Newbie Challenge 08 P2

I agree, it was too much to manage with 70 ladies...:lachen: I think the title with NEWBIE in it is drawing folks in. Let's create a thread called "Ride or Die, Long Hair Wanting, Regimen Buidling, Product Junkies" :lachen::lachen:or maybe "Super Secret Challenge-Password Required to Enter":lachen::lachen::lachen:whew...I am crackin' myself up over here...I gotta stop....:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Seriously, though, I think the way we are handling it is good. Directing new people over to the other thread to get started and we also help keep that one going as well...

You are so funny!!! haha! :rofl:Yes I guess we will all have to be on the lookout and kindly guide new-newbies to the original thread
Hey girlies...just checking in for a minute...I had a chance to read through but I can't stay long (it's lunchtime :grin:)...I baggy'ed (baggied?, baggy'd?)...LOL...last night for about 2 hours after giving myself a scalp massage, moisturizing and sealing...I wasn't hot but my hair was damp afterward which resulted in no curl at i'm not to keen on the baggy method at this point:nono:...will check back in later...
Wow, 16 pages already? It seems like every time I check in after class, there's a new page. Now I have to bring my laptop with me just to keep up!
How do you ladies manage your new growths? Do you straightened them or just soften them up somehow? I am almost 4 weeks post relaxer and my new growths are kicking in big time! My hair doesn't lay flat anymore after I wash and rollerset & wrap, even when I roll upwards. In the past I relaxed every 5 to 6 weeks. Now my goal is to stretch gradually to at least 8 weeks for starters. My hair is looking like an afropuff!:nono:
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:thankyou: Thanks everyone!!! I think the twistout might be my new staple style.

So...I've been reading up on BT. Has anyone tried it??? I'm thinking about using it as a topical growth aid. I already take GNC Hair/skin/nails which contains 3000mcg of biotin as well as an additional 2500mcg of biotin. What are your thoughts??
I agree, it was too much to manage with 70 ladies...:lachen: I think the title with NEWBIE in it is drawing folks in. Let's create a thread called "Ride or Die, Long Hair Wanting, Regimen Buidling, Product Junkies" :lachen::lachen:or maybe "Super Secret Challenge-Password Required to Enter":lachen::lachen::lachen:whew...I am crackin' myself up over here...I gotta stop....:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Seriously, though, I think the way we are handling it is good. Directing new people over to the other thread to get started and we also help keep that one going as well...[/q

I agree maybe we should change the same to something silly like "say what" lol and then no one else but us will enter the tread.
I think we're gonna have ladies that stop by no matter what and thats fine
I just need them to join the original newbie thread and when they have it all together meaning a regimen and pics and a routine we can invite them over that way they'll be able to keep up with us.
Hi y'all just checking in. I'm so glad I made it on the list (I thought I was forgotten :nono:) Anyway, not much to report, well kinda (see below).

Just a reminder my regimen includes:
Wash & wear all the time
these day I keep it up in a bun--mainly b/c the NG is bugging me

Self trimming (dusting as they call it)
I trimmed last week. I flatted iron my hair just so I can control how much I cut. I ended trimming 1/2 off, maybe a little more in some parts.

Co wash every morning (my hair loves it) (with KMS or Aveda-anything)
Pro-poo overnight with coconut oil
Massage scalp every time I wash
d/c with Aveda IDR

Daily styling products consists of:
Kerasoft wash & wear product line (Interlink, Actisilk and Revival)
Miss jessie’s buttercreme
New: Dove lotion on my crown

As I mentioned b4 my NG is thick and bothersome so I keep my hair up in one.

I have 4 more weeks until I texlax again.

My next photo will be on March 1st.
Ladies when is ur Birthday and how do you think you will wear your hair on that day???

I will also make one post with all our Birthdays

Mine .....

March 14

I will relax on March 11 (I think that will be 14 weeks post) and I will try to wear my hair out and hanging (hopefully) for the first time since joining this board
Ladies when is ur Birthday and how do you think you will wear your hair on that day???

I will also make one post with all our Birthdays

Mine .....

March 14

I will relax on March 11 (I think that will be 14 weeks post) and I will try to wear my hair out and hanging (hopefully) for the first time since joining this board

My B-Day is May 3.

Unless a miracle occurs between now and then, it will be in the usual weekend style which is a updo. I'm sure it will still be too thin to call myself swinging.:ohwell:
My B-Day is May 3.

Unless a miracle occurs between now and then, it will be in the usual weekend style which is a updo. I'm sure it will still be too thin to call myself swinging.:ohwell:

:lachen::lachen: Me too but im trying 2 have faith and keep my fingers cross
Ladies when is ur Birthday and how do you think you will wear your hair on that day???

I will also make one post with all our Birthdays

Mine .....

March 14

I will relax on March 11 (I think that will be 14 weeks post) and I will try to wear my hair out and hanging (hopefully) for the first time since joining this board

March 11
I have no idea how I will wear my hair...but I want to try bantu knots & a wash 'n go ...P.S. I will be 29


My birthday is November 24th and that gives me about *starts counting* 9 months to get my hair together so however I wear my hair, it'll be fabulous (hopefully)! :grin:

I have no hair updates, though. I've only been moisturizing my hair and I'm trying to wait to wash it until I get my hard water strips but Whirlpool doesn't want to ship them. I'll remember this when I need to buy a new washer...when I get a house, of course.
Mine is Aprill 11th and I may attempt a flexirod set as something different, since most of the time I wear it straight.

Pr3tty ----------- ------- March 14

HotRibena---------------May 3

Klomax ---------- -------March 11

Beautifullyblack-------- November 24

Miami74-----------------April 11

IvyButter---------------September 21

Bign 17 -----------------October 31

IvyQuietStorm----------March 8

Bliss806-----------------August 6

Ms. AmerAkA-----------January 22

Findingme--------------April 9

Akimat001-------------November 30
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How do you ladies manage your new growths? Do you straightened them or just soften them up somehow? I am almost 4 weeks post relaxer and my new growths are kicking in big time! My hair doesn't lay flat anymore after I wash and rollerset & wrap, even when I roll upwards. In the past I relaxed every 5 to 6 weeks. Now my goal is to stretch gradually to at least 8 weeks for starters. My hair is looking like an afropuff!:nono:

Right now I'm wearing my hair under a wig so new growth is not an issue for me, but I think the best way to straighten new growth without excessive heat is roller sets. I believe some ladies blowdry their roots after taking the rollers out, but always use a heat protectant when using direct heat. Also, braidouts and twist outs can help camouflage the new growth.
Ladies when is ur Birthday and how do you think you will wear your hair on that day???

I will also make one post with all our Birthdays

Mine .....

March 14

I will relax on March 11 (I think that will be 14 weeks post) and I will try to wear my hair out and hanging (hopefully) for the first time since joining this board

My birthday is Sept 21 so I have a long time to get my hair together before then. I have no idea what i'll do to it that day. My progress will greatly influence that decision.
OMG!!!! Your hair is SOOOOO pretty!!! :yep: :cowgirl:Headed out to get ORS Rep PAK....

Yeah, I know what you mean, I feel like I'm missing the boat not having tried it yet. For my Sunday wash, I going to have to get me some. That's the one in the yellow package that say Olive Oil right????

MUST GET THAT ORS REP PAK.....MUST GET THAT ORS REP PAK.....the PJ has arisen and out on the prowl.

For my Wednesday wash I tried the HE Breaks Over Condish, really liked it, and it was actually by default I picked it up. I thought I brought the Dove Intense Moisturizing condish and I when I got home it turned out to be the the shampoo, so the next day I stopped by the store and said what the heck Pr3tty has been raving about it so let me get it. Only thing is here in my area I can't find that leave in anywhere, but since I stumbled onto Lacio I think that's a keeper for me.
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Yeah, I know what you mean, I feel like I'm missing the boat not having tried it yet. For my Sunday wash, I going to have to get me some. That's the one in the yellow package that say Olive Oil right????

MUST GET THAT ORS REP PAK.....MUST GET THAT ORS REP PAK.....the PJ has arisen and out on the prowl.

For my Wednesday wash I tried the HE Breaks Over Condish, really liked it, and it was actually by default I picked it up. I thought I brought the Dove Intense Moisturizing condish and I when I got home it turned out to be the the shampoo, so the next day I stopped by the store and said what the heck Pr3tty has been raving about it so let me get it. Only thing is here in my area I can't find that leave in anywhere, but since I stumbled onto Lacio I think that's a keeper for me.

yay Im so happy u liked it.... I luv it and its so not expensive
My birthday is Sept 21 so I have a long time to get my hair together before then. I have no idea what i'll do to it that day. My progress will greatly influence that decision.

My birthday is Halloween.......and by way of hair, I will probably wear in an up do. SO and I are already making plans and I think that style will go best with the Dominatrix costume that I'm going to pick out. :lachen:
Wow, 16 pages already? It seems like every time I check in after class, there's a new page. Now I have to bring my laptop with me just to keep up!

Girl I know what you mean, I went ahead and booked marked the page on my Treo, so now at least I can read and keep up where ever I am.
How do you ladies manage your new growths? Do you straightened them or just soften them up somehow? I am almost 4 weeks post relaxer and my new growths are kicking in big time! My hair doesn't lay flat anymore after I wash and rollerset & wrap, even when I roll upwards. In the past I relaxed every 5 to 6 weeks. Now my goal is to stretch gradually to at least 8 weeks for starters. My hair is looking like an afropuff!:nono:

I've been experiencing the same thing. I'm not due for a relaxer until 3/9. I usually don't relax my hair any earlier than 8 weeks out. It's gotten so bad that yesterday a good friend of mine, said to me, "come here", and she grabbed my hair, saying, "Damn girl your hair looks like your wearing a wig". But what I have been finding with my 2 times a week DC and washes that my new growth isn't hard at all, it's actually pretty soft. I was contemplating going to the Dominican salon this week for a wash and set, and letting them blow the roots, but I don't want to set myself back. Sooooooo, I think I'll just deal with the wig and keep it movin :yay: and stick to my regi
Ladies when is ur Birthday and how do you think you will wear your hair on that day???

I will also make one post with all our Birthdays

Mine .....

March 14

I will relax on March 11 (I think that will be 14 weeks post) and I will try to wear my hair out and hanging (hopefully) for the first time since joining this board

My b-day is March 29 - And I will still have a TWA ... maybe I'll add a cute accessory like a scarf or a headband to it.