determined_to_grow said:
Okay - I know it was only a few days ago I was "crying" about my hair not being able to grow anymore but I have new developments. I reached APL (a little longer) well the back of my hair is - It's in a lot of layers. I was feeling down so I decided to flat iron my hair and boy was I surprised and I did not even flat iron all of the roots. I'm going to try to take pictures but I cant find the batteries for the digital. Anyway, I am still in this challenge and by December I plan to even my hair out some more and hopefully my shortest layer could be at least 2 inches past SL. Thank you everyone for your support!
Congrats DTG!!!
determined_to_grow said:
Okay - I know it was only a few days ago I was "crying" about my hair not being able to grow anymore but I have new developments. I reached APL (a little longer) well the back of my hair is - It's in a lot of layers. I was feeling down so I decided to flat iron my hair and boy was I surprised and I did not even flat iron all of the roots. I'm going to try to take pictures but I cant find the batteries for the digital. Anyway, I am still in this challenge and by December I plan to even my hair out some more and hopefully my shortest layer could be at least 2 inches past SL. Thank you everyone for your support!

You know what I'm going to say right? nope, nope...I aint ga say it...nope, nope, I aint ga say it.....yah right....I TOLD U SO:grin:
Well, actually yesterday made our 2 month update but I didn't want to call the APL's out soooo will just update as we feel the need to, we don't have to do it every darn month....we update when we feel like it:grin: just keep them coming that's all...keep the updates coming....
Right hair has some new growth going on :). I am scheduled to have it relaxed in 2 weeks, so I am hoping that I will notice some growth!! I have kicked up my game some, but there are still some issues that I am dealing with that I am lacking :(. So I am claiming April 2007 as my month to reach apl!!!! Best of luck to each of you!
My hair is definitely growing. I feel my hair on a part of my back that I haven't felt in a loooong time. I'm so excited. I am almost 4 months post, and I am getting my hair straightened the end of the month. (I'm using TSU Homecoming as my 1 free pass from Hide Your Hair Challenge!) I can't wait to see how long it is when my stylist straightens it with the Marcel's!!!
I have marked my calendar, Oct. 7th, 2006 has been the best hair day (so far ;) ) in my hair care journey!

I can definitely see APL on the horizon almost seemed like I'd never get there...but I'm so close...I can taste it! 1.5"-2" will put me there!

I truly am loving my hair today and I feel like it's a new's like all the patience and care is FINALLY paying off and it's such a great feeling! Thank you for letting me get that off my chest!!:lol:

Just got my October '06 Phyto touch up!
When is the deadline? My hair is super uneven, but in some parts already reaches apl. However i want my hair to be all one lenght APL, maybe by New years. Is it too late for me to join?
Congrats Determined to Grow!!! And MonaLisa you're very close to APL. I'm jealous :lol:

Well I'm not as discouraged as I was, but it's so frustrating to see all these ladies with beautiful brastrap and midback hair and it's taking me forever to get to APL!!! But I washed and deep conditioned Thursday, and with my hair partially airdried it measured at 18.5 inches, with some reaching 19 inches. My goal is for all the hair to be 19 by Thanksgiving when I relax. 20 is APL on me and if I can get there by Feb. I'll be one happy chick :grin: Good Luck ladies!!
LeNghtyDreAms said:
When is the deadline? My hair is super uneven, but in some parts already reaches apl. However i want my hair to be all one lenght APL, maybe by New years. Is it too late for me to join?


It's not to late to join...There really isn't a deadline. You determine your deadline...:)
breezy said:
Congrats Determined to Grow!!! And MonaLisa you're very close to APL. I'm jealous :lol:

Well I'm not as discouraged as I was, but it's so frustrating to see all these ladies with beautiful brastrap and midback hair and it's taking me forever to get to APL!!! But I washed and deep conditioned Thursday, and with my hair partially airdried it measured at 18.5 inches, with some reaching 19 inches. My goal is for all the hair to be 19 by Thanksgiving when I relax. 20 is APL on me and if I can get there by Feb. I'll be one happy chick :grin: Good Luck ladies!!

:wave:Hey Breezy (w/the cute kiddies...:D ) feelings would get hurt and my face would get cracked (think Barbara Walters face without Botox injections) everytime I'd roll up on the board and look at these bsl/midback/thick heads of hair. :ohwell:

But we gotta be hair soldiers :armyhat: :armyhat: and keep up the hair fight....we'll get there...patience and care really is the key.

Sheeeeeeeeeeet....APL will feel like BSL to me....and BSL will feel like midback!:lol: I'll be happy :D

*Hair hug to you Ms. Breezy*
MonaLisa said:
:wave:Hey Breezy (w/the cute kiddies...:D ) feelings would get hurt and my face would get cracked (think Barbara Walters face without Botox injections) everytime I'd roll up on the board and look at these bsl/midback/thick heads of hair. :ohwell:

But we gotta be hair soldiers :armyhat: :armyhat: and keep up the hair fight....we'll get there...patience and care really is the key.

Sheeeeeeeeeeet....APL will feel like BSL to me....and BSL will feel like midback!:lol: I'll be happy :D

*Hair hug to you Ms. Breezy*

Yah, I feel ya on that Mona...APL baby..allllllday....:) yah, once I get midback cuz I WILL get Midback end of next year...that's all I want...after I get midback...I'm going to cut my hair 1 inch to have healthy even ends...then just trim to keep the split ends away and to keep midback BUT hey who knows...I may just try to see how long my hair can really grow...but all I really want is midback:grin:
MonaLisa said:
:wave:Hey Breezy (w/the cute kiddies...:D ) feelings would get hurt and my face would get cracked (think Barbara Walters face without Botox injections) everytime I'd roll up on the board and look at these bsl/midback/thick heads of hair. :ohwell:

But we gotta be hair soldiers :armyhat: :armyhat: and keep up the hair fight....we'll get there...patience and care really is the key.

Sheeeeeeeeeeet....APL will feel like BSL to me....and BSL will feel like midback!:lol: I'll be happy :D

*Hair hug to you Ms. Breezy*

:lachen: Hair soldiers, I love it! Ok, new challenge for me...I need to stop going in the threads where other ladies make my little progress look like poo poo! Heck, APL is long to me, and I will make it in February. Let's get growing! :grin:
breezy said:
:lachen: Hair soldiers, I love it! Ok, new challenge for me...I need to stop going in the threads where other ladies make my little progress look like poo poo! Heck, APL is long to me, and I will make it in February. Let's get growing! :grin:

:lol: ...Aiiight.....

I'm like...why everytime I come on the board....I log off feeling like I don't have an adequate amount of hair?:ohwell:

And to be, when (learning to claim) I make BSL...that's more than enough for me to contend with.;)
My hair is getting very thick, I do have new uncontrolable growth, but my hair is still growing slower than usual.My goal is to make apl by february 07
MonaLisa said:
:lol: ...Aiiight.....

I'm like...why everytime I come on the board....I log off feeling like I don't have an adequate amount of hair?:ohwell:

And to be, when (learning to claim) I make BSL...that's more than enough for me to contend with.;)

See, now I'm going into mother mode (have a 13 year old and 3 year old)....You have adequate amount of hair you just want more and there's nothing wrong with dat but don't ever feel like it's not enough...There's women who hair is shorter and wish their hair was your length...girl you know in the real world they think this is long..but we know what long is...and remember when you look at these pictures of all the beautiful long hair...remember...some started with damaged shoulder or shorter lengths and now their hair is midback....all it takes is time and patience....I look at it like this in 10 months...I will be 10 months is not a long time....hang in there and watch it happen.....:)
tsmith said:
See, now I'm going into mother mode (have a 13 year old and 3 year old)....You have adequate amount of hair you just want more and there's nothing wrong with dat but don't ever feel like it's not enough...There's women who hair is shorter and wish their hair was your length...girl you know in the real world they think this is long..but we know what long is...and remember when you look at these pictures of all the beautiful long hair...remember...some started with damaged shoulder or shorter lengths and now their hair is midback....all it takes is time and patience....I look at it like this in 10 months...I will be 10 months is not a long time....hang in there and watch it happen.....:)


...and we'll be watching.....:sekret: :sekret:
I added wet pics to my photo album. My hair is slowly getting longer, I'm excited to see my Jan results. I just need to decide if I'm shoulder length. Ladies, please take a look at my photo gallery and let me know if you think i'm shoulder length.
mika vs sasha said:
I added wet pics to my photo album. My hair is slowly getting longer, I'm excited to see my Jan results. I just need to decide if I'm shoulder length. Ladies, please take a look at my photo gallery and let me know if you think i'm shoulder length.

Going to look right now...brb:)
okay...I'm back...I say yes...CLAIM IT!!!!
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Thanks for checking out my ablum.Name it and Claim it because Words have Power. So I'm telling all, I'm officially shoulder length.
I'm kinda going crazy right now.
I stop checking the length,
so i don't know where my hair is right now but i know I'm not APL.
I want to take these braids out but I'm fighting that feeling
I want to keep them in for a year but fighting your self mentally is a hard thing to do.

1:no checking my length anymore until after the hide your hair until Christmas challenge is over.
2: no redoing my braids until Jan of 07
3: get over the feeling of wanting to take my braids out and cut my hair.

I won't have anymore updates until Jan
hopefully by then i will be close to APL.

Happy growing :) ladies
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Miz Jackson said:
I'm about to relax, and we'll see how much progress has been made. How is everyone doing?

Doing fine...I'm definitely about 1 1/2 inches from APL but I want 2 inches to claim APL...when you relax...we'll waiting to see pics..:)
Miz Jackson said:
I'm about to relax, and we'll see how much progress has been made. How is everyone doing?

Good luck with the touch up!:wave:

I am where I am right now...just trying to make it to adjusters on my top (siggy) - was considering touch up last day of December, but I might be able to make it to January 2007.
Miz Jackson said:
Okay, I just finished putting my pics up. Let me know what ya'll think.

You're one of them thick haired folks...
*throws a pebble*

I will put aside my glass of haterade and say..
Lookin good...;)