**COIL JOURNEY** SUPPORT THREAD (Newbie Group Support Challenge 2010 Section A)

Hey Ladies, checking in.

I two weeks from being 1 year post, goo me!! LOL..

anywho, I wash and deep condition weekly, and I alternate between rollersetting and flat ironing. so far so good. i am retaining. i did see some breakage, so i have to work on that. although i am transitioning, i still would like to retain my length (if that makes any sense).

the only problem i have is shedding. i shed something terrible during wash day. its really annoying. any suggestions??
Hey Guys,

Here is the background on me:
7 months in my transition
I do not plan to bc until 18+ months
My reggie:
Co -Wash maybe 3 times a week (but definitely 2)
DC: twice a week

I plan to continue to wear my hair straight during my transition
so I blowdry & flat iron my hair 2 times a week (depending if I wash 3 times b/c one of those time I will do a protective style)

I need to get better at moisturizing and sealing
I'm late but here are my starting pictures:

After my co wash:




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Hi ladies, I just popped in to offer some encouragement! You can do this. I transitioned for 2 years and then trimmed off the little bit that was left. NO BC.

Count on each other and feel free to contact me if you need support.

Hello ladies. I am sooooo excited tonight because I'm doing something I thought I'd never be doing! No, I did NOT BC!! I am adding kinky twists to my hair......all by myself:grin:. I was going to the braid salon to get them done, but they wanted $160 :nono:. I went on youtube and watched a really great tutorial and decided to give it a go myself. I'm almost 3/4 done and I should finish tomorrow morning. I've been taking pics during the process so I can post them. Have a great weekend.
Hi!!! Wondered where you were....

Beautiful new growth :lick:

How do you blow dry? I'd suggest lowest heat setting and tension method :yep:
Have you considered blowdrying/flatironing only once a week? Maybe just cowashing/DC'ing once a week as well so that you can have your hair straight all week.

Hey Guys,

Here is the background on me:
7 months in my transition
I do not plan to bc until 18+ months
My reggie:
Co -Wash maybe 3 times a week (but definitely 2)
DC: twice a week

I plan to continue to wear my hair straight during my transition
so I blowdry & flat iron my hair 2 times a week (depending if I wash 3 times b/c one of those time I will do a protective style)

I need to get better at moisturizing and sealing
I'm late but here are my starting pictures:

Good luck!!!!
I'll remind you to post pics if we dont' see them by Monday :look:
Enjoy your weekend!
Hello ladies. I am sooooo excited tonight because I'm doing something I thought I'd never be doing! No, I did NOT BC!! I am adding kinky twists to my hair......all by myself:grin:. I was going to the braid salon to get them done, but they wanted $160 :nono:. I went on youtube and watched a really great tutorial and decided to give it a go myself. I'm almost 3/4 done and I should finish tomorrow morning. I've been taking pics during the process so I can post them. Have a great weekend.
Do you flat iron or rollerset at least once a week? I airdry my rollersets and I love the results :yep:

How long have you been shedding? If it's not been too long, I wouldn't worry about it as it's a natural process. Also, if you rollerset and are not combing often, when you wash, all your shed hairs that have been sitting in your curls, are washed out...

Garlic seems to help with shedding... I tried it a couple of years back but wasn't consistent with it so I can't say if it helped.

Hey Ladies, checking in.

I two weeks from being 1 year post, goo me!! LOL..

anywho, I wash and deep condition weekly, and I alternate between rollersetting and flat ironing. so far so good. i am retaining. i did see some breakage, so i have to work on that. although i am transitioning, i still would like to retain my length (if that makes any sense).

the only problem i have is shedding. i shed something terrible during wash day. its really annoying. any suggestions??
Beautiful new growth!

New growth shot before BKT application:


Last length check is in siggy.

Currently 8 months since last texlax. I plan to transition for 2 more years, but I won't start cutting away the relaxed ends until I reach MBL.
Yes, I flat iron or rollerset weekly. Well I used to be a slave to the hair dresser, I went every two weeks. I just recently stopped. SO for the first 8-9 months of my transistioning, I didnt have to deal with my hair in its natural state, because I got it washed and curled every two weeks, and i didnt wash it again until i went back to the hairdresser.

Sooo now that i am doing it more of self, (to save money, and also because i like to wash and deep my condition my hair (my hair likes it too it has been responding very well) when i wash i notice it sheds a ton. but it doesnt look like i am loosing any hair. when i rollerset, i dont comb it during the week, so i am not too worried about. i think its just normal shedding. its just really annoying. i am seeing little hairs when i wash, i think it may be time for a protein treatment.

i have aphogee 2 min. i used it likie 2-3x, but i havent seen any big difference, so i think i may be on the market for a different protein treatment. any suggestions??? i also use ORS hair mayo every other week. i think thats a protein, but a little milder, idk ( you can tell i am still learning about this protein moisture balance thing) lol.. i am thinking about trying Poursity Control.

Do you flat iron or rollerset at least once a week? I airdry my rollersets and I love the results :yep:

How long have you been shedding? If it's not been too long, I wouldn't worry about it as it's a natural process. Also, if you rollerset and are not combing often, when you wash, all your shed hairs that have been sitting in your curls, are washed out...

Garlic seems to help with shedding... I tried it a couple of years back but wasn't consistent with it so I can't say if it helped.
Hi!!! Wondered where you were....

Beautiful new growth :lick:

How do you blow dry? I'd suggest lowest heat setting and tension method :yep:
Have you considered blowdrying/flatironing only once a week? Maybe just cowashing/DC'ing once a week as well so that you can have your hair straight all week.

I havent thought about that but my hair is so thin it looks dirty and malnutritioned:nono: but that is something to consider. Thanks.

What is the tension method?
Yes, I flat iron or rollerset weekly. Well I used to be a slave to the hair dresser, I went every two weeks. I just recently stopped. SO for the first 8-9 months of my transistioning, I didnt have to deal with my hair in its natural state, because I got it washed and curled every two weeks, and i didnt wash it again until i went back to the hairdresser.

Sooo now that i am doing it more of self, (to save money, and also because i like to wash and deep my condition my hair (my hair likes it too it has been responding very well) when i wash i notice it sheds a ton. but it doesnt look like i am loosing any hair. when i rollerset, i dont comb it during the week, so i am not too worried about. i think its just normal shedding. its just really annoying. i am seeing little hairs when i wash, i think it may be time for a protein treatment.

i have aphogee 2 min. i used it likie 2-3x, but i havent seen any big difference, so i think i may be on the market for a different protein treatment. any suggestions??? i also use ORS hair mayo every other week. i think thats a protein, but a little milder, idk ( you can tell i am still learning about this protein moisture balance thing) lol.. i am thinking about trying Poursity Control.

The best way for me to tell if I need a protein treatment is to test my (shed) hair strands. When I test for protein deficiencies, I slightly pull on my hair and if it has some tension but also has some give before it breaks then my protein is good. But if it's mushy and stretches a lot and then breaks, then that tells me I need protein. If it's dry and snaps with no give at all, then I need moisture. So test your strands. But what's been working for me is to do a deep protein treatment with Apoghee 2 STEP protein treatment every 6-8 weeks or as needed by the test I just mentioned.
The Aphogee 2 minute is not heavy enough IMO to give you the protein you need as you transition. Once your protein is in balance then it should be good to maintain that balance.
If you're not combing through your hair during the week, then more than likely the hairs you are losing in the shower are shed hairs. Just look at the ends of your shed hairs and check for the white bulbs. That'll tell you if it's a shed hair or a broken one. So yes some shedding is normal and some people also tend to shed more during the winter. This is the time to get to know your hair and how much is normal for you.
With the bolded above, I was so like this. I only started really doing my own hair when I decided to go natural back in March.
The best way for me to tell if I need a protein treatment is to test my (shed) hair strands. When I test for protein deficiencies, I slightly pull on my hair and if it has some tension but also has some give before it breaks then my protein is good. But if it's mushy and stretches a lot and then breaks, then that tells me I need protein. If it's dry and snaps with no give at all, then I need moisture. So test your strands. But what's been working for me is to do a deep protein treatment with Apoghee 2 STEP protein treatment every 6-8 weeks or as needed by the test I just mentioned.
The Aphogee 2 minute is not heavy enough IMO to give you the protein you need as you transition. Once your protein is in balance then it should be good to maintain that balance.
If you're not combing through your hair during the week, then more than likely the hairs you are losing in the shower are shed hairs. Just look at the ends of your shed hairs and check for the white bulbs. That'll tell you if it's a shed hair or a broken one. So yes some shedding is normal and some people also tend to shed more during the winter. This is the time to get to know your hair and how much is normal for you.
With the bolded above, I was so like this. I only started really doing my own hair when I decided to go natural back in March.

thanks so much for response! do you do a strand test while your hair is wet or dry?
I strand test on both actually.But since your hair is weaker when wet normally, it's probably best to do it on dry hair. So my final answer is dry. LOL
Hey ladies. Well I finished my hair! It took 2 days (with lots of breaks) but I'm finally finished and I'm happy with it. I'm gonna try and keep these in for 2 months and just replace single ones as they get messed up. I also included the naked pics of my new growth (I forgot to do one with it stretched, sorry).





I had to stop in real quick to say... OMG! OMG! OMG! Your hair looks so pretty!! I love it!

Hey ladies. Well I finished my hair! It took 2 days (with lots of breaks) but I'm finally finished and I'm happy with it. I'm gonna try and keep these in for 2 months and just replace single ones as they get messed up. I also included the naked pics of my new growth (I forgot to do one with it stretched, sorry).





Hey ladies. Well I finished my hair! It took 2 days (with lots of breaks) but I'm finally finished and I'm happy with it. I'm gonna try and keep these in for 2 months and just replace single ones as they get messed up. I also included the naked pics of my new growth (I forgot to do one with it stretched, sorry).






Absolutely beautiful new growth. And you did a great job on your twists!
:lol: Thanks so much :-)

Yes I plan to do tutorials... My hair's currently in my pixie braids and I plan to take them out in 2 weeks.

I'm aiming to record vids of twist and/or braid outs, how to cornrow (and maybe flat twist) during the week I'll wear my hair out. I also intend to show my dc/cowash/airdry process and (co)wash/blowdry process (hope I can fit that into the same week) before I put my hair back in pixie braids :yep:

I checked out your youtube, nice videos. Its about time you started putting some up:grin: . Will you do tutorials too?
I cant believe I forgot ot check-in. I'm starting to forget where I post.

Tomorrow is wash day, so in between cooking and doing my hair, I'll be sure to take some pics so show my growth. My friend was looking at it the other night and she said it looks like I've got about 3 inches, yay.

Now if only my edges and crown will get on board and thicken up..grr
I love that style. Is it all your hair?

Hey ladies. Well I finished my hair! It took 2 days (with lots of breaks) but I'm finally finished and I'm happy with it. I'm gonna try and keep these in for 2 months and just replace single ones as they get messed up. I also included the naked pics of my new growth (I forgot to do one with it stretched, sorry).

Hey Ladies... how're you all doing?

My hair's still in pixie braids (2 weeks now), I'm almost TOTALLY bored but I'm going to hold out for another week :ohwell:
Hey Ladies,

just checking in. i am a few days shy of being 1 year post!!!! I have been mainly wearing straight styles since it is sooooo cold here and I dont want to get sick air drying. But next weekend I am going to try out a flexi rod set. I was inspired by Gabanagirls (i think thats her name) post from yesterday.

I am thinking I will use a Shea butter coconut oil mix to hold the curl. But i have to figure out how to make it. The only Shea butter mix i can get my hands on is the one the BSS stores that is yellow. It says it is 100%. Is that stuff any good?
I had a moment the other night and almost cut my hair.

My sister who was transitioning just BC'd/ So I'm like cool. then for some reason that night, I picked up my scissors to do some cross stitch and I looked at myself in the mirror like 'hmm'

Luckily that urge passed! :lachen: