 times a week with H20 and oil (either olive oil, castor oil, or coconut oil depending on my hair's needs).

3) No puffs, no picking my hair out. Only twistouts, braidouts, or shrunken fro occassionally.

4) Always sleep with satin bonnet or silk scarf (including nap time).

That's about it. I like to keep it simple. As long as I eat well and take care of myself my hair will grow. Just gotta make sure I retain the length. I'm also on the 2007 LHCF Bootcamp Challenge, so trimming is out (except for the one time pass I will be using in May). I will be dusting sporadically.
Is it too late to join?? :look: I am about 2 inches past shoulder length in the back and at shoulder length (collar bone) in the front/sides.

The way I plan to reach APL by Jun 07 is:

-Protective styling with falls and phoney ponies
-No weaves for me
-Co-washing 1-2 times per week and DC after
-Keeping hair moisturized daily and using WGO also to seal
-No tight braid styles--> letting my hair be loose and breathe
-Keeping hair off shoulders as much as possible to retain length
-Light products, no heavy products
-Using Ouchless bands and soaking them in oil before use
-Hot oil treatments twice a month
-Protein treatments once every 6-8 weeks
-No trims until I chop in April
I'm suffering from too much "HANDS IN HAIR" lately, so I'm going to do a full sew-in this weekend to protect my growth. :D
I know it's late, but i've been following this challenge since Jan. (I just joined LHCF). But I'm going to go until July instead of June. Here's my regime

-wear braids via the CnG method
-replacd my dinner meal with freshly made juice, bringing my juice intake to 3 glasses a day
-Taking various vitamins and minerals
-Continue Drinking 64 oz of water (which is a feat in itself)
There's more but i'm not going to write a book, you can always look at my fotki album. :)
Hi I'd like to join. I just straightened my hair last night to find out I'm closer than I thought. I'm about 2 inches past shoulder in the back and collarbone in the front. I haven't had a relaxer since December. I think I can get to APL with this...

Drinking water
Eating better
Vitamins- Exotic allure and Prenatals
Low manipulation
Wash every 7-9 days
MTG twice a week
Moisturize daily
Sleep in satin scarf and keep hair protected while going from cold temperatures to warm temps.
Deep condition with every wash
Protecting my ends during the cold weather.
I'm not really into protective styling so no weaves or braids for me. But I'll clip my hair up so its not rubbing on my clothing.

This is one of the hardest hurdles in growing hair IMO.
Best wishes girls see you at the APL finish line.
I considered myself on this challenge but to my surprise I haven't officially joined:eek:

I plan to reach armpit by June by incorporating all my challenges and using MTG regularly for 6 mo.
Still going strong with protective styling, weekly deep conditioning, vitamin & carrot juice regimen...

Yet I still feel mildly discouraged. I feel like my hair is C-R-E-E-P-I-N-G. :( :( I'll just keep doing what I know to do..."The race is not to the swift but to she who endures..."
VWVixxen said:
Still going strong with protective styling, weekly deep conditioning, vitamin & carrot juice regimen...

Yet I still feel mildly discouraged. I feel like my hair is C-R-E-E-P-I-N-G. :( :( I'll just keep doing what I know to do..."The race is not to the swift but to she who endures..."

I agree. I have been in braids about 2 weeks. Only 2 1/2 months to go:look:

I need to get to taking these vitimins and I have been really good about drinking my carrot juice and eating my nori. So all in all I am a 7 out of 10. I want to get up to 10. My one year Wedding anniversary is in 4 months and my hair anniversary is in 2 months and I plan to be HAWT!!!!:D
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Didn't I already join this? I don't know for sure, but if I haven't than I need too. I've been between shoulder and armpit for what seems like a long spell. I'll be making sure to take my vitamins and do my MTG on a regular (maybe 2x per week) until June.

I'm also glad my shipment from FNWL has come in so I can make my hair butter. It just doesn't seem to be doing as well since I've been out of it.
I need 2 inches in the back for my longest layer to be APL length. Now the front? Let's not talk about that. :look:
I just want to encourage all of you to keep taking good care of you hair, and just let the time pass. You'll be at APL before you know it. Your hair is looking good.:)
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I know Im kind of late but Im joining in :D . If I measured correctly I have 4 inches until I reach APL and I am hoping and praying to gain those four inches in four months. Ill be wearing braids until i reach APL because Im addicted to my flat iron. Ill be using Surge, MTG, Lenzi's Request, S0Curl for moisture, and washing my hair twice a week. I CANT WAIT:grin: Good luck everyone!