Newbie Challenge 08 P2

I think this is from Essence, I saved it...never filled it out but today is a good day.....

This is my year to be the woman I’ve always wanted to be. This year I will put ___(your name)__________ first.
Starting (date), I will focus on taking the steps to achieve my goals. Ever since ________ I’ve known that I
wanted to __________. Today I will create a plan to realize my dreams.
This is my year to achieve four goals:
Negative factors, real and imagined, will no longer be obstacles to my success. To get over (obstacle#1),
I will stop _________________________. To get over (obstacle# 2), I will pray that _____________________
To get over (obstacle# 3), I will plan to ________________ I know that I will be successful because it is my
dream to _______________.
To stay on track, I will have my friend (his/her name) check in on my progress every week/month/quarter
(choose one) and hold me accountable. This is my personal 2008 pledge to myself so that I can realize my
dreams and live the wonderful life I fully deserve!

Akimat...I'm not ignoring you. I'm gonna fill this out as soon as I can!
How to you like this coconut oil? I have it in my stash and it's hard for me to get past the smell. How much do you use?

I got a good tip from someone on the board, I melted it and put it in a jar and let it re-solidify and now I use it as a cream from the jar. I use about a nickel size amount for my whole head. No more.

I oil my scalp and sometimes brush it through :blush: (I know, I know...but the paddle brush feels SOOOOO good...) I use it on my daughters scalp (her scalp is always so dry and flaky cause she has a milk allergy and it makes her eczema flare up) and throughout her hair along with her staple Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme (smells SOOO good). She has 3c hair that's very fine and curly, so the combo of these just slick her right on down...It smells kinda like sweat with a hint of lemon :perplexed, but the smell wears off and I honestly can't smell it in my hair later in the day and Miss Jessie's covers the smell in DD's hair...:yep:
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Okay I was feeling the SAME WAY! :look: I got the Fantasia IC leave in con and put some in my hair and baggied my entire head and then put on my satin cap. Boy, was I hot! :blush::couchfire: My hair really wasnt much softer, but jacked up! My twist out was pretty jacked up and my hair definitely shrunk! But yesterday I went out and got a few ORS rep packs and I am so excited :yay:to try it today!

OOOhh, please let me know how it works for you. I am going to get it, I think...
This is my year to be the woman I’ve always wanted to be. This year I will put Kimberly first.
Starting (date), I will focus on taking the steps to achieve my goals. Ever since I was a child I’ve known that I
wanted to have long, pretty, healthy hair. Today I will create a plan to realize my dreams.
This is my year to achieve four goals:
1Reduce the amount of direct heat to my hair.
2Start streching between relaxers
3 DC and treat my hair on a weekly basis
4 Stay up to date on LHCF so i can learn new ways to take care of my hair negative factors, real and imagined, will no longer be obstacles to my success. To get over (obstacle#1),
letting the dominicans blow dry my hair every single weekend and using curling irons
To get over (obstacle# 2), I will pray that I have enough money to keep up with my hair so I don't want to throw a relaxer in it just to make it look good for a week
To get over (obstacle# 3), I will plan to renew my subscriptionwhen it is over I know that I will be successful because it is my
dream to have long, healthy, full hair
To stay on track, I will have my friends in the Newbie Challenge check in on my progress every week/month/quarter and hold me accountable. This is my personal 2008 pledge to myself so that I can realize my
dreams and live the wonderful life I fully deserve!
Ooh sounds nice! What products did you use to twist your hair?

I used my new fav. conditioner HE Breaks Over.. My hair was sooo soft then I use Mizani Nighttime h2O on each part (hair) then twist hair and made a knot. The next morning soooo many curls.. I did this on monday and I still have curls today. Im gonna try to snap a pic
ladies today I got a pm from a newbie saying she couldnt find our newbie thread. plz we still have to keep that thread going thats where it all started for us and also for the new ladies that would like some support.
Okay I was feeling the SAME WAY! :look: I got the Fantasia IC leave in con and put some in my hair and baggied my entire head and then put on my satin cap. Boy, was I hot! :blush::couchfire: My hair really wasnt much softer, but jacked up! My twist out was pretty jacked up and my hair definitely shrunk! But yesterday I went out and got a few ORS rep packs and I am so excited :yay:to try it today!

As a natural sista I definitley recommend the ORS Paks!!
Sooo.... I finally did a twistout using the fantasia IC gel with sparklelites. It came out soo cute! I didn't get the normal amount of shrinkage I usually do and the curls are defined. Last time I did a twistout I used Ms.Jessie's curly pudding. I think I like the fantasia gel better because it was able to give me less shrinkage and is cheaper. But I must add that the curly pudding was very moisturizing for my hair. I will post comparison pics as soon as I get home!
Hey Ya'll,

This is what's up. :update: I rinsed the Alter Ego after sleeping w/ it overnight( I can only do this when my DH is not home...he is not feeling the baggy) :kiss4:... anyway I used about 1T AE as a leave in...good slip/no was feeling so good I went ahead and brushed into a ponytail and rolled w/5 mag rollers...sat under dry for 1hr/lo heat...the ends were still damp so I let airdry..flat ironed roots..saran wrapped 10 hair feels silky:weird: silky :weird:silky:weird:..if there were a breeze it would blow:werd:...

Oh yeah...I completely forgot to seal w/oil before I spray w/oil sheen before the saran wrap.... my ends need trimmin' tho...I think I am going to have it evened out and then f/u with 1/2" trims until it looks better....Alter Ego is a keeper.

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Just checking in on the new thread - and it already has a lot of pages in one day I see. Either this weekend or next weekend I am going to Henna my hair for the first time - I will keep you posted on the results.

plz let me know how the henna turns out
Sooo.... I finally did a twistout using the fantasia IC gel with sparklelites. It came out soo cute! I didn't get the normal amount of shrinkage I usually do and the curls are defined. Last time I did a twistout I used Ms.Jessie's curly pudding. I think I like the fantasia gel better because it was able to give me less shrinkage and is cheaper. But I must add that the curly pudding was very moisturizing for my hair. I will post comparison pics as soon as I get home!

I can't wait to see. Did the sparkelites shine??:grin:
I used my new fav. conditioner HE Breaks Over.. My hair was sooo soft then I use Mizani Nighttime h2O on each part (hair) then twist hair and made a knot. The next morning soooo many curls.. I did this on monday and I still have curls today. Im gonna try to snap a pic

Pre3tty, did you do it on wet or dry hair? I am afraid if I do it wet, it will not dry (or I will have to sit under the dryer).

I was thinking about doing the Colorshowers this weekend for my gray and then blowing it out, just to see what the real length is. (if I do, I'll post pics) But after, I was wondering could I use a moisturizer and then twist it like you did to get some soft waves so I won't have to wrap it. Do you think this will work? What kind of moisturizer should I use? (I do have the Mizani Nighttime h2o, the ORS creme and ORS lotion...):rolleyes:
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Hey Ya'll,

This is what's up. :update: I rinsed the Alter Ego after sleeping w/ it overnight( I can only do this when my DH is not home...he is not feeling the baggy) :kiss4:... anyway I used about 1T AE as a leave in...good slip/no was feeling so good I went ahead and brushed into a ponytail and rolled w/5 mag rollers...sat under dry for 1hr/lo heat...the ends were still damp so I let airdry..flat ironed roots..saran wrapped 10 hair feels silky:weird: silky :weird:silky:weird:..if there were a breeze it would blow:werd:...

Oh yeah...I completely forgot to seal w/oil before I spray w/oil sheen before the saran wrap.... my ends need trimmin' tho...I think I am going to have it evened out and then f/u with 1/2" trims until it looks better....Alter Ego is a keeper.

Girl, your hair is the truth. :yep: If I had your length, I think I might be a be-yotch!!:lachen:
Okay ladies, so I am sitting under the dryer right now with my ORS Rep pak... decided to DC on dry hair and then I will co-wash and ACV rinse... then I'm going to twist with Mango Butter and Fantasia IC Gel... looong night ahead :yawn: I'll let you know how it goes!
Girl, your hair is the truth. :yep: If I had your length, I think I might be a be-yotch!!:lachen:

Girl tell me about it!!! Preach!!!! KLomax and FindingMe...... I've got hair envy over this way :lachen: BIG TIME!!!! for the both of you!

I'm glad the alter ego worked out for you, I may give it a try myself.
Okay ladies, so I am sitting under the dryer right now with my ORS Rep pak... decided to DC on dry hair and then I will co-wash and ACV rinse... then I'm going to twist with Mango Butter and Fantasia IC Gel... looong night ahead :yawn: I'll let you know how it goes!

Sounds like a good combo. Question though, what does AVC stand for?????
Sooo.... I finally did a twistout using the fantasia IC gel with sparklelites. It came out soo cute! I didn't get the normal amount of shrinkage I usually do and the curls are defined. Last time I did a twistout I used Ms.Jessie's curly pudding. I think I like the fantasia gel better because it was able to give me less shrinkage and is cheaper. But I must add that the curly pudding was very moisturizing for my hair. I will post comparison pics as soon as I get home!

Hey Ms.AmerAKA,

There are homemade recipes for Curly Pudding on the Hair Recipe can make your own for a few dollars:grin::grin: Also check the Product Exchange...I think LHCF member Chocolat79 is selling her version of CP.

Can't wait to see that twistout!!!

I used my new fav. conditioner HE Breaks Over.. My hair was sooo soft then I use Mizani Nighttime h2O on each part (hair) then twist hair and made a knot. The next morning soooo many curls.. I did this on monday and I still have curls today. Im gonna try to snap a pic

Oh yea you mentioned that Mizani Nighttime H20 before... definitely want to give it a try! :grin: I feel like I buy something new like everyday, so... I will have to wait a week before buying that :look:

There, I said it. I have honestly tried to work this natural hair and I can't do it. I want silky hair not this kinky shrink filled mane. This can't be my hair. My hair is suppose to be pretty, long, soft, and shiny. Not dry and nappy! I don't like feeling my roots and they feel like wire and when I moisturize for a day it's good but the very next day, if I don't moisturize I'M HIT!! Your girl is going to jump off the natural ship. I'll leave that to the big girls with the big ka-who-nah's.
Girl, your hair is the truth. :yep: If I had your length, I think I might be a be-yotch!!:lachen:

Thank you so much!!! I wore a light shirt so you could see the naked truth about those ends(heavy sigh). That Alter Ego might be a can be used as a DC/leave in/moisturizer.
Girl tell me about it!!! Preach!!!! KLomax and FindingMe...... I've got hair envy over this way :lachen: BIG TIME!!!! for the both of you!

I'm glad the alter ego worked out for you, I may give it a try myself.
Thank You..this was my 1st experience w/Alter Ego
hey everyone
i think i posted on here before but anywhoooo
can someone explain to me why people have a hard time strtching the relaxer. i always stretch and don't notice any unusual shedding.