Newbie Challenge 08 P2

Hi Ladies....

Fiya, I like your update pic. I'm totally digging the color.
Thanks Bign!!!!!! I like your hair as well.

YAY!! I am 3.5 months into my transition and having no major issues so far...knock on wood!

^^what she said!! Fiya, Girl, you looking hot to death!!!! :grin: I love the haircut, altho- I have decided to take it easy on the scissors for a minute myself.....

Congrats on your transition. I'm glad everything is going good.

And i appreciate the compliment!!!!!! I've recently added Ayurveda products to my regi so we'll see how that goes when progress time rolls around.

Hey ladies!!! I know it has been sooooooooo long, too long :spank::imsorry:
Okay here is the 30 second version:
Last time I was here I had kinky twists and I took them out 6/16... I had a bit of growth, but not as much as I normally do with micros. So after taking them out, I did what I new best: flatironing or twistout... Those were the two things that made natural hair time consumingand frustrating to me, so after a few days, I decided to just wash and go... and I loved it!!
So now I am trying out more natural products and checkin out my fridge and cabinets to do my hair!

Pre-poo the night before a wash with honey and EVOO (and sometimes a cheap con)
I co- wash every 2-3 days with Giovanni 50/50 balanced con or Whole Foods 365 cond.
Giovanni Direct leave in
Moisturize with aloe vera/ glycerin/ water mix. Seal with EVOO
make a puff

My hair has been so :yay:... I feel like I'm starting to get this whole hair thing! My hair is SO SOFTand I have some cute coils up in this 4/bcdefghijk stuff :grin:

Last week I got a dominican blowout and my hair was beautiful! Thick, healthy, and straight! I'm never goin back to the creme crack! :lachen::lachen:

I am going to JAMAICA on Monday :beach: (yay!!!!!) for 10 days, so I am going to get my hair braided today. Now that I am really lovin my hair, I don't want to get it braided up again, but it will make it much easier to manage while there

Special shout out to all my girls Daephae, FM, pr3tty, klo, galadriel, you GRO girls!!! Leona, congrats on the marriage!!!
to everyone on here!
I have so many pics, just gotta find the time to put them up... but here are a few...


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Hey ladies!!! I know it has been sooooooooo long, too long :spank::imsorry:
Okay here is the 30 second version:
Last time I was here I had kinky twists and I took them out 6/16... I had a bit of growth, but not as much as I normally do with micros. So after taking them out, I did what I new best: flatironing or twistout... Those were the two things that made natural hair time consumingand frustrating to me, so after a few days, I decided to just wash and go... and I loved it!!
So now I am trying out more natural products and checkin out my fridge and cabinets to do my hair!

Pre-poo the night before a wash with honey and EVOO (and sometimes a cheap con)
I co- wash every 2-3 days with Giovanni 50/50 balanced con or Whole Foods 365 cond.
Giovanni Direct leave in
Moisturize with aloe vera/ glycerin/ water mix. Seal with EVOO
make a puff

My hair has been so :yay:... I feel like I'm starting to get this whole hair thing! My hair is SO SOFTand I have some cute coils up in this 4/bcdefghijk stuff :grin:

Last week I got a dominican blowout and my hair was beautiful! Thick, healthy, and straight! I'm never goin back to the creme crack! :lachen::lachen:

I am going to JAMAICA on Monday :beach: (yay!!!!!) for 10 days, so I am going to get my hair braided today. Now that I am really lovin my hair, I don't want to get it braided up again, but it will make it much easier to manage while there

Special shout out to all my girls Daephae, FM, pr3tty, klo, galadriel, you GRO girls!!! Leona, congrats on the marriage!!!

to everyone on here!
I have so many pics, just gotta find the time to put them up... but here are a few...

Hey Cocopuff!!!!!!! So glad you have been progressing. Your hair looks amazing and so pretty. I've been itching to get a Blowout and you're pushing me there.:grin:
Lol...the thought has been entering my mind lately. The only thing holding me back is that my hair has gotten so long, I'd hate to let go of all that length. A BC would make life soo much easier! :look:

:catfight:...we will be fightin'...

Congrats on your transition. I'm glad everything is going good.

And i appreciate the compliment!!!!!! I've recently added Ayurveda products to my regi so we'll see how that goes when progress time rolls around.

OOOOhhhh, do tell...powders, rinses, oils? :scratchch


Hey ladies!!! I know it has been sooooooooo long, too long :spank::imsorry:
Okay here is the 30 second version:
Last time I was here I had kinky twists and I took them out 6/16... I had a bit of growth, but not as much as I normally do with micros. So after taking them out, I did what I new best: flatironing or twistout... Those were the two things that made natural hair time consumingand frustrating to me, so after a few days, I decided to just wash and go... and I loved it!!
So now I am trying out more natural products and checkin out my fridge and cabinets to do my hair!

Pre-poo the night before a wash with honey and EVOO (and sometimes a cheap con)
I co- wash every 2-3 days with Giovanni 50/50 balanced con or Whole Foods 365 cond.
Giovanni Direct leave in
Moisturize with aloe vera/ glycerin/ water mix. Seal with EVOO
make a puff

My hair has been so :yay:... I feel like I'm starting to get this whole hair thing! My hair is SO SOFTand I have some cute coils up in this 4/bcdefghijk stuff :grin:

Last week I got a dominican blowout and my hair was beautiful! Thick, healthy, and straight! I'm never goin back to the creme crack! :lachen::lachen:

I am going to JAMAICA on Monday :beach: (yay!!!!!) for 10 days, so I am going to get my hair braided today. Now that I am really lovin my hair, I don't want to get it braided up again, but it will make it much easier to manage while there

Special shout out to all my girls Daephae, FM, pr3tty, klo, galadriel, you GRO girls!!! Leona, congrats on the marriage!!!

to everyone on here!
I have so many pics, just gotta find the time to put them up... but here are a few...
:shocked:OMG!!! Cocopuff!!! WOW!!!! :drool: Girl, Your hair is the biz-ness!!!! Somebody was just asking 'bout you the other day...I think it was Daephae? Anywhoo, girl, you need NEVAH go back to the creamy crack. Your hair is just beautiful (and so are you!!)!!!! :spinning:
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Hey ladies!!! I know it has been sooooooooo long, too long :spank::imsorry:
Okay here is the 30 second version:
Last time I was here I had kinky twists and I took them out 6/16... I had a bit of growth, but not as much as I normally do with micros. So after taking them out, I did what I new best: flatironing or twistout... Those were the two things that made natural hair time consumingand frustrating to me, so after a few days, I decided to just wash and go... and I loved it!!
So now I am trying out more natural products and checkin out my fridge and cabinets to do my hair!

Pre-poo the night before a wash with honey and EVOO (and sometimes a cheap con)
I co- wash every 2-3 days with Giovanni 50/50 balanced con or Whole Foods 365 cond.
Giovanni Direct leave in
Moisturize with aloe vera/ glycerin/ water mix. Seal with EVOO
make a puff

My hair has been so :yay:... I feel like I'm starting to get this whole hair thing! My hair is SO SOFTand I have some cute coils up in this 4/bcdefghijk stuff :grin:

Last week I got a dominican blowout and my hair was beautiful! Thick, healthy, and straight! I'm never goin back to the creme crack! :lachen::lachen:

I am going to JAMAICA on Monday :beach: (yay!!!!!) for 10 days, so I am going to get my hair braided today. Now that I am really lovin my hair, I don't want to get it braided up again, but it will make it much easier to manage while there

Special shout out to all my girls Daephae, FM, pr3tty, klo, galadriel, you GRO girls!!! Leona, congrats on the marriage!!!
to everyone on here!
I have so many pics, just gotta find the time to put them up... but here are a few...

Yay! There you are! :grin::grin::grin:
Your hair looks amazing! It's so good to hear from you :drunk:.
Keep up the awesome job, and enjoy your vacation and your beautiful hair.

I've read thru all the posts and I am all caught up :wave:

I'm still ponytail rollersetting...mostly w/o heat.


Hey ladies!!! I know it has been sooooooooo long, too long :spank::imsorry:
Okay here is the 30 second version:
Last time I was here I had kinky twists and I took them out 6/16... I had a bit of growth, but not as much as I normally do with micros. So after taking them out, I did what I new best: flatironing or twistout... Those were the two things that made natural hair time consumingand frustrating to me, so after a few days, I decided to just wash and go... and I loved it!!
So now I am trying out more natural products and checkin out my fridge and cabinets to do my hair!

Pre-poo the night before a wash with honey and EVOO (and sometimes a cheap con)
I co- wash every 2-3 days with Giovanni 50/50 balanced con or Whole Foods 365 cond.
Giovanni Direct leave in
Moisturize with aloe vera/ glycerin/ water mix. Seal with EVOO
make a puff

My hair has been so :yay:... I feel like I'm starting to get this whole hair thing! My hair is SO SOFTand I have some cute coils up in this 4/bcdefghijk stuff :grin:

Last week I got a dominican blowout and my hair was beautiful! Thick, healthy, and straight! I'm never goin back to the creme crack! :lachen::lachen:

I am going to JAMAICA on Monday :beach: (yay!!!!!) for 10 days, so I am going to get my hair braided today. Now that I am really lovin my hair, I don't want to get it braided up again, but it will make it much easier to manage while there

Special shout out to all my girls Daephae, FM, pr3tty, klo, galadriel, you GRO girls!!! Leona, congrats on the marriage!!!

to everyone on here!
I have so many pics, just gotta find the time to put them up... but here are a few...

So glad to hear from you :grouphug:

Thanks for the advice! I think I'm gonna try to transition...:yep:

How's the clip treatin' ya....LOOKS GOOD :love2:

These are my progress pics for this month. I relaxed on June 13. She cut close to an inch off:ohwell:and all i wanted was a small trim. But it does look neater and i do like it.





Hey GIRRRL I :heart2:that trim too!!

Hey FM!

I'm still here too, I've been busy as well. I'm just ready to kick back and relax for the summer :grin:. My cousin did my cornrows 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I'm going to get them redone next week. I'll post a pic for my July update. I plan on keeping my hair in cornrows until the first week of August (Aug. 7 is my wedding anniversary :yep: so I'm going to get a wash n' press then). I've just been moisturizing with Africa's Best braid spray, my own concoction of water, condish, glycerin, and oil, and I've been using BT every other day. By August I will FOR SURE be APL or I will go CRAAAAAZYYYYYYY!!!!!!:drunk:

Oh, btw, I bought SMB!!! Can't wait to try it :grin:.

You are definitely gonna make your APL goal. Don't forget the SMB when you get your wash & press. It will last a WEEK :yep:

hello my dear ladies

I miss you guys so much...

I wrote a post in the other newbie thread about why ive been MIA but I didnt 4get about u all.

Hopefully things will be back to normal soon andI will be back full time:yep:

:cry: Hurry back soon !!!!
Hey Klo!!! Your hair looks gorgeous :grin:. Those ponytail roller sets are working for you! And thanks for the encouragement...I guess my "APL reveal" will be my August update :drunk:.
Thanks, I did!!:grin: I missed the boards, tho-

It's nice just to be on LHCF for a change and just browsing info and doing some light posting without any real issues or questions bc I have finally gotten into a groove that is working for me...DC 1x week with ORS+ EVOO & braidouts with V05 and coconut can't be much simpler than that...:drunk:

Hey FM :hiya3:

Glad to see that braid out is still working for you :grin:. I've been using your braid out method on my daughters hair and it is working like a charm. We use LTR leave in & EVOO. I'm gonna give that ORS+ EVOO DC 1x per week a try. She swims a couple of times a week.


I've read thru all the posts and I am all caught up :wave:

I'm still ponytail rollersetting...mostly w/o heat.

WAZZZZUPPPPP?!?! OBVIOUSLY the pony tail set is working for you!! :grin: How long does it take to dry when you use no heat? How many rollers/ponytails do you do? What size rollers? I keep wanting to try it...

Hey FM :hiya3:

Glad to see that braid out is still working for you :grin:. I've been using your braid out method on my daughters hair and it is working like a charm. We use LTR leave in & EVOO. I'm gonna give that ORS+ EVOO DC 1x per week a try. She swims a couple of times a week.

YAY!! :grin: Girl, I am loving this braidout thing! It is the bomb!!! I can't believe how easy it is and how good my hair looks when I do it...

I forgot to add that I also try to clarify and chelate (I use ORS Uplifting Shampoo followed by ORS Aloe Shampoo, then I always follow those with one of my weekly DC+EVOO under heat) at least 2x/month bc I have extremely hard water and I am using a reg conditioner as a leave-in...but sometimes I forget and only do it 1x/month and it hasn't hurt...this will prolly be important for DD, too as she is swimming a lot...:yep:


I've read thru all the posts and I am all caught up :wave:

I'm still ponytail rollersetting...mostly w/o heat.

WAZZZZUPPPPP?!?! OBVIOUSLY the pony tail set is working for you!! :grin: How long does it take to dry when you use no heat? How many rollers/ponytails do you do? What size rollers? I keep wanting to try it...

YAY!! :grin: Girl, I am loving this braidout thing! It is the bomb!!! I can't believe how easy it is and how good my hair looks when I do it...

I forgot to add that I also try to clarify and chelate (I use ORS Uplifting Shampoo followed by ORS Aloe Shampoo, then I always follow those with one of my weekly DC+EVOO under heat) at least 2x/month bc I have extremely hard water and I am using a reg conditioner as a leave-in...but sometimes I forget and only do it 1x/month and it hasn't hurt...this will prolly be important for DD, too as she is swimming a lot...:yep:

I use 2 1/2" rollers w/snap on covers (If I can find a larger size I'll buy'em)...4 ponytails/1 or 2 rollers per pony...when I use Alter Ego(thin/watery) as a leave in it dries overnight (about 12 hrs) :yep:. Once I used LTR (thick & creamy) it took 24 HOURS :nono: ...never again...I am gonna try 1/2 water w/ 1/2 lottabody mix the next time to see how fast that dries...I secure the rollers w/ large hair net.

Adding ORS Uplifting Shampoo & Aloe Shampoo to my shopping list....Do you dilute the shampoo at all? DD loves the braid out and wants to wear this hairstyle thru the school year ....yippeeee:dance7:no heat and low maintenance.
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I forgot to list my regimen...

Shampoo 1 to 2X a week with Queen Helene Garlic shampoo (to combat shedding). Followed by Cream of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Poo(green and white bottle).

Condition with V05 Moisture Mik Passionfruit Smoothie. I use this one for co-washes (2 to 3X a week)

Deep condish once a week with Lustersilk cholesterol

I'm still working on my list of staples but here's what I have so far (this includes the items listed in my reggie):

Mega Tek:grin:
Amla Gold
Vakita Oil
Essential oils

My short term goal is for shoulder length by Dec.08 or January 09.
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I forgot to list my regimen...

Shampoo 1 to 2X a week with Queen Helene Garlic shampoo (to combat shedding). Followed by Cream of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Poo(green and white bottle).

Condition with V05 Moisture Mik Passionfruit Smoothie. I use this one for co-washes (2 to 3X a week)

Deep condish once a week with Lustersilk cholesterol

I'm still working on my list of staples but here's what I have so far (this includes the items listed in my reggie):

Mega Tek:grin:
Amla Gold
Vakita Oil
Essential oils

My short term goal is for shoulder length by Dec.08 or January 09.

Thanks for sharing, Platinum! Has the garlic shampoo been working? I just barely got my shedding under control using Alter Ego's Garlic conditioner.
I use 2 1/2" rollers w/snap on covers (If I can find a larger size I'll buy'em)...4 ponytails...when I use Alter Ego(thin/watery) as a leave in it dries overnight (about 12 hrs) :yep:. Once I used LTR (thick & creamy) it took 24 HOURS :nono: ...never again...I am gonna try 1/2 water w/ 1/2 lottabody mix the next time to see how fast that dries...I secure the rollers w/ large hair net.

Adding ORS Uplifting Shampoo & Aloe Shampoo to my shopping list....Do you dilute the shampoo at all? DD loves the braid out and wants to wear this hairstyle thru the school year ....yippeeee:dance7:no heat and low maintenance.

How many rollers do you do per pony? I don't dilute the shampoos at all...I wash 2x with the Uplifting (til I get a good frothy lather), the I do 1x with the ALoe (I figure my hair has already been clarified and cleaned with the Uplifting). Then I follow with the ORS+EVOO under heat. I think it takes the DC better when my hair is squeaky clean like that, but that's just me...:lachen: YAY on DD's braidouts!!!!!!!!!

I forgot to list my regimen...

Shampoo 1 to 2X a week with Queen Helene Garlic shampoo (to combat shedding). Followed by Cream of Nature Ultra Moisturizing Poo(green and white bottle).

Condition with V05 Moisture Mik Passionfruit Smoothie. I use this one for co-washes (2 to 3X a week)

Deep condish once a week with Lustersilk cholesterol

I'm still working on my list of staples but here's what I have so far (this includes the items listed in my reggie):

Mega Tek:grin:
Amla Gold
Vakita Oil
Essential oils

My short term goal is for shoulder length by Dec.08 or January 09.

Ok, spill on the Mega Tek...(I see the grin next to it!)'s it really working for you?

I use one or 2 rollers per pony :yep: ...depending on where the parts end up...they are not always even. I also notice it takes longer to dry if I add SMB.

I use one or 2 rollers per pony :yep: ...depending on where the parts end up...they are not always even. I also notice it takes longer to dry if I add SMB.

ooohhh, i don't see how you sleep on them thangs......I may try airdrying in a low pony (to dry the roots, keeping the bun damp) and then pulling up on top of my head and puting the rollers there...think that'll work? I gotta figure out how not to create a band where the pony doesn't sound like it will work...:perplexed (just talking out loud):lachen:
Hello Ladies,

I am still rollersetting. I washed with ORS Uplifting Shampoo for the 1st time (it didn't strip my hair) Thanks FindingMe :grin:. I didn't use SMB (Big's humid here and my hair is reverting :wallbash: ). I used Silcon Mix leave-in .
Hello Ladies,

I am still rollersetting. I washed with ORS Uplifting Shampoo for the 1st time (it didn't strip my hair) Thanks FindingMe :grin:. I didn't use SMB (Big's humid here and my hair is reverting :wallbash: ). I used Silcon Mix leave-in .

Your hair looks great Klo!!!!!!! I'm glad you've been keeping up with your air dried sets. I haven't done one in weeks,lol. You're given me the inspiration to start back at it again.
Your hair looks great Klo!!!!!!! I'm glad you've been keeping up with your air dried sets. I haven't done one in weeks,lol. You're given me the inspiration to start back at it again.

Thanks Fiya,

Next time I flat iron w/SMB I plan on getting a trim to even out the ends.:yep:
Hello Ladies,

I am still rollersetting. I washed with ORS Uplifting Shampoo for the 1st time (it didn't strip my hair) Thanks FindingMe :grin:. I didn't use SMB (Big's humid here and my hair is reverting :wallbash: ). I used Silcon Mix leave-in .

OMG!!! Wowzers! Your hair looks so much thicker than when you started out! Looks great.:grin:

I'm gonna get a dominican blowout this weekend, just a length I'll let you guys see the results next week.
Hey ladies! I'm a newbie also. I have been deep conditioning twice a week but I think that it is too much my hair does best when I wash and condition it once a week. I too tried the Dabur Coconut oil. It stinks and my daughter runs from me when I try to put it in her hair. So I gave it away to my Aunt:grin:. I went back to the indian grocery store and bought Parachute coconut oil big improvement in the smell category. Too all of the sorors skee-wee. Spring 92.
Hello Ladies,

I am still rollersetting. I washed with ORS Uplifting Shampoo for the 1st time (it didn't strip my hair) Thanks FindingMe :grin:. I didn't use SMB (Big's humid here and my hair is reverting :wallbash: ). I used Silcon Mix leave-in .

:shocked:OMG!!! :drool: :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:Girl, you betta gimme that hair! SO pretty! do you ever do WnG's KLo?
OMG!!! Wowzers! Your hair looks so much thicker than when you started out! Looks great.:grin:

I'm gonna get a dominican blowout this weekend, just a length I'll let you guys see the results next week.

Girl, I was thinking about getting a blowout for my friend's wedding in 2 weeks in ATL, but I'm scared. I got about 2 inches of NG and I don't want them breaking my hair at the demarcation line by tugging and pulling my strands and applying a lot of heat....:perplexed I dunno, I'm tenderheaded anyway, so I'm thinking I'll just forget about it...

Hey ladies! I'm a newbie also. I have been deep conditioning twice a week but I think that it is too much my hair does best when I wash and condition it once a week. I too tried the Dabur Coconut oil. It stinks and my daughter runs from me when I try to put it in her hair. So I gave it away to my Aunt:grin:. I went back to the indian grocery store and bought Parachute coconut oil big improvement in the smell category. Too all of the sorors skee-wee. Spring 92.

Girl, I hear you. I just use plain ole coconut oil from the food section in the grocery store and I like it just as much. The Dabur oil smells like sweat to me:lachen:
:shocked:OMG!!! :drool: :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:Girl, you betta gimme that hair! SO pretty! do you ever do WnG's KLo?

Thanks FM,
Due to crazy shrinkage my WnG's look a hot mess :burning:. I have better luck w/ braid outs. My Braid out still needs work tho'. If my braid outs looked good like yours I would wear them all of the time.

Thanks to the forum I'm good to go w/ rollersets and flat ironing( SMB :love2:). Two out of three ain't bad!

OMG!!! Wowzers! Your hair looks so much thicker than when you started out! Looks great.:grin:

I'm gonna get a dominican blowout this weekend, just a length I'll let you guys see the results next week.
:thankyou: Girl, Can't wait to see your :Flahsssss pics.
i havent kept up with the thread in a long time, i seemed to have missed alot. lately i have been breaking alot more than usual, i am doing the MT challenge but i take the garlic pills to combat the problem and no luck just yet, i am going to wait it out to see but i have been getting tons of new growth and this is a recent update of my hair NOW from in june
i havent kept up with the thread in a long time, i seemed to have missed alot. lately i have been breaking alot more than usual, i am doing the MT challenge but i take the garlic pills to combat the problem and no luck just yet, i am going to wait it out to see but i have been getting tons of new growth and this is a recent update of my hair NOW from in june

Got pics? :grin:
Hi ladies :hiya: Miss you all. I've just been a little busy lately :p Small update: my hair is doing much better now that its been what, 3 weeks? It doesn't feel stripped anymore, but I'm still not going anywhere near any clarifiers for like another 4 weeks :nono: I feel like I lost a little thickness and my hair is still breaking like none other. Not going to stress it tho, because it may just be due to the transition. I am going to try some of the Mizani Rose H2O and see if that helps. Still can't figure out the moisture/protein balance to save my life!

I saw this, and I just wanted to say omg Klo your hair looks amazing :thud: It has thickened up so much! Beautiful :D
Hello Ladies,

I am still rollersetting. I washed with ORS Uplifting Shampoo for the 1st time (it didn't strip my hair) Thanks FindingMe :grin:. I didn't use SMB (Big's humid here and my hair is reverting :wallbash: ). I used Silcon Mix leave-in .